Cory Booker is Superman and other fun stories

Cory Booker is Superman and other fun stories

Beyond politics and independent of what you think, who you voted for, whatever, here's a fun story especially Cory's Twitter response.

For a long time I have said, "who cares what Cory thinks or does; he's Superman, you gotta go with that........"

Enjoy the piece, cracks me up:

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Nov '14

Mr googoo and Cory Superman Booker perfect together. Now excuse me while I go barf.

Nov '14

There is nothing funny about that fraud.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Nov '14

We have the worst Senators in the country - been that way for a long-time now.

They had to bring a senile Lautenburg out of mothballs cause Bob "The Torch" Toricelli was stealing everything up there that wasn't nailed down.

That's what you get with one party rule.

Six more years of Booker?? This state is doomed. sigh

Nov '14

This state is doomed! Thanks Voters!

Mr Negative Mr Negative
Nov '14

Yup, doomed.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '14

It's been doomed most of my life. All of my family and cousins left but for me and my brother, and he was a life time bachelor.

Old Gent Old Gent
Nov '14

Wow, even saving a freezing dog does not melt your hearts.

I just thought it was a fun, funny, heartwarming piece sans politics.

Guess not.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Nov '14

We can sit there and laugh about our failing politics in this country all day long, all you are doing is ignoring the issue at hand.

Darrin Darrin
Nov '14

we need to put up candidates that can win the senate race,

bell is a good guy who ran a poor campaign and is not a great communicator and still got almost 48% of the vote, so booker did not run away with this one. it was much closer than many people think. a better candidate running a competitive campaign could have won the day in this current climate

kim quadagno would be good to nominate next go round to go up against menendez who has some real baggage hanging around his neck, i hope it chokes him into submission (and a loss)

republicans need to present candidates that can win elections in new jersey

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Nov '14

Can anyone tell me what the celebrity Booker has done that makes him a good choice for US Senator. Did he clean up Newark ? slash the murder rate ? make the streets safer ? No! But he's a light skinned black guy with rock star status and a big phoney smile. And that does the trick. And that's the way I see it.

Nov '14

"But he's a light skinned black guy with rock star status and a big phoney smile. And that does the trick."

hmm... sound like anybody else recently elected to his 2nd term? ;)

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '14

Bill Clinton?

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Nov '14

close, mg..... at least he thought so:

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '14

If you graded Cory Booker as a Senator, he would come up short on most metrics so yes, more glitz than substance.

But as Superman, he flies. OMG people, he saved a freezing dog.............

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Nov '14

Booker is an empty suit and a phony - he was an upper middle-class kid from Harrington Park. Bet he doesn't spend another night in his Newark "home". Crook too? maybe an indictment coming for the Watershed scandal. But, this is NJ and so what we get from the bottom 50 percenters.

Nov '14

Amen OldSam

Mr Negative Mr Negative
Nov '14

Jenifer Beck is another good choice to put up for US senator,

she would do a good job representing NJ in the US senate

and i think she can beat menendez

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Nov '14

BD-republicans need to present candidates that can win elections in new jersey.

aka-old white men. That's what rules this country now fueled by big business.

Nov '14

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