Howard Niper, Htown photographer in 1970s
I don't think there is an HL thread for Mr Niper. Sadly, when I try to search a bunch of threads come up about snipers.
Member of the Committee for Tarring and Feathering I believe, the group that planned the Bicentennial celebrations for Hackettstown back in 1976. Active in the community, a great photographer and a funny man! His studio was behind the gazebo where the around the world collectibles shop is now.
Does anyone here know if a family member has kept his photo negatives?
I lived two houses from Howard Niper for 15 years. He was a really nice guy, a person who i really respected. I lost track of him after he left Hackettstown.
I, also, lived on Moore Street a couple of houses away from the Nipers. We were great friends and Lani, their daughter, and I grew up together. They moved to Wisconsin many years ago to be with their daughter, Lani. Both Lani and Howard have passed away and as far as I know Gladys is in Wisconsin but in poor health.
Howard and Gladys Niper were long time family friends. They were active on the Hackettstown BiCentennial Committee but I believe the organization was done at that time by the Hackettstown Trade Association at the time I was President. I have a album of the events being held in downtown Hackettstown at that time...all of us had our stores decorated and we wore period costumes for a few special days during that time. I remember I borrowed a large, vintage spinning wheel and had that with someone spinning yarn on display in my shop window. Memories!
I remember the fire hydrant painting contest joyful. That was fun!
I'll try fb to see if I can find Gladys. Not holding out too much hope based on the comments here. I have an old proof that's not in great shape, I wanted to see
if I could still purchase copies or the negative.
Howard Jesse "Dutch" Niper was born on October 5, 1922 in Hackettstown. He was a son of Jesse Park and Jennie Ella Beatty Niper. He served four years in the Marines as a photographer. Niper married Gladys Barbara Vreeland (born May 28, 1929) on August 18, 1946. They had one daughter, Lani Jay.
According to the Stat-Gazette, August 29,1996: Howard and Gladys retired at the end of 1996 after 51 years in business. The Nipers became friends with the late Alan Stuyvesant, of Allamuchy Township, one of the last survivors of his famous family. Howard was quoted as saying "Stuyvesant introduced us to Brittany Spaniels and I photographed them for many years," saying further "It's probably what eventually led me into photographing animals."
They moved to Beloit. Wisconsin to be near their daughter and grandson Jesse. The Nipers' daughter Lani April 23, 2003 after a long and courageous battle with cancer.
Howard Niper died on March 27, 1999 in Beloit Wisconsin. One of the proponents of the restoration of the Civil War monument here, a bench engraved in his memory can be found by the monument.
Mr. Niper did our portraits of our family every 5 years since I was a child till we all grew up.. Nicest man ever!
Forgot to ad in response to earlier posts, I was told by a reliable source that when the Nipers moved most, if not all, of his photography files went into a dumster as the house was cleaned out. very, very sad.
Mr Niper did all of my childhood modeling and family pics! LOVED THAT MAN!!! His nephew or great nephew is still in town
I remember Mr. Niper photographing my grammar school classes in the 40s and 50s. Nice man. Good photographer.
Mr. Niper photographed our group in August 1974 at Camp Beisler. I have the 81/2 x 11 in the envelope that was sent from his studio at 107 Moore St. What a nice fellow. He arranged all of us in the line-up so professionally. I am so happy to have crossed paths with him.
Mark George McCay
From Toms River
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Beechwood
If you are on Facebook, I believe his daughter is a member of the group
"U Know Ur From Hackettstown If..." I am fairly certain I saw some conversation about Mr. Niper. Perhaps she might have some info.
I had two German Shorthaired dogs and Mr Niper photographed them. Beautiful job and I have this hanging on my living room wall.
I will remember this family for the rest of my life.
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