New Restaurant - Willy's Wieners

Starting a new thread, so that Willy's Wieners can have a fresh start!
Looks like fancy wieners, ice cream and fountain drinks.
If you go, let us know how it is.
I'll definitely let you know. I was by there Mon.-Thurs, but didn't see anything but a couple of pickup trucks there that looked as though they were in working on the place. Dogs & ice cream sounds great!
Menu looks good with reasonable Prices.....Mac & Cheese on a Hot Dog......sounds great !!! Maybe throw some Chili on also.....Will check it out this week....
Good Luck Willy's !!
O. M. G. Italian hot dogs. Hopefully they use real sliced potatoes and not french fries!
Hope Willy's can deep-fry hot dogs a la Rutt's Hutt in Clifton, NJ. Thumann's dogs are the absolute best deep-fried, with that great crunch. "Rippers", right here in Warren County! Clone Rutt's hot dog relish and chili, and you have a real winner. Plus Italian hot dogs like the old Tess and Jim's in Newark. Can't go wrong.
Right on Rt57, between mansfield and washington.... the building has been several restaurants lately, but they've suffered from a potable water issue, apparently..... and apparently Willy's has it sussed???
If so, I will DEFINITELY be going. It's 3 min from my house! I could ride my bike there!!
Danny are you familiar with Dickie Dee's in Newark? The best Italian hot dogs I've had so far. For dirty water dogs off a truck, Johnny's in Newark near Branch Brook park has Sabrett dogs with an excellent onion sauce.
Anyone know if Willys chili has beans??? I like them, but not on a chili dog.
Good luck Willy's Hot Dog. Great to hear of a business opening rather than closing. Looking foward to a lunch or dinner at your place.
Yes! Been to Dickie Dee's many times. Not sure what happened to Tess and Jim's, which was right across the street on Bloomfield Ave. Frequented them both in my younger days, especially when Anthony Imperiale rode a chariot on Columbus Day. Great Italian hot dogs. Bring them here to Willy's, along with the Rutts Hutt rippers. Dirty water Sabretts? Only on the way home from work in NYC, for desert.
Rutts Hut THE place for dogs, located in Clifton, NJ near Rt 3 and 21, deep fried dogs with relish, to die for.
The web site below has many NJ hot dog spots.
Or Yelp
"Rutts Hut THE place for dogs, located in Clifton"
Except... it's in Clifton. LOL
All due respect to the LEGENDARY Rutt's Hut, I ain't drivin' to Clifton just for a hot dog.
JeffersonRepub -
That is why I hope Willy's will make them here. They have the business model, and the menu, including recipes for Rutts' famous hot dog relish and chili. They should just do it. If they can get a liquor license, and serve some good beers, that would be primo. If there is enough room, bring your band and play some music.
JR- I had Rutt's and in my opinion it's not worth the drive.
Danny, my husband worked for Imperiale. Lol
on a related note, I did recently go to Hot Rod's in Glen Gardener. Not bad, but the chili is too spicy for my taste. CHILI is supposed to be spicy, but HOT DOG CHILI is not. Sue me- I come from the midwest originally. We called chili, "sauce" out there. Hot Dog WITH SAUCE. It's still chili sauce. Just like Pop is still SODA and MACARONI is still ZITI. lol
Hot Rod's chili sauce is like tex-mex "enough chilis that you cant taste the other ingredients" spicy... you can barely taste the DOG. I'm not a fan. LOVE the PLACE tho- very old-timer and kitchy- just not the chili.
positive -
I enjoyed Imperiale's chariot rides up Bloomfield Avenue on Columbus Day. Almost as funny as today's politics. It gave me an excuse to munch Italian hot dogs, not that I needed it, the hot dogs were great all year round.
Lol Danny.. my husband has many stories about him. Do you remember his spectacular Christmas display?
Would love to hear your husband's stories. Need a good laugh or two from the days of old. Contact me by private message if you do not want to disclose what I am sure are some embarrassing moments.
I grew up in Garfield and have been going to Rutts Hut since about 1960. Whenever I am in the area I would stop by for a few and bring some of the relish home, yum.
Unfortunately I am 3 plus hours from Rutts Hut now, so I agree not going just for a dog.
I agree I hope Willy's makes it. Based on the Facebook page it looks nice and they put a lot of $$$ into the place. Warren County can use another good hot dog place.
Let's hope we can get some reviews soon....
Fyi. Going by today and saw they were open, so I had to stop in. It was a soft opening a the service was great. Very nice inside, off to one side there are tables and outside they will have picnic tables too. I just had a chili dog and fries. It was very good. Can't wait to try the other stuff on the menu! !
Looking forward to trying Willy's!! I live about 5 minutes from Hot Dog Johnny's and am so tired of their blahhh hot dogs. A few weeks back I was in Elizabeth and had an Italian hot dog from Tommy's Italian Sausage and Hot Dogs......the best!!
I stopped by on my way to work and had a slaw dog and an order of fries. Both were good and quick service. Looking forward to trying more of the dogs..
I am working close with the owners of the new Willy's Wieners and it is going well so far! We had our grand opening today and are open tomorrow 11am-9pm! We are still working out hours and other little kinks but are super excited to be open! Our hot dogs are thumanns and they are deep fried (we have "dirty water dogs" that are boiled for children or any one who may prefer it!) I do believe our chili has beans but it is noted and I will do the best I can to see what can be done! Our Italian hot dogs do have real potatoes!!! Not French fries! So excited see people excited about us! Our ice cream is from Jefferson Dairy so it is amazing!
Leave any comments here please! And suggestions as well! We love the feed back!
Congratulations Willys Weiners!! I'm thrilled to see a new business opening! My husband is a HUGE fan of hot dogs and cannot wait to check it out! Best of luck!
If you really into hot dogs check out this web site, 200 plus pages of posts about Jersey Dogs
The above forum has slowed down recently, but they would have bus tours of hot dog joints, sometimes 2 bus loads! Look at the posts of John Fox you can not believe how many places he has been to and his passion for hot dogs.
The folks at Willy's may want to post on the above link letting folks know they are open once they get all the details worked out of a new place. With 200 plus pages of posts a lot of people read the forum.
Just went to Willy's (thanks for the tip, saw it right here!). I had a sauer Willy - (dog with kraut), and enjoyed it. My husband had an Italian dog. It was nowhere near the old class Newark ones from Dickie Dee's or Jimmy Buff's style, but still good. (and The potatoes ARE real cut potatoes and not fries.) He also had a chili dog, which he enjoyed very much. For the person who asked, there were only a few beans in the chili, so I think you'd like it. One of my sons had the Hill Billy dog - bacon and beans, and he loved it. My younger son had a naked dog and a corn dog, both of which he enjoyed. The chili and cheese fries were very good, too. Good, solid fare. We will be back!
Just tried out some dogs from Willy's. Got the naked willy with mustard onion pickle, and a junkyard willy. The junkyard was good because they piled high the mac and cheese and the bacon, and the naked willy was just ok.
The only reason I wasn't a huge fan was because I was expecting a deep fried hot dog like a previous poster said they make. If they are in fact deep fried, then for all you Rutt's Hutt fans, its an In and Out style. I prefer mine to be a little crisper like the rippers.
I will however be back and just ask for mine to be a little more well done.
Michelle Miller - just a suggestion as you stated you work close with the owners. The Point of Sale communication with the kitchen needs to be updated. Using Post-It notes and passing them back to the kitchen can cause lots of delays and miscommunications (especially when you get busy). Now maybe this is already being taken care of since they have only been open 2 days. In any event, Good Luck to Willy's!!
The Hillbilly dog I WILL be trying!!!
I just drive by- at least a dozen cars in the lot! I couldn't stop today, I had already had lunch.
I haven't been there yet, and I still intend to try it, but I agree- if it isn't a crispy shriveled dog, I won't be back.
