Dr. Vecchione (oral surgeon)

I am looking for opinions on Dr. Vecchione. I was referred to him for TMJ symptoms from my dentist. His bedside manner was a little strange and I was prescribed a bunch of pills I don't feel I should be taking (no, I am not a doctor, but I am not in overwhelming pain at all, and taking a high dosage of muscle relaxers makes me uncomfortable). Just a little cautious and looking for opinions from other folks who have worked with him before. I looked and found some older threads with mixed reviews - looking for something more current.
Thank you so much.

If you feel you don't need the pills, don't take them just because a doctor told you too!
Took my daughter to him a few years back to have her wisdom teeth out and his bedside manner is terrible. He came into the room to see her and I said "the dentist is here to see you" and he said to me "ORAL SURGEON"! Ah, excuse me .
Gave her pain meds and said any problems, call and let me know. OK great! She had a problem later that day, 7pm (ish) and I called him and he sounded SO annoyed that I was bothering him. I won 't use him again, but that's just my opinion. Others may have liked him.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Mar '15

Unfortunately tmj, when severe will require cutting of the bone and wiring the mouth shut to allow more space for the tmj discs to "float"....sorry to be a downer, but it is a tough issue to correct without this surgery.

DaveDigsDucats DaveDigsDucats
Mar '15

We've used him and loved him. Never felt anything was pushed on us and didn't find his bedside manner a turn off whatsoever.

Bessie Bessie
Mar '15

For you own comfort, you may want to seek out a second opinion from another oral surgeon.

I used him for my wisdom teeth extraction a few years back and didn't have any issues with him, but also didn't need any follow up other than a routine appt (which lasted about 5 minutes)

Dr vecchione is a good dr so is dr Judy tucker

Cowgirl1 Cowgirl1
Mar '15

I took my son to him, and found the Dr. and his staff to be rude. I would find another oral surgeon, if we should ever need one in the future.

Mary D Mary D
Mar '15

Have you had an orthodontic consultation? An orthodontic appliance/mouth guard may be more effective than drug therapy. I would consider speaking with an orthodontist.

Mar '15

Tmj is a very complication syndrome. It takes a skilled professional. It also is a situation that took long to get. It takes a long and difficult journey to concur it. He is a great oral surgeon who knows his stuff. Ask questions and become your advocate to use the pain meds or not. Tmj refers to muscles that are very powerful and strong. You need to break the stress of these muscles via relaxants. Ask questions that why you pay for the consultation and exam

Dental hygienist Dental hygienist
Mar '15

DR. Gold in flanders is a great guy. I dont know if he does what you need done. but the guy is really a great person to deal with. He had a few members of his staff show up one evening after hours to help him when my child knocked out her tooth. I have had teeth pulled by him and never a problem and I'm a big baby with getting big teeth pulled.

I used him years ago to extract wisdom teeth and thought he was great. I have experienced TMJ symptoms, but was never treated by a doctor. After doing some research it seems that stress is a huge factor for those that have it. Thankfully once I managed to get rid of the things causing stress (mainly my ex lol) I haven't had anymore problems with it.

for what it's worth, a friend solved her tmj problem when her dentist did a slight amount to teeth grinding to very slightly change her bite---- easy solution in that case.

5catmom 5catmom
Mar '15

I agree for the most part with Dental hygienist, but I have to say that the majority of the TMJ patients that I've seen were under a lot of stress which turned into a physiological problem. We located the pressure/trigger points, took impressions and than made an orthosis appliance and/or replaced some of the molars with crowns if there was a malocclusion.

I have to say that we had a really good success rate for such a difficult condition to treat.

positive positive
Mar '15

Oh and yes like 5catmom said..it could be as simple as a quick occlusal/biting surface adjustment.

positive positive
Mar '15

I meant Judy Tuchman

Cowgirl1 Cowgirl1
Mar '15

i absolutely refuse to go back to him and my dentist who referred me to vecchione in the first place will now no longer be referring his patients to him after the experience i had with his office staff first then him!

dr scotti in denville is a great oral surgeon

H-town Mama H-town Mama
Mar '15

Take the trip to Randolph Oral Surgery and see Dr. Rosenbaum. The group there is the best in the area. He had to redo a failed apico done by Dr. Vecchione, and actually gave me the option of just nitrous. Vecchione would only do the procedure with general anesthesia.

