Dog Found East Ave Hackettstown- Black Cocker Spaniel

A dog was found running down East Ave in Hackettstown. It is a black cocker spaniel with a gray muzzle. It is an older dog. If this is your dog or you may know who it belongs to please call 908-813-3832 or e-mail

I do not have a picture right now, will add one later.

Cocker Spaniel Found
Jun '11

If it was wearing a muzzle than dont give it back to the owners! Poor thing....

Jun '11

Stef - "muzzle" can also refer to the snout of the dog, I think (not sure). In other words, the dog's nose fur might be grey.

Rebecka Rebecka
Jun '11

Yes, I read it as the snout of the dog is gray.

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '11

? all black or black and white.
There is a black and white older female lost on petfinder, blind and deaf.

4paws 4paws
Jun '11

LMAO @ stefona

Firefly Firefly
Jun '11

Yes.. "muzzle" means the snout of the dog. It is gray with age. This dog is all black and definitely not blind.

Cocker Spaniel Found
Jun '11

Call Animal Control immdidately - Betty & Gary Wysocki (908) 689-6657.

Also you may also want to call Hackettstown Animal Hospital (908) 852-3166; its near where the dog was found - perhaps they may recogize the dog!

Good luck!

dragonfly dragonfly
Jun '11

Even if the dog was wearing a muzzle wouldn't that normally mean the owners know that the dog is capable of maybe biting so they are doing the responsible thing and having it wear a muzzle so it doesn't bite?

Nosila Nosila
Jun '11

Re: Dog Found East Ave Hackettstown- Black Cocker Spaniel

The dog is with animal control currently. I am posting on behalf of Washington Twp. Animal Control. (That area is actually Washington and not Hackettstown) The dog has also been to Hackettstown Animal Hospital already, no luck. He is an older male and is really missing his family. We are finding it quite odd that his owners are not looking for him. Hoping that he has not been dumped.

Cocker Spaniel Found
Jun '11

Re: Dog Found East Ave Hackettstown- Black Cocker Spaniel

Another Photo

Cocker Spaniel Found
Jun '11

If the owner is not found, I have a friend who runs Cocker Spaniel Rescue of NJ. Her name is Pat Crew 908-526-3329.

Jackie Jackie
Jun '11

Poor thing. Hope his family is looking for him, and they will be reunited.

Rebecka Rebecka
Jun '11

He looks like he has been taken care of - coat clipped. He doesn't look malnourished. I can't believe that he has not been claimed yet - please keep us updated if you can. Is he at the Pound?

Jun '11

Yes, he looks like he belongs to someone. He is well fed and clean. Unfortunately, it is not that uncommon for dogs to be abandoned in our area. It looks like that may be the case here, if anyone was looking for him they would have found him. One phone call to the police, town hall, animal control, radio station, or local vets and they would have been put in contact with us. He is at a kennel now, not so much the pound but it is where animal control impounds go.

Cocker Spaniel Found
Jun '11

Oh my goodness...this is sad.

Firefly Firefly
Jun '11

I feel like I know this dog from the grooming salon.....let me ask

Nosila Nosila
Jun '11

Oh no, I can't imagine "where animal control impounds go" is a fun place to be. How long will they keep him? A good long time, I hope... maybe something happened to his owner. Then he will be put up for adoption?

I'm going to dedicate tomorrow morning's meditation to this little fellow. Someone, somewhere, must love him and want him back.

Rebecka Rebecka
Jun '11

That is so sad if he has been abandoned in his golden years. Please let's keep the thread going if anything is found out about him. Nosila, if you can try to see if he is groomed anywhere that would be so good to do.

Jun '11

"where animal control impounds go" is actually the best place he can be right now while he is lost. I meant that in a way that was supposed to mean it is better than the pound. We take very good care of the dogs (they get human contact and outside time) and I work really hard to find them new loving homes.

