OMG Burger and Brew

Saw a coming soon sign at the old Schooley's Mountain Inn for OMG Burger and Brew.

happycamper happycamper
Aug '16

Sounds great even if the wait is to spring 2018

That would be a great addition!!!!!!

That sounds good!
I hope they have a few really good home-made vegetarian burgers.
I still miss the vegetarian burgers from Everybody's Cafe in Stroudsburg.
They were SOOO good. We would plan excursions through Stroudsburg just so we could go there.

happiest girl
Aug '16

Wonder why 2018??

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Aug '16

Was hoping it would open in 2017.

Mansfield mama Mansfield mama
Aug '16

Glad to see they are doing a full knockdown rather than try to improve that dated building

Darwin Darwin
Aug '16

CraftBeerBob - Have you seen the size of what they're proposing to put up? It's not only huge but that all backs to land locked wetlands you can't build on. I'd bet there are going to be planning and zoning issues for a good year before they even have all the ducks in a row to break ground. On the other hand, it's Long Valley and under the right circumstances it could get approval in two meetings...

Weren't there septic issues with that property.

kb2755 kb2755
Aug '16

Niburu will hit long before 2018....lmao

GC - I have seen what they have planned. I am aware its total knock septic and so on. I have seen 10 story buildings built quicker. I am not holding my breath on this happening.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Aug '16

Brought to you by the same people who own the Long Valley Brew Pub....where you can also get a burger and beer. Why are we excited about this?

Eperot Eperot
Aug '16

Because it's another place to have beer. Duhhhh!!!!

Hope the ice cream machine isn't broken.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Aug '16

If it was going to be built near the Hackettstown border, like target and peach tree, the Washington township people would approve it in a minute!

Aug '16

Sounds like something you'd name a fast food chain.Wonder what 12 year old came up with it.

Ollie Ollie
Aug '16

Deviljet- That's the companies' decision because Hackettstown is more dense than LV. That's why we have a train station, a Main Street, more stores, etc, than Long Valley.

Anyways, I'm excited. It's always great to have a new restaurant especially one that has beer. Good luck to them!

1988LJ 1988LJ
Aug '16


Yes there were septic issues. I believe the leach field had failed. The town wanted the MTN View to hook up to the town sewer system for the longest time. Now with a new building, they will get their wish.

Tfulp Tfulp
Aug '16

If anyone finds out a contact for the owners, I would love to get permission to search the lot with my metal detector before they build. :)

So, they're knocking the building down? Or is it just an internal rip-out and replace?

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Aug '16

knock down.

eperot eperot
Aug '16

from the article:

The present building would be demolished almost immediately upon approval from the township and the new building would go up on the same “footprint” but set back further from the road.

darwin darwin
Aug '16

They're in the Highlands Preservation Area, so the design engineer and architect probably have a challenging balancing act between required number of parking spaces versus building size and the fact that he can't add more than a 1/4-acre of impervious surfaces to the site. As I recall, parking was kind of squirrelly there; if they make them bring the parking lot up to modern design standards, I can see a potential issue for sure.

ianimal ianimal
Aug '16

Aw, that's too bad. The old building has character. I hate all this old stuff with history getting knocked down for shiny new buildings. Shame.

The old place had character, inside & out. The new place will be... just another place.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Aug '16

On the one hand, I agree, JR... but that building wasn't historic, just a relatively old dilapidated building. There was no way that the existing entrance ramp was up to ADA code, nor was there probably an easy fix to make it compliant. The electric was probably a nightmare as well as the plumbing and the roof. If it made sense to do a restoration, they probably would have.

ianimal ianimal
Aug '16

Re: OMG Burger and Brew

character? The old place was dark and gloomy. Definitely didn't look family friendly.

darwin darwin
Aug '16

Darwin, they call that "Addams-family-friendly" (-;

ianimal ianimal
Aug '16

I didn't mean "historic", I mean it's been there a long time, much like the Old Log Cabin Inn out in Columbia. I wouldn't want to see that place torn down either. And I'm quite sure alot of that building isn't "up to code" LOL

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Aug '16

Josh, same owners as the Brew Pub in Long Valley.

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Aug '16

The plan is to build a monstrosity of a building, a "chuckie cheese" burger type place if you will - to target all the kids coming off the ball fields across the street. They are knocking down the nice sized small-town bar that was there, to build an 8,000 sq ft building with a drive through and overflow parking. 8,000 sq ft?!?! That is enormous!! They are making variances to the zoning laws to build a bigger building than would be allowed in LV and are allowing for bigger signage and more parking. I am very against making these allowances. What are zoning laws for?!! I have already written Barbara Margolese of the zoning board with concerns - here is her email if you live in this area and share concerns -

Cheryl B Cheryl B
Sep '16

It will match the ugly police station that is now another waste of taxpayer money.

Ollie Ollie
Sep '16

Oh for goodness' sakes, will you people stop whining and allow progress to take place? Just let it be built. It's not coming from the taxpayer's dime. If you don't like it, don't go there.

In fact, I'll be sure to email Ms. Margolese mentioning that I'm very excited about the new restaurant and politely asking her to ignore requests to stop it from being built.

1988LJ 1988LJ
Sep '16

Go to church, have a few beers, then get tapped by the police. Sleep it off in the park. Gee, all in a few blocks.

Geekdad Geekdad
Sep '16


Would you prefer it stays empty?

Awesome. So now we are bashing eating establishments before they even open. The owners of the Long Valley Brew Pub are not opening any sort of "Chucky Cheese" type place. Your comparison is completely unfounded.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Sep '16

Definitely no drive through, it says a "take out window." I personally am VERY excited that a new restaurant or for that matter ANY restaurant is opening in that spot. I live on the mountain and we used to go to the Inn all the time because it was close, had cold drinks, and had been there since I was a kid. I'm not going to lie, OMG is the stupidest name I have heard of, but to each his own. Hopefully the food will be better than the Brew Pubs too. That place has taken a nose dive in the last decade.

kelleo22 kelleo22
Sep '16

I'm pretty sure that Chuck E. Cheese doesn't sell burgers OR beer. I think you're limited to pizza or chicken fingers and a salad bar. If the people who ran the place had any soul whatsoever, they would give FREE beer to the poor fathers who are sentenced to an afternoon there, lol.

ianimal ianimal
Sep '16

The two buildings on the site were demolished today. Progress!

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Jun '17

wow, finally

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Jun '17

The name of this places kills me...

Luca2 Luca2
Jun '17

Good to see progress on that site.

I agree, the name does sound like a 12 year old came up with it. I would conduct a bit more market research before committing to that name for sure.

I'm kind of sad it was demolished, a lot of memories there.

Jun '17

Agreed Courtney. But life has to move on.

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '17

funny I don't think its any dumber of a name than T.G.I.F/ T.G.I. Fridays and that chain seems to be doing well

Jim L. Jim L.
Jun '17

Please people I grew up in long valley right near the s m I moved out and still come back to visit my parents. Saw the new restaurant and said to my husband it will fail. People in long valley which I was a resident of for 43 years want change but on their terms. No development but yet tolll brothers raped the town excluding ridgeline laws and all environmental laws but yet in the 2000s every development was approved without any consent from the community. The township was corrupt and run by 7 to 8 long timers in the building department. We all remember Millie and fred Jordan. So now should anything else change. Give the restaurant a chance. If I could right a book I could of all the dry wells on the mountain and illegal skeptics. Or all the people that were called out for their sheds with no permits, finished basements, and those home improvements no one knows about. And so is long valley. So let yourselves go into the next phase and improve long valley. Not on your standards but for everyone.

Crystal Crystal
Jul '17

"Saw the new restaurant and said to my husband it will fail"

how did you see the new restaurant? the lot has been leveled and they haven't even started building it...... wait are you from the future????

Jim L. Jim L.
Jul '17

Do you have a Delorean or a hut tub as a time machine?

Metsman Metsman
Jul '17

... or out of a bottle

Roywhite Roywhite
Jul '17

I hope the new restaurant brings in a lot of business for the area!!! I'll be going there when they build it! I did see a picture of it on the sign out front before the abandoned restaurant was knocked down.

Michael J Michael J
Jul '17

This to me seems like a "if you build it they will come" type of place. If it is good they will keep coming.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Jul '17

There is a large artist rendering of the new building posted on the property.

I think it will be very popular assuming good food, service, prices, etc. There are a ton of activities across the street that could bring alot of business.

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Jul '17

It surely is a great location as well. Hopefully it will be yummy stuff.

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Aug '17

I pass by this location every night coming home from work. It'll be a great place to stop off for a burger if I'm not interested in making dinner.

honestyseasy honestyseasy
Aug '17

I can't wait for it to open! It is right up the street from us!

Jesse341 Jesse341
Aug '17

The old restaurant that used to be there had good food too and was always busy. Great location . I wish the owners the best of luck!

Michael J Michael J
Aug '17

what a wonderfull ide a place to have a burger and a beer wish i thought of that

Casey Casey
Apr '18

I drove by yesterday. Good looking building so far.

maja2 maja2
Apr '18

I drove by there the last few days as well. It seems to me the main entry will be in the rear. I only see one singe door on the side near the front of the building and only windows in front, unless I missed something. Otherwise it is coming along for sure.

I guess I was correct. I just found some renderings online and it shows the entry in the rear with a patio and such. Should be nice.

Will they have salad?

They will not have salad

maja2 maja2
Apr '18

LOL. They may offer a typical tossed salad, but if burger is in the name of the restaurant, I would imagine it won't be their forte. The focus will be on that beefy goodness!

maja2 -- How do you know they won't have salads?

happiest girl
Apr '18

hg - maja is joking, obviously.

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '18

Will they serve eggplant rollatini? I’m hoping we get a good place with Italian food where an entree is under go to town and these prices are through the roof...last comment, I recall a corn beef on rye, coleslaw and pickle and the waiter was polite for .75.

Hank Arthur
Apr '18

Twilight zone

Philliesman Philliesman
Apr '18

Lemme gaze into my crystal ball...
I see...
I see...
A burger with ANY topping and two craft beers for $30.
I also see no wait for a table....

Stymie Stymie
Apr '18

Thanks Calico:)

maja2 maja2
Apr '18

Greg, IMHO the salads offered by Wendy's are creditable.

*Two* craft beers??? No, I'd predict less than that. ;-)

What do the owners of long valley brewpub know about craftt beer? You are def not going to get anything good at this place

Hello Hello
Apr '18

The place is not even open and it's getting panned. Why does this not surprise me....

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Apr '18

Sounds like it could be good. We will def. try it. Let's just hope that it succeeds. That location hasn't been kind to businesses. We all love bikers, I used to ride too, but if it turns into a biker place again, as the last couple of incarnations did, it'll hurt their family-customers business.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Apr '18

That’s a rather broad brush you paint with, Reggie.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Apr '18

I don’t think you have to worry about bikers showing up to a place called “OMG Burger and Brew”

Actually, now that I think about it, maybe the name wasn’t a mistake..

1988LJ 1988LJ
Apr '18

Actually, the old place was quasi- family.
Regulars drinking Redbull and Burbon (geez) and chowing down on wings until 6:30, then families for the Lobster Bisque and chicken fingers for the kids.
Not rooting against the new proprietor, but that building is way more than they needed to sling burgers and it will be reflected in the bill of fare ( JMHO).

Stymie Stymie
Apr '18

So...I won't be welcome if I ride there on my Honda CB?

I plan on riding my bike there.

PS. Lots of bikes at brew pub including patched members of several bike clubs and it's still a family establishment. Lose the stereotypes please.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Apr '18

who are you to tell someone else what to think?

especially when you know that is what happened to the previous places in that location.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Apr '18

Don't think I told you what to think. You do that all on your own.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Apr '18

I will judge them on their BURGER. So let it be written, so let it be done.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Apr '18

quote>>>Don't think I told you what to think. You do that all on your own.<<<

based on the posts I find this to be an inaccurate statement.

Your right CBGB....LOL....

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Apr '18

Dissecting grammer now Reggie. Your observations past and present speak for themselves. I will leave it at that. Now go enjoy yourself a burger with the bikers when they open. Maybe your observations will change, but I doubt it.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Apr '18

I can't wait for my stout 'n salad!

happiest girl
Apr '18

That's to keep the riff-raff out.

"That building is way more than they needed to sling burgers and it will be reflected in the bill of fare."

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Apr '18

Yeah, what diid they make a nice building for and the food quality.If only we could have got a dump of a building with cheap crap food. Oh well maybe next time

these poor guys, haven't even finished building it and they are already getting labeled as over priced and a biker bar.

njlawyer njlawyer
Apr '18

"labeled as over priced"

It's not the just the burger you are paying for, its the atmosphere where you are enjoying your burger.

What someone is willing to pay for that atmosphere/burger combo is totally up to them.

"That building is way more than they needed to sling burgers and it will be reflected in the bill of fare."

This is an accurate statement, one has to turn a profit,and the more expensive the building/taxes/upkeep, the higher the cost of the service provided. This owner is looking for a more upscale client in order to have a higher profit margin.

Let's not forget even the cost of a liquor license, usually very expensive.

Let the market decide. There is enough money floating around Long Valley to support this business if the patrons so choose to open their wallets and go there.
I wish them the best of luck. No reason for me not to.

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
May '18

I can't wait to try it, does anyone when it will be opening?

Happygirl Happygirl
May '18

hoping to open in June. Place looks really cool.

Jim L Jim L
May '18

Thank you Jim L, I agree building looks amazing.

Happygirl Happygirl
May '18

New target date for opening is Labor Day weekend.

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Jul '18

Now some time in October,

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Sep '18

That article is from late August - no way will it be ready to open in October - I drive by it all the time - a lot of work left to do on it. I would bet on late November..........

By Christmas, or late November.

Now hiring banner hung outside of the restaurant. Getting closer!

Chefpilsy Chefpilsy
Oct '18

Is it me, or is the place massive and seem out of place. Is it sustainable? Can they really draw that much clientele? And if so, what is the traffic going to be like?

Geeey Geeey
Oct '18

During evening rush, making a left out of the parking lot is not going to be fun. But it still won't be as bad as making a left out of the Tap House Grille parking lot!

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Oct '18

I still want to know why their generator is so big!!! That's a big enough gen-set to run a large office building!

Darrin Darrin
Oct '18

It doesn't really look that large, maybe the size of the Long Valley Brew Pub? I can also see them booking their second floor for private parties.

honestyseasy honestyseasy
Oct '18

I am certain they are not happy to hear 30 Burger is coming into town. They will not be the only game in town.

I wish them success and look forward to checking them out.

Where's 30 burger going?

Lwint Lwint
Oct '18

30 Burger? Never heard of them....

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Oct '18

They are located on rt22 in Branchburg NJ.

Mansfield mama Mansfield mama
Oct '18

They are going in where Enzo's Pizza used to be by Mars on 517.

thomasnj thomasnj
Oct '18

30 burgers is awesome. Used to be 25 burgers. I wonder if they changed all the legal stuff or if 30 burgers is just a DBA.

But- I think they do a lot more business because they are attached to the Royal and supply their food.

I know I never sit in the actual 30 burger part of the building. I want beer with my big ol greasy cheeseburger.

I second the awesomeness of 30 burgers. Beyond sme crazy burgers, they have bacon cheese fries.

There's one in Flemington too. Right off the 31/202 circle.

alpha1beta alpha1beta
Oct '18

I don't care for 30 burgers at all - well at least the location in Branchburg - the rolls are not good. Hopefully the new one in Hackettstown is better.

I wish OMG the best of luck - I will definitely check them out

Luca(Work) Luca(Work)
Oct '18

Okay, again, halal meat? OMG!

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Oct '18

Halal bacon?

ianimal ianimal
Oct '18

Yes, and kosher cheeseburgers too!

Seriously though, look at their menu...

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Oct '18

OMG or 30 Burgers?

ianimal ianimal
Oct '18

So what?

ianimal - Don't troll the feeds. ;-)

Reggie Voter

Why do you say "yuck" about Halal beef? Kosher and Halal meats have to meet more exacting standards than do the "normally" inspected ones. Advertising that they meet Halal standards essentially means it's a cut above normal, although as I understand it Kosher standards are even higher as a Muslim can substitute Kosher meats for Halal if they are unable to find a source of Halal meats, whereas Jews observing Kosher standards can't substitute Halal inspected meats for Kosher meats.

Anyone who is observant in either religion is more than free to correct me, though that is what I've been told by members of both religions who observe these dietary standards, so I don't feel I'm off the mark here.

Phil D. Phil D.
Oct '18

Right on their website...." Ask for Halal Meat "

Darrin Darrin
Oct '18

They have veggie burgers too.
If you eat burgers, your best choices are Kosher, Halal or vegetarian.

happiest girl
Oct '18


" Ask for Halal Meat " is probably just their way of saying "Halal Meat available upon request", just as most restaurants state that special dietary options are available upon request. It's just slightly different from the way most people are used to seeing it I guess.