Agree with Cowgirl - Judith Tuchman is/was great - she no longer has her practice in Hackettstown rather I believe she sold it to Randolph Oral Surgery. After a consult with Randolph Oral Surgery I found their prices way too high for my budget. I did use Dr. Vecchione (twice) and had no problems whatsoever, found his chair side manner quite friendly and his prices fit my budget.

Mar '15

My daughter had her wisdom teeth extracted by Dr. Vecchione. While his bedside manner isn't the greatest, you get used to it. Everyone is different. Staff was cordial.

After the surgery, my daughter began experiencing pain in her jaw. Scheduled follow-up appts.; he said the jaw just needed more time to heal from the surgery. In the meantime, my daughter moved out-of-state, but still continued to have pain that was never there before. When she came back @Christmas, I scheduled another appt. with him. This was almost a year after surgery. Suddenly he claims it is TMJ and absolutely NOT a condition from the surgery. He was almost indignant that we would even think it could be related. Having to pay $300 for him to tell us that was downright upsetting. That was the last time we went back.

Davis Davis
Mar '15

I'll be brief. ...DO NOT GO TO HIM!....awful experiences

Mar '15

I have a severe case of TMJ (very loud clicking and there is pain) and you either get the doctors who want to immediately do surgery or the ones who don't. My orthodontist when I was a child, said to never get surgery unless you REALLY need it for TMJ because there is definitely the possibility of doing more damage. I saw Dr. Goldstein in Randolph who was trying to prevent me from getting surgery. He did a bunch of pressure points in my mouth, made a cast of it, and was going to fit me for a night piece to help stop grinding as well. He hoped that it would help alleviate the pain/pressure from the TMJ. Unfortunately since he is not an oral surgeon, but a dentist, my insurance wouldn't cover it. I found out a lot of oral surgeons do not specialize with TMJ, it is generally dentists. I don't have experience personally with Dr. Vecchione, but have heard some questionable things. As someone else mentioned, if a doctor is trying to give you a ton of medications and you don't feel comfortable, I definitely wouldn't take them and would get a 2nd opinion just to see. You want to feel comfortable with this person since they will be treating you.

sunshinenj sunshinenj
Mar '15

Funny how peoples experiences are so different..I wouldn't go to any other oral surgeon. As long as we all eventually find someone we like, it's all good.

Bessie Bessie
Mar '15

Wow, thank you. I am getting a general vibe from everyone here that matches what I got personally. I will go back to get the mouthguard and hope for the best with that. If I still have issues after that I will definitely go to one of the referenced oral surgeons listed here. It is a shame Dr. Bogart doesn't help with TMJ anymore - my husband dealt with him for another issue and he is fabulous.
Thanks again everyone!

Dr Kim extracted my son's wisdom teeth last year and the recovery was very fast and with very little pain. He explained everything thoroughly and his bedside manner was good.

Prior to him we did see Dr Tuchman for my daughter, but she's gone now.

hktownie hktownie
Mar '15

Dr. Tuchman also didn't accept insurance, as I recall... and I was forced to listen to Melissa Etheridge during the entire procedure. Not sure which was more painful... the tooth, the cash or my poor ears, lol.

ianimal ianimal
Mar '15

Sunshine there are many general dentists that treat TMJ, oral surgery and
even Orthodontics.

I worked for Dr. Goldstein and I have to say he is very knowledgeable and he is a perfectionist. What a shame that your insurance won't cover a general dentist to treat you.

From my experience surgery and narcotics are not necessary to treat TMJ.

Funny..I met Dr. Vecchione when he was first starting out and he seemed very humble at that time, but for the past two years he has had many ads posted on Craigslist looking for an assistant. That's a red flag for me.

positive positive
Mar '15

TMJ, you might want to try a couple general dentists that specialize in treating TMJ. I worked for both of these dentists and they had very good success rates without performing surgery and prescribing narcotics.

Dr. Goldstein in Randolph and Dr. Bork in Hampton.

I wish you the best of luck..I know how debilitating it can be.

positive positive
Mar '15

2 kids 2 different times for tooth extraction for braces. Made both wait over an hour while there anxiety grew.Myself I went for extraction and tooth replacement ..expensive. ..waited an hour. ..was given novacaine. ..he waited just moments. ..then yanked out my tooth while I screamed in pain. Not missing a beat he packed the hole with a cadaver bone while I screamed more in pain. What kind of animal pulls a tooth before the novacaine works?..you've been warned

May '15

I just saw a story on this guy on NBC news.