I've lived 6-7 minutes from Hot Rod's for 8+ years and have never been there based on the dog description. Mushy water dogs.
I've been to both Hot Dog Johny's and and A-frame in Ledgewood/Mt Arlington and both of those are underwhelming as well.
Don't get me wrong, I get it- you don't want to waste product and you don't want to keep people waiting- so when you order, ask how they want then done and if crisp, tell them it will be a little wait.
My advice would to advertise a lot. There has been so many times that I heard a place was closing around here that I never even heard of.
I think this place should do well. They are smart by keeping it simple and having a menu with low prices so many times things open around here being too fancy and too expensive and that just doesnt work around here.
Also, I would get one of those BIG "A" frame signs and put specials on their daily so people driving by can see it. I think during the week bring in a lot of business with landscapers, contractors, and any others that are on the road for work. Just keep the sign simple so people can read while driving. I would include the price of the special nice and big bc I think the prices will really get people to stop and give it a try. The place looks beautiful!
Best of luck!!!
Glad to see some one else in that building. I have to say I passed it twice yesterday and somehow never noticed the sign. Will certainly try it out soon, the last place in there a friend and I were sick for 3 days after eating there. Never went back needless to say,, BUT we all love a great Hot Dog...
Hey, Willy's -
It is obvious that lots of people are craving a classic hot dog joint in the area. Just a few suggestions: Take a road trip to Rutt's Hut in Clifton, sample their food and get their recipes for hot dog relish and chili online. Then check out Dickie Dees in Newark for Italian hot dogs with peppers, onions and potatoes. Put all of these items on your menu and you might become the go-to place for hot dogs with the best toppings, IMHO. Add some live music and maybe a classic old car and bike show, as Rutt's Hut does, and you may rule in this county. Good luck!
Just tried out Willie's . It was really a nice change from the usual. Hot dogs were great. Fries were great . Service was unbelievably fast. Two of us had a great meal for under 20 bucks. ( I eat a lot). Nice people with good plans for the future too. Highly recommended !
There's not really enough room to host a classic car and bike show.... lol
Agree with "keeping it simple" being your biggest asset....
To tell you the truth - I was not overly impressed by Rutt's Huts for the price and what you got. I really like Toby's cup in Phillipsburg. Good hot dog and cheap. Looking forward to trying Willie's!
For the price at Rutts? I get two rippers and a large birch and it's like $6 tops. A value in my book.
I've never tried Toby's. I'll make it a point next time I'm out that way.
I haven't seen anyone mention it yet but I think it's so cool that Willy's has a river in their backyard just like Hot Dog Johnny's. If I were the owner I would no doubt take advantage of that with some nice landscaping and seating areas around back.
Also a reminder.....I saw a post or two above about folks wanting to head over to Willy's tomorrow (Monday). Per their FB page, they are closed on Monday's.
You maybe thinking of Charlie's Pool Room in Alpha that closed.
Toby's cup, if you go you got to get a thick shake, the best. Do not go on a rainy day, no seating at all inside, outside picnic table or your car. About 6-8 people will fit inside, the rest in a line out the door. Know what you want before you get to the counter, just tell them how many dogs you want, when he is ready he will ask you " how u want those dogs"
Mustard, raw onions, and a pickle, is what you wil get on your dog. They recently added chile and sauerkraut, never tried it.
4 grease stains out of 5 says HollyEats
Went to Willy's today and was very pleased. The place was packed. The line to order went quickly and the service was great. I was also surprised to see a good sized dining area. We had the Italian hotdogs and they were very good. The dogs are long and thick, not your supermarket type of hotdogs. Menu is small but I personally would rather have a few things done well than a large menu that complicates the kitchen. Good Luck Willy's!
I don't know what it is.... but if a Hot Dog Joint, has a great dog and bun, and then a good chili sauce, it seems that a really popular item would be a "Foot Long Dog"
NOT two dogs on a long roll, but a really honest to Goodness "Foot Long Wiener!"
It sounds BIG .... and MORE....and even when the price naturally will be more, it just feels like a Bargain eating one. ( Uhumm! I can Go Two ) .
Haven't Had or seen any place that serves them. What's good, is the dog can be ordered with half one topping, and half another. I would say its a Food Novelty, and they do make a good selling item at a Hot Dog Place.
It's like the 1/4 Pounder Hamburger, or the Double Burger. It is in relation mentally to being BIGGER!!..... Everyone craves Bigger!
On Rt 57 east bound in Mansfield. Looks like a great place for fisherman to stop for a bite. Good luck!
"footlong"- YES!!! I've never seen them anywhere here in the northeast... but had them in Ohio!! I always got a "footer with sauce and onions"!
Yes, it is the former Cliffdale Park location. I remember foot long dogs from my childhood. Tony's foot Longs. I think it was in Succasunna on Route 10. It may have been a Stewart's too. Foot longs would be a nice addition to the menu.
My son had a chocolate milkshake from there yesterday and he is still talking about it. He said, and I quote,"It blew my mind."
Had a Hill Billy dog and enjoyed it. Lots of Moms and kids today eating and enjoying the food. Hope everybody comes in to try it.
Was there yesterday with my daughter.....very nice place! I had the Junkyard Willy...... a Hotdog topped with Mac/Cheese with Real Bacon Bits.....I fell in love quick
I also had the Chilly Willy....Hotdog with Chili/ was licking my fingers Good....
The French Fries are ok.....not close to Hot Dog Johhny's
I will go back !!!
The real question is "How many weiners must be sold each month to break even?" I bet it's a lot. Tough business. Good luck Willy
Regarding the BYOB, someone else asked on FB yesterday and they said they were looking into it.
We went with the kids.....and I was a little disappointed in the food..... undercooked. The place is really cute and I would totally go back for ice cream.....definately a great little place to stop. Just not sure if I would do the food again....
How do you undercook a hot dog? They are COOKED ALREADY when they come out of the package...just like That's all it is: tube bologna
Lol I guess maybe the same reason that people bring wine to an Italian joint...maybe they just want a cold beer with their dogs!
JRT - Correct! I don't eat hot dogs, but a cold beer (or even a warm one) makes most things better. :-)
I agree Calico:) I vote all places become BYOB~especially Shoprite!! That would help on those crazy days when snow or a holiday is approaching lol!
"Regarding the BYOB, someone else asked on FB yesterday and they said they were looking into it.'
What's to look into? Either Willy's allows it or they don't. The ABC doesn't care; their only rule is that you can't actually advertise your restaurant as being BYOB, lol. Mansfield also doesn't have an ordinance prohibiting it, so it's entirely up to the owner.
From the ABC FAQ page:
Are non-licensed restaurants permitted to allow customers to bring their own alcoholic beverages (byob) for consumption with their meals?
Unless there is a local ordinance prohibiting it, customers of an unlicensed restaurant may be permitted by the ownership of the restaurant to bring and consume only wine and beer. The restaurant can supply glasses, ice, etc., but may not impose a cover, corkage or service charge. Also, under no circumstances may spirituous liquor be permitted. There may be no advertising whatsoever of the fact that wine or beer may be permitted. Additionally, the owner may not permit wine or beer to be consumed during hours in which the sale of these products is prohibited by licensees in that municipality, nor allow consumption of beer or wine by persons under the age of 21 years or by persons who are actually or apparently drunk or intoxicated. (N.J.S.A. 2C:33-27).
I would say those are more comfort food than 'fancy' wieners. And everyone loves comfort food. Looks good.
Now here are some fancy wieners:
Fancy shmancy. Hot dogs (and hamburgers for that matter) should be down & dirty. Or maybe down & GREASY. Yum!!