Phil D. Phil D.
Oct '18

Damn Jews and Muslims ruining America with better quality meat.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Oct '18

Like the Pub & Brewery... Hope the new place will be great!

Acl76 Acl76
Oct '18

Quality doesn’t really enter into it. It has to do with the way it’s slaughtered some European countries want to ban it - especially kosher slaughter Bc it’s cruel.

Overall, you’d never know by taste. So if you aren’t bothered by cruel slaughter, eat up.

PublicExplosionBeef PublicExplosionBeef
Oct '18


So we're not using the "bolt to the brain" method of killing beef animals? Lovely way to twist things about.

Kosher slaughter was designed to be as humane to the animal as possible, HOWEVER, the problem is with unscrupulous people who do not perform this properly in order to maximize profits, as is mentioned in this article:

It isn't just the slaughter method, but also that certain parts of the animal aren't allowed to be used, such as portions containing veins if I remember correctly.

Phil D. Phil D.
Oct '18

Reggie - so just don't order the halal meat. Problem solved.

Sometimes when I think about beef; I see all the moo moo’s needed to feed America for a year lined up, all 39,000,000 of them. Then I think about what happens next; like the meat locker scene from Rocky but with 39,000,000

Then I get the same vision but with cucumbers.

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Oct '18

Who is twisting? The fact remains that many European countries consider kosher slow to be cruel. Sounds like you are doing the twisting.

As far as a bolt to the brain versus having your throat slit and slowly bleeding to death in fear and pain, well, we Will let other people be the judge of that.

PublicExplosionBeef PublicExplosionBeef
Oct '18

I'm passing when a restaurant says halal upon request. Even if the restaurarant did maintain a supply of fresh halal meat will the restaurant have a seperate place to prepare and cook the food, which is the best method. The restaurant could do a thorough cleaning of anything that will touch the halal food. I am sceptical but perhaps it would be done.
I will just go to a restaurant that is pure halal.

Ok, I'll bite... what makes "many European countries" better arbiters of what is cruel or not?

ianimal ianimal
Oct '18


Apparently you didn't read the actual article. While both methods (bolt and throat-slitting) performed properly, render the animal dead without pain, it's mainly the method of restraint involved and that the technique is performed correctly that are the factual issues at hand. In Kosher slaughter, the animal does NOT slowly bleed to death in fear and pain as you suggest. Done properly, it doesn't even realize its throat is slit and it just essentially goes to sleep. A good amount of research has been done on this and it seems as though this is more the attempts of some Europeans to distribute anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim sentiment than it is actual research.

Renowned researcher into humane practices Dr. Temple Grandin, who has long ago taken the American animal raising and slaughtering industries to task about their practices, not only for humane reasons, but also because it does have an effect on the meat itself, both in appearance and taste, has no issue with Kosher slaughter itself, but does have an issue with restraint methods that some use, such as what PETA (and I really never thought I'd be quoting them) speaks about in the article I posted above.

For more about Dr. Temple Grandin's thoughts on this and by the way, she is also the premiere researcher and authority on the whole general subject, including designs for holding pens, etc. :

Phil D. Phil D.
Oct '18

Re: OMG Burger and Brew

Lets get back on topic.

How about a big thick juicy 100% USDA beef hamburger.

Halal certification is just a money grab to fund.... whatever.


Actually, that IS too much lettuce! But then, I don't really want the tomato or too big a bun on my burger either!

Now I think I have to head somewhere for a juicy burger later today - thanks for that.

My only reason for going off topic is to try to correct unfounded prejudices surrounding the practices mentioned because people were making an issue of it/them that went beyond just humor.

Phil D. Phil D.
Oct '18

Never understood the whole my food touched something else so I can't eat it...

It's food- and I am logical, black & white-

Taking any thought you have out of it, what goes in your mouth will make no difference to your body - " seperate place to prepare and cook the food, which is the best method." Huh?

You don't want to eat an animal? Fine. But conceptually that vegetable deserves to live, reproduce and die as 'god intended' as well.

As for the cows- how about we guillotine them and make everyone happy?

I know a place nearby that has a field of weird black cows with a huge white stripe down the middle. Weirdest thing I've ever seen. Have any of you ever seen an oreo cow before?

Maybe we can get them at OMG burger.


We need to bring back the 'totally' of the valley girls-


LOL Josh. The "oreo" cows are called Belted Galloways.

Calico696 Calico696
Oct '18

They may be Belted Galloways but we also call them Oreo cattle

Everyone I know does. :-)

Calico696 Calico696
Oct '18

Dana, you like totally just googled that!!! OMG LOLz



Actually in the days when Judaism and later, Islam codified rules about what foods their followers were allowed to eat and whether or not they could be in contact with another item (i.e. cheeseburger) the rules protected those followers. Whether it was some kind of "inspired guidance", who knows, but in those days there was no way of properly heating meats thoroughly to a safe and proper level which would kill all the bad bacteria and parasites in them and milk products, such as cheese in contact with improperly cooked meats provide a lovely place for foodborne pathogens to multiply even faster.

Personally, with modern day knowledge, plus storage and heating methods along with thermometers, we can ensure that all foods are cooked properly in order to be sure that all pathogens are fully destroyed and won't multiply. To me that makes the overall question about whether those rules are actually necessary in the present day (at least in first world countries) somewhat moot, so it becomes more a cultural/habitual thing, rather than a true safety issue.

Of course that goes more for first world countries as I mentioned, or at least those in those countries that follow the proper storage and cooking techniques.

As far as today goes, I ended up going for a delicious Pollo con queso sandwich at Monchy's rather than a burger, but I'm still itching for a tasty burger at the Anderson Cafe!

Phil D. Phil D.
Oct '18

Awfully lot of words to end with a chicken cheese sandwich. :P


Yeah, I should have shown that I had some kind of 1/2 lb. burger at the very least;-)

While I had the desire for a burger after all that talk about beef, etc. I just didn't have near enough room in me to enjoy one tonight. That'll just make the next one even more special!

Phil D. Phil D.
Oct '18

Josh - Actually, I didn't. My MIL mentioned them a few years ago and I googled it then. LOL

Calico696 Calico696
Oct '18

Now that the butchering process has been thoroughly discussed. Any word on an opening day, either soft or hard? A friend from Chester and I occasionally meet for lunch and this would be an ideal mid way point.

Agust Agust
Oct '18

According to their Facebook, an opening date is still unknown. But they released their menu last week. It's extensive.

Tracy Tracy
Oct '18

Went to the Anderson Cafe with the wife over the weekend. We had omelettes as it was early.

I have not had the burger there, but what I have had has always been well prepared, and no complaints on the service.

As for a chicken sandwich- Buck Hill does a good job in my opinion, and also has the closest DIPA to Double Jack that I have been able to find. YUM.

But to stay on topic- I am looking forward to trying the food and beer at LOL Burger!!

OMG- he didn't do that, did he?

Tracy - Thanks for the head up on the menu. You are right, a lot of choices there. Seems like there is something for everyone. Meat lovers, vegetarians, vegans and even people who do gluten free. I like that they will offer a cauliflower pizza crust. Really cuts down on the carbs.

Has anyone tried these Impossible burgers? Sounds interesting.

Calico696 Calico696
Oct '18

OMG has an advertisement on the electronic billboard at the top of the hill in Budd Lake heading toward Hackettstown. So maybe they're close to opening!

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Oct '18

YeahRight YeahRight
Nov '18

Menu says, "locally made pizza crust." WTH does that mean? They buy it premade?

Looking forward to a good burger. Taphouse has good burgers but they nickel and dime you on toppings.

emaxxman emaxxman
Nov '18

Calico, if you want a low carb pizza crust, try this one. Very easy to make and delicious.

ianimal ianimal
Nov '18

Make sure you get a side order of Lipitor with that burger.

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Nov '18

Don’t know why all the excitement as said previously same owner of the brew pub which is at best average. Hope the sanitation at OMG is better than LVPB. They hooked up to the septic which ironically is what the previous owner tried to do but the town used the highlands as a blocker to prevent that from happening and required him to build a new septic which he could not afford to do and so went out of business. Interesting the property went up for sale to the one guy that owns 3 other establishments in town... politics. BTW I won't go there but Wife did.... could not serve water do to some issue, waited 30 minutes only to be told they ran out of veggie burgers and you’re looking at $20 minimum a burger with fries.

Schooley Squatch Schooley Squatch
Nov '18

Great, open!

Whoever bothers to write a bad review, or complain about service the first week, gets a noogie for being brain dead!

maja2 maja2
Nov '18

ROFL, maja!

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Nov '18

$20 minimum for a burger and fries??? That IS kinda' high.... I know they have "gourmet" burgers and all, but.....

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

Ummm there's no $20 burger. Most you'll pay is $14. That's no different than the premium burgers at Red Robin.

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

Mets- I think Schooley meant a $14 burger with the $5.99 fries puts you at $20 without a drink and before tax. It will actually be closer to $25 I'd bet.

3 hours of work at a minimum wage job for a hamburger, fries and a drink.

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18

Wait, the burger doesn't come with fries?!

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

I does not appear so. A bit pricey if you ask me.

I had a Smash Burger for the first time last week. Their signature burger with an iced tea was $9.50. I guess it was OK. Price was about right for what I got. No fries either.

I'll pass then if it doesn't include fries. This place won't last if that's what it costs for a burger and fries...

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

Could be tough in the long haul I agree. Unless they plan on exploiting the bar to it's fullest. Then perhaps it could sustain. Kind of like Bea McNallys. Food is meh at best. The bar crowd is what makes the scratch for them.

"Unless they plan on exploiting the bar to it's fullest."

Across from the police station, in a non-walkable area? Hmmmm......

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '18

yeah but some of the burgers are served on a Martins Potato roll .....

I like that it has a drive up window for take-out orders. We'll try it out after they've worked all the kinks out.

Smilingbecs Smilingbecs
Nov '18

Fries don't come with the burger. A side of fries is large, though, and easily feed 3-4 people in my opinion.

Htown Resident Htown Resident
Nov '18

True! The whole having a few pops while looking out at a building full of Federales is surely a downer! LOL.


Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18

Trying to compare the cost of a burger to smash burger is not the right thing to do, as this is a brand new big nice building they need to pay for.

While the cost maybe high compared to other lesser venues, I have no problem paying a premium for ambience, as long as it comes with good service and well prepared fresh food.

Having the police station across the street is an interesting choice, but the same as the boat house in Washington.

No one should be driving while intoxicated, so this should just make them be aware of how many they had.

I will try it soon but I don't like the scrutiny of the cop station across the street.

Hell, even Emeril gives you fries with his $14 burger... and that's in a casino.

And the only way you can order french fries is to pay $6 for an order that can easily feed 3-4 people? Does that sound completely ridiculous to anyone else? So you can throw out two-thirds or three-quarters of them?

ianimal ianimal
Nov '18

The fries should be a smaller serving at half that cost. We'll see how the reviews go for the place.... I'm excited for a new place so I hope the food is amazing!

Never worried about the cop shop when it was Mountain view. Most of the cops are at the bottom of Hackettstown Mountain anyway.

John C John C
Nov '18

I wouldn't worry about the police station. It's basically an empty building now. No calls are handled from there any more.

Ollie Ollie
Nov '18

And the only way you can order french fries is to pay $6 for an order that can easily feed 3-4 people? Does that sound completely ridiculous to anyone else?

Yup! I had the same thought. My other half would use this as a lunch stop, but for a single person to get a burger and fries is going to be a minimum of 20 bucks. Not gonna happen.

"Burger & Fries" $7.99. I am reading menu. Bon appetit ! :)

Maureen Maureen
Nov '18

Apparently, $20 PLUS your drink of choice. Plus tax. Plus tip.

My wife and I used to get 2 burgers (with fries!), and 2 beers at the LVBP for $30. MAYBE $35. For TWO of us.

I'm sure it'll be a popular spot, but I'm interested in seeing how this pricing holds up. The promise "gourmet" burgers (which the LVBP AIN'T), so I guess if the food is THAT good, that'll be one thing. If it's not any better than LVBP, Beas, or Marley's....

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

Log Cabin Inn Cheeseburger $8.50
Fries $3.50

That's $12 for a very hard-to-beat burger (it's my local fave). And it's a damned 1/2 pound.

Beer, depending on time of day and choice, would only bring it up to maybe $18... including a beer.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

I don't care how good it is... No burger and fries and drink is worth almost $30...

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

Maureen, that's the Kid's Menu...

ianimal ianimal
Nov '18

Cmon- again stop with the silly comparisons.

Log cabin is a 100+ year old glorified back woods hunting cabin (or shed)...

Long since paid for. Long way from nice.

Next thing you guys will be comparing to a local vfw or firehouse...

Metsman- I hate to tell you then that I was at a restaurant a few weeks ago with a $40 burger on the menu.

"Log cabin is a 100+ year old glorified back woods hunting cabin (or shed)...

Long since paid for. Long way from nice."

1) good food is good food, it doesn't matter what the mortgage payment is or what the property taxes are

2) alot of people LOVE the atmosphere at the Log Cabin Inn... "nice" is in the eye of the beholder.

If the 2 restaurants were being judged at a competition for "best burger", they would be graded on the BURGER, not the price or the atmosphere...

Next time you hire a contractor to do work for you, and he tells you his rate is $200/hour because he's putting his kid through college, you be sure to go ahead and fork it over, mmm-kay?

And, believe it or not, I don't really care about the price of food, I always laugh at all the arguments on HL over food being "too expensive". I can afford it. But everyone's got a line somewhere.... for $20, it better be the best G-D burger AND FRIES fries I've EVER had. And I doubt that it will be.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

"If the 2 restaurants were being judged at a competition for "best burger", they would be graded on the BURGER, not the price or the atmosphere..."

Yes- and at that competition you will not be experiencing the atmosphere or service either.

Again- stop with the apples and orangutan comparisons.

Josh what restaurant were you at that had a $40 burger?

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

Is that a mistake on burger menu.. burger and fries 7.99? Listed twice..looks like that one should be on kids menu only.

Golden rule Golden rule
Nov '18

Zinburger in Parsippany charges $10+ for their burgers and fries are extra. Place is good, but I feel that I can get an entire meal for that price at Five Guys and be just as happy.

Nov '18

I remember a "hot dog + fries + soda special " for 22 cents. I'm really no longer surprised by the costs of things.

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Nov '18

Bar/burger is a bar/burger. Their overhead has nothing to do with it. It’s apples vs apples.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

>>Whoever bothers to write a bad review, or complain about service the first week, gets a noogie for being brain dead!<<

Agreed, Maja, though I suggest giving the place a few weeks to iron things out. I'm fairly certain that they will make things right if there is an issue.

The restaurant business is tough, and I respect the people who work in it.

jjmonth4 jjmonth4
Nov '18

Problem is no matter how good the food is I had and no matter the cost it still turns to crap by morning.

Hit girl Hit girl
Nov '18

"Across from the police station, in a non-walkable area? Hmmmm......"

are you thinking of setting up Uber right next to it?

"are you thinking of setting up Uber right next to it?"

Wouldn't be a bad idea. I can't do it though, I still rock the flip phone. LOL

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '18

Re: OMG Burger and Brew

Pic attached. Not that I would order it.

This is similar to restaurants charging around $20 (or more) for a vegetarian pasta dish. I can afford it but will not buy it out of principle.
Pasta with broccoli & zucchini in garlic olive oil for $20? (and no salad included) Don't think so!!!

happiest girl
Nov '18

This place will won't last a year. What else can be done with a big log cabin building? Maybe lawn and garden equipment?

I would hope that everyone will give them a chance.
But, I had my suspicions when I saw the size of the building.
Has to factor into product pricing to carry cost of facility.
Haven’t been in yet, but will give ‘em a shot.

Stymie Stymie
Nov '18

"Pasta with broccoli & zucchini in garlic olive oil for $20? (and no salad included) Don't think so!!!"

No... not if you put it like THAT. But call it PASTA PRIMAVERA and put it in a fancy bowl and the sheep will eat it up, lol.

ianimal ianimal
Nov '18

The location alone will make me not want to go there. Have a burger a brew and then just pull into the police station across the street. No thanks. And I agree for a $20 burger, it better be a tasty burger and the best burger I have ever eaten, but it won't be.

Again what can be done with a log cabin building when this place goes under??

People act like there wasn’t a bar there for years. Didn’t seem to be a problem then. Not like there are cops just hanging out in the police station, they all are out on patrol.

Jim L Jim L
Nov '18

Cops like easy pickings. Revenue gatherers is really all they are. Very little protecting and serving.

"No... not if you put it like THAT. But call it PASTA PRIMAVERA and put it in a fancy bowl and the sheep will eat it up, lol."

Spoken like Anthony Bourdain!!!! God I miss him.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

The menu is pretty pricey - $13.75 for calamari & $11.95 for 12 wings

Miss him also^
We’ll give this place a try eventually after things get worked out.
I do love the Heaven and Hell burger at Taphouse. Pretty sure it comes with fries but they ask which side you’d like. Not sure if those are an up charge. I always go for the salad or sweet potato fries anyway

Blackcat Blackcat
Nov '18

They shouldn't be charging people over $20 for a burger and fries just because they decided to build a structure the size of Noah's ark....

