Proposed casino at ITC?
A friend of mine said that in the star ledger today that a casino is being proposed at the ITC. I haven't heard anything about it. She's bringing the article in tomorrow for me to see. What do you think? Pros...more jobs in the area....Cons... traffic is already a nightmare there, couldn't imagine more of it. Just wondering what your thoughts are...
My guess is this idea goes nowhere...
That's not a proposal, just a position of support a candidate for Freeholder has taken. That's a long way from a proposal. The article states the law change by referendum has to happen first.
He lives in Montville, so I wonder how many times he's even visited the ITC and seen the traffic nightmare that often happens in that area.
A much better case could be made for the old BASF property that's nearby, especially since I believe that's still empty and essentially "bleeding" potential tax monies.
Agreed Phil D. Lives in Montville and works in NYC - doubt he has a clue what goes on in this corner of the county. Let's see him suggest a location in Parsippany or somewhere in that area that would directly impact him personally.
Not likely to be a problem. A democrat running in Morris County has even less of a chance than one running here-that's Christie's home county. I'd bet every last penny in my possession that it won't happen.
That's why I mentioned the old BASF property in Mt. Olive Twp. Two hotels right there and fairly direct access from Rt. 80 from the east or west without involving the Rt 46 and Rt 206 traffic patterns as much. It's a large building that could be repurposed and could work out well for concert venues with a casino there too. Perhaps a win-win there, though a losing proposition if you were to put it too close to the mall area, at least in my opinion.
LOL iRun "The Casino @BASF", sort of like @Steelstacks ;-)
Operator error: I accidentally deleted my post! I was saying this was the most upbeat and humorous news article I've read given the state of politics and the world. And now a list of suggested names: the Casino@ITC, the Casino@BASF, SAMs Casino Club, the Casino@Route 46
Isn't the old BASF property in the ITC?
I can't get the article to load so I don't know if the mall was mentioned specifically, but the office complex is the ITC.
The mall is ITC Crossing North. I don't think it's actually in the trade center.
Payless casino! TJMaxed out Casino.
But the casino at Pier One does have a ring to it!
Aquarius - I think the names are a little bit confused about what ITC South or ITC North are. But you are correct if you read what the web site says about the area. There are two separate sections on either side of 80/46. The one is the shopping area where Sam's, Walmart, Lowes, and the restaurants like Chili's, Longhorn, and Macaroni Grill. That part is not owned by Rockerfeller Group.
The second area is all of the offices that include The BASF complex. That's what Rockerfeller owns and is what that candidate called to confirm was available for building. The other shopping area is fairly well built out already and doesn't have the land for a huge casino complex.
Love it IRun, you should be in marketing. Lol
Wally World Casino "roll back with the high rollers"
Forgive me, the heat has gotten to me....
Between a casino in the south and McDonald's in the north, you can gamble with craps all over ITC.
@positive. I do have a marketing and journalism background :) but print went the way of the T-Rex! But thank you!
Well it shows IRun.
OK last one and than I need to get a life. "Bring home the dough at Panera's Casino"
Thanks, GC.
The ITC office complex was there for many years before the mall, but now people hear "ITC" and they think of Chili's and Macaroni Grill.
I always thought that the land was given over for the mall only after the "ITC" concept went bust. Wasn't that the reason BASF moved out? Because the tax breaks promised as part of the "international" area were not realized? Or maybe it was because the complex did not get the tenancy needed for the promised tax breaks. I can't remember exactly anymore, but once BASF moved out, that was pretty much it for the ITC expansion.
I know that Bayer was seriously looking at the old BASF site and eventually decided to move elsewhere.
And now to really stir the pot, pun intended, maybe they should put the casino where the rehab may end up!!!!! Outside the Gates Casino. Last casino before Route 80. Gas in and check out here! Rutherford Casino!
BASF was given a tax break for 10 years ....and only 10 years, an extension was requested and promptly left they did, the county and state showed them....let them leave.
Cannot begin to imagine what the "full tax bill would be for a facility that large.
The big problem is the poor journalism and reporting in the article which states that: "Horn says the casino could be built at the International Trade Center in Mount Olive, a sprawling shopping center where he says there is available space and there is easy access from Route 80."
It then goes on to state "Horn said he has spoken to representatives of the Rockefeller Group, which owns the property, and they have said there is available land for the project. The International Trade Center, located at the junction of Routes 206 and 46, is also close to an exit from Route 80, and that means the traffic impact on Mount Olive from out-of-state visitors would be "minimal," said Horn."
The shopping center is the area bounded by 46, 206, 80 and Gold Mine Rd., but as GC mentions that's NOT the part owned by "The Rockefeller Group", which is what the article implies. It also makes the candidate look more foolish, allowing the author to write that it's the shopping center area that the casino would be sited next to. There is empty property next to the shopping center area, both to its North and West, but how buildable that is for siting a casino is debatable. Oddly, the Rockefeller Group's own website however talks about "east" of Rt. 80, when 80 itself is for the most part an east-west roadway (though parts of it do trend N or S here and there) and you're either on the North side, or the South side of it, so apparently they are directionally challenged, as well.
