Bear in tree on Rt 46 in Budd Lake

When I left work, there was a big bear sleeping in a tree in the parking lot of Adam's Restaurant (next to Cherokee Trading Post). Did anyone else see it? People were across the street taking pictures. It was around 4pm. If anyone has a picture, please post.

Avery Avery
May '15

Re: Bear in tree on Rt 46 in Budd Lake

Yeah here he is.

Metsman Metsman
May '15

Is this what all the BS traffic getting off of 80 and getting past there was all about? Seriously. Wow.

Tracy (mobile) Tracy (mobile)
May '15

@ Metsman - what time did you drive past? Just wondering how long he was there.
Tracy - I work in the trade zone and it took me 10 minutes just to make a right onto 46!

Avery Avery
May '15

Re: Bear in tree on Rt 46 in Budd Lake

I couldn't help it. I stopped and took a picture. He/she was huge and beautiful!

Walking Girl Walking Girl
May '15

I was there at 3:30pm and the Mt. Olive officer stated he had already been in the tree for about 3 hours.

Walking Girl Walking Girl
May '15

Is he/she still there?

Yup. Traffic is horrible.

It was just on News 12. Cute.

A car is going to hit a pedestrian. Where are the police? Car just blew through here 35 miles per hour.

just coach just coach
May '15

Wow, I hit traffic on 80 around 3:30 and the way the BD exit was backed-up I thought that there had to have been a horrible accident with road closures. Rubber necking b/c of a bear in a tree - go figure.

Geez. I drove down from Boston this afternoon and hit the Budd lake exit at around 6:45. Took 25 minutes to get through this traffic - I was sure it was a horrible accident. So many people standing along 46. All for a bear???

Chef pilau Chef pilau
May '15

I drove past it and saw a bunch of idiots with their kids standing under the tree taking pictures.. Dahhhh let's take pictures and pet the black bear.....what's that the bear attacked one of us... Let's get a lawyer and sue ...

Mr. tone Mr. tone
May '15

Home and dry

The Boss The Boss
May '15

Isn't a bear in a tree better than an accident?

Blackcat Blackcat
May '15

Absolutely better a bear than an accident. But if you saw the amount of people hanging around a 4 way highway, this traffic jam was completely unnecessary and in fact could have caused a lot worse problems.

Chef pilau Chef pilau
May '15

Exactly @ Chef pilau.

Re: Bear in tree on Rt 46 in Budd Lake

I was stuck in that traffic too. Decided to park in restaurant to see the bear up close & personal since I'm a huge animal lover. Got pics & video.

Glenna Glenna
May '15

Does anyone know what happened with the bear? WAs he left alone or removed?

danya danya
May '15

Great picture!

Walking Girl Walking Girl
May '15

great picture.At least he had better luck than the last bear that got hit the last time .Such a beautiful animal.
Any word what happened did he come down.

LOL @ The Boss video. That bear was saying "what the heck is everyone looking at".
Ran off thinking "get me the hell away from these people". Glad he didn't have to be hurt in anyway. I'm NOT a big fan of being near bears, but he was cute.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
May '15

Does anyone know if he got out of the tree and what time?

Would have been real funny if the bear decided to relieve itself while people standing under the tree taking pictures. That would be a traffic jam, laughing so hard you couldn't drive.

auntiel auntiel
May '15

judi - video shows he got out and ran off.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
May '15

We did see the traffic. We were going to Salt in Byram around6:30-ish and saw the traffic. My neice had gotten off 80 around 2:30 and said there were 2 cop cars and a couple of other cars on the side of 46. We saw the gathering of people looking up in the parking lot.
Personally we have them coming through our place fairly regularly so it's no big deal:)

Blackcat Blackcat
May '15

I stayed on 80 instead getting off at BL/Hack exit (about 4:30 pm Friday - it was backed up getting off of 80 - dangerous on a good day) and went thru trade zone and "back way" to Hackettstown. So... I guess I missed the bear - thought it was a traffic accident.