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

stopped at the budd lake diner last the was big and juicy came with fries slaw and a crisp pickle.for 12 have to try of the best burgers I ever had.its my new place to go for a great burger with all the extras.

"They shouldn't be charging people over $20 for a burger and fries just because they decided to build a structure the size of Noah's ark...."

Are you not a firm believer in Capitalism?
This is America, "They" have every right to charge whatever they want.
And so do doctors.
And so do pharmaceutical companies.
And so do lawyers, landscapers, plumbers and accountants.
And of course, so do the boomers when they ask an astronomical amount for their house with pink toilets, old septic systems and enormous tax bill.

When you embrace the flag, you embrace Capitalism.

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18

"They shouldn't be charging people over $20 for a burger and fries just because they decided to build a structure the size of Noah's ark...."


JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

""They shouldn't be charging people over $20 for a burger and fries just because they decided to build a structure the size of Noah's ark...."

Then the name wouldn't have "OMG" in it!

Joe Friday Joe Friday
Nov '18

Should re-name it the WTF Burger... (-;

ianimal ianimal
Nov '18

+1 Ian!!! hahahahahahaha

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

And as a fellow capitalist I give them the middle finger and I'm not buying it. LMAO...

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

Lol burger

SMH burger.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '18

They could lower the prices if the taxes on the property were less. Those pesky property taxes again. The ones that we are only paying the principal on, and not the debt that is owed.
For 12.00 I can have a beautiful steak cooked perfectly at home in 20 minutes, just the way I like it. So simple to do using basic restaurant techniques, and fun to do.
Girlfriend is impressed when she sees me cook. Win win.
Relax with wine at home, no chance of DWI.

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18

For a less expensive alternative, and with quality people for a great atmosphere (no Grey Poupon types, 2 wheel drive vehicle's welcome)

Dinner at the Legion - Burger Night 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Dinner every Friday at 5:00-8:00PM
American Legion
Willow Grove St

November 16:

Burgers with choice of toppings - bacon, cheese, tomato, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, etc.

Steak Sandwiches with choice of toppings - cheese, peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc.

Pork BBQ Sandwich

Cost - $5 each

Fries with choice of cheese or gravy - $2

Soup - $3

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18

We were there the 2nd night it opened. I had the crab cakes sandwich which was very good. Hubby and daughter had different kinds of burgers but both were not impressed with them. I know my daughter kept asking where the bacon was which she expected to see like every other place she orders it at. Turns out the bacon was actually tiny little bacon bits which were far and few but extremely salty.

French fries are extra which I thought was ridiculous. As for the fries serving 3-4 people, well our server told us it is a large serving which can possibly serve up to 2 people. Indeed it husband and daughter shared them.

But like I said, I enjoyed my crab cakes for sure. I was expecting something a little different though when it came to the rest of the menu. Glad we went and tried it out but I don't think it's somewhere I will need to go and visit anytime soon.

I wish them well.

lucky lady
Nov '18

If it takes you 20 minutes to cook a steak, it better be at least two inches thick (-;

ianimal ianimal
Nov '18

It takes 5 minutes alone just to get the heavy cast iron pan to searing hot temperature, and to preheat the oven.
And you are right, the thickness of the steak makes a difference, along with preparing the right seasoning, plus you have to allow time for it to rest after you take it out of the oven.

I'm making chicken tonight, this almost changed my mind. Maybe I will just go to the legion and sit with the townsfolk and enjoy a burger with them....

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18

Thanks for the review lucky lady!

BTW, I know this is off topic but did Toscana's open up yet?

Is that the Alton Brown method where you get the cast iron skillet searing hot while you heat the oven to 500 degrees? Sear the steak for 30 seconds on each side in the skillet and then put the skillet in the oven for 90 seconds per side? That's my go-to method when it's too cold to fire up the grill outside...

ianimal ianimal
Nov '18

I've just added Toscana's FB page link to that thread.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '18

Burger joint is getting meh reviews on the burgers?

Omg Crabcake!!

How is the beer selection??

Passed the place driving home from work around 5:30.
We’ll see....

Stymie Stymie
Nov '18

lucky lady gets the noogie!

maja2 maja2
Nov '18

For giving my opinion maja2?

I thought I gave a fair and accurate OPINION of MY experience.

Perhaps you should go try it out yourself.

Grow up!

lucky lady
Nov '18

I had a look at the pictures on their website of the food and none of it looked appetizing. The amount of ingredients they put in one salad (like the chick pea salad) is overwhelming. The salads i used to get from Chef Sonny at the Sunoco gas station in LV was more than half the price and delicious. They should hire him!!

H-town Mama H-town Mama
Nov '18

I honestly think they are trying to bring in the: if it's this expensive it must be good crowd. Don't critize them though it might hurt the patrons feelings.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Nov '18

I met friends for lunch at OMG. We only meet a couple of times a year, so seemed like an interesting idea. I am not a hamburger person. Even on July 4th, I'll pass on a burger and have the side dishes. I had the impossible burger. I loved how it tasted. My friend liked hers also. Czig Meister Blacksmith on the side for me. Our vegetarian had the Spicy Thai salad. Loved it! I'll take her word for it... tofu :) The owner stopped at the table twice. Very friendly, and open to suggestions. Good size bar, plus a smaller one upstairs. . Flat screens all had college games. I left full and happy.

maja2 maja2
Nov '18

I struggled to find one decent review of this place. Most agree it's overpriced garbage food, with nothing more than high rent to pay for.

I'll pass and wait for this to become a lawn and garden center.

Most on this haven’t bothered to go and try it out so they can’t give a real review. They’re just complaining about the price. Only 2 people on here admitted to actually going to it.

Go on their Facebook page there is plenty of good reviews.

Or go and try the place for yourself.

Jim L Jim L
Nov '18

D-ball: thanks on the Legion: I'm in. Can you tell me who the Legionnaires are today? Mostly Vietnam Vets or some Korean and MiddleEast Vets as well? Do women join up today? Used to really love attending such things with the WWII folks; such stories and fun.

Thanks to you, found the menu and the prices, should be a swell time unless there's a missing Shepherd around Xmas time :>)

November 23 Closed – Happy Thanksgiving!
November 20 Burgers, Steak Sandwiches, or Special Sandwich of Chef’s Choice

December 7 Burgers, Steak Sandwiches, or Special Sandwich of Chef’s Choice
December 14 Shepherd’s Pie
December 21 Burgers, Steak Sandwiches, or Special Sandwich of Chef’s Choice
December 28 Closed – Merry Christmas!
· Burgers, Steak Sandwich and Special Sandwiches are $5.00 each
· Dinners are $8.00 each.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Nov '18

Re: OMG Burger and Brew

Yes Jim L exactly. Anyone been to the taphouse and have their 15.00 French onion burger? It’s out of this world. Good food is expensive. Atmosphere is expensive too. Yes log cabin, marleys have great burgers that are less expensive but I prefer the atmosphere at taphouse over the others. I still go to all 3 places depending on our mood and wanting to drive a distance or not.

Hadenough Hadenough
Nov '18

James on Main is expensive, doesn't have a log cabin to pay for, but makes dishes most people aren't going to make at home, so a premium isn't a problem. This is a friggin burger. Some people would even argue that Smash Burger and Five Guys do it better for half the price.

But yes, if you want to eat that, cough, "gourmet", cough burger in a newly built building that's going to takes years to pay for, go ahead. I could eat a much better meal at Jame's for about the same money. No comparison. End of the day it's a hamburger, people will get tired to paying $20+ Happens every time.

"Most on this haven’t bothered to go and try it out so they can’t give a real review. They’re just complaining about the price"

100% correct...I've worked at places that made a 350% profit on a $10 burger, and places that made a 200% profit on a $15 burger. Just because the prices are out of the norm for the area doesn't mean overpriced. Restaurants run on pretty specific formulas in trying to be successful. Cost of food, cost of production, etc... I had a quick look at their menu, and my first guess would be that they are purchasing slightly more costly goods and running a substantially staffed kitchen so they can do a lot of on sight preparation, which all costs money. The average restaurant in the area runs on skeleton crews buying food at the lowest possible cost, bouncing between food distributors, restaurant depot, and sales at shoprite. Fries at $6.99, at first glance, may seem expensive, but I don't know if they're making their own fries, or buying them, serving size, what kind oil they are using(fryer oil can range anywhere from $18 to $60 for 35 pounds), etc... And, what if, instead of using their oil till its smoking and looks like gritty coffee, they're straining it every night and changing it before it gets old and filthy? That costs more money as well. There are endless things to consider before just calling a place overpriced.

In the end, all that matters is that their customer base leaves the restaurant without feeling like they overpaid...if they accomplish that, they'll be fine, if not, they'll have to rework things. But just complaining that they're overpriced without even trying it is short sighted at best.

Localchef Localchef
Nov '18

Hadenough $15 for a good burger is fine if you get fries with it. I've spent $14 at Red Robin for one of their premium burgers, but I also can get unlimited fries or salad with it.

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

Yet most of the reviews have the customers feeling like they overpaid. Especially the people that overpaid for cold food. I'm sorry but you can dress up anything and slap a high price on it. But you're right the people will decide. My feeling is they won't last a year. The novelty fades on every new restaurant and that will be the tell. Big roll of the dice on hoping a $50 bill for two makes people happy.

Again it's all about perception if you think a $20 burger is special go for it. I'd rather pay good money for something I can't or don't want to make at home. They have a brand new building and liquor license to pay for, have to get it somewhere, so enjoy that $20 burger.

Is this the same owner as brew pub? Ate there yesterday instead of trying OMG burger because of your guys reviews. We had 2 beers 2 apps and split a very good burger there. Think it was about 60$. The apps were average at best. Burger was great. So if there making a better burger at OMG it will definitely be worth it for a special occasion. PS: I hadn't been to brew pub for like 10 years haha. And there still in business so must be doing okay.

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Nov '18

Liquor sales pay the liquor license...biggest 3 rackets at any restaurant(for the most part, there are exceptions) are alcohol, chicken, and pasta dishes...that's where the money is made...

Localchef Localchef
Nov '18

I haven't been impressed with the LVBP in my last few times of going there. Beer is average and food has slipped. Bottom line is no one wants to feel like they could have had an equivalent meal for less elsewhere. It's just a burger and a burger is cheap unless they're using Kobe beef which they're not.

Kobe beef is overrated anyway, imo.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

"It's just a burger and a burger is cheap"

Again, several things factor into the price of ground it straight 80/20 chuck? Or is it a steak blend, or brisket/chuck/short rib blend(I would guess this)? How much are their rolls? Wholesale Martin's potato buns(I have no idea what an ACE bun is) that would accommodate an 8 oz burger are roughly $0.35 a piece. And a pretzel bun could be $0.60+/each. Are they making their own patties, or buying them(both have their pluses, but either way can greatly effect cost of product)? So, just the bread and the meat could have a $4 effect on the price necessary to meet minimum target profit. I could think of 100 things that would justify their pricing, or 100 things that could make them overpriced...not my place, as I have no idea what they're doing there, only speaking from my own experience working in restaurants at both ends of the spectrum.

I'm in no rush to try it out...having incredibly high expectations for any brand new place is setting yourself up for disappointment. I probably/maybe will stop on over sometime down the road after they've had some time to work out kinks and develop consistency and the "new restaurant" craze has died down a little. I'll reserve my judgement until then.

Localchef Localchef
Nov '18

The price is reasonable for what you are getting. Don't you taste the flavor of pensions in every bite? The aroma of pensions in the atmosphere, with the sounds of the government employees laughing all the way to the bank as the beer is flowing.

The cost of the building (principal + interest) is part of the charge, along with staffing costs (I'd bet none receive health insurance) ingredients, fuel, electricity, profit, and also property, liquor and sales taxes. Most of the money is going to be made on the alcohol sales. Taxes are a good percentage of the costs, and NJ is a high tax state (yet is still bankrupt to the tune of 80 BILLION DOLLARS.)

It's going to be expensive. 3 hours of labor for a minimum wage worker to have a burger, fries, and a drink. If this is you, it's probably not your place to go from a financial standpoint. But hey, if you can afford it, I'm sure they provide you with a very nice burger and an atmosphere that you feel comfortable in.

It's all about marketing and demographics. If the job has been done right it will be profitable.

America is all about choice. Some want to have a 20 dollar burger, others want to have 3 children out of wedlock. It's all good.

Or just brew some at home, click on the fifty inch, and watch the meltdown from your own living room... It's your choice. That's what Americans want, they want choices,and they have them. This is what makes America great!

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18

Thanks Localchef for explaining what goes into the cost of food - very informative!

look, i wish any new business good luck , god speed and great success, but i'm just not willing to pay 20 bucks for a burger

say what you will about me, it's ok, i'm a big boy and i can take it.

GreyHawk GreyHawk
Nov '18

"Kobe beef is overrated anyway, imo."

American maybe. Tokyo's is out-of-this-world.....Or maybe it was in comparison to all that fish.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Nov '18

Localchef bringing some much needed reason to this thread!

I’m excited to try OMG and hope they do well.

Fact check Fact check
Nov '18

@ Strangerdanger...My husband is a Korean War Veteran and I am a Member of the Ladies Auxiliary at the Hackettstown American Legion...They do very well with their Friday night burger nights (delicious burger, plus for only $5) and also their full meals when they have them usually once per month. Very few Legion Members around from World War 11 but all after that are pretty well represented. The drinks are very low cost as well.

joyful joyful
Nov '18

Businesses need to make money to survive, a lot of costs. A quality $5 burger doesn't exist unless you do it yourself.

Thanks J; really sounds like fun from folks with unbelieveble true stories. Always fascinating.

And a five buck burger to boot.

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Nov '18

Strangerdanger - The burger's aren't the only meals either. They alternate with some good dinners too. The fried chicken and chicken parm are two of my personal favorites. And the proceeds go to the Legion's programs for vets. Feel free to come out and enjoy any Friday. ;-)

Looks a bit like Zinburger, need to try it. How long have they been open for?

People here said the same crap about Starbucks and James on Main and both are always packed. While many around here may call it out of budget others do not and there are more than enough around to support a good place. On the other end there are plenty places around cheaper you can enjoy for less. There is a market on both spectrums. The only thing I would think for OMG they will need to come up with some take out window specials to address that market when the weather warms up for the park and sports fields patrons.

One might point out that James on Main and most Starbucks have a relatively small footprint and accompanying utility/tax/lease costs.
That building for OMG equals killer overhead.
I’m not rooting against them and I’m not an architect-but between both floors, what are we talking? Maybe 3,500 sq.ft.?
That’s a big nut.
And right now- low inflation and full employment.
Tale will be told in the next 18-24 months.

Stymie Stymie
Nov '18

the one time I tried the Friday dinner at the legion I couldn't eat it - so gross. the people are awesome and it's a great cause but not the place to go 'for the food'.

regarding OMG Burgers, I wonder if it's the same owners as before, trying to put lipstick on a pig.

scottso scottso
Nov '18

"regarding OMG Burgers, I wonder if it's the same owners as before, trying to put lipstick on a pig."

?- same owners as what? Schooley's Mtn Inn? It's the same owners as the LVBP.

And as for the "pig"- it's a WHOLE NEW PIG, including newly dug basement! No "lipstick" involved! LOL

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

@ Scottso..Did you have the burger when you went to the Legion?? You are the first I ever heard say that if it was the burger. I have had a meals there (other than the burger) that I was not wild about but never let that one disappointing meal deter me from going almost every Friday night and supporting the vets and why they are doing what they are doing. Also the price..$5 for burgers plus...and $8 when they have a full meal...For most of us it is also a place to meet up with old friends and people of the community and have a good time...

joyful joyful
Nov '18

Uh....."You don't like it - don't go" only for non-profits ---- I dunno, pretty good mantra for all aspects of life only balanced by "tough noogies, just do it."

But we were talking $5 burgers for a good cause with some interesting people that served our nation well and protected our liberties. Shepherd's Pie ---- like I said, until I can determine Hackettstown does not have any missing Sheepherders, I'm in for the burgers :>)

Like HDJ's, part of the allure is the ambiance.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Nov '18

Well stated Joyful.

Even if one does not care for the the meal offered at the Legion to say it is "so gross couldn't eat it" is totally unnecessary and insensitive.. The weekly dinners there support the American Legions mission, raise community awareness, offer a a place for friends to gather as well foster a sense of participation and civic responsibility. Complain about any for profit food establishment but the Legion is a different animal. You don't like it - don't go.

In addition, for $8 you would be hard pressed to make the meal yourself for that amount of money. Let alone have it purchased, prepared, served and cleaned up.

The members at the American Legion including the Vets, Auxiliary, SAL etc all volunteer their time and expertise for the benefit of others. Always keep that in mind.

The best thing about OMG Burgers so far is that it has brought well deserved attention to our Veterans and the American Legion on Willow Grove.