No one eve made a delicious vegan hot dog. (no, really- they haven't. Even if you think you've had one, you're wrong LOL)
We stopped at Willy's Wieners today for lunch and it was like "old homeweek" with a lot of people from our area that we knew there having lunch as well. I had the slaw and cheese dog, and hubby had the Texas hotdog along with a large order of cheese fries and a strawberry milkshake. The only suggestion I would make is at peak hours like lunchtime, they have more help as we received the milkshake about the time we were finished with our meal as the poor lady making them was so behind with previous orders. The whole meal for the two of us was under $15 and we definitely will go back. Wishing them much success in their new business...
Jersey Dogs in Newton is good eats as well. We usually stop their on our way to Angry Erik's Brewing in Lafayette!
JR, if you're ever in the area, try Destination Dogs. You may think differently. They're delicious. Then again, it's not just hot dogs. My favorite is the Chorizo with chimichurri. So good.
Quote- "How do you undercook a hot dog? They are COOKED ALREADY when they come out of the package...just like bologna"
Yes. And pan fried bologna tastes better to me as well. Char all things!!
I'm pretty sure that is what the comment was intending- texture. I don't want a soggy dog either- in fact if you scroll up, you will see I already made a comment stating as much and I haven't been to this place yet. I want a dog with a little bite to it- no soggy mush. Bonus points if shriveled. The dog, not me.. :)
Quote- "Why does one need to BYOB at a hot dog joint?"
I like hot dogs. I like burgers. I love beer.
From where this hot dog place is, I can drive roughly 5 minutes in either direction and get a burger w/ beer.
What does that mean? While I certainly will stop in and try these dogs- I will go to the burger place more often and have a beer with my food. If I can bring a couple beers to have with my dogs, my buddies and I will go to the dog place more often.
Who needs a beer with a hotdog.. what a silly question. Every backyard BBQ, baseball game, football game, etc already knows the answer. :)
Are these dogs bigger than your typical 8-to-a-pound wieners? $2.25 is a bit much if they aren't at least 1/6 pounders if not 1/4 pounders. I think a Tobys dog is $1.05 for an 1/8 pounder w/ mustard onion and pickle. Of course, the building is a dump that was probably paid off during the Kennedy administration, so overhead is way low, lol.
Seriously? Let them make a profit regardless of the size. I thought the menu prices looked VERY reasonable.
Honest question- have you ever owned and ran a business?
I wouldn't sell a dog, on a bun, with mustard, onion, pickle for $1.05...not a chance in hell.
Holy crap, what could the initial 'profit' be on that $1.05 just taking product cost out of it...
then throw in all the other expenses that people that have never owned a business never think of. I won't go into great detail- but the dog didn't cook itself- equipment, power, refrigeration, cleaning products used at the end of the day, someone to serve the dog, some sort of wrapper, napkin, ketchup..blah blah blah.. and that is just BARELY scratching the surface..
Just asking a question, lol. No, I've never owned a business.
Are you saying Toby's isn't turning a profit at $1.05 a dog? They've been around for 50 years. I would think if they were going under, it would have happened by now. Plus, people walk into Tobys and order 10 dogs at a time. The prices at Jimmy's are similar. What is HDJ charging? These are the places this business is competing against.
$1.05 a dog? Profit?...extremely doubtful- even if the building is paid off, and the sole employee is the owner.
Now that naturally doesn't take into account for other items- fries, drinks, etc..
And even if there is profit at $1.05,.. we are talking pennies. Of which, gov takes a huge chunk of, state, fed..
I know I wouldn't want to deal with everything involved with selling a TON of dogs just to make enough for me to buy lunch on my break. ;)
We ate there yesterday. The hot dogs are definitely bigger than say, Hot Dog Johnny's, but not made the same way. They were thicker and "crunchier" - not soggy at all. They did not appear to be deep-fried, as many places do it, but perhaps steamed or on those roller things. However they were cooked, we enjoyed them. The cheese fries were ok, but the shakes and hard ice cream were great.
I plan to go back to try the Frappés and some other stuff on the menu.
Went there Tuesday for hot dogs and Tuesday for ice cream. It was great! Service was super nice and friendly. Considering they just opened I was impressed! All new resturants need to work out things and I believe they will be great! So be patient people! Good luck!
My favorite dog so far is the Hill Billy Willy, with the baked beans and bacon. I have had,the fries a few times and I wish they could be crispier. I do agree that Hot Dog Johhny's fries are much better than WW. Wish the fries could be tastier. Glad to see some people eating at the picnic tables today.
For great crispy fries- soak the raw fries in cold water for a few hours, fry until tender, drain, fry em again. The best!
Agreeing with hktownie - also, while draining, allow the oil to reheat to max cooking temperature.
The problem with crispy fries- and crispy dogs is volume and time.
If they are moving a lot of product, especially if new and not sure how much to have ready each day.. they may not have enough prepared, and have to resort to moving stuff quickly so people don't complain about long wait times.
I'll be sure to tell them to take their time and let my stuff crust up.. while I enjoy a beer (fingers crossed..)
hktownie - Double fried fries are the best. Just a suggestion: After the first fry and draining, sprinkle with spices and cheese: finely chopped thyme, parsley, rosemary, garlic, coriander, Locatelli Romano, and red pepper flakes, just to "kick 'em up a notch." Very quickly fry the second time, so as not to burn the spices and cheese.
It makes me nuts when people complain about prices of food when you eat out. If you enjoyed it and it was good it was worth whatever you paid for it. You go out so you don't have to cook if you want to penny pinch stay home. When I go out I don't even care about the prices Im out to enjoy myself that's why we eat out to enjoy ourselves and for convenience. I wish Willy's the best I think this is the perfect business for that spot can't wait to try it.
Frankly (pardon the pun), I wouldn't eat a hot dog that cost a dollar. Think about how much that hot dog had to have cost the owner in order to turn a profit. When you think of the price per dog to cook it, for the labor to cook and serve it, and for the paper goods and condiments people use up eating it, that dog couldn't cost more than a quarter apiece. Think about what you are getting for a quarter. As far as I'm concerned, there is such a thing as "too cheap" when it comes to what is supposed to be "meat". lol
ChristisRisen - Ah, but if the hot dogs are deep-fried, there is also the nutrition of the hot oil, plus the taste and the fantastic crunch. But, as the raccoons said in the movie "The Great Outdoors", hot dogs are made from "lips and assholes". Enjoy them anyway, especially deep-fried. LOL ;-) BTW, six bucks is not too much for me to pay for a good "ripper" with toppings and spicy fries.
LOL, Danny C. I prefer Hebrew National. They are expensive, but if you buy them on sale (which isn't often, so you have to keep an eye out), you can buy a bunch and freeze them. If we buy 8 or 10 packs, they last all year.
ChristisRisen - Oh yeah, Hebrew National are the finest standard hot dogs. I also like Truman's, just for the crunch. Do you deep-fry them? And how about making some chili and spicy fries to go with them? Will Willy's provide all of the above?
"that dog couldn't cost more than a quarter apiece. Think about what you are getting for a quarter."
I can get an 8-pack of Nathan's at the supermarket for $4, which is only $0.50 apiece. How much do you think someone who is selling 4,500 hot dogs a week would pay for one?
Something doesn't need to be expensive to be delicious... besides, what he doesn't make on dogs, he makes up for with $5 milkshakes (-;
Can't wait to bring my daughters to Willy's. Tx for making me aware of this new establishment. Sounds delicious from all of your reviews :)
You are right. Something doesn't have to be expensive to be delicious. But with meat, there is a certain level of expense involved in order for it to be quality - and healthy.
With meat, yes... but "we talkin' 'bout hot dogs", to paraphrase Allen Iverson. If I'm eating emulsified tubular meat products, "healthy" isn't one of the criteria I'm judging it on (-;
Hebrew National, Shofar, any kosher dog you can think of... "healthy" still doesn't apply. Especially if you're throwing Mac and cheese or baked beans on top of it.
