
New thing for teens. Not necessarily to stop smoking- no nicotine- just for the tasty water vapor. Anyone have experience with this?

Frank T
Sep '13

"Electronic cigarettes are battery-powered devices that provide users with aerosol puffs that typically contain nicotine, and sometimes flavorings like fruit, mint or chocolate. They've often been described as a less dangerous alternative to regular cigarettes."

I feel it's just a new gimmick to encourage kids/adults to start smoking. The new cool?

Sep '13

My son quit smoking cigarettes and starting smoking these.. the one he smokes have nicotine...but no nicotine/tar or ash is emitted into the air when he exhales, just a vapor..I would like for him(he is grown) to quit this also though...

reedfamilyrocks reedfamilyrocks
Sep '13

I just hope the E-cigs are actually a safer option than a cigarette, you never know if 10 years down the road they'd say something like an E-cig is 10x more likely to cause cancer or something. As for teens smoking these, I'd most smokers started as teens so that's not surprising.

icicle icicle
Sep '13

My boyfriend and I quit smoking cigarettes using the e-cig. My boyfriend is really into vaping. He has a lot of mods (the vapor device). Some are hundreds-thousands of dollars. The flavors of juice are endless. I've vaped strawberry, caramel, banana nut bread, honey...... oh there are soooooo much more. Definitely a good thing to get you to quit nasty cigarettes. I still vape from time to time.

Wild Angel Wild Angel
Sep '13

where do you get the flavored e-cig. Mine is called NJoy and has nicotine in it but none of the other 3K chemicals that they put in our cig. I think the worst thing they put in cig. starting in 2009 was the fire retardant.

4paws 4paws
Sep '13

4paws....Here are a few links :)



Wild Angel Wild Angel
Sep '13

Re: E-Cig

This is my device (mod). It's called the RIO. It is juice fed as you can see by the little hose. Button on top to activate the vapor. The red door is the cover. I am vaping Havana Gold juice @ 24 mg.

Wild Angel Wild Angel
Sep '13

What is that? Does it taste like tobacco? Is it safe for your lungs? Would you let your teen do it? Thanks, I have no idea. It looks as if this thread was to be about - non nicotine for taste and safety for teens. Thanks for the clarification. My teen has been asking me also.

Sep '13

Crazylady....The juice does come with no nicotine and does taste like tobacco. The flavored ones, IMO, do not taste like tobacco. It has had no negative effects on me or others that I know who use it. After we quit cigarettes and started vaping, our lungs are much better. Surely there is further research to be done on it, but as for now this is a great way to quit cigarettes and if teens want to use this, it is much better than smoking cigarettes.

Wild Angel Wild Angel
Sep '13

Why not quit the addiction altogether. Seems like all these alternatives are no better than the original. It's not easy quitting anything but in the end you have to do it anyway. RIP the band aid off and move on. JMHO

Firefly Firefly
Sep '13

I had the same thought as to quit it altogether. I actually just picked it up for a little while again. I haven't done it for a few years. I am VERY stressed out and my cigarette craving came back so I grabbed my e-cig. I guess as someone would grab chocolate a cigarette a joint or a drink, I grab my e-cig. Healthier option IMO. I must say that I see my Dad use the e-cig and he was a smoker for YEARS! Smoked since he was 16....he quit cigarettes at 65. Got him on the e-cig and the family is MUCH happier seeing him vape than inhale a cigarette. I guess there is a lot of controversy on this subject, but many of us see it as a healthier alternative.

Wild Angel Wild Angel
Sep '13

Firefly I do agree with you why quit one addiction and than go on to the next? Speaking for myself "A Smoker" the addiction is habitual, psychological and it's an oral fixation/distraction.

Everyone is different, some people can quit "cold turkey" but than many others have a much more difficult time with it.

I've tried the vapor cigarettes and did not like them at all and felt a little sick from them but to each it's own.

It may be the lesser of two evils.

Wild Angel- If you, your bf and dad are doing well with it than more power to you.

positive positive
Sep '13

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