Hipster Hipster
Nov '18

Not off to a good start with those reviews... When they get their stuff together and start serving fries with the burger, I'll try them out.

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

I stopped reading when Hadenough posted that puppy picture. Give me that puppy!!

Tracy Tracy
Nov '18

OMG better turn it around quickly based off those Yelp reviews.. if they don't they will be SOL.

Joe Friday Joe Friday
Nov '18

If you ate a burger and fries at OMG, you need to eat less :) They are big burgers! Plus, unless you need to be at the mall anyway, consider the gas and time cost of fries at Red Robin. If you are going week one and 2 with your kids, or any time, don't complain about a wait. Leave and go to a fast food joint. You'll be promptly served at the register. Or reserve a table at OMG. Sign up for email specials. If Yelp guides your decision to never try anything, enjoy your living room. People are more likely to whine than praise. As we well know on HL! All a choice.

Support the American Legion for sure!

maja2 maja2
Nov '18

If you're comparing OMG to Red Robin then I definitely do need to eat there. Five Guys is told to be a burger larger than you can eat and that's the single, and they don't cost $15. Then again they don't have a big huge tax loaded building to pay for.

lol every yelp review admitted the place was packed. so time will tell if those 9 reviews is a true reflection of everyone's experience. But 9 reviews from a place that was packed every night since it opened I don't think is a real good sample size. And complaining about wait time at a new restaurant is silly.

If the place is still packed in a few months then obviously the price and quality is not an issue. If everyone tries it but doesn't return then there is an issue. Hard to judge a new restaurant in its first 30days. even harder when you don't actually go there.

Jim L Jim L
Nov '18

Amen Jim L!

maja2 maja2
Nov '18

There's an OMG Burger and Brew in Pendleton, Oregon, not sure if it is the same chain or the idea that was ripped off to make the LV one. But the menu for Oregon blow this place out of the water. Way more burgers on the menu, some very interesting and nothing over $14 and they include fries. Hell the triple burger was only $18. Too far for a road trip, but just goes to show how this place is way off the mark. Apparently the owners didn't go for an original idea, just a big mark up for a copy.

Yelp is a site where you have to decide whether a restaurant is really bad or the reviewer is completely nuts.
The person who claimed food poisoning could be wrong or ate something else bad earlier in the day. Many reviews were about wait times or a mixed up order, this is common at a new, overloaded establishment.
The price, however, is the price. That comes to value, and that is subjective at best.

Personally, I believe the price is high as the overhead is high, you add a profit margin on top and now you have a 14 dollar burger.
The market will decide- Americans have choices. Choose a 14 dollar burger there, or a 5.00 burger at the legion, your choice. Want to work or collect welfare, your choice. 2 kids married or 3 kids unmarried, your choice. Repuke or Democrap, your choice.

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18


The one in Oregon is “OMG Burgers and Brew” (plural burgers) so only a 95% rip off of their name/idea. ;)

In fact, I found their website first before the local one.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Nov '18

From what I have heard, the owner of the Long Valley Brew Pub is the same owner of OMG Burgers and Brew. I thought it was silly to open two restaurants within two miles from each other that are somewhat similar to each other. Eventually I will hit the place up, but I'm in no rush after hearing everyone's opinions

What I Heard...
Nov '18

I can't see how they will keep both open for a prolonged period of time, unless they plan to sell lv brew pub eventually... The place was empty around lunchtime saturday, but not sure what the norm. Is over there

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Nov '18

They’ll be crowded, for a year or two. We have seen enough restaurants come and go, over the years. They have to sell A LOT, just for the franchise fee, alone. I wish them all the best, though. OMG...another restaurant?

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Nov '18

OMG has haricot verts
wait, what that's green beans in french
combine that with supermarket quality Martins rolls

Went to the RCMH Christmas show Saturday and had lunch at a cafe inside Rockefeller Center and the burger was under $10 and large fries $3.99 enough for 3 and both were very good. dinner for 3 in NYC $43
again no thanks to OMG $15 burger and power slaw
but to those who do go , enjoy

What franchise fee?

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Nov '18

Just picked up a burger & fries from a very good restaurant in Florida - I know it's hard to compare with this place but it was $11.99, came with all kinds of goodies including gourmet fries.........

This is not a franchise restaurant. Guilty Remnant does know what he/she is talking about.

Jim L Jim L
Nov '18

My daughter went with some friends over the weekend ... in her words ... not worth it !!!

LibertyThinker LibertyThinker
Nov '18

Humpty JR's rules the burger world. Great fries, coleslaw, too, and a 1950's ice cream stand atmosphere that can't be beat. Took out the counter seats to make more table room, but I still go. Yeah, ice cream too but I am always too full. Great website with frequent flyer and other promotions. Local guy from Phillipsburg saw the vacant building and had a better idea.

Maybe not the urban suburban feel of OMG, but he's real and he's doing a real thing his way saving a nice American tradition. The local hamburg stand.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Nov '18

We went tonight with our neighbors and our kids. We were so disappointed. This place is ridiculously overpriced!! 3 beers, a glass of wine, 2 burgers, a chicken sandwich, 2 kids meals, 1 order of SIX DOLLAR FRIES for $125 without tip.

I ordered the Chipotle bison burger (sub bison meat for regular beef and kept everything else on it.) It was supposed to have candied bacon, boom boom sauce, cheese, arugula, and beer battered pickles. The burger came to the table and it was so flat and small it looked like a fast food burger. You couldn't see any of the toppings when you looked at it from the side. For $15, I should be excited to eat it when I look at it. The sauce on it was good, I'll say that. My burger was missing the bacon and the pickles so only had cheese, boom boom sauce and like 3 pieces of arugula on it. I asked for the bacon on the side and I put it on myself. Not to mention, a big chunk of my burger was missing like it fell through the grill or something. Again... For $15 and no fries... The burger should be darn near perfect.

Someone mentioned the fries are a huge portion. Ours certainly weren't. Two of us shared them with our burgers and we seriously left hungry. (And FYI... I'm a small person and don't eat a ton.) The burgers are NOT gourmet. They don't look gourmet, they don't taste gourmet, they're not large, and HELLOOOO... POTATOES ARE SO CHEAP!.... WHY AREN'T FRIES INCLUDED AND WHY ARE THEY $6?! If you go... Be ready to drop nearly $100 for two people and one child... No appetizer, no dessert.

We won't be going back and we'll be surprised if they're in business in 6 months-year.

Nov '18

Wow. That's too bad.
All I can say is when I go to Allies in Washington, I sometimes have the veggie burger (it's often a special) which COMES with fries, pretty much the best fries I've ever had -- included in the price of $8.95. They also always have a non-veg. burger on the menu (I think it's a turkey burger) for the same price with fries. I'm sure it must also be really good. And you can sub. sweet potato fries for an extra dollar or two --- also incredibly delicious! It's a hard choice choosing between the two fries. But -- they are only open for lunch.

happiest girl
Nov '18

Disappointed I agree, I have placed my complaints with the manager/owner on the day I went. I didn't post them here because I wanted a place like this. Everything was so underwhelming, wrong also, but in my case cold. I really think those that enjoyed it were just friends of lvbp. The negatives seem to be outweighing the positives. I will say the dessert I had was delicious. Only saving grace. I guess if since everyone is mentioning prices, for 1 dessert, 1 soda 2 burgers and 1 loaded friend, it was 50 bucks. I guess minus the extras, soda, dessert and loaded portion it would be 38 for 2.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Nov '18

Jim..I figured with the amount of responses, and the way the restaurant looked, I thought it was a franchise. Thanks for the correction.

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Nov '18

Well with those kind of prices my large family wont be stepping in there. It would cost us over $120 for just burgers with no fries or drinks? I'll Pass.

Former H-Town Dad Former H-Town Dad
Nov '18

I hope with all the constructive criticism that is being provided via Facebook & Yelp, that the owner's take the suggestions & make some changes so that their reputation improves.

"Only saving grace. I guess if since everyone is mentioning prices, for 1 dessert, 1 soda 2 burgers and 1 loaded friend, it was 50 bucks."

That's a pretty good deal. It takes more than $50 just to get one of my friends loaded (-;

ianimal ianimal
Nov '18

Yeah well...….

the amazing part is they probably are loaded when they arrive.... :>)

The future: it depends.

LValley may love this place, don't mind the prices, Htown hates, and it does just fine.

Prices are too high and they must modify (Inn at Mill Race for example re-invented itself two or three times while looking exactly the same for over a decade).

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Nov '18

ARRIVAL: Upon entering, a young woman "greeted us" from her hostess position near the entrance. She looked at us as if she was surprised to see people entering. No welcome, no hello, no smile. She appeared to be overwhelmed, although there was nobody else behind us looking to be seated, and the place was only about half full, probably less than that.

We asked if it would be OK if we grabbed a table near the window, because we had our dog in the car and we wanted to keep an eye on him. There were plenty of available tables, including ones by the window, but she seemed confused by my request, and behaved as if what I was asking was unusual.

Since she was taking no action at all, I walked over to the nearest available table and said "how about this one"? She reluctantly agreed to sit us there and abruptly walked far I was not too thrilled.

AT THE TABLE: Now seated, I took the place in. Decent sized bar near the entrance, with a sufficient amount of screens. A long stairway to the balcony seating area, which was currently empty, a mini bar with screens up there as well.

Ample enough seating downstairs, although I could easily envision a lack of seating when the place gets crowded, and having to wait on a list to be seated.

Restrooms are located just off that downstairs seating area. All in all, the place wasn't as big as I thought it would be, and not laid out like I thought it would be either, but it's a nice looking place nonetheless. If you don't like cathedral ceilings then you won't like this place. I do, so I felt comfortable.

WAITRESS: We hadn't be seated too long when our waitress (Luz) came around. She was friendly, welcoming, and did not appear the least bit overwhelmed by the circumstances. I realize that it's a new restaurant, and that new hires need time to break in, but she didn't give off that impression at all. IDK if she had prior experience as a waitress, but if she didn't then she was exceptional.

She took our order and left, all with a smile. Soon thereafter, a genuinely nice and friendly woman came over to our table to say hello. It was obvious she was an owner or co-owner, and that she wanted to welcome us to her restaurant. I forgot her name, sorry to say.

Regardless...she is truly a sweet woman, she engaged us in conversation that was not pretentious in any way, I didn't get the car salesman feeling from her, she was genuinely nice and interested in what we had to say.

We spoke for a few minutes and then she moved on to greet other customers. I noticed that she would occasionally confer with a guy with a beard, who I assume was either her husband, co-owner, or both.

Whoever he is, I have to admit I wasn't catching a great vibe off of him at all. He face was stern and he seemed too anxious. Now maybe I'm way off on this, but hey, that was my gut reaction. We were there for over an hour and not once did I see him loosen up. Working around that kind of tension makes employees make mistakes more often than not, and it was obvious that some of the new employees were stressed.

FOOD: First, the menu. Where were all the French fry choices??? I was under the impression that there was going to be a slew of them, I only saw two.

Anyway...reasonable menu. I "built my own" burger rather than choose one of the gourmet ones. Burger, pepper jack cheese, bacon, potato bun. Order of fries (crispy) and a vanilla shake with peanut butter. My GF got one of the salads.

When the food came out I thought he burger looked small, but I was wrong, it was plenty filling and delicious. So were the fries, although I agree with many here that paying 6 bucks for them is steep. The shake was an experience. I thought that the peanut butter flavor added to the vanilla shake would be in the form of syrup, but instead it was peanut butter chips that were added. Had I known this I would have just ordered the shake without additions, because nearly half of the smallish glass was filled with these chips, which dramatically reduced the amount of actual shake.

I don't fault the waitress for this because I should have been more questioning when I ordered it. But yeah, 7 bucks for what amounted to about 5 or 6 ounces of shake was not a good deal. The shake glass needs to be larger as well. Disappointing because the shake itself was excellent, there just wasn't enough of it.

My GF's salad was ample and she enjoyed it very much, so the food aspect of the place, from a taste and quantity standpoint, was very good, with the exception of the shake quantity that is.

We finished and were thanked by our waitress Luz, it was a pleasure having her as our waitress.

Upon leaving the hostess offered no thanks or smile.

RATING: I'll give it a 7 out of 10, with room for improvement.

Restaurant Ralph Restaurant Ralph
Nov '18

Ha that typo will stay I like it better.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Nov '18

It's going to be interesting when we finally get to try this place. I've assumed it would be mobbed 24-7 since opening, but it appears I was wrong?

All new places need several weeks to iron the kinks out. It'll be interesting to see how the reviews progress as it breaks in.... we are certainly not in need of great restaurants here in the H-town/LV area... that's one thing we have in spades. Of course HL LOVES to complain about every restaurant that doesn't offer a $30 meal for $10, it's like a hobby around here LOL. But we never have any problem choosing one of MANY very good restaurants within 10min drive of our home. Good food we got. Another one could probably be supported, but.... not if their "star", the BURGER, isn't any better than local (Taphouse for example), AND is also more expensive....

Keep posting reviews!

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

Went with my boys today.. Definitely a younger wait staff, a few blunders I would blame more on a lack of leadership than training(I was in my teens once too) The kids walked around a very un-full bar looking for the right patron and struck out twice... there were only 2 more people to check with and they found them on 3rd try. Lead bar-tender (no help, nor direction for the kids(who were truly left to hang here)He should be running the show there.. Another manager type(?) who should walk the floor and check in is not much of a people person. Sorry to say he looks like he wants to be somewhere else. Food was OK, yes just OK. 3 people 3 beers, 3 burgers, and 2 sides 100 dollars. Of course we left a good tip, not the servers fault either. Advice, more support from more experienced staff, and waitress should not be allowed to converse with boyfriend for 15 minutes at reception area. Always the optimists we said it will get better and we wish them the best!

heart-h-town heart-h-town
Nov '18

OMG the reviews for this place suck. Six figure bill for burgers that are sub-par. Easy pass for sure. At least this mess isn't in Hackettstown.

Just went past and the parking lot is full, someone must be there despite all the negative comments (3:25 PM)

eapos eapos
Nov '18

Six figure bills? Someone spent $100,000 there? Lol

Jim L Jim L
Nov '18

There are 15 reviews so far on Yelp. The average rating is 2.5 stars.

I think I will wait a little longer to see if they figure things out. A lot of $ to spend on burgers for only 2.5 stars.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '18

I am not rushing to go there either. Besides the poor reviews,they charged a cover on the night before Thanksgiving. For what you may ask? To pay to keep employee's overtime & a bouncer. This comment was made on the Facebook page by the manager or owner. I can somewhat understand a cover charge for a large band but to charge people when they are already coming in to buy drinks & food???? Sorry but that doesn't seem right. Hopefully the issues can get worked out & the costs adjusted, etc.

A cover charge and no music? For OT and a bouncer? WTF? That's just bad business.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '18

One review on Yelp, take it with a grain of salt, can't believe it's true.

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18

There are 16 reviews on Yelp. That link is only for the pictures.

Have never heard of a place charging a cover charge just because there was going to be a larger crowd. One would think that a larger crowd would equal more sales to pay the staff, including the bouncer.

Blackcat Blackcat
Nov '18

My experience there wasn't even at the good level but that picture is obviously not from there. Especially with the caption included... Looks like a McDonald's burger.

Edit: quick image search shows it is. Results here, As I said I had a negative experience but I'd much rather them try and and improve on the negative then just view negative results as trolls and nothing changing as a result.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Nov '18

Cover charge for no music? Baaaaaaad....... I would have laughed in their face and left.

Wow. Yeah, I'll wait a couple months before checking it out.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

Luca where do you see they had a cover charge on Wednesday. I don’t see the post you said was on Facebook

Jim L Jim L
Nov '18

eapos: back in the 80's when we returned to NJ, we tried the "full parking lot" technique. First was the Italian place on the corner of 519/59 above Phillipsburg, turned into liquor store, then into vacant building or worse now. Lobster Fra Diavolo was served; full on-shell lobster covered in red sauce. My FIL and I just laughed as we returned it to the kitchen for them to husk the lobster. Sauce was like ketchup. Second was that train car out on 46 where the fresh trout left a lasting un-fresh impression throughout the night.

We developed other methods of restaurant picking after that having formed some certain opinions about NJians taste in foods :>)

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Nov '18

Hi Jim L - The post is gone now! On the page, they had a post that said something like "to all the partier's coming in tonight, download the X app for music". In that post was several comments - one of them from a person asking "Why was there a cover charge, my daughter went there to meet high school friends, etc." & the response under that is what I mentioned above. The owner/manager said they do the same thing at LVBP. I guess they are cleaning up the Facebook posts.

Can't believe every thing you read online........

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Nov '18

I've been going to the LVBP for years, and have never heard of a cover charge for NO LIVE MUSIC. Not saying they've never done it, but I've never seen it, never heard of it, and I'm sure someone here on HL would have by now....