Maybe the author and the candidate should have gotten on the same page before this goofy article was written. My suggestion of the old BASF property, that is apparently now owned by Mount Olive Twp. would still be a great bet I think. Here's an article on the old BASF building that actually seems decently researched and written:
If they had video poker in itc when I lived there I would be completely insolvent / love that stupid thing
I think it is a fantastic idea. Great location, plenty of space in the ITC (BASF area - not the Crossings), close to highway and my house ;). It will bring in revenue and create jobs. Look how well the Sands is doing.
Hopeful- that's a pretty selfish attitude. I don't live nearby either, but thousands of people do, and I guarantee they don't want the kind of people who go to these standalone casinos coming to their neighborhood.
And I don't want it because it means those people would also be shopping at those stores at the ITC, or coming to Hackettstown to commit crimes.
So people who go to casinos are all criminals, ready to invade surrounding neighborhoods to rape and pillage the local town folk?
If anyone's a criminal, it's the casino's themselves who take advantage of people who think they can win their way to prosperity, as well as the government that regulates them just so they can take their own cut.
Hopeful is selfish because she wants a casino nearby but 1988LJ is a standup citizen after he wishes for the death of Hillary. Proven once again to be an idiot.
I've been to the Sands many times (not to gamble but to eat) and I don't see anything dangerous about the people there. Most of them are elderly people who are squandering away their retirement.
Personally, I don't think the ITC could support a casino the size of the Sands. That's a pretty large building.
Man, you're harshing my mellow :>)
Somebody coming from the ITC to my neighborhood..... that's where all those evil warehouse people are coming from....argh.....
Casinos are a government plot......argh.....
Better than drug rehab.......oh my......
Put it in the BASF office building........cubicle concept.....
Frankly I love a good casino but we have enough of these little ones. Don't have to drive too far in any direction to find one. Personally I would rather wait and blow it all in Vegas. Get a much bigger attraction bang for the buck there.
LOL 1988LJ's ignorance never ceased to amaze me. Who exactly do you think will go to the casino? because like emaxxman said most of the people in the casino are the elderly playing the penny slots.
BTW have you gone shopping at the Dollar General on Main St yet or are you still scared about the clientele there. LOL
Land size is not an issue as that candidate says, verified by the ITC. The Sands is a bit under 10 acres. Just the Residence Inn property alone is a bit under 10. The BASF location is literally 10 times that at 97+ acres. There is an adjacent undeveloped plot of 50+ acres next door. There's enough space for a casino 10 times the size of Sands, plus an outlet mall as big as the Crossings in Tannersville. That's enough space to rival Foxwoods.
To each his own, let the people decided instead of having their thinking done for them already. Too many wanna be shepherds out there already.
1988LJ - I thought "a certain clientele" was only about Dollar General?
Here we go again: "those" people, a "certain clientele." I guess I'm one of those bc I've shopped at Dollar General and dare I say live in Panther Valley. Oh, the people they let buy homes in "that" area.
Geez, the way some people responded, it's like I insinuated that we burn a group of people at the stake...
My in-laws have lived in the Jamaica, Queens for over 50 years. They say that the absolute worst people are the ones who come to gamble at the casino. That's because the "high rollers" and casual gamblers like you or I go to Vegas or A.C. The people who go to Empire City, Sands, Resorts World, etc are generally people without a job or even without a home who are looking for money to buy drugs, but some, I would imagine, are good people.
They're not just one race, one economic class or one religion. There's a very diverse group of trashy people out there.
Just my opinion. Not trying to offend anyone.
Wow, what's that "opinion" based on 1988LJ? Also, to be fair, it's not really an opinion.
1988LJ- how many times can you take back the crap you've spewed? Do you read your comments before you submit them? Most importantly do you think about how other people would feel and respond to your obsurd comments?
"it's like I insinuated that we burn a group of people at the stake..."
Well since you've said incredibly racist, hateful, harmful statements in this forum in the past, yes people will probably read that into your privileged and exclusionary comments.
There are a lot of elderly people at the smaller casinos, but 1988LJ is not too far off either. A guy that lived next door to a friend of mine was exactly the type he described. He and a buddy of his were recreational drug users, both unemployed. They were collecting money from the state and spending it daily between the Sands and strip clubs. This went on for the entire 99 weeks or whatever the limit was when the unemployment rate was at its highest. They were also both case anyone was wondering lol!