Dentist Linked to Bacterial Outbreak Agrees to Improve Sanitation Practices


Joe M Joe M
Aug '16

Wow...we've used him several times.

Bessie Bessie
Aug '16

omg - stay away from this one

4catmom 4catmom
Aug '16

Oh great my son just had his wisdom teeth out from him couple of weeks ago !

Missrx Missrx
Aug '16

I knew this guy was someone to stay away from. Never underestimate a gut feeling. How is he still in business???

Natalie Natalie
Aug '16

I had a consultation with him a few years ago- it was the most odd and uncomfortable dental experience I have ever been though. I went to another professional, thankfully, and avoided any issue.

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Aug '16

Dr Bogart---Hackettstown---awesome!

Ziggy Ziggy
Aug '16

Glad I never took a position to work for him...

Guessing his assistants weren't trained properly to scrub the instruments, air dry, package and than put into an autoclave (very high heat and high pressure for at least 30 mins). Who knows if this guy even prescribed pre-antibiotics accordingly.

I wouldn't be surprised if he blamed his staff and not himself..guess there will be more positions posted on Craigslist...

positive positive
Aug '16

+1million for Dr. Bogart! Hands down the best! My husband and I have both used him and he is awesome. He was Dr. Hebel's understudy, and Dr. Hebel was great! Completely recommend him.

Calico696 Calico696
Aug '16

Omg! Was there with daughter 2011-2012 ? Wish that news article came out sooner. Would have NEVER gone to him. Stay away!

And yes, he is still in practice in Budd Lake..

Botheredbyuu2 Botheredbyuu2
Aug '16

Dr. Bogart doesn't do TMJ anymore - only oral surgery...so if you are a TMJ sufferer, unfortunately he cannot help :(

Natalie Natalie
Aug '16

Dentist Linked to Bacterial Outbreak Agrees to Improve Sanitation Practices | NBC New York http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Dentist-Investigation-New-Jersey-NJ-Endocarditis-0812.html?_osource=mobilesharebar

MilsT MilsT
Aug '16

I am disturbed that it took 2 years for this investigation. Seriously, the place should have been shut down and if that was not possible, patients should have been made aware.
I took my daughter there last year and had no idea. The public has every right to know this.


nutty1019 nutty1019
Aug '16

Why is he still able to practice?

Botheredbyuu2 Botheredbyuu2
Aug '16

His license needs to be revoked


nutty1019 nutty1019
Aug '16


Why is he still practicing? This is a scumbag.

A good day
Aug '16

I can't believe his license wasn't taken away. This is beyond disgusting.

Went through similar experiences like his assistant with the many dentists I worked for, but the abuse was on me not the patients. This animal takes the prize.

He was an understudy for an orthodontist I worked for..my former boss was very proud of him and even referred his patients to him. Wonder how he feels about him now.

positive positive
Aug '16

Positive, both our family and my co-worker have used him and neither of us ever had one bad vibe about him or his staff. When we read the story posted here from the Jefferson Patch, we were both shocked. I would say I felt like the orthodontist you worked for. I never felt we were in a dirty, old office ( and I have been in a few of those ). This whole thing has left me speechless , and that doesn't happen often.

Bessie Bessie
Aug '16

Bergey had a wisdom tooth pulled from him. He was put on antibiotics prior to the surgery. As soon as he finished the meds he got an infection in the cavity of the tooth that was pulled. I questioned him about it and his answer was its probably because of his history. I took Bergey to his infectious disease Dr. and he told me this infection was very deep and there was no way to tell. So more meds and he got betterm Thank heavens!!

Cant understand why his practice was not shut down immediately.

Christine Christine
Aug '16

I went to him twice for 2 teeth pulled in his my olive office. It was the worst experience and got an infection the first time. I did not want to go back for the second time but he was the only person my insurance covered. I was scared then
I am terrified now

Htown mama Htown mama
Aug '16

Htown mamma , a lot of periodontists are qualified and do extractions , among many other things that oral surgeons do . I would check with your insurance and go somewhere else

Cowgirl1 Cowgirl1
Aug '16


My very young daughter had many teeth extracted by Judith Tuchman.
Never a problem, a joy to deal with.
Would recommend her 100000%.