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

Dodgeball- I saw the post online from the owner too

Nosila Nosila
Nov '18

LVBP has always had a cover on hell night (Thanksgiving Eve). Only night I believe they do it. It has something to do with the patrons that evening are infamous for not tipping. The cover is split up on the wait staff and bartenders.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Nov '18

went last night...wasnt impressed...the actual crab cake was decent , but the bun was weird...very only comes with a tiny side of coleslaw...

Waldo Waldo
Nov '18

Well Yelp now has 25 reviews, all bad. Really bad. No incentive to even try this mess of a place. Can only hope it goes down quick and replaced by something of quality. It won't make it through the winter.

Hilarious... Over $20 for a burger and fries and they can't even make a decent burger... For that price you expect top of the line quality meat on a bun with the dressings...

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

Hmm looks like this place won’t be on my list when I visit the area again.

Just got lunch at a local burger place by me. Not “gourmet” but a decent size cheeseburger with lettuce/tomato, side of fries, and a soft drink for a whopping $6.53.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Nov '18

So 25 Yelp reviews?? And they've been open for just shy of two weeks. What percentage of the customers do you think those Yelp reviews represent? I haven't been there yet, nor do I have any plans to rush over there, but seriously, give it a rest already.

Tracy Tracy
Nov '18

Shake Shack... We could use one of those out here.

YeahRight YeahRight
Nov '18

Tracy, so by your logic no reviews should ever be read on any product whether it be a restaurant, car, cell phone, etc?

Joe Friday Joe Friday
Nov '18

Google reviews pretty lousy too Tracy. In fact there isn't really any positive reviews. How can there be. If you pay $20 for a hamburger that's cold and small and unremarkable, what else can this place offer? Overpriced, mediocre beer? Better off going to Czig and ordering a burger from Monchy's.

My husband and I went last night. He had the Chipotle Bison Burger and 2 Cigmister beers and I had just a small burger on a potato bun with lettuce, tomato, onion and a whiskey sour. We would give it maybe 3 stars.

First the good -- The burgers were tasty and my husbands burger came with a fried pickle, that he liked. My drink was made well (but small). The restaurant itself is very cool with the brick and stone and high ceiling and the bar area is gorgeous, with it's copper and stone.

The bad -- Both our burgers were very undercooked. I ordered medium well and got medium-rare and my husband ordered medium and got very rare, in addition they were barely warm. I ordered the side house salad and never got it, but they did take it off the bill. I usually love cole slaw but I found theirs way too sweet, and you only get a tiny little black plastic cup (like the ones you would get a condiment in...) so just about 2 forkfuls. It definitely tasted pre-made and not something they actually made on site. Two hamburgers (no sides), beer and a small whiskey sour cost us $52.25, with tip.

I also agree with another poster about the wait staff. My husband asked our waitress what the soup of the day was and she said "I don't know, I just got here." We were, can you find out?

I actually like the burgers at Marley's better. The one's at Marley's are much bigger, come with fries or onion rings and include things like sliced red onion, which is extra at OMG Burger. We might try again sometime in the future, but it won't be our go-to burger joint like I was hoping.

Laurel Laurel
Nov '18

I don't think I said that at all, Joe Friday. I just don't think 25 or so reviews is a very representative sample size. Moreover, I personally think that people are more likely to write a bad review when they have a bad experience than a good review when they were satisfied.

Tracy Tracy
Nov '18

Tracy, that's totally wrong and maybe a thing of the past... If your fully connected to the digital world when you leave a place such as this your prompted to leave a review with Google. I do all the time and really enjoy to give a good review for a new business that was supurb. I've also given a few >3 star reviews. It's very obvious people are less than impressed with the place if majority of 25 reviews are shatty.

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Nov '18

Tracy that's a load of crap... I've read reviews on products that were all good. Some a mixed bag. Some all negative. The reviews on this thread for OMG have mostly been negative as well. If they get it together people will praise it. If not, they'll go under.

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

So reading the comments/reviews on their Facebook page this place is getting lit up. My favorite so far has been the review from Friday night about a bartender confronting patrons in the parking lot after walking out from his rudeness and swearing. And what's even better, the comment reply by the owner of the FB group which I also assume is the owner of the restaurant. I don't know if this place will last till the Spring at this rate.

Joe Friday Joe Friday
Nov '18

This place sounds like more of a mess than just high priced food to pay high priced rent. Again, thankfully it's not in Hackettstown. We don't need another Bea's.

They’re averaging 3.7 out of 5 stars on Facebook do not sure how you can say they are getting lit up.

Jim L Jim L
Nov '18

Purely from reading the comments; majority are negative reviews with "does not recommend".

Joe Friday Joe Friday
Nov '18

Especially if you sort the reviews. The early reviews were no doubt fluff.

Tracy -- most of the reviews for James on Main are positive, because its a good restaurant. Most of the reviews written about Pandan Room when they opened were (overwhelmingly) extremely positive. The reviews (so far) for Toscano are mostly positive. OMG Burger has many negative and the reviews all seem to be well thought out and full of facts as experienced by the patrons.

Laurel Laurel
Nov '18

Bea's: I think that says it all. Bea's still exists, that says something too. New Maria Bonita started with a number of shaky reviews too. Mama's is a love/hate affair but let's face it, based on the parking lot, the lovers win hands down.

Mets, I agree that it's "easier" to post piss-offs than atta-boys, that's the human nature of complaining, but Bea's says it all.

At best, we have scattered reviews with many being put off at the value they are receiving. Lots of people are going, so they are not poisoning any one or creating such a smell as to keep folks away. Place sounds atmospherically swell, service is somewhat as expected for new, it's just seems the price versus the product being served putting most people off. Sounds like a 50% price drop and everyone would ignore the rest and be doing cartwheels.

Bea's seems to stay the same; Maria Bonita's looked a loser, but seems to have changed for the better, perhaps not perfect, but seemingly much better. So, things CAN change, our reviews can get better, and sometimes they don't but it doesn't seem to matter anyway, people keep coming.

Myself: I almost made it to Bea's, but then the next review round came. I don't need shaky or hit n miss if I can avoid it. Based on the second round of reviews, I have enjoyed Bonita's, and will wait a round or so for OMGs. And Mama's, sure I am a lover but fully understand that Italian and especially pizza are very individual tastes. Otherwise, why does one pass how many pizza shops on your way to your favorite pie? I pass at least five, a few of which have rave HL reviews.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Nov '18

Perhaps I don't get out enough....The reason they charged a cover Thanksgiving Eve, The owner said was due to the known patrons who come that night and they don't tip.

Who are this group of people ? Young kids home from college or who ?

They haven't been opened a year to have had another Thanksgiving Eve. And if there was a bouncer there let him be selective seating Families and mature patrons.

Never heard of that before. From revies of staff and owner I will spend my money elsewhere..

Smile every day Smile every day
Nov '18

I would NEVER go to a place that charges me a cover when I am going there to drink & eat. Ridiculous!

Luca(cell) Luca(cell)
Nov '18

SD probably the only reason Bea's is still open is their bar business.

Metsman Metsman
Nov '18

Maybe out this way covers on Thanksgiving Eve are uncommon but not so much as you head more east in NJ. They are usually not charged though until 10 pm. It's a money grab for sure but places usually anticipate a large hometown home for the holidays reunion crowd and staff up for the crowds.

HLamusesme HLamusesme
Nov '18

Tracy, agree completely. Folks seem to forget that food is subjective, for if that weren’t the case then we’d have exactly one type of restaurant...

justintime justintime
Nov '18

"SD probably the only reason Bea's is still open is their bar business."

The college kids keep Bea's open, with the bar tab. IMO

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

Drove by the other day. Could the sign out front be any tackier?
What an eyesore!


happiest girl
Nov '18

So is the red roof.

Ollie Ollie
Nov '18

Thought I'd give my input. We finally made it to OMG for an early dinner. A party of 3 adults... one order of build your own salad.. which was reported to be very good. Another had the Jersey Burger which also was rated as very delicious. I myself had the Brie and Berry burger. I have to say I thought it was a good sized burger and very delicious. The blueberry BBQ sauce was a nice touch. The two of us that had burgers split an order of Sweet potato fries. Which turned out to be perfect as the platter was good sized and I barely could eat half. They give a small cup of Asian type slaw and some pickle chips with the burger. Perhaps it could have been a little more slaw but no real complaint. We had various drinks including a couple beers, ice tea..reg hot tea... no dessert though. Although the carrot cake looked yummy I had no room for it. We left for right at $82 with tip included of 20%. I do not think it was overpriced to the point I would not return. The waitress was very nice and attentive. She also made sure everything was correct for the one with many food allergies. The atmosphere is lovely. I like that they have a balcony above for more seating. If I were to criticize at all my couple thoughts would be.. why not add a small say 1/3 portion of fries with the burger which would be a reasonable offering. Also the wait time between ordering and food delivery could be a tad quicker. I did not time it but I say that only because the place was only half full when we arrived and it seemed a bit long but again that will sort out as they settle in more no doubt. We left at 6pm and the place was packed. I enjoyed the experience and sit here with the taste of Brie and Blueberry on my taste buds. Looking forward to a return at some point when the dust fully settles.

Nov '18

Happiest Girl- LOL on the OMG!

Perhaps more amusing is it's next to OLM.

happiest girl
Nov '18

OMG catty corner to OLM with WTP in the middle for mediation.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Dec '18

Per the restaurants Facebook page, every burger now comes with fries!!

Does anyone know if they are fresh cut fries or just frozen ones jazzed up? Doesn’t say on the menu.

Blackcat Blackcat
Dec '18

Ok glad they listened. Now I am open to going there.

Metsman Metsman
Dec '18

You had me at free fries...

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Dec '18

OLM? Is that what the cretins call Notre Dame du Mont?

ianimal ianimal
Dec '18

Man oh man if they can do a seasoned fry like the ones at Monchy's...I'M THERE!

Lenny Rock Lenny Rock
Dec '18

We've turned a tide. Now I have to ask is it better than a frozen pizza? Joking aside did they raise the price for this combo? If they didn't why did they not start out giving fries with a burger, like any other burger joint?

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Dec '18

I'm sure they've seen customer drop off already. Still think this place will go under before summer.

Funny Don, The parking is packed every time I pass by it on my way home from work at 5:30pm.

Jim L Jim L
Dec '18

OK, NOW maybe the wife & I will try to get there sometime during the holiday season.

But they won't be fully "broken in" until 2019.

After all the money spent, I doubt the owners will let it go under. They'll do whatever they can to keep it open. Altho I am surprised they opened someplace so similar to the LVBP only a mile or so away...

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Dec '18

It's not summer yet Jim L. Let's wait and see. Even a new Wendy's that opens in a town is packed, like people have never been to a Wendy's.

LOL. That is true, Don. The opening of Taco Bell in Mansfield was as if they were giving away free food!

Until there is more consistency with positive reports, I'll wait it out and see. I'm not in any rush to get there.

Joe Friday Joe Friday
Dec '18

I'm waiting also, until I hear what their preparation policy is for the vegetarian burgers.
I'm also hoping their french fries are vegetarian.

happiest girl
Dec '18

I ran into some people last night who had just ate at OMG. Said the service was very slow despite the place not being that busy. Servers seem inexperienced. Also the burgers were nothing memorable & the amount of fries coming with the burgers is very small. I don’t know how the vegetarian options are but I am not going to this place anytime soon.

Luca(cell) Luca(cell)
Dec '18

Their food is better than vegetarian for those who are concerned about animals, it’s Vegan! The Impossible Burger was great and the vegan cauliflower wings perfectly breaded! If it’s dietary allergies, definitely give them a call - it’s not stated in the menu explicitly.

Dec '18

I stopped in there last night to grab a beer. I have eaten there twice and neither experience was stellar for many of the reasons stated previously. I do not mind paying a premium for a craft beer but $8 is getting crazy. Two beer with tip cost me $20.

I can go to the Valley restaurant and get a Sam Adams Winter for $2 bucks draft

Two non-stellar trips where I am guessing you had beers and you paid. Then you go back to buy beers you think are too expensive.

Heck, if I could market like that, I would be rich! Too expensive and yet they get you three times.

What is that, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times and guess what.....I'm a...…frequent flyer.

Beyond the pricing, I mostly hear what could be start-up issues here. Let it shake down a bit to see which way the wind blows.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Dec '18

Kepa, if you are concerned with animals, why patronize/support a place that sells mainly beef burgers? Just wondering.

Movingsoon Movingsoon
Dec '18

Movingsoon, their menu seems to cater to a variety of dietary needs, gluten free, vegan, etc. Seems like they are trying to be inclusive and not just a place for carnivores and wheat eaters.

Tracy Tracy
Dec '18

This place is a joke. Crap reviews continue to pile up on Yelp and Google. No reason to go at all.

Because vegan options are great for those who avoid animals for many reasons (health, welfare, environmental, religious) - it's a smart choice for a new eatery to cater to different and popular dietary choices. I personally don't care about the other options they offer.
I was pointing out the odd point happiest girl had of "vegetarian specific prep areas" when that person says they are eating dairy as well. As if dairy production and veal are any better than raising a beef cow, for those who are concerned about it - but maybe they have other reasons to eat vegetarian than animal welfare.

Dec '18

Also, I will say my group had a GREAT experience here besides a 15 minute wait last Sunday night (you are texted when the table opens if you choose to give your number), attentive service, and maybe a 7 minute wait to appetizer, entree barely 5 minutes after that. Everything prepared exactly to details given, and a warm welcome from the servers and owner (assuming) as he walked around the dining area. The place was not insanely crowded, but definitely packed at 6 on Sunday. Will return frequently.

Dec '18

You don’t go to a burger place to get something that is vegetarian- go get sushi instead or shoprites salad bar.

Enjoy Enjoy
Dec '18

"You don’t go to a burger place to get something that is vegetarian- go get sushi instead or shoprites salad bar."

What an ignorant statement! I guess you never thought about the possibility that someone who eats beef can actually be dining with someone who doesn't? I don't eat beef, but my husband does. We went to a steakhouse a couple weeks ago for our anniversary. He had a steak and I had chicken.

Calico696 Calico696
Dec '18

Never said you have to eat a burger, but you cannot expect a place that specializes in selling BURGERS to have a plathora of vegetarian dishes. Your lucky if they have a salad you can pick chicken out of.

Enjoy Enjoy
Dec '18

A lot of newer trendier eateries like OMG specifically have a vegan menu. Traveling in other cities it’s pretty standard, but a bit less so around here. OMG has 3 vegan burger choices, and dairy -free cheese.

Dec '18


Your error is that you think burgers are only made from meat. A dictionary will give you the meaning of burger. It is a patty made from any ingredient, not solely beef. Beans, nuts, grains, tofu, seeds, vegetables, etc.
There are burger restaurants that are solely vegetarian / vegan as well, like Superiority Burger in Manhattan.

happiest girl
Dec '18

"but you cannot expect a place that specializes in selling BURGERS to have a plathora of vegetarian dishes"

Where did anyone say they expected it?

Has anyone been here lately? Just drove by and it's empty for a Friday at 5:00.

I thought that burger was a shortened form for hamburger, not patty.

Walker Walker
Dec '18

I know based just on this thread alone- I have no desire to go there.

I stopped by on the way over the Mountain last week. Burger with crispy bacon and pepper jack cheese done medium and was very good on a Martin roll . They don't serve slaw and lettuce and tomato anymore because people waste it. I asked and my waitress Kelsey gave it to me. If I wasnt satisfied with the doneness of my burger; I would have simply politely sent it back. The fries were crispy and seasoned. Really good. I had water with lemon and was satisfied with all. With a tip; I guess that I paid $21. The only gripe that I had was that it's still just a little disorganized however that won't keep me away. Took a little longer to be served . The music was good. I was satisfied. It is not a cheap place to go.

Angela Angela
Dec '18

Great veggie burger options. For those complaining please do tell where we can get a good burger around here...

Htown Htown
Dec '18

Went here last week with my husband. Hostesses said 20 min. wait upon arrival so we grabbed a drink at the bar. Restaurant was packed. Within 10 minutes we were being seated. Spent a few minutes looking over the menu. Ordered apps, new drinks, and custom burger. Drinks arrived and then quick to follow was the cheese curd app, came out all within 10 minutes of being ordered and they were great. Our burgers arrived timely after our app was completed. Large in size and everything we wanted on them with a plentiful amount of fries. Honestly could not have complained about service, food, quality or quantity. Total bill with 2 craft beers, app, and 2 custom made burgers was $50. Really glad we had the opportunity to try OMG for ourselves b/c we thought it was a great.

Dec '18

If that doesn’t sound like a shill, I don’t know what does.

$50 --- better be mignon burger....

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Dec '18

why can't someone enjoy their experience?

Based on the 79 google reviews, the place is a mixed bag.

Metsman Metsman
Dec '18

“If that doesn’t sound like a shill, I don’t know what does.”

Says the guy shilling for the Pizzazz.

EweIdjits EweIdjits
Dec '18

I'm just stating we had a pleasant experience considering the mixed reviews. I don't post on here regularly but I thought I would post my review for people to see.

