Nelson Hoyt Park

Yesterday I went to walk here. Very nice. It goes to old Fish hachery. I see them working there. What goes on there.....

riverat riverat
Feb '12

The Recreation Dept has their shop there & HMUA has a pumping station there by the playground.

Is it really called Nelson Hoyt Park? You learn something new every day.

they named a park after the worst basketball ref ever?

jrze pride
Feb '12

I don't know anything about his refereeing skills, but Mr. Hoyt was the director of the Hackettstown Recreation Department for many years and retired a few years ago. I presume that's why they named the park after him. I think that must have happened recently, as it's been called River (or Riverside?) Park for a while now.

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Feb '12

is this park behind the american legion ? off of willow grove?

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '12

BD-Yes it is.

Mr hoyt is a really nice guy,my family and I know him personally and is really a great person

I thought it was called Sheldon field?

bluelinr bluelinr
Feb '12

I think the baseball field is called Sheldon Field, but the whole park has been named after Mr. Hoyt. I think that's the situation. Maybe someone on the forum knows the actual details.

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Feb '12

There is a baseball field on the right hand side which is Sheldon field.

That guy was VERY hard to deal with. One of those folks that wouldn't embrace change either. Why name a park or anything else after him?

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Feb '12

For you negative Nancy's who think Mr. Hoyt was a bad referee please keep your negative comments to yourself, I hate when people bash on a guy because he was a bad referee, maybe u thought he was bad because u never listened to him at a basketball game or your kid or etc got too many fouls called on them

I thought Nelson was a good guy, people complained about him because he stuck to the rules, but heck if he broke them they would complain more.
He was always fair!

meee4 meee4
Feb '12

Yes he was always

I interacted with Nelson in various situations many times and I always found him polite, decisive, and fair. 42 years of service is quite an accomplishment and should be recognized in my opinion.

I agree Greg!

Christine Christine
Feb '12

He stuck to the rules because he made alot of them, as far as the Rec. programs went. His ability to ref? i don't know about that, I know it is a lot harder than people think. whether it be reffing or being a coach, you are never right to alot of people. thought he may have been stuck in the mode of "that's the way it's always been". As far as personally, never considered him a bad person, just not very receptive to change. Naming a park after him? Not too sure about that. He was paid well by the town for his services as rec. director. Why could'nt we name the park after a deceased war veteran from the area?

bluelinr bluelinr
Feb '12

I recall Mr. Hoyt to be a huge fan and supporter of HHS sports; most notably their football program. He would go out of his way to acknowledge you and talk about the team, the game, etc. I only have good memories of Mr. Hoyt. Happy there is a local name to that site.

Bob R.
Feb '12

Mr. Hoyt was always a gentleman in my dealings with him.

Feb '12

This park was named after the men that brought kids out of the bench onto the field and built self esteem. Nelson is an amazing man, Sheldon and my own grandfather Doherty... All the same views on sports. Fair. The field are named in the honor of all the boys and now men who grew learned, and payed homage at my grandfathers funeral hats in hand. All these men are the foundation for hackettstown recreation. Proud to know them, proud to be a doherty.

Way to go Amy! Well said!

Mar '15


I knew your Grandfather. What an amazing man! He impacted a lot of boys in so many positive ways.

I know Mr. Sheldon. He is a true Hackettstown guy- unselfish and loyal.

I know Mr. Hoyt. He was "the glue" that helped keep people like your Grandfather and Mr. Sheldon so involved. There was an incredible amount of mutual respect among all three of those men.

They are all deserving of their recognition.

let's be honest now
Mar '15

I've been lucky to know many parents and volunteers who also fit the bill, so kudos to them as well. Htown has some pretty good folks here.

Justintime Justintime
Mar '15

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