Aug '16

Really??? - Tuchman moved out of the area several years ago.

I really loved Judith Tuchman. Often wondered what happened. Do you know of her whereabouts?

Bernie Bernie
Aug '16

I once had a tooth extracted by Dr. Tuchman. She made me listen to Melissa Etheridge the entire time. I may have preferred the infection, given the choice up front.

ianimal ianimal
Aug '16

I used him twice for extractions/implant placement. I guess I was one of the lucky ones. He struck me as a bit "odd" but never had a bad encounter.

Blackcat Blackcat
Aug '16

Bernie - Google her. It looks like Philadelphia to me.

GC thanks for the info

Bernie Bernie
Aug '16

I believe Dr. Tuchman went to Philadelphia to take a teaching position at a dental school.. Loved her - she was wonderful and wish she was still close by.

Aug '16

Tuchman is at Temple U teaching. I loved her so much so I am glad she is still nearby (to me) teaching students her skill.

helpthekitty helpthekitty
Aug '16


In case you were on the fence about this guy:


maja2 maja2
Aug '16

maja2..did you always have the 2 after your name or are their 2 Maja's and I just noticed..anyway, on the fence is a understatement. We all had work done there and I'm stunned by all this. Never had a problem, I guess we were very lucky.

Bessie Bessie
Aug '16

Bessie - I think maja has a change of email address that made it necessary to use "maja2". It's the same one we know from before. ;-)

Glad I went to Dr. Bogart for my tooth extractions.

Mansfield mama Mansfield mama
Aug '16

I guess I don't understand why it's so hard for this guy to fix his process? I mean wouldn't you think that after even one reported incident you would be all over it and fix it? If not for the patients then at least for yourself and your practice? Staying out of jail could be another good reason. It just boggles the mind. He can't be that stupid as he did graduate from dentist school.

Bessie, of course GC is correct!

Some people are just slobs. They don't understand a sanitary environment and proper hand washing. It's possible the doctor does, but had employees that he didn't properly supervise. Some might think soap and hot water would be good enough. Or they sanitize equipment, but think gloves replace hand washing. Do we always see the doc wash up? Scary!

maja2 maja2
Aug '16

I also had problems with overbilling at this office. I had to report it to the Medical Board, and sure enough I got back a few hundred, from my memory. I beive they made you pay prior to surgery, sent it in to insurnae, got the ins. payment, then billed you again. something was terribly wrong, and I fought it with them for weeks to no end, and reported it. sure enough they saw they took more money from me than they were legally allowed to.

EX Vecchione patient EX Vecchione patient
Aug '16

If anyone is stupid enough to go to him after reading all this, then there is something wrong with them too.

Time to protest out in front of his office, to get the state to shut him down??????

Botheredbyuu2 Botheredbyuu2
Aug '16

Read report about him on Long Valley Patch - extremely scary. Also, saw same negative information on Jersey News. I wouldn't step foot in his office!

Joyce Polack Joyce Polack
Aug '16

I'm pretty sure with all of this going public and it will be on his permanent record with the Board of Dentristry..this guy is not going to be practicing much longer. He not only ruined many people's lives but he ruined his own as well.

positive positive
Aug '16

Positive....you said it so well! Thanks for your feedback.

Joyce Polack Joyce Polack
Aug '16

Randolph oral surgery is excellent. They are right across from the hospital. I have used Dr Kim and Dr Singer.

Shopper1 Shopper1
Aug '16

Dr. Veccione pulled a wisdom tooth, and I didn't get propopol or gas (TG, maybe I would have been #16 with a heart valve infection if I did with the expired drugs he uses). I saw the look on his face that something was wrong. a few d ays later I was feeling the inside of my gums and discovered that a sharp sliver of the Jaw Bone was sticking OUT of the side of my mouth on the gums!!

I went back to him to look at this problem, they asked for pre-payment of the office visit as soon as I walked into his Parsippany Office (you'd think he'd be concerned and not charge me). he looks at it, and tell me "to go back to my DENTIST"! I went back to my dentist, and he said he can't take care of that, i'd have to go to an Oral Surgeon. VECCHIONE didn't want to treat the problem he caused. what kind of doctor is this???