Dec '18

Thank you WashingtonTwp. We haven’t gone yet as it seems they’ve been going through their growing pains, I’m glad to hear there seems to be improvement and was thinking of waiting until February.

Prices still seem high for this area so there should be something special to justify the additional cost.

justintime justintime
Dec '18

The way it is worded, it was obviously written by someone that works there.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Dec '18

This is 2018! WT posted - 2 Craft beers; 1 appy; 2 custom burgers* for. $50.

This means the bill was about 46.50 plus tax. This is the going rates. Closely approximates McNally/s, Marleys, Tap House; Waterside.

* these were "custom" burgers - not sure of the toppings but were not plain burgers.

I do not eat at Applebys - but I'll stop in there to check menu for I do not believe there would be much of a differential.

Can you prove it’s someone who works there?

EweIdjits EweIdjits
Dec '18

Did their prices go down? I thought people were saying $20 a burger but based on the menu I don’t see that being the majority. The reviews still haven’t improved enough for me to spend my money there.

Nosila Nosila
Dec '18

"Says the guy shilling for the Pizzazz."

I don't think you know what a shill is then- because I get nothing by suggesting a pizzazz. Quite simply- anyone who has used one loves it.

The same can't be said about the LOL burger barn. Most people apparently did not like it, or are pretty much meh. That glowing review verbiage is suspect to anyone paying attention.

I love it! LOL Burger Barn - great name!!

Luca(cell) Luca(cell)
Dec '18

Josh is right, if you go to Google and Yelp. The 5 star reviews are so vastly different, and worded like an ad, from the one to 3 stars. It's pretty easy to pick them out.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Dec '18

You say you get nothing. But you can’t prove it any more than you can prove someone is a shill for OMG.

EweIdjits EweIdjits
Dec '18

Besides reading the Yelp & Google reviews, look at the Facebook reviews - mixed bag.......

Had lunch at OMG today.....

An OMG burger with fries and a half trouble burger with a side salad and 2 iced teas was $36.00. Burgers were good and wait staff was pleasant. Hostess was a little frazzled but all in all it was a nice experience.

happycamper happycamper
Dec '18

We had a decent meal there recently. Build a burger off the menu starts at $10.50 which is what I had. All the basics starting with a 6 oz burger. I assume that is pre-cooked, as it wasn’t overly large. Came with fries. I didn’t care for the pretzel bun, so I’ll try another next time. I liked it. Service was super friendly and great. Food came out too quickly, but they are new. I expect they will figure out timing as they get more experienced. Great beer selection. I’ll go back.

@tg, did you really go there? Posts common concerns with the place but then glorifys em. If you read their 4 and 5 star reviews it reads like that. I have to really ask though long valley brew pub didn't have an issue with timing. This is their sister store. They should know how to train servers, or bring a few great ones in to teach the rest. I really looked forward to this place but it seems to have fallen to, if youre a friend or family member have a good time. Otherwise enjoy your cold burger. That's how drastic reviews are. I really hope most can see the paid from the real. Looked at the 2 or 3 ratings. From there you can see what's wrong and who's just complaining

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Dec '18

@yesimp. What? Glorified them? Read again.
I guess we all need to post receipts with reviews.
FYI fast food is kitchen timing, not service.

Lol so true. Went there the waitress was frazzled and the burger was ok and I didn't like the bun, fries were overcooked. But I'd go back again as the beer selection was great!

For a “burger place” to not have fresh cut fries, that’s a bad sign.

Blackcat Blackcat
Dec '18

Went there......never again. Food and service terrible. Beer warm and took forever to get. 50 bucks for, 2 apps, 2 burgers, 3 beers, and no Fry's.

John C John C
Dec '18

We have been there twice already. Once with a group. We had appetizers, dinner, and dessert. Food was really good, no issues with service, everyone happy. Went back again and sat at the bar. We each had a couple beers, couple appetizers, and once again food was really good, no issues with service, and again left happy! We will definitely be going back there. Cheese curds are next on our list! And of course the giant pretzel!

Hickory Dog Hickory Dog
Dec '18

Yes, Tg. Apparently you are only allowed to leave bad reviews on here and bash the place, and I guess a receipt would be a good idea, although I’m sure they will say it’s fake.

EweIdjits EweIdjits
Dec '18

I really hate to bash a new place but I keep hearing the same complaint from my friends as well. They can't seem to cook a medium well burger correctly! It comes out very rare inside. I would think a place that specializes in burgers could get that correct. If you send it back then others in your party are finished by the time yours comes back and I personally hate to eat while my friends are done with their meal and staring at me! I think Bea's in Hackettstown has the same problem, but at least they don't call themselves a "burger" place. I think that's a big problem management needs to address so I hope they read these threads since a manager never came out to ask how our meal was the night in question.

Not a fan
Dec '18

I had a really good burger at Applebees yesterday. Why would I pay more to go to OMG who has issues, when a chain restaurant pumped out something I enjoyed.

Metsman Metsman
Dec '18

I had a steak sandwich at Bea's and it was really good. I have never been to OMG, but some like it, some do not. It's all a matter of choice and taste.

For every pot there is a lid...

dodgebaal dodgebaal
Dec '18

Went to the Taphouse last night. All 3 burgers were done as we usual. The Heaven and Hell burger is the best:) That’s how you do a burger

Blackcat Blackcat
Dec '18

Taphouse makes great delish burgers & fries!!

Luca(cell) Luca(cell)
Dec '18

My husband and I went there on Friday night. We both shared a app smaller, and each got the OMG burger. Service was great, the burgers were cooked well and actually delicious. The restaurant is beautiful as well. We didn’t think the price was unreasonable as well. We’ll definitely be back.

Rmmjs Rmmjs
Dec '18

Panther Pub does a good burger $11 comes with hand cut fries albeit their a little soggy.

Just received an email from them. They made sure to say fries included with every burger. They also mentioned they want to listen to customers.

Well- I took a look at their beer list-

In my opinion it is horrible. Can't call yourself a brew place these days with crap like that!!

Pretty easy to google some top beer lovers websites, check ratings and follow suit.

Not that I planned on going there simply based on reviews- but I figured I'd at least look at the beer offerings. Bleh.

Anyplace that happily advertises Bud, Miller, Coors, Michelob, Stella, Corona, Heineken... should not have brew in their establishment name.

Want to make this a destination- try to bring in some of the hard to find top notch brews and then back them up with high quality go-to from something like Stone- IPA, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

There are certain beers you should always have. Pride yourself on quality and NOT having crap. Hire someone in charge of beer that knows beer!!

I'm sure people are going to call me out on this, beer snob, a-hole in general, etc- but again, a cheap crap beer can be found anywhere- quick easy and cheap.

Trying to match a nice new (expensive) building, with a pricey burger? Better get your beer selection up a couple notches.

Not too far the other direction- Buck Hill Brewery has great sandwiches with some fantastic in house beers- flavorful and stronger. And they are MAKING them.

All you guys need to do is order the right selection...and you screwed the pooch on that.

I agree about that beer selection. Yuck. Regarding Buck Hill, we went there for lunch a few months ago and although the beer was very good we thought the food was awful. I had the worst Caesar salad ever and hubby had the fish and chips that he said was pretty crappy. Maybe we should have had sandwiches. LOL

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '19

The Prospector Red Ale from Czigmeister is a great choice, that's a good selection to have on tap, is it not?

GreyHawk GreyHawk
Jan '19


Yea- I wouldn't order a salad or a steak there. They have a killer chicken sandwich though.

Ah that list isn’t so bad, they should get some of the Amber or Celebration brew from their LV Brew Pub. Good stuff.

Roywhite Roywhite
Jan '19

They have 077XX on tap... that's good enough for me. They also have Space Dust, a few offerings from Czig Meister, Dogfish 60... there's stuff there for people who like craft beers.

But one out of every 3 beers sold in America is either Bud Light, Coors Light, Budweiser or Miller Lite. You may not like these particular beers, but why would a restaurant owner not proudly serve them to the people who actually do like them?

ianimal ianimal
Jan '19

OMG beer list is quite good based on the list in the link. No prices or pour sizes so I wonder if the beer prices are high as well.

Carton 077XX, Jersey Girl Rake Breaker, Elysian Space Dust IPA, Hoegaarden Wit and a few from Czigs are all excellent beers I have had already.
Evil Genius Shut Up Meg, Spellbound's Porter, Two Roads Lil Heaven Session IPA are a few I would like to try.

Anybody know the pricing on draught beers and the pour sizes?

Based on the posts there are plenty of different requests for different beers. I would imagine at some point there is a limit on what they could serve- a suggestion box might be a good idea for them to have, then they could have what the majority of the clientele is interested in.
Some prefer generic beer, others prefer custom. Different price points as well.
Also maybe a beer of the week, or beer of the month, try something like that.
Some people seem very happy with the place, that is good to hear.

dodgebaal dodgebaal
Jan '19

" one out of every 3 beers sold in America is either Bud Light, Coors Light, Budweiser or Miller Lite"

good point, i happen to like all of these beers, they're all good.

GreyHawk GreyHawk
Jan '19

"But one out of every 3 beers sold in America is either Bud Light, Coors Light, Budweiser or Miller Lite. You may not like these particular beers, but why would a restaurant owner not proudly serve them to the people who actually do like them?"

Quite simply- they can be found literally anywhere. Any bar, restaurant, firehouse, vfw, bowling ally.

Even the worst bar you can think of- which off the top of my head might be the one on Musconetcong River Rd- (scary).

There is nothing to be proud about being average at best and considered mediocre by many.

Also- all those beers are in decline. The tastes have changed, for several years now.

Even the all-mighty Sam Adams, who is on record bashing IPA and saying they would never make one- has had several for many years now.

Go to one of the several excellent brew pubs in Morristown, go to Munks in Philly..

Calling the OMG anything to do with beer in their title- well should deserve a little effort on their part.

OMG Walmart Brew and Burger.

Czigmeister’s beer is horrible. Craft beer for the Coors Light crowd.

YeahRight YeahRight
Jan '19

Tastes change.
PBR, then Narragansett.....

dodgebaal dodgebaal
Jan '19

To Make a Great Beer you must stir the pot!!

I enjoy the Czig Amber

Stymie Stymie
Jan '19

Perfect meal on Saturday night. Burgers were cooked perfect and app sample was on point!

Htown Htown
Jan '19

I’m not willing to try OMG yet. However, my husband is a beer snob and I hate going out with him to a place that doesn’t serve Coors.

Nosila Nosila
Jan '19

70 2.5 star reviews on Yelp - No way am I going & wasting my $ there.......

Ohh if we could FINALLY see some Kane beers on tap up here in NW NJ with a nice burger. I'm there... :-)

Lenny Rock Lenny Rock
Jan '19

Tap House has had Kane beers on tap sometimes, and they make a great burger- better than the one I had at OMG.

I have also seen Kane on tap at Marley's. But their burger ain't what it used to be. In the last 2 years, 4 out of 5 times I request it cooked medium, it comes out well done. I finally complained and didn't have to pay for it, but that doesn't get me the medium burger I wanted to eat. I use to love Marley's burgers, but they are unreliable (I still love the place and the atmosphere), but Tap House's burgers are better every time.

So I went to OMG once. Burger was overcooked, and they got the order wrong. They're new. They apologized profusely, and didn't charge us for one item. We will try again. They need some shading blinds on that back wall- in the afternoon/evening, many people were being blinded by the sun.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Jan '19

I've seen Kane Head High at many local restaurants frequently, as well as in the store a few times.

"I have also seen Kane on tap at Marley's. But their burger ain't what it used to be. In the last 2 years, 4 out of 5 times I request it cooked medium, it comes out well done."

That's interesting, and potentially discouraging. My wife and I just moved here in October, and have been very pleased that Marley's has --so far, on the three or four occasions we've eaten there-- unfailingly delivered us a properly medium burger, which is not something most places seem to be able to accomplish on any regular basis. This post makes me concerned that maybe we've just been benefiting from beginners luck.

As a separate point, it seems to me I've seen (and partaken of) Kane on tap in a few places since we've been here.

Monty Monty
Jan '19

Went last night. Way overpriced for portion size. Waitresses need to stop talking and get with it. Never again.

Jay R Jay R
Jan '19

I recently went for the first time and I was not at all impressed. I mistakenly thought that the name represented the burger. A nice big delicious burger (hence the name).

It was a thin nothing. What a waste.

The service was good. That's about it.

This place is nothing to write home about. It's average at best.

Bobbob Bobbob
Jan '19

Went Tuesday night for the first time with my husband. Neither one of us were thrilled. My husband ordered bacon on his burger and it was a half of a strip! We thought it would be at least 2 full pieces...especially when you get charged extra for it. My black bean burger was average. The atmosphere was great...what a beautiful job they did on that building! I do agree, it's pricey for the quantity of food you get. We decided that we will not go again, but at least we checked it out for ourselves. Good luck to the owners.

Mindfulness Mindfulness
Jan '19

Bit the bullet and went today for an early dinner with DH and son.
Being around 4-ish, it was maybe half full. Music wasn’t blasting so the noise level was fine.
Ordered the fried pickles to share. Came pretty quickly and they were pretty good.
I got the “build your own”-6 oz patty, pretzel bun, pepper jack cheese, avocado and garlic aioli. DH also did the BYO, 8oz patty, pretzel bun, cheddar, OMG sauce and tomato. Son had a plain pizza. DH and I both had the Evil Genius “Shut Up Meg”, which was pretty good also.
Burgers were actually both done medium, as requested. Burgers came out just as one of us took the last fried pickle, so timing was good:)
We were all pretty happy with what we ordered, though I still think they could do better with the fries and make them from fresh potatoes. The ones they use are the coated ones but they were crispy, so that’s a plus. I like that they put the “topping”- aioli, in my case, in a small ramekin on the side because it was really good for dipping the fries in.

Total bill- 2 beers, 1 app, 2 burgers and a plain pizza-$62 and change. Not a crazy amount. I would go again and hopefully have the same experience.

Also- our server seemed like a good seasoned waitress. Good with small talk and when we asked if they could change one of the tv’s that was showing golf to the basketball game (couldn’t see the screen and I the really wanted to stay awake during dinner so nix the golf, please), she got it done. Forgot to check what her name was but we were lucky we had her:)

Blackcat Blackcat
Jan '19

veggie burger and angus burger - two wines ( 11 dollars each 5 oz) $55. ehh, not impressed. small portions -no apps, for table - weird mix of decor. Empty Friday night about 6. Staff polite and attentive.

Sister Jane
Jan '19

We went to OMG when they first opened and were beyond disappointed. 2 burgers, fries to share, a beer, a wine, a kids Mac and cheese... $100 after tip. We said we wouldn't go back. We decided we'd give it another try Saturday night thinking they worked out the kinks and now included fries with their burgers. We got there and there was NO parking at all. We assumed it'd be packed inside since there was no parking. We created our own parking space like some others had done and once we entered, it wasn't packed like I thought it'd be. We ordered drinks and just four burgers... One for each person at the table. We then waited for 50 minutes for our meals and I am NOT a picky person but I truly could have gotten a tastier burger for much less at Wendy's. All of our burgers were overcooked and MUCH smaller than we'd expect from a gourmet burger place. Again, I'm not picky and I don't eat a ton but I left disappointed and still hungry! The fries were good though! When we left at 6:30, there were empty tables which isn't a good sign for a Saturday night. It's a shame because it's a beautiful building and I know they put a lot of work into it but we certainly won't be going back again.

It's going to be a great lawn and garden place when it stops masquerading as a restaurant.

Don- very insightful comment, which can also be read as- made me laugh!!!

I received an email from 'resturant village' yesterday which *announced* White Birch.

Having been to White Birch more than once- and having no issues with paying top dollar for the quality of food and service we received there- I was surprised they are associated (owned?) with or by the same owners.

That being said, I also have been to the Chesapeake Tavern a couple times and the food was pretty good- I just feel the price was high for what you get. I know other seafood places with better food for less.

If this is the same owner umbrella- does it just come down to the store management at each location, some maybe making decisions that aren't working in some places?

Re: OMG Burger and Brew

We went Monday night at 5pm. We were little it literally the only people there. Very vast and warehouse feeling.

Seating was just tables with four metal chairs in the entire place, no dividing walls, no difference in anything. No booths. Just tables for four everywhere.

About five servers were just standing around chatting with nothing to do.

There was nice woodwork and the music that was playing was good. Our waitress was good (Joanne?), very attentive.

I got a veggie burger and my spouse got the burger of the day (turkey/chicken burger) on a pretzel bun. My veggie burger was definitely straight out of a bag (think Sam’s Club) and cold. My husband said his was good. Yes, fries came with it but they were terrible (shoestring and COLD ).

My meal came on a rectangle metal thing (think toaster oven ). Can I have a plate ?

So, two meals (one good one not good) and one soda, nothing else, $35 before tip.
No thanks.

I don’t think we will be back. They have to do better than this.

Really??? Really???
Jan '19

Passed by there on the way home from work & they now have a happy hour during the week from 3 pm - 6 pm with drink & appetizer specials.