I wish Willy all the best. Rich answered my question that the dogs they serve are bigger than the standard HDJ or Tobys dog and are probably worth every penny. My intention wasn't to criticize him, just wondering if he was pricing himself out of the doggie stand market. Hopefully not.
Went yesterday had 3 dogs and a soft drink .
The poor woman at the register was getting buried in orders. Other workers behind the counter just looked on. You guys gotta have a sit down .It's to the owners benifit to iron these issues out. Plz plz plz Leave the beans out of the chili.Chilli for hot dogs is supposed to be IMHO a blend of tomatoe spiced meat sauce . Saucy but not pasty in consistency .
If you want a prime example go to schiffs at Dickson city exit in pa. They can't keep it on the shelves.
I give you a B. I'll check back in a few months to see if anything changed .
Just got home from Willys. I had two plain dogs ( mustard, onion, pickle) you could have counted the onions on one hand. My husband got the Mac and cheese dog. Both were cold. NO TASTE. Got family fries. Also COLD. Couldn't get vanilla milk snake machine broke ( I understand things happen). Spent $26. Dollars for 2 plain dogs, 2 Mac and cheese dogs, 2 lg shakes(very thin) and a family fry. Tossed most of it out. EVERYTHING was COLD. We will defiantly NOT go back. WORST meal we ever had.
Growing pains.... give them time to adjust guys, jeez....
When we went it was packed, we waited probably 15 minutes before we could even place our order... it's obvious they are overwhelmed and have to get their routine down. Normal for someplace that just opened.
Agree- gets the beans out of the chill. The chili tastes like a bowl of chili... that's not what hot dog sauce/chili is supposed to be...
Also, their dogs are fat... I prefer the skinny ones, skinny dogs and more topping. But that's me, not a criticism of the place. Just my preference.
We'll be back, but will give them time to get sorted...
I agree with Virginia and JR. They are just starting out. Also agree that beans in the chili doesn't work to well on dogs.
Skinny dogs are my favorite, but everyone has their own preferences.
A little advice to the new establishment, onion sauce is a big hit.
I went there with my wife today as well. Glad to see they were packed, even if it meant we had to wait in line for 15+ minutes to put our order in.
To my surprise- once the order was in, it arrived to us in 2-3 minutes at most (and again they were mobbed).
We ordered- dog with ketchup, mustard, onions, dog w/ chili & cheese, corn dog, mac & cheese dog, fries and chicken fingers.
Personally, I like the beans in the chili- but I can live without them if popular opinion changes the formula.
The food came extremely fast (and HOT)...honestly, it doesn't make sense that the person above said it was ALL cold. In fact, considering the turnover- the only way I think it could be cold would be if they weren't listening for their name to be called. To claim to throw it all out and worst meal they ever had- get a life. Come back in time with me to the days I served in the Army and I will show you bad food. But feel free not to go back there- less line I need to wait in. :)
In fact- stay away from James on Main also. Less line the better- We've been there twice last week.
Everything at Willy's was great. Food wise- yea, I prefer a thinner dog just like the other posters above me said- but the dog did have a nice crunch to the skin and was nice and long. The flavors to the toppings were good. The chili cheese dog was awesome. Of course I could put chili and cheese on the fries or even the chicken fingers and it would be awesome. :) Which is why I started with a more normal ketc/must/onion dog to get the meat.
The fries were not bad..had a decent crust to them, but my wife agreed they need more flavor. I suggested to her that they just need to keep using the same oil and eventually it will 'mature'... or throw some old dog fry oil in it as well. I suppose they could offer a seasoned fry, but I won't expect them to complicate the menu / process. Although- who doesn't like seasoned waffle fries? (double complication!)
About the only single thing I can think of that was 'bad' was the wait in line- but that is pretty simple to resolve-
#1- Two cash registers. There was 1 poor girl- (who was doing a great job).. but can only do soo much
#2- on the same note- the girl taking orders was also stopping that process to fill and serve fountain drinks. That is an inefficient use of staff. Keep her working on the line- someone else run the other stuff.
The line management itself could use some attention- when we were there, the line curved around to the doorway into the dining room- but people kept coming in the front door and not knowing what was going on- they just sort of formed a cluster until someone would tell them to go 'over there'... maybe put in some rope things that make everyone go back and forth (no idea what that is called?) It doesn't help that the men's room is right there either-- but I understand that would be a bitch to move.
I see they have a side window that appears they intend to take orders from outside- but I can't logistically see how that is going to work out for them.
I hope them the best- as soon as the weather warms more- and people find out about it (bikers, etc) they are going to be even more busy.
All in all- NO complaints- and NO cold food!!!
Oh- I want a T-shirt... make them avail for purchase and I will rock one! :)
I love when people complain about what they paid for something as if they had no idea what something was going to cost or perhaps how to use elementary math.
Looking forward to trying Willy's soon.
I agree that it's not easy for a restaurant just starting out but that doesn't negate the fact that 26 dollars was spent for an unsatisfactory meal. That's not a small amount. Perhaps a phone call explaining the dissatisfaction would result in a free do over?
7 items for 26 bucks...standard fast food pricing. This isn't a 5 star resturant. If you don't like fast food (and the risk of it not being perfectly prepared) then don't eat hot dogs and fries. Go get a salad or go to a five star resturant but please....don't bother complaining about a hot dog joint.
Seriously Snowflake? Worst meal EVER????? You don't get out much, do you?
Those folks are running a new business in a small town, which is an uphill battle in and of itself, and they have done an incredible job their first week. I will be back, and I will bring enough friends that your smug comment won't matter.
Haven't a milkshake in years - shocked to see a large thick shake now costs 5 bucks (apparently at Willy's too) , almost makes me glad I'm old and lactose intolerant , but not really . Not a fan of hotdog places , although I did eat a few 2 dollar steak sandwiches at the Soup Nazi's, err I mean Toby's Cup back in the late 70s - mild (without onions) or regular (with) was the way you ordered them back then and woe to those not knowing that exact procedure ! Anyhow the best dogs I've found cooked up by yourself on a charcoal grill are the ones below , when you can find them . 60 calories of gluten free beef goodness .
I hope Michelle Miller is making WW aware of the feedback that we are providing on this post. Alot of good points have been made. We do want it to succeed!!!!
I like the CAPITAL letters in SF's post. There are ways to write a review where improvement is needed. You choose the wrong way on a place a week old.
Snowflake's "review" was more of a bashing rant, which served no purpose, other than to be nasty. Some positive feedback regarding how to keep the food hot longer and something positive (maybe something about the decor?) mixed in with the bashing is just not helpful for a new place that is getting it's sea legs.
Personally I think that post was the WORST post ever and SF is COLD and MEAN.
I tried Willy's a couple days ago. I do agree with others, they definitely need a better ordering/delivery system and at least 2 people up front. That poor girl was overwhelmed once that line got longer! I felt bad for her. She was doing everything by herself. One person for the orders, another one for drinks, ice cream and any additional help. When I was there, they ran out of rolls and had to run out to get more. It was a fun place to go for something different and I love supporting new family owned businesses. I know that they were just opened a week and are working out the kinks....I'm just hoping they get more help before it hurts them. When I was in line, 2 different couples who were behind me left because the line was moving slowly and the wait was over 20 minutes (that's how long I waited). I wish only the best for Willy's.....GOOD LUCK! I will try again in a month or two when things get worked out.
Lives in PV........sounds like you are a Restaurant Expert......give the Owner of Willy's some advice on how to make it a 5 Star " Hot Dog Joint ".............maybe suggest Caviar on a hot could be called Willy's PV.....
Make Rut's Hut at Home! (almost) - I grew up in that area and back in the 70's the cremated ripper was my dog! .I found out about 20 years ago that Texas Weiner II on RT 22 used Schickhaus dogs. They are the BEST- hard to find but if you can find them try it - - fry 'em - you can make them really close to a crispy ripper!!!!!!! they used to carry them at the A&P at top of hill in budd lake. I have not seen them since - if anyone finds them please post where!!!!
