How can Panther Valley call themselves a gated Community

How can Panther Valley call themselves a gated community when there are many homes across Alphano road that are not gated as well as a few homes on Catswamp Road. I believe this is false advertising.

Just Want to Know
Jan '12

It is a gated community.....I think you know when you buy a home if it's in the gated part or not.

Nosila Nosila
Jan '12

catswamp is part of panther valley???

luvjazz luvjazz
Jan '12

There is actually a web site for the area, called

It's not by the PVPOA or anything. But it does have a history section, real estate, and so on.

I know what you mean about the gate. I don't get the whole gate thing because people just go the back way, especially with GPS now and show up if you live outside the gate. But, you learn that outside the gate, you're considered the ugly step sisters of those inside the gated area. LOL.

The only bothersome thing to me is that people can use the front/back gate to visit you and stop at the station, but when they leave, they have to somehow navigate the back dark roads. I wish they would set up something where you could call the guard station and they could give you a one use 'code' for your guest to leave going back through the back gate to front. It's so much easier.

Good luck to you. Hope you enjoy the area if you are new.

INeedMoreCowBell INeedMoreCowBell
Jan '12

INeedMoreCowBell - I never knew that they don't let guests back through....I agree that's annoying. I thought I heard that the people outside the gate have access to the gates as part of their association fee if that's the case I think their guests should be included

Nosila Nosila
Jan '12

Old Farm Village wasn't even in conception when the gated Panther Valley was developed. Why is it such a problem? Why is it false advertising, I don't believe Old Farm Village is advertised as a gated community. I could be wrong.

outsider outsider
Jan '12

You can get back through if you live here and have a bar code on your car, but visitors have to go the back way and can't get back through. There have been times where even using the back gate myself, I can't get through, like if you have a smudge or ice/snow on your code. LOL.

INeedMoreCowBell INeedMoreCowBell
Jan '12

"Just Want to Know" - Sounds like you're confusing Allamuchy Township with Panther Valley.

catswamp road has nothing to do with panther valley

I clean houses in PV and I go in thru the front and out thru the front. No problems.

But Mona, you're not going to OFV or Alphano and trying to go in the back gate. Coming in the front with the guard and out the front is different.

Visitors can come in the front gate, OUT the back gate to OFV to visit, but when they leave, they can't go back IN the back gate to go out the front again. I know, it sounds confusing. LOL

INeedMoreCowBell INeedMoreCowBell
Jan '12

We just looked at home for sale on Catswamp Road and they pay dues to Panther Valley. And the realtor told us that there are a few more homes on Catswamp that pay dues because years ago they owned the property and when PV sold it that was part of the agreement.

Just Want to Know
Jan '12

We purchased a home on Catswamp Road a few years ago not knowing to us that we were required to pay dues to PV. There was nothing in the listing and nothing in the title or deed. We never received any documentation from PV til our attorney got involved. And now we pay dues so that we can cut through PV (as per the receptionist) and access their recreation facilities. Had we known this prior to the purchase we would not have purchased this home. Oh well live and learn.

Been there done that
Jan '12

Dues for what? the country club? There is no home owner association

Jan '12

PVPOA is the property owner's association.

Perhaps you can check with them. Good luck.

INeedMoreCowBell INeedMoreCowBell
Jan '12

No this is not for the Country club, that is extra. There is no checking with them. They just want their money. Our attorney was told by Panther Valley and their attorneys that our dues is for recreation privileges and that is it. Oh and we have a vote on the budget. I do know that there are 3 or 4 houses on Catswamp that pay dues to PV for nothing.

Been there done that
Jan '12

perhaps the op is correct.............

Jan '12

Oh Ok, INMCB. Misunderstood. :)

Years ago I looked at purchasing property on Catswamp Road and was told that we would have to pay dues to PV...that was the deal breaker.

outsider outsider
Jan '12

At some point the back gate is supposed to be expanded, and part of the expansion will allow for the back gate to have a security guard. At that point, the problem will be solved!

I knew there were a few houses on Cat Swamp that were considered part of PV. Hopefully they get to use the pools at least!

Jersey Girl Jersey Girl
Jan '12

years ago there used to be a call box at the back gate that called up to the front gate. you just had to say you were dropping someone off and they would let you in. there are a few houses on cat swamp road that belong to pv. i think they(pv) own part of the mountain. there is a water tower up there we used to party at.

jd4020 jd4020
Jan '12

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