Shelley2cats Shelley2cats
May '15

Re: Bear in tree on Rt 46 in Budd Lake

I'm from the city & just moved up to Hackettstown 3 years ago. This was pretty cool to see!!!

imkm0705 imkm0705
May '15

idiot's..........If the bear came out of the tree, all of you would be 1st to say it attacked you without provocation ..

You should take your "pretty cool" behavior and return to the city .
Go to the zoo if you wish to see animals, in a safer enviroment , instead of putting yourself and others at risk.

How ignorant to walk directly under a bear in a tree.

Just the way I see it ...

Steven Steven
May '15

My husband told me about this yesterday. He saw the bear and said a lot of people were taking pics

melissa c melissa c
May '15

That bear should have jumped out of that tree and ate your ignorant city butt. You morons essentially "tree'd" that bear like a pack of hunting dogs. It was damn hot yesterday and I'm sure that bear didn't appreciate being tree'd for hours in the heat, afraid to get back to a water source. You "animal lovers" don't really have the best interest in the animals themselves. You just want a picture and a story to tell. Absolute morons.

May '15

He looked a lil scared to me. Thank God he wasn't hurt and moved on.

Teenie Teenie
May '15

Thank you Consigliere my thoughts exactly.

outsider outsider
May '15

To be fair - it sounds like there were a lot of "locals" stopping and that this was not confined to those relocating from the City.

to be are correct ...They were all idiots !

Is this the way people show how intelligent , caring and responsible as an individual you are and the respect you have for wildlife, to others ??

How many of you had your children with you so they could experience 1st hand the ignorance you demonstrated ...oh that's right, most of you took pictures so you can reach out and show others how irresponsible you truly are........unbeleivable .

Steven Steven
May '15

The dead bear that was on the side of the road a couple of weeks ago had flowers brought to him....I thought for sure someone would have brought this guy some lunch lol!

"Sigh" this poor bear has had a tough week. I live in the development behind Adams. Said 500lb bear has been hanging out in our area for quite some time and this wasn't the first time this week he was out and about posing for pics. He was out on Monday when the daycare kids were outside and busses we're bringing school kids home...literally walked the fence line at the daycare and into 46, almost got hit, and then came back up to our area. At that point whoever almost hit him on 46 called the cops, they came and sat there for 2 hours while the bear took a nap on the side of the house. Later that night we watched him walk down our street again. mopd was trying to keep everyone away yesterday but unfortunately they couldn't have an officer sitting there the whole time bc at the same time there was a fatal accident. The traffic was ridiculous.. We couldn't get out of our st. I'll try to post a video of Monday's visit by him, but I was so shocked by his size that there is a bad word so keep the volume off lol

Diane12 Diane12
May '15

Re: Bear in tree on Rt 46 in Budd Lake

I can't do the video but here's a pic in my backyard

Diane12 Diane12
May '15

Beautiful! I hope he does ok and moves to a less populated area .

A good day
May '15

Sooooooooooooo, did he come down ? And when and details please.........

Chris Lynch
May '15

@ Steven "Yup:"

Walking Girl Walking Girl
May '15

I saw that bear in a bar last week. He told me that he was from Billingsley. I asked him why he was thinking about climbing a tree, on rt. 46. He said he felt bad , because he ate the blonde girl at the end of the bar. I said no wonder, that was a barbiturate.

sallysimpson sallysimpson
May '15

so the bear had a blonde moment ? ! ?

Steven Steven
May '15

Steven... say "barbiturate" very slowly.... unless you get it and you're just goofing, too. LOL

sallysimpson sallysimpson
May '15

sally...I "got it" , was being a smartie !

What a beautiful day !

Steven Steven
May '15

Steven...LOL ..kinda thought so! Yep... beautiful day, hope all is enjoying and stay away from bears from Billingsley.

sallysimpson sallysimpson
May '15

Hahaha. Yes the bear came down on his own about 20 minutes after the fish and game were called.

Diane12 Diane12
May '15

Video from The Boss 2 days ago shows he came down. SMH.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
May '15

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