And Best of Luck to Willy's - I will definitely try it!!!!! Great to have a local dog house!
Formerfan, the Shoprite in Wharton sells those Schickhaus dogs. I believe they call them griddle franks. Not sure how many come in a package but they sell for $11.99.
Awesome Vic - Thank you! May be a bit expense but if anyone wants a homemade Rut's Hut Ripper that's the dog to buy!!!!!
formerfan et all -
Would'nt it be great if Willy's Wieners became the Rutt's Hut of Warren County?
Hi Michelle, My husband and I stopped by on Saturday. We order the sauer and two water dogs with Chili. I was very disappointed, the dogs were cold , not hot at all. I felt the hot dogs had a good taste, but needed to be cooked more. The water dogs I thought were good, but cold. Noting special. The inside of the place is pretty nice. I wish you guys much success. This is not a complaint, just a heads up. I want you to do well. Good luck!
We were not complaining about the price. I tried to speak to the lady to let her know nicely that they need to cook the dogs a little longer because they were cold and to put a little more onions on them. She was not interested in my information. Yes I do know what it takes to deliver a meal when you just opened. I am not a complainer just wanted to let them know to make sure the food is hot. (They were not that busy). I was told the dogs cook for 5 min. If that is true than the deep fryer is not hot enough. They looked like boiled dogs.
Sorry Smowflake not buying it! I believe you spoke to her, sure she was hoping you would never return! Your original HL post, you sound like a loud mouth!!
Outsider if I offended you I am sorry. I just posted how I felt the same as others on HL.
I don't get it. Snowflake did not have a good experience eating at this place and let the establishment know. What is the problem? Who cares if they are new? Don't you think that most new businesses want to hear feedback from their customers so they can possibly make improvements? Obviously by the sound of it maybe this one doesn't. So snowflake is supposed to eat cold food and be happy with it because they just opened?
It didn't sound as though she was harsh in any way toward them.
Eating out is not cheap and I wouldn't want to spend my money on something that was not edible. There is a difference between not "liking" what you ordered and having your meal come out inadequately prepared. Of course the first one is no fault of the restaurant. No person or business can please everyone, but at the same time no person or business should dismiss constructive criticism either. Success doesn't always come without having to make a few adjustments along the way.
Good for you Snowflake in providing feedback to the place - they need to know if the food is not hot enough, etc if they are not testing it periodically.
In defense of Snowflake...I know this person well enough to know that what was stated on here was obviously the truth about her service at Willy's Wieners. We had a very good experience there and have that memory now as we plan to return....they did not.. I also know that Snowflake and her husband spend a lot of their time volunterring with a organization that serves food to hundreds of people each week. I have been the recipient of that food and it is always served to us piping hot and cooked just right... They would certainly notice the difference if it was not the same for them when they went out to eat...
It seems they have to cook the food longer.....on my original post I stated the hot dogs were not cooked enough....
What I did not say is that the chicken fingers were also not cooked......raw so much they were grey....gross. thank god I checked before my daughter ate them. I did not say it at first because I want them to do good....but it seems more people are saying undercooked food...
Just check things before you eat it....
The owner was very nice to apologize but it is still gross....
I really hope this place make a go. That is why we went, we wanted to help a new business.
Willy's - please make crunchy old-fashioned ripper style dogs - as well as boiled ones- and you will make a fortune out here us ripper lovers will all be there!!!!
I'm sure Snowflake is a lovely lady, she certainly has genuine friends who go to bat for her. My first impression, which can be a lasting impression was that she was just mean and nasty. This forum can make or break a new business. I believe in constructive criticism. Snowflake never said in her original post that she attempted or spoke with the owners.
Snowflake no need to apologize. Time will tell if this business survives. I hope Willy's does listen to the feedback and addresses all concerns and enjoys the positive feedback as well.
Folks, what I gather from all of this is that snowflake is concerned with quantity over quality like most people on this page. If you have a direct gripe with a business, go to the source, don't post it on a forum cause you just sound like a coward and my opinion is when people on Hackettstown life don't like something, it is typically good and well recieved by the other 99% who don't hide behind a computer to share their options. Didn't anyone's parents raise them on, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it?
Yikes!! The recent reviews on Yelp are horrendous!! Multiple reviews reporting stale rolls?? Surprising as I thought being busy they would have a good turnover rate with all their food.
Had a great dog with red onions at Willy's, I think they call it a Devil Dog. If you like a New York Dog with red onions Willy,s is the place for you.
Well they are obviously listening. When I first went, I didn't even think the dogs were deep-fried, because of how little it was cooked and how big it was (it was still good, though). Each subsequent time I've gone, the dogs have been more cooked and now they look like something you would get at a place like Hot Dog Johnny's. The fires tasted a little better the last time I went, as well.
Was there a grand opening ? Didn't see anything with the Mansfield township committee promoting this business. Looking forward to trying the place out
Sorry, but if a restaurant sells undercooked, COLD food, and charges for it, people have a right to review it and tell it like it is. To those of you bashing snowflake, tell your friends to learn to cook hotdogs BEFORE opening a restaurant and charging money (it's not that hard; a 7 year old can do it).
I ate at Willy's and for the most part enjoyed it (except for the undercooked fries); but if Willy's "friends" are going to be nasty like this and demand that people pay for undercooked food and claim we don't have the right to speak out about it, then not only will I spread the word far and wide, but I won't return.
How do you like them apples? Is that a way to help your "friends" out with their business? Ever hear of catching more flies with honey than vinegar?
We went to Willy's over the weekend. Hubby got two chilly Willy's and said they were good. I don't eat hot dogs, so I got the only other choice which was chicken tenders. They were really good at first, until I got to the third one and bit into a huge chunk of nasty fat. I hate when that happens. I thought it was odd that they serve chicken tenders but didn't have any honey mustard. We also got an order for fries, which were cold. The place was very clean and the service was friendly.
I don't think it would be worth it for me to ever go back, having only one choice. However, Hubby might stop on his own.
Tried I
Them today disappointed. The bun fell apart with chili Weiner and crying weinr chili Weiner had beans???? Asked for mustard and onions; r
The mustard was put atop of the chili and the onions were almost
Liquified . had to resort to a fork and knife to eat. If the knife and fork were not available it would have been cave man style. Too bad I was looking for a good weekend b4eak place
We tried the hot dogs today. ( Take Out )
I had the dog & chili, and the wife had the dog & chili and cheese.
They were good. The hot dogs were good quality; ( Thumanns' we presumed )
The chili was of good consistency, and did not soak the bun so as to create a wet sponge effect. Only thing, IMO, is the chili sauce for a hot dog, should not have kidney beans in the recipe. A bowl of chili with beans? That's a separate taste experience.
Beans on a chili dog? It overpowers the taste of the chili sauce, and the hot dog itself.
The beans were regular large kidney beans too. Maybe small red beans would be better? But again, that would be my choice, to eliminate the beans for chili dogs or chili burgers.
The buns were good, and held up without breaking as I shoveled two of the dogs down the hatch.
Great to have the business in the area, and I'm sure they will do well.
Went to Willy's the other day. Good food, good service, and nice prices. The place was really clean. Stop by and try it out!
Get rid of the white rocks!!!!!!
They are so unattractive and it makes parking/entering/exiting awkward, esp when crowded.

Food was great , the staff was friendly. They greeted everyone, checked to see if we enjoyed our food. The place was really clean and nice inside. Hope they are around to stay.
Just ate there today and had a wonderful time. We had ordered takeout several times but today we sat in the dining room. Very comfortable, food was served when ready and someone checked to see if we needed anything. Would highly recommend it. I do agree that the white rocks were a bit of a problem to see with a pickup truck.