Cocker Spaniel Found
Jun '11

Oh and the owner has two weeks to claim him, if he is not claimed then he will be put up for adoption. We have had some luck in the past with some very kind hearted people adopting older dogs from us. Hopefully he will find such luck.

Cocker Spaniel Found
Jun '11

Awww. I feel so sad for this guy. I hope there it is a matter of some unusual or extenuating circumstances that is preventing his family from finding him, and that he had not been abandoned.

Cocker Spaniel Found - thanks so much for your efforts in trying to reunite this dog with his family, and for taking good care of him in the meantime.

Aquarius Aquarius
Jun '11

Cocker Spaniel Found....I am aware (from the "Rusty Rescue/Adoption) that your kennel is wonderful and I am very grateful there is a place like yours that the animal control 'visitors' go to. I think people just have this image of a horrible pound in their minds (I know I did)....Wash Twnshp is probably not the norm in that respect. Thank you for your efforts in taking care of and placing these animals!

Hastings Resident Hastings Resident
Jun '11

I agree Hasting Resident. The place on Cat Swamp Road comes to mind when I think of "pound". Thanks Cocker Spaniel Found

Firefly Firefly
Jun '11

Yes, I have heard good things about this rescue group. Please keep us informed of his outcome. thank you "cocker spaniel rescue" for all you are doing.

Jun '11

The "pound" is located on Ryan Road off of Alphano. It is in the middle of a junk yard with outdoor kennels (outdoors hot or cold or anywhere inbetween) That is where the impounds used to go before Tim Norton took over animal control after numerous complaints from residentents in the township about the conditons at "the pound". The dogs now go to a MUCH better place. Unfortunately now it is used to house dogs for the Pet Adoption League.

Jun '11

Thanks Hastings Resident and others, we try. We also get the impounds from Independence Township and Mansfield, as well as Washington Township (which includes Long Valley, Califon etc.)
This little guy is still waiting for his owners, and missing them very much.

We also have another dog that is currently waiting to find a new home. If anyone is looking for a new dog or knows someone who is, check out the classified ad for Delilah on this site. She is a really wonderful dog hoping to find a good home.

Cocker Spaniel Found
Jun '11

This response is not aimed at you Anjalee, you were just making a statement I realise that.

Yes, it is unfortunate that it is used to house dogs and cats for PAL until they can find a new home, but please don't criticize PAL. They have no shelter of their own and cannot afford to fund one. They have been around for many years in the area. The volunteers who work with the dogs there do a very good job - it is not easy to do, so before anyone makes any "not so nice" comments, please sign up as a volunteer and help these animals out. They are always looking for committed people to help at adoptions and dog walking.

Check out the website at : or call 973-584-0095 - or make a nice donation.

Jun '11

It's not the dog I was thinking

Nosila Nosila
Jun '11

any updates on this pooch?

Jun '11

Unfortunately we still have not found his owner or received anymore info. He will be put up for adoption in just a couple more days.

Cocker Spaniel Found
Jun '11

Can you give more information - approximate age - has he been to a vet for a check up. Does he seem to have any medical problems. How is his personality? Sorry for so many questions.

Maybe his owner passed away and the family didn't want him and just let him loose because he did look well cared for from the photo.

Jun '11

This lucky guy has been adopted! He found a lovely family in Hackettstown with very good hearts who took him in and love him in spite of his old age and imperfections!

Cocker Spaniel Found
Jun '11

Great news!

Fabulous news! Lucky dog.

Rebecka Rebecka
Jun '11

Wonderful news!!!!!!

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '11

That is the best news. I have been thinking about this little fella so much. Maybe the new family read this thread and can give us an update. So happy for him.

Jun '11

I love when these stories end update on him would be wonderful. I love this forum!

Bessie Bessie
Jun '11

I am so happy to hear that someone took this little guy in! I hope he is settling in happily with his new family.

Aquarius Aquarius
Jun '11

Re: Dog Found East Ave Hackettstown- Black Cocker Spaniel

But I love Old Age and Imperfections. That's my middle name....

Tigger Tigger
Jun '11

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