Odds are so bad at casinos these days that it should be a crime to open one. Each year that goes by the odds get worse for the player and better for the house ! 30 years ago odds at various games in AC and Vegas weren't too bad . The player had a chance. Now greed and corruption are killing the casino industry. The players are just too dumb to understand this. Should be picketing outside some of the PA casinos but players do not understand their long shot odds at beating the house and also the 30% plus house advantage on the majority of games at the casino.
You think 1988 is correct because two people you knew were similiar? Do you really think that's a representative sample?
Obviously not all the games but a good portion of them. Only good games left are BJ, spanish 21, and poker for the most part.
And do you really think that the two people that I mentioned were the ONLY ones in there that fit in 1988's classification?
I was only stating that he wasn't far off since there was in fact SOME that do go for the exact reasons he stated above. I don't think that should come as any big surprise.
He also said that he imagined some of the people that go are in fact good people.
Do you frequent the local Casinos?
That's the trouble with using anecdotes in place of statistics.
Still interesting that someone knows people like that. So strange. Guess it's like being poor and owning nothing but a Cadillac.
"but some, I would imagine, are good people. " - So you're advocating a wall around your neighborhood to keep your stereotypes out?
So ianimal, emaxxman, joyful, easy going guy, and others I know would seem to be that "certain clientele". If you took a look at that group of people and thought you could somehow tie them together, the only common bond is HL. Are we really insulting everyone here??
"The people who go to Empire City, Sands, Resorts World, etc are generally people without a job or even without a home who are looking for money to buy drugs, but some, I would imagine, are good people."
My point, JRT, was that you stated that the above wasn't very far off, based upon two people you know. Don't you thing that's a little absurd?
Well, Ianimal...... :>)
Add me to the list; I love to gamble but mostly for the ability to enjoy a good free cigar. If, and as soon as I am winning it off the to smoke shop. Uh oh, that means you have to add another sin for me...... Not to mention JIT probably thinking free means I have stolen from someone else :>)
Can you still smoke at these little places; I normally wait for Vegas.
My husband is taking me to the Sands for my birthday on Thursday. We're white, own 2 homes, are employed, and not on drugs. Imagine that. The bigotry on this forum is astounding.
Wow, who knew? My grandmother and her senior club, with their regular bus trips to Sands and Mount Airy, are a bad element. You think you know a person. ;-)
I don't know about the others, but 1988LJ has me pegged... I'm a complete and utter degenerate, lol.
Gadfly I understand your point. I was simply agreeing with 1988's statement that there is in fact people like those he mentioned in the smaller casinos whether it's 2, 25, or 50...IDC
I also agree that there are elderly and good people that go as well, so I guess he wasn't too far off on that either lol! Oh and I'm basing that one on two people I know.. My mom and her husband:)
What I really think is absurd is people that make more out of something than need be ....
SD...for the record the people I mentioned above were not friends or even acquaintances of mine. They were neighbors of someone I knew which is how I found out about their daily activities. You find it interesting and strange that someone knows people like that? That's an odd statemt to make. America is made up of all walks of life.
I know petit larcenies and simple assaults went up over 50 % in the 106 pct when the casino went in back in 2012 (resorts world) but then again remember this area of queens was pretty much the ozarks before that - it could also have been the result of the sheer influx of people to the area.
It will definitely have an impact on traffic which is already pretty congested in that area.
" Not to mention JIT probably thinking free means I have stolen from someone else :>)"
Nah, you've already paid for it but don't even know it. Bet you're a Kohl's shopper too, huh, loving all of those 30% off deals you get that no one is paying for either lol.
But I know that you know that I know you already know that nothing is ever free, especially all the funds forcibly taken and redistributed by the government. (How's that for a foray into obfuscation! ;-))
How can someone live a rockstar lifestyle of drugs, casinos and strip clubs on the $600/week +/- maximum that you get from unemployment, especially when they apparently paid rent as well? I think your friend grossly overstated their daily activities in this regard.
You can live any lifestyle you'd like I guess when selling drugs is your main source of income.
I don't know though maybe sales are down...they did sell the house about a year ago:)
building a casino in Queens and building one in Mt Olive are a little different, don't you think?
Bad choice of words on my part and yes, all types in America. But no, alas I have no friends that live next door to drug dealers. We're in more of a white collar crime area, you know --- Breaking Bad MBAs and PHDs... :>) Perhaps my kids, being younger and less established...
Stop the boat though. These folks weren't unemployed, they were active black market entrepreneurs...... That's a different story all together with the fix being legalization so we can get them off unemployment. (just kidding on that one)...
lol! SD you most likely wouldn't have a clue if there were drug dealers living next to you. Many are very professional in what they do and don't look the part:) it's kind of the point.
The image that comes to mind for many is the people you see on the shows Cops or Intervention ...not always the case. As a matter of fact, the person I was referring to lived in one of the high end neighborhoods of Long Valley amongst many white collar folks:) I guess In that line of work you have some perks too!
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