Guys...All of the wonderful reviews will not keep this gem open. We stopped in today, for lunch, and the place was empty. Perhaps the hot weather, vacations, who knows.. Lets all help to keep them alive.
I passed by Hot Dog Johnnies a couple times this afternoon and it was PACKED so hot weather/vacations are not keeping people from their hot dogs.
Sounds like Willy needs to step up his game...
^^ The only reason Hot Dog Johnny's is known is because it's been on rt 46 for decades and is the only hot dog joint on that route. The dog's suck, they don't have kraut or chile and they actually give you crap if you ask for them. It's nothing more than a tourist attraction imho. Stewart's was the best.
I know I've been disappointed the 2 different times I stopped in for soft ice cream. The first time - the machine wasn't working right. The 2nd time was on a hot Friday afternoon and I was told they don't run the soft serve during the week because of lack of demand. Oh well. I tried.
Hopeful, Sorry you didn't get your ice cream. That is not a good business practice if they don't offer it, due to low demand, during the week. It is Hot and people want something simple, like a ice cream cone of soft serve ice cream. I hope that are still reading our posts here, so they can keep improving WW.
I was thinking the same thing. I drive by quite often in the early evenings and on weekends and I don't ever see many cars in the lot.
Seems like that would be their busiest time.
I miss King Coles. A variety of food and ice cream and you could eat right by the river.
We've been there on a weekend and the soft serve machine was not working then either. On another visit, 2 of the hard ice cream flavors we asked for could not be put in a cone because the freezer was not working right and the ice cream was too soft.
OMG, it's the end of the world that people couldn't get ice cream! Last I saw, there were plenty of other places that serve ice cream around. You can't miss them, people line up like they do for a ride at Great Adventure.
No one said it was the end of the world Calico, just making a statement about Willy's. FYI - I prefer ice cream to beer.
I can't help it. I'm a Hot Dog Johnny guy. The dogs are good, the fries are epic. As a friend told me, if Jesus Christ worked a fry-o-lator, HDJ's fries are what you'd get. I also like their stubborn refusal to get with the times or stop using peanut oil.
"FYI - I prefer ice cream to beer."
Uh, ok. WTH does beer have to do with ice cream, or anything I posted in this thread? Bizarre statement.
I'm with lol, never understood the love of Hot Dog Johnny's besides the location. I'll never understand why a Hot Dog place would refuse to have kraut.
Calico- I think what they mean is if something is on the menu, it should be available.
So yea, to have certain days they don't serve ice cream, and other days it is melted.. well, I guess they should either take it off the menu or step up their game.
For what it is worth, I have mentioned to my wife a few times in the last several weeks that the place was always empty. Huge initial rush for the first couple weeks and then nobody in a rush to go back.
I think Calico's point was that there are many places to go for ice cream besides Willy's, not a dire ice cream emergency shortage. There was no need for a personal attack.
Anyway back to what matters..#chilicheesematters and #onionsaucematters.
I could see how it would be disappointing to bring the kids for ice cream, get them out of the car, oops, no cones, and you have to pack them back in and go somewhere else.
If you're selling ice cream, fix the dang machine, thats all!
I'd like to know where all these soft ice cream places are with long lines in the area Calico. Dairy Queen in Washington and in Hackettstown are the only ones on that stretch. I was trying to give that place business as they advertise ice cream and that's what I wanted. Would you continue to go to a place that advertised beer and then never had it available?
They should stop advertising it.
Dairy Queen x 3 locations, Rita's x 5 locations, Mackey's, Gronsky's etc., It's like the end of the world.
You forgot Home Plate Dairy on 57....Das Creamery right up on 46.....
Hey, what about Herbies in Great Meadows and Sundaes ice cream on the intersection of 519 & 46 in White Township?
Love Home Plate and there's the ice cream minature golf place right down the road in Lopatcong.
About a month ago my wife and I went for a drive out west 46 past Johnny's to a place on the left that sells burgers & ice cream.
They were decently busy, so we waited in line. After a few minutes, my wife ordered- we just wanted 2 soft cones- should be quick and simple right? Nah.
We waited at least 20 minutes while they served everyone else fries and burgers. No joke- I put a couple bucks worth of quarters in the pinball machine while she waited.
Finally we gave up- told them to forget it, and left. Cute place, but won't be going back. Management is everything.
@ Bob regarding- #beer&hotdogs I said way back earlier in this post that if they let us bring beer to drink with the dogs, I would go there more often. Nobody ever responded- so I end up at Draughthouse or TapHouse instead.
don't like hot dog Johnnie because it is cash only. who doesn't take debit or credit? strange
whoknows -
Lots of eateries are cash only ....... there are alot of cash only restaurants in NY. It's also quite common in Asia & Europe.
Business owners who don't want to throw away many thousands of dollars a year on CC fees?
I was there today and had two dogs. Saw that the soft serve machine was taken apart. Guess I will have to get my soft serve elsewhere.
Speaking of cash only. So is Pub517. Plenty of beer there. #havecashwilltravel forgot Cold Stone.....really the best Ice Cream in the are so defensive when it comes to Willies Weiners....are you a relative or friend ?? Your comments about them not having Ice Cream......when they advertise it........are very juvenile.....
Have some Ice Cream to Sweeten yourself up !!! But don't go to Willies for it....
Defensive about Willies? Huh? I don't even eat hot dogs. If you see a post up earlier in this thread, you will see that I went there with my husband so he could try the dogs and I got chicken fingers which were good until I bit into a hunk of fat.
I am not affiliated with Willie's in any way. I was just commenting on the desperation of those to have ice cream is all. There are many other places to get it. I don't really care for ice cream so much, but if I felt like having some, I wouldn't look to get it at Willie's. I would most likely go to a place with homemade stuff.
Question: You use a lot of periods, why?
Funny how Calico gave us her very detailed review of the place ---- but she relishes in dismissing the opinions of others.
I guess a doctor can give us the medical term for this.
I'm sure that there a quite a few people on here that think you need a Dr. much more than I do. You can have any opinion you want. I don't give a rat's ass. My opinion is that you are a mean and nasty person and your screen name is a joke. Am I not entitled to my opinion?
...and here we go.
I swear almost every thread on this board ends up with people arguing. Why is that?
Personally, I didn't see any desperation for ice cream. I saw three posters comment about not being able to buy an item from an establishment that advertises its availability. Who cares that you can buy ice cream from dozens of other places nearby? That wasn't the point.
That's right, Tracy.
It's quite an inconvenience to a customer who comes to your establishment for something you supposedly offer, and then have to turn around and go somewhere else. Why should a customer have to resort to that? Sooner or later the business will suffer the consequences.
That is true, Tracy. Imagine if someone goes to Mama's Pizza a number of times and are told they can't have any chicken dishes because a machine they use to prepare their chicken isn't working, or because they don't get enough customers to warrant using that machine. Should we just tell them that there are a number of other places that serve chicken, so they should juts go there?
If I go to Shop Rite and they are out of a sale item, I get a rain check or go buy it somewhere else. I don't post on the forum about it. I'm not sure what that accomplishes. But to each their own, I'm sorry if I have the opposite opinion on the subject.
Signing off the Willy's Weiners thread..............................nothing more to say here.
*Did you like the use of the periods? :P
Let me put this into language you can understand... (-;
Say you drive to Riley and Jake's for something to eat and a beer. But you get there and they don't have any beer. So, you go someplace else that does have beer. The next time you go to Riley and Jake's, the same thing happens. How many times do you keep going back before you quit going there altogether?
And if it were the case that Riley and Jake's didn't have any beer, I would hope that someone would post it on the forum before I drove all the way there and had to find out for myself.
Yeah, you probably wouldn't start a new thread about Shoprite for that reason, however, this is a thread about the establishment. People are posting their reviews and experiences, much like you did. I don't know why you have such a problem with this concept.