You know how it was 'corrected"? I shut y eyes for this one: the Oral Surgeon took something like a screw driver, and jammed it into my gums, pretty deep in.....then he proceeded to CHISEL out the jaw bone sharp sliver that went through the side of my mouth, through the gums.

I hope he gets what is finally deserved.

ex patient ex patient
Aug '16

I used Dr Bogart for a wisdom tooth extraction, no problems. Everyone in the office very pleasant.
Before my follow up visit I had a piece of sharp bone protruding thru the gum on the interior, causing my tongue to get irritated.
I did not have to pay any extra, Dr Bogart kept my case open. He said it would absorb.
I had to stop there weekly to file down the sharp part.
I was told it was not unusual. He was right, suddenly gone. I think I preferd a light filing down that what the previous poster said about that removal.
I have heard from other people that it has happened to them.

Susan C Susan C
Aug '16

Susan C, that sounds lIke the correct method. The protruding bone will naturally resorb and the gingiva will eventually cover the extraction site.

Ex patient, I agree that this fraud is absolutely horrible and shouldn't be practicing, but I'm pretty sure the instrument he used was a surgical instrument which does resemble a screw driver. Many dental/surgical instruments are very intimidating..this is why I would have the tray either covered or placed behind the patient prior to treatment. However, the fact that he jammed into the area and did not reduce it with a high speed surgical hand piece is beyond disgusting.

How this guy even got through school and graduated is beyond me.....

positive positive
Aug '16

Dr. Vecchione removed my wisdom teeth and pulled a tooth for my son. I hate anything that has to do with teeth but he did a good job. I was happy. Dont take anything you feel you dont need. Some people handle pain differently.

Htowngirl82 Htowngirl82
Aug '16

I am very aware of any physician, dentist or any medical employees, that they wash their hands before doing anything to me.
These days with"superbugs", i.e.. MRSA, present I think it prudent.
I have no problem what so ever, to ask someone to wash there hands if they had not,
I have never had a bad reaction.

Susan C Susan C
Aug '16

If he isn't doing the basic care ,what else isn't he doing that is dangerous to the patient

Cowgirl1 Cowgirl1
Aug '16

Is he still practicing ? If so pretty scary

Cowgirl1 Cowgirl1
Aug '16

Cowgirl1 - just saw a piece on NYC news. His license was suspended today, subject to a hearing and appeal of the suspension.

which news was it on? (what TV station?). what else did it say? I hope he is unable to get this license back. who the heck would WANT to go to HIM after he's used old, expired, medications on patients (and already opened medications that were supposed to be a onetime use, and he was too cheap and kept half of it and used the other half on patients again, old and probably laden with bacteria and mold, and caused infections in people from unsafe practices, and deaths. how terrible for these young people. TG I refused the propopol and refused to be put out the 2 times I went to him, otherwise I would have gotten old drugs before surgery.


Ex Vecchione Pataien Ex Vecchione Pataien
Sep '16

GC- glad to hear that. Hope he never gets it back.

Botheredbyuu2 Botheredbyuu2
Sep '16

Ex Patient - It was on Channel 4 NY. After the first small announcement, they created a more detailed segment because it's part of their "Investigation" series. Today the three top local stories are the Brooklyn shooting, the Jet Blue kids switch, and Vecchione.

You can see the segment on line here:


You can see they sent a crew out to Budd Lake as well as have been interviewing patients who are suing. It even shows the health inspectors used what they uncovered during the investigation at conferences to teach about how bad practices can be.

Thank god , he should never be allowed to practice again

Cowgirl1 Cowgirl1
Sep '16

Unfortunately, it's only a temporary suspension and, of course he intends to fight it. Very sad.

Davis Davis
Sep '16

The state officials didn't release the 2013-2014 cases infected by endocarditis until recently..putting the unknowing public at risk for almost four years? This is more than infuriating it's an an injustice.

Just found out my god daughter had wisdom teeth extracted by him just last year. She could've been one of his victims.

So what is the point of doing research on a doctor prior to going to him..if serious neglect and unsanitary conditions will not be made public until years later?

positive positive
Sep '16

That's why you have to be informed , look around , are instruments in bags that are autoclaved , talk to staff about how things are done , look around is it clean and orderly , or do they pull things out of drawers that are not wrapped , helps to know what to look for

Cowgirl1 Cowgirl1
Sep '16


Here is the link from today's (9/2/16)'s Daily REcord. cut and paste if it is not clickable.

ex Vecchione patient ex Vecchione patient
Sep '16

I drove by his office yesterday afternoon. There were 2 police cars stationed outside his office.