They must have realized that they mediocre over-priced food is not bringing in the $ they hoped for so now perhaps happy hour will bring in more business. I think it's a step in the right direction if they want to encourage business.

The burgers at BBQ Sizzle on Main Street in Hackettstown are enormous; they are savory, moist and there are a variety of offerings like grilled pineapple, bacon, avocado. They come with an immense side of delicious fries — all for under $13. It’s a BYOB place and I’ve seen plenty of folks bring their own small cooler of beer and/or bottles of wine.

Robin Robin
Feb '19

Went to OMG Burger and Brew tonight for the first time and it was really good. Great Variety on Appetizers and even some nice entrees which we will try next time.We had the combination platter of different appetizers and a couple of us had the Jersey Burgers which are done with fried egg and Taylor ham. Great!! The servers were very attentive and gracious. We will definitely go back.

joyful joyful
Apr '19

Heard the bad reviews but gave omg the benefit of the doubt and went last week. Onion ring tower for app was good. Burgers were awful! chard to almost black on the outside and pink on the inside , dry and the char flavor was all we tasted. Server was not friendly. Only warmed up when she brought the check... tip time

Apr '19

Going tonight for my daughters birthday around 7pm. Will it be crowded? A long wait? Anyone have any experience going on Sunday nights? Do they do a birthday song?

H-town Mama H-town Mama
Apr '19

Have they ever changed the fries to fresh cut ones or are they still the same frozen ones?

Blackcat Blackcat
Apr '19

Maybe call them and ask ?

Janster Janster
Apr '19

The building is nice but the burgers are not very good. Was a bit pricey. Don't think I will be going back.l

Apr '19

I haven't heard one good review for this place and how long has it been opened? Google is full of "fake" reviews that keep showing up. One terrible review is backed by 15 five star reviews. How do you mess up hamburgers?

Had one of the best vegan burgers at OMG.

Outsider Outsider
Apr '19

I drive by there on my way home from work every day between 5:30 and 5:45. When the place first opened, the lot was packed with cars. Now, there may be 10 cars in the lot and I'm sure a good number of those are people that work there. That should speak volumes on the place.

At this rate, I don't see this place making it to the end of the summer unless drastic changes are made. Even then, it might be too late. Someone have Gordon Ramsay's number?

thomasnj thomasnj
Apr '19

We went for the first time on Valentine's Day night. Wanted a casual place as we had a toddler with us. Didn't want to mess up anyone's romantic evening.

It was busy but certainly no wait when we got there and it didn't look like there would be a wait when we left.

I ordered the pizza burger. The burger was cooked to perfection, exactly how I asked for it. But the buns (which i knew in advance were spaghetti buns) were awful. I don't even know how to describe it. But, whatever, I've never had buns made of spaghetti before so I have nothing to compare to and it's my fault for ordering it.

But the main negatives were the fries were tasteless, the bottled water on the table was warm, we ordered a shake that was small, tasteless, and room temperature at best. And I'm sorry, i want to be friendly to the environment too, but the paper straws have to go. A room temp shake with the only flavor being paper...yuk.

I don't remember what my wife had, but she was not thrilled with anything. Everything was just ok.

The toddler had a kids meal, chicken fingers and fries. The chicken fingers were gross, all corn meal. We didn't even take home the leftovers.

service was good and with a smile.

a little overpriced, too.

it's funny because i recall their Facebook page hyping up the fries and milkshakes prior to opening. They were even having tastings. this is what they came up with?

scott scott
Apr '19

I went for the first time last weekend. It wasn't to impressive, food wise. The basic burger was like you'd get at Redwoods and the fries were like the ones burger king served that looked like they were fried twice or had some coating on them. I liked the atmosphere but, the food was nothing to write home about. I'll try again but, not very soon. I really hope the best for them.

Anybody need a new lawnmower, or snowblower? Coming soon.

Hard to believe this place is under the same corporate umbrella as White Birch.

So , I finally tried OMG Burger yesterday...... I asked for a medium cook on my burger!!! It was so over cooked it was the color gray!!! I mean really!! Isn’t that what you do , Burgers??? It was really bad.. And really expensive! Never again.. I had a burger a couple of weeks ago at the Tap House, and it was delicious...

Havaclue Havaclue
Jul '19

I can make a perfect medium burger at home. That's pretty sad cooks that are supposed to know how to cook a burger can't pull it off.

Metsman Metsman
Jul '19

Yeah right!! And it tasted like it was a frozen burger too...Sometimes I get so mad when I go out to eat..Because I can cook it better at home!!!

Havaclue Havaclue
Jul '19

I can cook worse too.

But one way is only on occasion. This place seems to lean the other way more often than one may want.

May want to close, review, refresh, and restart. If planned ahead, could be short as a couple days. Use Big signs, marketing, to announce the change. Because from price to product to process to production, only the premises seems to excel. In my book, location is a great start, Now just redo the menu if you need lower price point, get a good cook and wait staff mgr, and reopen saying “brand new revamp. We listened.”

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Jul '19

I wonder if they pre cook and freeze their Burgers?? Heard Applebee's has better burgers A shame Hope OMG shapes up!!

Sd the location could not possibly be worse. Across from the police station ??? It’s calles omg burger and brew you couldn’t pay me to drink maybe more than one beer there. I lived in long valley the majority of my life. I love the law and have no problem with cops but those boys are always sitting around in the firehouse or right down the mountain just waiting not worth the risk and the food is expensive and meh at best

Still haven't tried it. I'm turned off by what I've read about the cost & quality. Such a shame as it looks like a nice building.

I won't go, too many horrible reviews, and too many decent places in town to get a good burger.

i liked it. ate outside, and while it's in the parking lot, was still pretty quiet and an okay view. make your own burger is great, all 4 burgers came out just the way they were ordered, all tasted very good, fries were good. this was on Friday, they were busy, i don't know if that makes a difference. beers were cold. we'll be back.

ken e
Jul '19

Well , I went on a Monday and was not busy..There were only a few tables.. And it was very loud in there..Both burgers were ordered medium..And both came out well done... And they were literally the color GRAY..I think they were frozen and or pre cooked.. As a Burger place, I think they should be embarrassed to even serve those burgers to us... McDonalds serves a better burger!!!!

Havaclue Havaclue
Jul '19

I actually had a good experience at OMG. Good burger, good service...

My only complaint is that i find its way over priced.

Htown Newbie Htown Newbie
Jul '19

We tried it out. Even though fries are included now, still over priced. The burger was juicy and cooked medium like I asked, but lacked flavor. Pretzel buns are always a win! The OMG sauce did not have a ton of flavor, could kick that up a notch or two. Like the build your own burger and apps were really good. The building is very cool! I would go back, but isn't one that will go on my heavy rotation. Also not a fan of the coating on the fries, as someone else said it was like the Burger King fries. Service was excellent though!

somechick1 somechick1
Jul '19

I ordered my burger medlium and it came out blurnt to a chris!!!

Ohno burger Ohno burger
Jul '19

I have a question for those of you that the hamburger you ordered medium did not come that way. Did you notify the server and have the kitchen correct it? Was it corrected? Did you also let management know of the issue? How can the issue be corrected if no one knows it happened?

I hear ya , We did not send them back.. I find when they don’t get it right the first time!! If you send it back and it’s not cooked enough, it comes back over cooked.. If you send it back and the burger is over cooked, they bring you one under cooked.... They make BURGERS.... And only Burgers... So , get it right!!! I did fill out the card they give you.. And said everything I said on HL... I will just choose just not to eat there again..

Havaclue Havaclue
Jul '19

And it’s not like they are cheap, they charge anywhere from $10 to over $15 for a burger and a couple of fries... Way , way overpriced for a terrible BURGER!!!!! They should be awesome for the price that they CHARGE.. That’s all I’m saying...

Havaclue Havaclue
Jul '19

I have a fear sending food back..might piss off one of the cooks who’s having a bad day. Being at their mercy, I don’t want to chance it...

Positive Positive
Jul '19

Has anyone apprised the management of OMG of this thread? Do they know that they are being called out for the poor preparation and overpricing? I used to pass by there 5 nights week at 8:30 PM and it never seemed to have many customers at that time. Maybe too late for most people to have burgers for dinner but as the only bar in the area I would think there would be some business at that time.

I can not imagine what they were thinking during initial ideas all that money and not have a business plan how to cook or manage or staff .

Plummer Plummer
Jul '19

This is my second review. My first review I gave OMG 3 stars, now after another try I give it 0. This is my 3rd time eating there and this time was worse than the first two only because they now seem to use frozen, pre-made burgers. I ordered the exact same thing I have had all three visits - Build your own burger, medium-well, on a potato bun, with lettuce, tomato, onion and OMG sauce. So, I'm here for a BURGER but the burger was pre shaped, obviously frozen, gray in color, completely tasteless and had a grainy texture. Also, I ordered the sweet potato fries and they sent my order out with regular fries (not that big a deal, but still...).

I don't know if anyone else noticed the change in the burger patty or not, but we sure did. My husband and I really wanted to give this place a chance because we are all about supporting local businesses - but we've decided to scratch OMG permanently off our rotation list.

Laurel Laurel
Jul '19

my fave burger locally is the smoke hog at Bea McNally. I get it with a turkey burger and a salad instead of fries.

$13 Smoke Hog
Bacon, Pepper Jack, Hot Peppers, Sriracha Aioli, Fried Eggs

thanks for the morning chuckle folks. now to clean that coffee keyboard spew :>)

laurel: fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. what's on third?

CBGB with the alternative from our most famours, local, most highly bimodal love/hate reviewed restaurant. Can you say out of the fat and into...…. Well, at least no one ever said Bea's is overpriced..... has a funky fry policy, Or next to a police station.....

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Jul '19

The owners are obviously clueless and the chef in charge is obviously a moron with the techniques they use in the kitchen. Sounds like an episode of a Gordon Ramsey show....

Metsman Metsman
Jul '19

Get yourself a Beyond Burger..... or a Sunshine Burger.
The Black Bean Chipotle burger by Wholesome Pantry is delicious and often on sale for $1.99 for 4 burgers.

happiest girl
Jul '19

Ive tried an impossible burger, was pretty decent. Is beyond better taste wise?

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Jul '19

How long til 30 Burgers opens??

thomasnj thomasnj
Jul '19

I’m with ya there on that one happiest girl.....I stocked up on the black bean chipotle burgers,my freezer is full of them !

Dam -- I bought 4 boxes the other week!

happiest girl
Jul '19

I'm kinda baffled why people get to openly bash this establishment but when I posted a thread about the scam that is Invention Submission Corp (now Inventhelp that had an office in town), it got deleted.

Whip welcome to Hackettstown Life. They don't let us get political either.

Metsman Metsman
Jul '19

I went twice . My Bree cheese and berry burger was fantastic and so was my glass of Merlot. Had a great waitress and the resturant was clean and updated. After dinner we sat by the outdoor firepit and relaxed. No complaints from me.

Bestlife Bestlife
Jul '19

Bestlife: Looks like a welcome to HL is warranted. So glad you found such a great place and this nice experience for your first post. Where else in H-town have you found great meals?

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Jul '19



Phil D. Phil D.
Jul '19

I drove by close to 10 this past sat. I think there was one car in the parking lot. For a bar that seems super low. I wouldn't hold your breath on management doing anything about the complaints. They seem to have a vision and are sticking to it, that's the nicest way I can put it.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Jul '19

Strangerdanger: Thank you for the genuine welcome. I really have not found many resturants that I enjoy in Warren County. Topo was o.k. a bit too salty. Mamas went light on my pizza toppings and fujiyama sushi rolls were smaller then expected for the price. The owner is a nice guy. Was great to see him come around to the tables and ask how everything was. Topos water spouts are unique too! I do like the bubble tea. :)

Bestlife Bestlife
Jul '19

I find it funny that if what stranger was implying, and I also believe, they have shown more effort saving face then fixing the problem.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Jul '19

StrangerDanger. Yup. You pegged it. Hates all the other places, but someone loves OMG. Such glowing remarks from a first time post. Suspicious to say the least. There are a lot of great places to eat in the area. Thanks for sarcastically calling them out. At least I think you were being sarcastic! lol

Jul '19

I went there once 2 months ago and had The Ultimate Crab Cake Sandwich. It was to die for. My sister-in-law who is really picky with food had a burger and loved it! Yea! It was kinda pricey and not a place I would go to on a regular basis.

I wish them nothing but success and hopefully they read everyone's reviews. I would hate to see that beautiful building they built sit empty again for years like the restaurant that use to be there.

Jacqui Jacqui
Jul '19

To each his own, I guess....I’ve been twice and completely enjoyed my meal both times. My daughter really liked her veggie burger too.

Jul '19

Food and taste is such a subjective thing, I agree with 2cute doggies, to each their own.
I went there with a friend a couple weeks ago, I thought the building was really pretty nice, a nice atmosphere and the service was pretty good ( although it was the middle of the afternoon and there wasn't a large crowd).
The food was good, maybe a bit pricey, although I will say I thought they were really on the expensive side for beer.
That being said, I would go back.

No go destination for me.
Can’t justify $50 bill for Burgers and a craft brew for two.
That’s two tanks of gas.

Stymie Stymie
Jul '19

Hey, I wish them the best and am glad some familiar HL folks are having a great time. Although, a pricey meal and really expensive beer no matter how good is not the glowing type of review I would like.

The reviews are mixed at best; it is not start-up issues anymore, and inconsistency is the best that can be mustered. For a premium price.

If the owners like their revenue trajectory; by all means, stay the course and congratulations. If not, I made my suggestion for re-energizing their plan with minimal downtime and a potential for improved results. Obviously, the idea is great. They have done many things right and many people enjoy the resulting product; might just need a slight course correction IF they want to exceed that outcome. First point would be to remove the inconsistencies.

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Jul '19

SD, I think the first thing that OMG Burger ought to do to improve their business.... Is to learn how to COOKS BURGER!!!! Lol..

Havaclue Havaclue
Jul '19

I guess their management does not check social media. If they did, they would have changed the sign to 'Meh Burger and Brew' as to not get people all excited about the burgers. No one exclaims OMG when they go there. Let's be honest.

Jul '19

Speaking of burgers - my husband and some friends went to Monchy's last night and I have to say the burgers were phenomenal. The beef patty itself was really good, with amazing flavor and was cooked perfectly. You could tell they were not frozen patties because everyone's were not perfectly shaped the same. I forget what it was called but I had the burger with avocado, onion, lettuce and tomato and everything was fantastic. My friends husband said his burger was one of the best he's had in a long time and everyone else enjoyed theirs too. Who would have thought? Anyone looking for a really good burger should check it out. I think I FINALLY found my new burger place.

Laurel Laurel
Jul '19

We went there several months ago, I was (foolishly) thinking I was going to get an awesome burger based on the name. I was thinking a nice big delicious burger (hence the name).

It was a thin nothing. What a waste.

The service was good. That's about it.

This place is nothing to write home about. It's average at best. I

I 'm sorry to say I was disappointed.

For a good burger I go to the Tap House.

Bobbob Bobbob
Jul '19

Never mind social media, what about their Yelp reviews? I guess management here is OK with being mediocre, at best.

Joe Friday Joe Friday
Jul '19

A burger is a pretty easy thing to master. I had an amazing burger from Miller's Ale House in Rockaway on Saturday. OMG should go there and take notes.

Metsman Metsman
Jul '19

Monchy’s burger is OMG good; have had some communications issues, especially on take out call ins, but worth compensating for. Nice folks.

I do love burgers, can’t wait for 30-burgers.

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Jul '19

Went to Monchy's for the first time on Saturday...1 adult and 5 teenagers. When I went to pay the bill I noticed tip already added in to my total, yet there was still an open line for tip and new total. Confusing, I wonder how many people know that the tip might already be added on to total. Was it because we were a party of 6? Odd to have tip already added on to total in a place like this.
Too bad they added the tip, because I was going to give at least 20%, since food and service was great...but they only added 15%, so they gyped themselves.

tripsy tripsy
Jul '19

Monchy's does make a pretty good burger. In fact most of their menu items are pretty good. It's a nice place. Good to hear about the Miller's Ale House, I'm near there daily.

You want a good burger!?

Pub 517s American burger with bacon. The patties are handmade and juicy and delicious

Kelleo22 Kelleo22
Jul '19

It's really so hard to mess up a decent burger. That's what's so hysterical with this OMG place. Overpriced and overcooked. But hey, they have to pay that rent and loan somehow.'s fairly common for restaurants to add gratuity to parties of 6 or more. (Although the server should have brought that to your attention.)
The option is given so you may add to the 15, 18, or whatever percent that is already included. So they didn't gyp themselves out of 20%, you did.

Eperot Eperot
Jul '19

Don- paying it so far...

Stymie Stymie
Jul '19

Four of us went and visited OMG last Friday for the first time. I don't know it wasn't the best and wasn't the worst place of it's kind I've been to.