Let's all get together, hold hands, Smile and go for ice cream somewhere!! Peace and good health to everyone.
Some people do not have a Clue...........................
....posted by LittleRascal
I do!...................
"So does Glen Beck!" .... In his transcripts.
You all are pathetic! This is a local family/neighbors of us working hard to start a business. They haven't even been in business for a year, so cut them break a break! First year owning a business is rather tough with a lot of risk taking plus sacrifices. Support them rather then down them!
I give Willy Weiners a thumbs up for having the courage to start a business in such a hypocritical world.
Btw! I can't rave enough about your hotdogs or customer service. I will definitely be back again!
Just came back from Willy's and they are really aching for customers. They got a new cook. An older gent who couldn't be more accommodating. Their food is great, the owners are nice. We all talk about local ownership, but if we don't support them they will close, and then people will complain about the BIG corporations taking over everything. Can't Win!
The problem is LOCATION!
"Their food is great, the owners are nice. We all talk about local ownership, but if we don't support them they will close, ..."
They are in the proverbially 'middle of nowhere'. It takes more than weiners to draw people from our area to drive out there. Maybe an appealing kids playground???
I wish them well - but drawing sufficient customers to that location is not easy. There was a very good Mideastern place there that fizzled and the original Italian place was virtually deserted after they sold the liquor license.
Common sense, remove the boulders. You are deterring customers from pulling in,location is not the problem, you have cars and trucks all day both sides. Hot dog johnnies is in the middle of nowhere and they have been thriving forever.
I concur location is not the issue. I could be totally wrong but I don't recall seeing any marketing for Willie's. No signage....they need to do something to help themselves and draw people to them. Just my .02 cents
I love Willy Weiners. Would hate to see them go out of business.
Marketing is the key too success to any start-up business. IMHO! FWIW!
Perhaps offer a discount to all youth area sporting teams(for coaches tend to bring the entire team to an eatery after a win or just as team bonding) Kids love hotdogs and Ice cream. Locate all local youth sporting organizations and send them info about your business as well as a discount.(you definitely have the accommodations to support a team of 20 players at least).
Have someone dress up as a Pokemon and dedicate a Saturday to kid Pokemon Hunters. Two Saturdays a month make it theme related to bring in families.
Do you own the property by the river? If so offer some type of discount to fishermen.
You have to be creative in today's competitive world with opening a business. People aren't just looking for food they are also looking for some type of entertainment. IMHO!
Advertise on Hackettstown Life (free), Angie's List, Long Valley Patch, Warren Reporter, etc, print out cheap flyers n doorknob holders (from Vistaprint), get permits from bordering towns and place the flyers on cars, doorknob advertisement on people's doors. You also need a website with a menu (Facebook page isn't going to get you into a top search engine). Easy to make and cheap through Have all your friends post your website on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instragram. Any happy customer have them write you a review on Yelp, Merchant Circle, Trip Advisor to name a few (Of course you will have to start an account on these sites, but it's free unless you want to start paid advertising with them). Not necessary though. IMHO!
Best Wishes Willy Weiners. I hope I was able to help you for I do love your dog's and will cry if you go under.
I do agree with CraftBeerBob that using the Money Mailer and coupons would bring in new and existing customers. Like a buy 1 get 1 free coupon would catch their attention, if they haven't tried the place. I do not know how much it costs to advertise there or even do a commercial on WRNJ? We want you all to succeed!!!

Also look into advertising at
You also have no Web presence other then a Facebook page. Ck out the photo I supplied with this post. This is what comes up when I Google Willy Weiners.
If you need any help with suggestions on how to start a website and advertising please email me. I am willing to help you for "free"! From one local business owner to another :)
I like Willy's and wish them the best! Try reaching out and Marketing with Warren Hills and Hackettstown High Schools or all the schools in area. Try Centenary and WCCC also. Many students drive and will pile in their cars to go to Willy's if they have attractive offers such as coupons or buy two get one free!
Good Luck !!!
Went to Willy's yesterday and had a hotdog and a corn dog. Still no soft serve ice cream. Hope they can stay in business without advertising.
I would think they would want the soft serve machine operating in the peak summer months since ice cream is such a high profit item. Maybe the part to fix it is on back order. They will figure it out. While they may be new to the food industry they are not new to running a business. Give them time they will get it right.
Last visit, I asked about the soft serve ice cream machine, and was told the owner would fill the machine everyday to make the ice cream and had to throw out more than half by the end of the day. Not saying it's the right strategy, but that was the story I got. I was also disappointed to see that their fresh cut potatoes for fries are now frozen crinkle cut fries. It does make a difference. I hope that they read some of these ideas so that they can build their business. I also thought a punch card for loyalty visits. For every 5 or 10 visits you get a free dog of your choice (or fries)??? Just another idea. AND the boulders are a pain in the butt! I'm sure the truckers that go between Washington and Hackettstown would love a place to pull in and grab a bite to eat. We have a smaller pick up, and it is tricky getting in and out. Especially when the only other car in the lot manages to park right next to you!

Students piling in to their cars and salivating for what is basically overpriced ground up seasoned meat garbage parts and chicken lips in a roll ? Well they might , but Archie is dead and Jughead don't eat nothin' that ain't a hamburger !
They have been open 6 months now and hope Michelle Miller is letting them know what our feedback is. Havent seen her post anything since the opened in April.
A bag of softserve mix is 35 to 45 bucks and make 100 to 120 cones. With that kind of margin you can aford some waste until business picks up. I am sure not having menu items available is losing more customers then the loss of throwing out some waste
Is helping profit.
3 weeks since the last entry. They need to advertise and also expand their menu. Maybe ask for the customers input!!!!! Sorry that nobody has mentioned them in 3 weeks. Not a good sign.
I go by there quite often on a Saturday afternoon or early evening and there hasn't been any more than one or two cars there. Not sure if that is even a customer. Could be the person working.
I don't know how well they do during the week, but I would think Saturday's would be somewhat busy and unfortunately it doesn't seem to be.
There not gonna make it unfortunately... Bad location. And you can just go to burger King now for a hot dog
We tried Willys Weiners for the first time tonight and were not disappointed! Our order consisted of a naked weiner, two chili willies, chicken strips, pulled pork sandwich and a family serving of fries. Everything was excellent and served hot and fresh. The kids finished off dinner with Hershey's ice cream in waffle cones. We will certainly return soon!
Does anyone know if this placed closed for good or is it just closed for the Holidays?
(908) 528-6979. Give them a ring after 11:00 AM. Get the info straight from the horse's mouth.
I drove by last night about 5:30-6:00 and they were closed. I just went by and it was open. Maybe they needed a night off or changed their hours for Winter.
I stopped there yesterday and was pleased how nice the place was and the hot dogs were better than hot dog jonnies. They also have sauerkraut. Definitely support them because they deserve it
I can boil hot dogs at home!!! we need a Tommy's from Elizabeth Or a Jimmy Buff's some good Italian dogs
No need to imply that a trip to Willy's Wieners is not worth it just because they boil the dogs. And yes, your emphasize of three exclamation points sends that very message. I also prefer my hot dogs deep fried or broiled, but that does not mean an occasional boiled hot dog with some delicious fries and a coke, eaten in a nice little restaurant doesn't make for a nice lunch out.
Has anyone been to that little place in Newton? After you drive thru town it is immediately on the right heading north on 206. A small shop, but I thought the sign said they deep fry their hot dogs. May be worth the drive to check it out.
I agree JBJSKJ a boiled dog once in a while is always good. Heck a Dirty Water Dog is a must when eating a the big umbrella in NYC!
I enjoy Willys. And this is coming from a loyal Rutts Hut guy...
Pls Greg, remember to be DC, dog correctness, when describing boiled dogs. It's grey water dogs, not dirty dogs :>) That's being DC.