One person died as direct result of his actions:


Jonathan Stone Jonathan Stone
Sep '16

Certainly hope he's finished. He belongs in jail for sure.

Joyce Polack Joyce Polack
Sep '16

I once went to a local dentist (who has since retired) & the assistant touched a noticeably dirty trash can lid and then continued to help. I was infuriated and let them know. Never went back.

Safety is a must.

Just a side note - I have a minor heart murmur and the guidelines keep changing in regards to dental work and meds. When I was in my teens, I knew someone getting really sick with heart murmur from dental bacteria. I'd rather be safe than sorry and always premedicate even though guidelines say it is not necessary.

Hopeful Hopeful
Sep '16

Yes, like Hopeful said having a heart issue should certainly be cause for precautionary measures..especially if you have a pacemaker or a mitral valve prolapse. Pre-antibiotics should be taken one hour before dental treatment.

Artificial prosthesis (hip replacements, knee replacements, etc) should definitely be of concern before dental treatment (incl. cleanings, quite a lot of bacteria being released). Bacteria released into the body likes to adhere to anything foreign and will likely multiply causing an infection quite possibly a serious infection in the blood..

Pre-antibiotics are a must concerning all of the above..if a dentist tells you different, I strongly suggest to look elsewhere.

positive positive
Sep '16

Side Note: his license to practice should've been suspended when the state first learned of the death of Vecchione's patient.

For the sake of some peace of mind..I truly believe he is done no matter what the board decides. Oral surgeons get the majority of their patients through referrals from orthodontists, dentists and even some periodontists. I don't think any of them would put their reputation on the line and continue to send referrals.

positive positive
Sep '16

There was an article in the Daily Record & Star Ledger yesterday (on November 18th) saying that Dr. Vecchione's suspension of his License has been extended.

ex Vecchione patient ex Vecchione patient
Nov '16

My 25 year old daughter had 4 wisdom teeth removed by him in January. April 15th she went into cardiac arrest and was clinically dead for several minutes. Luckily she survived. She was found to have a severe infection in her system. She now has a pacemaker defibulator implanted. I hope the book is thrown at him

Hackettstown wife Hackettstown wife
Nov '16

It disturbs me that it wasn't until after he failed inspection the third time, that they suspended his license and the public became aware of his unsanitary practices.I wonder how many other bad doctors are out there who are just as unsanitary, but haven't failed inspection three times, so the public hasn't heard of them.

I think restaurants need to post a "conditional approval" notice if they fail one inspection. Shouldn't the same go for our doctors?

He should be suspended forever for all the problems he caused many patients.

Hackettstown wife: I hope you are part of the lawsuits against him. There is one lawyer down East NJ that are representing many injured or deceased patients.

ex Vecchione Patient ex Vecchione Patient
Nov '16

He should NEVER be allowed to practice again. EVER!!

Botheredbyuu2 Botheredbyuu2
Nov '16

I don't think so many people would've become victims to this monster if it were made public from the very beginning. Many people should be held accountable. Utterly deplorable..

positive positive
Nov '16

Ex Vecchione patient. We are not part of the first group suit , but we do have a lawyer.

Hackettstown wife Hackettstown wife
Nov '16

he caused me major problems, but not that infection, probably because I refused to be put out.

some of his billing dept. is just as deplorable. sneaky and crooked. I wonder how many people were overbilled and PAID the bill because they didn't keep up on what they paid and what insurance paid, and that their additional bill could be inaccurate.

I was Xeroxing some documents on him for the State Board, and I wound up talking to the guy next to me about a dentist I had a problem with. UNBELIEVABLY, he started to talk to me about Dr. Vecchione from Budd Lake, who's Billing Staff WAY overcharged him and kept overcharging him for the work he had done. Isn't that ironic....there are probably hundreds more, if not thousands in all these years, that paid all the bills they claimed the patient(s) owed.

keep posting if you hear anything else about this case.

ex Vecchione patient ex Vecchione patient
Nov '16

My son had two teeth removed there, teeth that were in the way of the new ones coming in.

It is hard to describe what we saw there that day, but it was VERY disturbing. They were sending people out to their cars that could hardly walk after procedures, still under to some degree.