All of our burgers were cooked to our satisfaction. Quantity etc was fine. I was a bit surprised when I asked for a small side of wasabi coleslaw that they whacked me $6 for it. It was offered as a topping on the build your own portion of the menu. Quality of the burger wasn't the greatest wasn't the worst. While I don't believe it was a frozen product, I did expect a better quality beef given the fact it's their premier product and the price point.

I would have to rate the service a "c".

Prior to being seated on the patio which was quite nice that evening, I noted it was rather loud in the main dining room, probably not great for conversation. But it did look nice and inviting.

I was on a team of people that reviewed new, trendy, and the legendary eating establishments in New York City for many years for Forbes magazine. Simply our review of a particular restaurant was either a green, yellow, or red light. After only one visit I'd have to give OMG, in my opinion, a yellow light- proceed with caution.

I'll give it another try at some point.

Greg- I'd love to go to restaurants with you given your past experiences, but I'd probably be more harsh than you. :)

My wife has told me on more than one occasion that I should do a restaurant / food review of some sort.

Eperot-yes, they did; they added the 15% tip and totaled it, then added another line for tip without even mentioning it. Sneaky, IMO, so I just left it, didn’t add to it. I am familiar with the auto tip for parties of 6 or larger, but I don’t think a lunch with 1 adult and 5 teens warranted an automatic tip being added. That’s more for a full-service restaurant, which I don’t consider Monchy’s to be.

tripsy tripsy
Aug '19

Anything to get you out of the house, Josh :-)

So Greg, Brooklyn Diner, up by Carnegie, legendary or touristo? Anything interesting up there (no Tea Room)?

Tripsy, did they serve you or did you order and pickup at the counter? If the later, I agree, if the former, it’s fair. Especially at a place where I bet they het stiffed a lot. If the receipt was not clear, that’s bogus.

Hey, Burger night at the Legion Hall is on the calendar, OMG!!

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Aug '19

@ Strangerdanger. Burger night at the Legion is the best. $5 burgers with any toppings you want and they are so good. We go every Friday night when we can..Hope to see you there...P.S. they always have steak sandwiches and a special sandwich each week for purchase as well. All only $5 each..

joyful joyful
Aug '19

Oh, you will see me.

You just won't know it :>)

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Aug '19

Or will we. ;-)

Went to OMG restaurant (Schooleys Mtn) last Saturday. At six at night the parking lot was full. Had to wait until someone left to get a spot.

The burger was OK and fries for two. Service was OK once we got seated. If you wanted bacon, cheese, pickle etc there was an added price.

What got me was a glass of house wine was $11.00. I can buy a bottle or box for less than that.

The crowd was mixed in age. Not just catering the young set or the older.

Good to see for the one time. I won't be back.

Bernie Bernie
Jan '20

I'm not impressed at all. The service is always very slow, and the servers are very inattentive. The building is very nice, although it is extremely loud inside with no sound proofing. I had the fish sandwich, which was over fried and dry. My husband had wings, and they were just ok. The burger was just ok, nothing I could not grill myself for a fraction of the price. I feel badly because the old Schooley's Mountain Inn was a great little hole in the wall. I was hoping for more.

kelleo22 kelleo22
Jan '20

I still have not tried this place & based on the reviews here & online, I am in no rush.

Why bother going here when you can get a good burger at 30 burgers.

Metsman Metsman
Jan '20

Does 30 burgers sell bourbon?

ianimal ianimal
Jan '20

A liquor store does. Problem solved. You can get a burger to go and your bourbon at the store and don't have to worry about driving home impaired.

Metsman Metsman
Jan '20

30 Burgers is BYOB

Bhavik Bhavik
Jan '20

We are hoping to finally get there tomorrow.

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '20

At that point I may as well make my own burger, Metsman. Sometimes a man just wants to sit down and have dinner and a drink without driving all over the place with takeout food stinking up his car for three days.

Nice to know, Bhavik... thanks.Although, technically, I don't think you're allowed to advertise that. The ABC has some goofy rules (-;

ianimal ianimal
Jan '20

The red carpet will be waiting :-)

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Jan '20

"The red carpet will be waiting"

Darn and I won't even be able to wear heels. I rolled my ankle pretty badly a little over three weeks ago and gave myself a sweet grade two high ankle sprain. I'm still hobbling around. It's all Shop Rite's Can Can Sale's fault. LMAO

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '20

And yet you picked Saturday to go to the next-biggest-thing in Hackettstown......hmmmm, hope the lines are down. Get the spicy fries, good for ankles!

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Jan '20

I just realized I posted in the wrong thread. Hoping to head to 30 Burgers tomorrow, not OMG. It got confusing here over the last few posts.

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '20

I often have tripped over myself doing the "Can Can" dance at Shop Rite every January when the song starts playing over the intercom- often linking arms with other shoppers and twirling around in the aisles in pure sale ecstasy over on sale cans of Progresso soup, wonderful event ;)

May your injury heal quickly!

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Jan '20

That was you that spun me into the Dorito’s and then danced away.....

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Jan '20

LOL! Thanks TRA.

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '20

Will OMG be open at this time next Year? Does not sound good
I hope that the OWNER wakes UP and improves the Business !!

Good Luck !

now I'm stuck with an image of Chuck D in a frilly dress with thigh high stockings that I can't unsee... sleep will not come easy tonight. l

ianimal ianimal
Jan '20

Just got back from America's roadhouse. 3rd time in as many months. And a few times before that.

How many times at OMG? zero.

We drove by 30 burgers and didn't really like what we saw. The place looked (from the road) like a run down 5 guys. The lighting was terrible and way too bright. Hopefully the burgers are good because it looks like a rundown DMV from the street.

friendly mcface friendly mcface
Jan '20

I get the lighting is bright. I don't see how it looks run down at all though, everything is brand new.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Jan '20

30 burgers is good

Jan '20

friendly moface - from the road? I can't see in from the road. The mall itself may not look great, but I doubt you went close enough to look in ' from the road'. Me thinks you may work or own OMG, because come on! Run down? Brand new. Nice try, but let's try to make a new place as welcome as possible, and so far 30 Burgers has been a nice addition to town. I also hate crossover threads.

Jan '20

No I don't work for OMG. I"M not a fan of that place either LOL. It's called OMG because of the sticker shock you get from your check!

I drove by it on the way to quick check one evening. I was sharing my 'from the street view' It really looked terrible enough to keep me away but I will be sure to try it at one point or another.

friendly mcface friendly mcface
Jan '20

Hey, lightin up on the crossover slams; whattaya think this is: South Carolina? Crossovers have rights too you know. They are threads too, just different!

Friendly should keep it’s eyes on the road. I mean willing to risk life and limb navigating quick chek parking lot, but afraid of 30burger rough neighborhood.....You need to stay away from burgers and eat more chicken.

It’s an uoscale 5guys thank you very much.

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Jan '20

Old thread, but I finally got to OMG a couple weeks ago. 1:15 pm on a weekday with 8 friends from my car club, so 9 of us. Place was mostly empty, just a few other small tables occupied. We all ordered burgers and soft drinks. An HOUR AND 45 MINUTES LATER, we finally got out of there. My friends were nice to me, but assured me they would never be joining me for lunch there again.

Bruin Bruin
Dec '21

It ain't gonna make it, sorry to say.

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Dec '21

I thought the food was not very good and expensive. Agree that service is slow.

Dec '21

If you can afford dressage lessons, you can afford an OMG burger. Help out your neighbors.

It's this type of complaining that will never get you a Whole Foods in your area.

Every time my family has gone there the food is mediocre for the price you pay. It is loud, and the service staff is unknowledgeable as to what is on the menu. The kitchen is slow, and the management is not friendly. Such a shame. I really miss the Schooley's Mountain Inn. If you want a great burger for a fraction of the price, head over to the Old Mill in Chester, or Pub 517.We went twice to OMG, the first to try it, and second to see if it got better. Nope.

Not a fan Not a fan
Dec '21

I went there twice and I thought it was fine. Red Robin has burgers that are $14. So I don't understand the price complaints. Also had normal wait times for the food.

Metsman Metsman
Dec '21

There's a $3 up-charge to substitute a side salad for french fries, but lettuce, tomato and onion are free toppings for the Build-a-Burger? How does that make sense?

Even stranger... on the Appetizers menu, French Fries, Sweet Potato Fries and Side Salads are all $5.99, but if you get a burger, the sweet potato costs $2 more and the salad $3 more? Shady, at best...

The $14 burgers at RR come with unlimited fries or unlimited side salads.

ianimal ianimal
Dec '21

Not a fan, totally agree with you on Old Mill, and I very much miss the Schooly's Mountain Inn. Still having a good experience at Hunter's Lodge, stopped there after cutting our tree. Never has disappointed me yet.

Bruin Bruin
Dec '21

Hey Fred, unfortunately if your being way overcharged for a burger and fries people will complain. I don't care where the location is, nobody should be taken advantage of. It's rediculous, and it's not in the best interest of the majority in Washington township. Brew pub makes same quality burger, and I think it's the same owner...? Bad practice.

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Dec '21

The fact is that they paid to much for the building, now they need to soak their clientele to cover their mistake.
Choice is lower their prices, increase revenue and pay off mistake over a longer period or,
Keep prices the same, hope the public is stupid enough to overpay, and pay off mistake earlier (if they can remain open).
Looks like their banking on the latter.

Stymie Stymie
Dec '21

I still have not been there, mostly due to the reviews on this thread

I see no reason to pay (what seems to be a bit of a premium) for mediocre food and service, and everyone seems to be saying the same thing, so I do not doubt the reviewers

Darrin Darrin
Dec '21

I was there with my wife this past Sunday, we each got a sandwich with fries and a drink, the bill was $32 (before tip) , we were in and out in about 45 minutes. The food was hot and it was good. Would I got back, yes. This was my second time there, was about the same as the first time. No complaints.

Dec '21

The company I work for took us for a late lunch/early dinner there a few months ago. It was fine, nothing to complain about food quality or service wise. Though prices did seem high. Though that being said with inflation in general that’s happening everywhere. Heck even the Washington Diner (which I love) has been more expensive. A dinner for me and my girlfriend used to be $20-$22 with tip for what seemed like forever. Now it’s creeping up on $32ish. For the exact same meal, we’re very consistent eaters, and speaking of burgers thats what I always get at the diner. We have actually started getting water instead of other drinks to knock it down $5. Point being $12-14 for a burger and fries is the norm anymore

Makomiller1984 Makomiller1984
Dec '21

And that's the point. If one is willing and accepting that a burger costs $12-14, then there a whole lot of choices to be accepting of a place that's mediocre. I've never been to this place, probably never will. The reviews have been lukewarm at best, for a burger place? Too many other places to go. It doesn't seem like this place has very much atmosphere to offer for it's prices.

Steve Steve
Dec '21

Doesn’t make sense to go out to eat and ordering WATER to drink due to budgetary concerns.
2 Burgers@ $14.====$28.
2 beers/drinks @$6. (Conservative)=$24.
Totally (sub$=$52.
Plus tax==$3.38 (approx)
Gratuity =$11.50
GRAND TOTAL==$67.00 (+-)
If you think that this is value for a no frills meal, enjoy OMG

Stymie Stymie
Dec '21

Nice breakdown, Stymie. When compared against a chain like, say Applebee’s, my wife and 2 kids can eat there cheaper. Not that I’m a huge fan of Applebee’s but I think their burgers are on par, if not better than OMG.

Dec '21

Split a desert and throw in two coffees (unless you order hot water in a cup and bring your own tea bags) and you’re pushing $80.
Lots of better options available locally.

Stymie Stymie
Dec '21

IDK where some of you are getting burgers... If you think $13.75-14 is expensive when you can get a pretzel bun if you want, then IDK where you're getting burgers from. Applebees charges $10 for a plain hamburger. The place was busy both times I went so the general consensus must be that people like it.

Metsman Metsman
Dec '21

beers/drinks @$6. (Conservative)=$24.

is that an estimate on the beer price? or the actual OMG price?
draught beer?

I've not been to OMG but $6 draught beer is getting scarce. most places are $8 - 10 for a draught.

How about skipping the ‘pretzel bun’ and coasting down to the Olde Mill and upping it to the 16 oz. New York Strip with fries and vegetable. @ $22.
Fat Tire in tap $6.
12 minute drive for 3x the meal.

Stymie Stymie
Dec '21

Finally tried omg. Ordered to go a mushroom swiss, cheese steak burger, omg burger, and 2 kids cheese burgers. Order of fried pickles and old Bay fries. Each meal also came with fries. Was just under $100. Burgers were cooked perfect,but all lacked good flavor. Out of everything the fried pickles were the best. I can now say, I gave it a try.

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Dec '21

Stupid me.
Went to Brew Pub for quick victual with a friend.
Same owners as OMG.
Figured we could ‘socially distance’ there.
Me 3 flavored seltzers.
Friend 3 beers.
Shared skimpy nachos.
Bill $78.00.
Stick a fork in me.
I’m done.
Never again.
Any of their joints.

Stymie Stymie
Dec '21

I guess if the beers and seltzers are all around $10 a pop, and the nachos are $10 on the menu that's about where you were. Pricy for sure...

Re: OMG Burger and Brew

This is what it costs to go out and dine anymore. No longer will you find a cheap place to go out. I find myself spending $100 for 2 on food at a bring your own, it’s crazy

Hadenough Hadenough
Dec '21

Sounds like a recipe for permanent closer if it's wrongfully overpriced. Maybe it'll sell and someone will turn the place into the "long valley night club"

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Dec '21

The way some of you complain, like about spending a whopping 78 dollars you would think you were on food stamps.

And you want a Whole Foods?

Better take that Aldi when it comes your way.

dodgebaal dodgebaal
Dec '21

Re open it as Kelsey's bar. Then all the local "Archies" can go there to get away from Edith.

dodgebaal dodgebaal
Dec '21

I'm sure $78 for 2 people is a lot of money for many people, and it doesn't mean they're on food stamps either.

I am truly shocked this place is still open with the amount of negative reviews in this local forum. I am almost disappointed that a representative of the business has not posted recently to defend or explain its business model. I have not been there yet and don’t have plans eating there any time soon …. If I want a amazing burger … I am going to shake shack in the Bridgewater area…. And yes shake shack burgers are amazing and worth the drive.

LibertyThinker LibertyThinker
Dec '21

It’s not the $78.00 ($90+aft. tip) It’s the crappy value that they shovel in front of you.
If the food cost on the Nachos was more than 15%
I’d be shocked.
Was a joke.
A blatant eff you.
There’s absolutely no reason to return.
People vote with their feet.
Place is like a morgue.
And that’s why.
Fool me once.....

Stymie Stymie
Dec '21

As a burger lover who lived in Hackettstown for 10yrs (and i still enjoy visiting this site), who now lives in Chester..........I have keep recommending the drive to the Old Mill Tavern here in Chester. Always great tavern food, cozy comfy space where the owners are fantastic people who know what they are doing. Burgers are always great- meat comes from the Chester meat market. We eat there alot and have never had a bad experience

Tracy Tracy
Dec '21

Agreed Tracey.

Stymie Stymie
Dec '21

Old Mill is good! Also try the Panther Pub, it is a bit pricey to BUT the food is always good and fresh, and that means that it's not a ripoff

Dec '21

Old Mill also has terrific nachos - not sure how anyone can screw those up but apparently the LV brew pub did. Also second Panther Pub, great food and the atmosphere is perfect for this time of year.

Eye4anEye Eye4anEye
Dec '21

Personally I enjoy the burgers at the Taphouse grill, though even then, I find The Anderson Country Store & Cafe to be even better. The only problem with the Anderson is they close even earlier than they used to, but they did add some early Sunday hours, so there's that! Ingredients extremely fresh and their blueberry muffins are yummy!

Phil D. Phil D.
Dec '21

"I am truly shocked this place is still open with the amount of negative reviews in this local forum. I am almost disappointed that a representative of the business has not posted recently to defend or explain its business model."

funny the place seems to be packed every Thursday-Sunday. The main complaint on this thread is the prices,so why does the owner need to come on here and justify their prices. They obviously found customers that will pay their prices, maybe not from this side of the mountain but I guess you people aren't their target audiences.

Jim L. Jim L.
Jan '22

oh and just pointing out they are up to 780 Google reviews with an avg 4star rating. So I guess all the complaints on this site aren't really hurting their business. Especially considering the majority of the complaints here are from people that admitted they haven't been there and are just refusing to go there because of the prices.

Jim L. Jim L.
Jan '22

Google reviews?
Just drive by and take a gander at their parking lot.
There’s your review.
Nice try....

Stymie Stymie
Jan '22

You're right, Stymie. It's all too easy for people that own or work at places to spread the word and get on and do reviews. (good or bad) Never heard a lot of good local reviews of it.

Jan '22

Jim L

Yet they want a Whole Foods. Funny.

All hat, no cattle. It's priced to keep the riff-raff out. People on the top of the hill are the ones with the money.

216 reviews on Yelp average out to 3 stars out of 5 for a solid "Meh" rating.

ianimal ianimal
Jan '22

Sounds like OMG is the reaction to the bill for mediocre food .

Jan '22

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