The idea of deep frying dogs is disgusting. The dogs are great though! Go figure.
My favorites is to slice it almost half-deep down the center with slash marks running along the cut to open the dog up before frying or grilling. Got to expose the inner dog!
So yeah, if going out I think boiling the dog might be my last choice for cooking just above microwaving. Just saying.
IMO, the place in Newton is the best local dog joint. Jersey Dogs. Haven't been there in awhile, only get to Newton when going to a concert at The Newt, and they are usually closed by then, I think.
Ah good point SD. That does sound a bit more appropriate. The old Street Meat moniker is a bit ambiguous as well! LOL
SD... many people...
Tommy Emmanuel
Jonny Lang
Los Lonely Boys
Eric Johnson
Yngwie Malmsteen
I'm probably forgetting a couple...
...going to see LLB a 2nd time
GREAT place to see a show, not a bad seat in the house.
JBJSKJ,Thats exactly what i was trying to imply,took my 90 year old dad to Willys and it was not worth the trip!!!!!
I guess he likes it shriveled, not soggy...
My wife grilled up a large pile of sabretts yesterday. I came in from working on a motorcycle in the garage and boy they hit the spot. Both of us ate several.
I visited Willy's yesterday with 2 buddies from work (I'd been there before a couple of times, but neither of them had).
I had a Chili Willy, a Sauer Willy & a Texas Willy and enjoyed them all. I had a large sweet tea as well. Didn't pay enough attention to what "A" & "T" had, although I think one had a Hill Billy Willy. There were also fries which were deemed to be very good! I probably would have noticed what they were eating more if we hadn't been having so much fun hanging out on their back patio with the great view of the grounds while we were eating.
Thumbs up from us all!
I did also notice that they were having a "Customer Appreciation Day" Today, starting at Noon, which is also on their Facebook site:
When not away from home, this is what I use to grill my hot dogs- awesome.|THD|DigitalDecor|google|D29A+Small+Appliances|_pkw__pmt__product_203599642&mid=sy5jok3O3|dc_mtid_8903yuu57254_pcrid_51166493982_pkw__pmt__product_203599642_slid_&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo8SvsdS81gIVEVcNCh1ArQoZEAQYAyABEgL5z_D_BwE
Well finealy made it to this place the dogs are good and the topping interesting but good they get a plus from me
Went to Willy’s today. Have to give them kudos for listening to all of the complaints and suggestions. The fries are no longer cold and undercooked- they were golden, crispy and perfect, the dogs were cooked better - fried, but not tough, and the chili had no beans.
Glad we gave them another chance. We’ll be back!
Hey!! That sounds great! The wife & I will have to go back for another try then...
We went for lunch today. Our first time there. I thought the food was very good and the dogs had a good snap to them.
I see there is a for sale sign out front. Too bad, I understand he did a ton of work to the building when he first purchased it. Hopefully another eatery will try to make it work.
The building is absolutely beautiful on the inside. Would make a great fishing/tackle shop.
Dogs were always very good when I stopped in! Tasty condiments !! I don't understand why more people have not stopped by there for very good food! I am telling you The Dogs are better than Johnnys which is so overrated anymore
I couldn't agree with you more. I continue to stop by there. Not only do you have more of a selection in toppings, but also in ways to pay and other menu items. Their Chicken tenders are awesome too! More choices!
Well said Phil D think it was its location and Johnny’s has the fame behind it . That place was very nice and people just as nice. Johnnys dogs are terrible and their fires so hit or miss. The person behind the counter at Johnny’s was making food without gloves and eating. And yes on the other comment way better topping options it’s to bad, we need a great hot dog place in the area
They did have good hot dogs! Better selection than hot dog Johnny’s! Such a shame since they are in a good spot with cars passing by all the time .
Yes but WW isn't in Buttzville.
not that I like HDJ, the people are rude and the food is average at best. An old group of guys I used to ride with loved saying Buttzville and that's where we rode to.
I hadn't been to Willie's in quite awhile. I know the owner, Carolyn and her husband so decided to grab a lunch. People were at the outdoor window and a line inside also. I ordered a hotdog with catsup and raw onions and an order of fries. Everything was just perfect, and everybody seemed happy. Mint chocolate chip icecream for dessert ( they keep the icecream in the back now). The best mint chocolate chip icecream! I will absolutely be back soon. (I almost had 2 hotdogs)! The business is up for sale HOWEVER there is no buyers. Business seems to be good and food continues to be great. I notice that they also added BURGERS to their menu. And pierogies. Send them wishes and...YES...stop by.
CBGB I agree we went to HDJ and we thought they were rude and have an attitude.
The last time we went there it was expensive and there were no prices posted outside ( I thought that's a law or something).
Anyway, food was mediocre at best. Sorry to see WW for sale as well.
Another small business going down. Too bad for them.
not for nothing, but it's fning hot dogs.. I don't go to Jonny's hotdogs for the food. I go for the drive and the nostalgia and a nice view of the river while I eat my deep fried nitrates and look upon the moving water and relax. willies is the same but welp no one wanted to go and do the same thing in our area. these people tried. the area didn't see the niche. or were to busy looking a social media to realize that the same damn thing in 46 could be available on 57. if you are looking for value at Jonny's you are an idiot. same goes for willies on 57. the old idea of these places was a rest stop with food. the food wasn't good but the view was nice and the opportunity for a relaxing bit of of respite on the road was there.. (the point being there.. as in always there). it's 2021.. you cannot recreate a magical roadside attraction anymore. those sites ( like jonnies) are ingrained in memory. something has been there for a century. people will always stop just because. to try to start one on the fly now, you will get nothing.
and for those neysayers out there I pose you this.
cliffs ice cream.. still going .. still popular.. still making money.. is their ice cream the best? hell no.. but you go.. because well you always have. and you parents went and your grandparents.
the title of this post is new restaurant -willys weiners. while I appreciate that someone decided to try and bring some nostalgia back to warren county. .. a hot dog place isn't a new restaurant... it's someone selling diabetes in the cheap.. hell gimme a shed on a side highway and trip to restaurant Depot ..I'll sell you the same thing
Ser - great post with the exception of one thing. Cliffs ice cream is in the top tier of ice cream around here and might be the best.
I went to this place one afternoon with my Mom. No one else was in there. We ordered two drinks, a hot dog, and a hamburger.. the order took about 15 minutes and we could hear a microwave being used. Maybe it was just a bad experience, but it was about as mediocre as you can get, and a long wait for something so basic? No thanks.
Willys Weiners has a for sale sign and looks closed every time I drive by.
He has been looking to sell for a long time. Frankly I had stopped in a few times during his open tenure. I liked it but sadly always knew it would not survive. Perhaps some other type of eating establishment may give it a whirl. The restaurant world is an incredibly difficult business particularly in NJ and during a recession.
@greg yeah sadly that’s true. I thought it was great to have a restaurant in that part of town but I always wondered if it would get enough traffic. The restaurant business is definitely tough.
You need a hot dog cart and a young girl in a bikini if you want to make any money there.
Do that and you will profit handsomely.
I remember her from the East Parsippany/Pine Brook area. They even did a number of articles on her in the Daily Record, etc.
They weren't Hotdog Johnny's, but their hotdogs were fine with catsup, chopped onions and a lil' kraut. French fries crispy were wonderful. Hershey's ice cream cones for me. And Carolyn was a very friendly woman. And all of this "bashing". And the place was liked by many. I just shake my head. The people who bashed them and said that " they sucked" proud! They're now out of business. Just sayin'.
I think that it's sad when a business closes down. Kind of hurts my heart..."period"
The Dogs were good! I really enjoyed!
But I think for many customers it wasn’t Fast Food enough like Johnnys Hot Dog
which by the way is overrated but fast service
A shame Willies didn’t make it
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