The whole office was run unprofessionally, the staff and the dentist were very poor in people skills.

He did a really rough job on my son and just as with the others, sent us packing while he was still bleeding and in pain.

We should have left upon seeing the conditions there, I am a little sorry that I didn't trust my instincts!

Let's hope that the medical folks do the right thing.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Nov '16

What's going on now with Dr. Vecchione of Budd Lake?

Did he get fined or license suspended Forever?

ex Vecchione patient ex Vecchione patient
Jul '17

Call this law firm. They are the handling the class action suit.


When my son needed oral surgery a few years ago, we were going to go there, but were told by our regular dentist to find someone else. We went to Dr. Michael Singer, in Hackettstown. He is wonderful.

Jul '17

Stay away from this jerk. I worked for him one day and was horrified by his practices and did not go back. It did not surprise me to learn he was linked to infecting people. His own nurse turned him in because she couldn't stand to watch what he was doing either.

Not.a.fan Not.a.fan
May '18

I thought he was suspended until trial on the death he caused

Cowgirl1 Cowgirl1
May '18

His Budd Lake office has been closed for a very long time

4catmom 4catmom
May '18

His NJ license has been pulled. But he has a NY license.

Hackettstown Wife Hackettstown Wife
May '18

Good , he should not practice at all

Cowgirl1 Cowgirl1
May '18

Is he still practicing in New York?

Hackresident Hackresident
May '18

Isn't the Dr John Vecchione in NY a different person? The one in NY is a pulmonologist and the license expired about 10 years ago. A quick search on line says the NY doctor is now 82 years old, so he may have retired in his 70's.

loses license for 5 years:

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Feb '20

My daughter went into cardiac arrest at the age of 25 after having 4 wisdom teeth removed by him 3 months earlier.

I am disgusted that they want to sweep this under the rug

He can practice again as early as this August

hackettstown wife hackettstown wife
Feb '20

Shocked - thought his license was gone as was he----------------

4catmom 4catmom
Feb '20

eewwww….HE'S allowed to practice again after his malpractices, sicknesses and death he caused? I wonder if he had a lying lawyer.
they should jail him and barr him for life for practicing the way he did.
I hope he gets out of Budd Lake area if they allow this Jerk to practice again.

Hackresident Hackresident
Feb '20

From the Daily Record today:




Hackresident Hackresident
Feb '20

I went to Vecchione years ago and I warn anyone who needs a good oral surgeon to stay away. I had extraction of wisdom 1 wisdom tooth and he reassured me that laughing gas would make me feel no pain, would put me in a state compared to 2 glasses of wine, Well, I will never forget. He had such trouble yanking out the tooth and I was very aware of it. Since then he left Dr. Bodnar;s practice. I saw he went to Budd Lake, poor souls. Dr, Bodnar is the best!

JudeKS JudeKS
Feb '20

"I went to Vecchione years ago and I warn anyone who needs a good oral surgeon to stay away."

I certainly hope that nobody would consider going to him at this point.

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '20


dodgebaal dodgebaal
Feb '20

This also hit USA Today:


Hackresident Hackresident
Feb '20


This also hit CNN.com:

Right in our own backyard.

Hackresident Hackresident
Feb '20

Good. I'm glad it made national news. Hopefully he doesn't bother trying to practice again. I'm sure he's bogged down with plenty of civil suits, and good luck getting malpractice insurance after this.

Tracy Tracy
Feb '20

BEWARE!! Due to the gross negligence of him and/or his office staff not providing sterile surgical conditions, 1 patient died and 14 others suffered severe heart infections requiring major heart surgery, 4 of whom were under the age of 26! LIFE-THREATENING! EXTREMELY dangerous to both patients and staff! Reports of punching sedated patients, reports of verbal and physical abuse/assault to employees. Sounds like this guy has some serious mental issues and needs psychological help. Anger management.



He was accused of 15 Cases of endocarditis an infection of the heart valve. One person died. Two young people under age 26 and others had to undergo heart surgery. Ultrasounds of the victims showed bacteria growing on their heart valves. This man should be in jail. The Morris county suspended his license but because they made the suspension time retroactive to the first one in 2016, he will be able to practice again in 2020 according to the news article on Patch. If I were a patient I would have an ultrasound done. He denies all responsibility for his patients resulting heart problems.

Citygirl Citygirl
Feb '20

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