Garbage Service Recommendations

Our provider used to have really great service, but over the past 6 months or so it's gone downhill. They skip our recycling and garbage sporadically and when we call sometimes they won't have anything to say and other times they'll say "but the driver noted that they stopped at your house". We always put it out the night before to make sure we don't miss the pickup!

If you're happy with your service, who do you use? I think we're ready to shop around.

somechik somechik
Jan '17

Sanico did our neighborhood of 46 homes, never had a problem with them for the 28 years we lived in NJ.

Notin NJ anymore Notin NJ anymore
Jan '17


Jan '17

There are only three and I don't recommend Waste Management. Sanico or Global, if you're using one of them today switch to the other.

GC is right, they all are about the same and all can make mistakes. We use Sanico and they skip us about 3 times a year. But they come back another day after I call.

Maybe try looking for a company with a deal or special offer for new customers?

hktownie hktownie
Jan '17

The town could consider putting out a bid for trash and recycle pickup then add it to our taxes. It would eliminate 6 trucks riding on the streets on two different days a week. all complaints would then go to the town.

The Man The Man
Jan '17

The Man - Have you ever actually looked into that? Try running on a platform that your taxes are going to go up to pay for garbage. Not only that, I lived in places where it was included, and the cost is *more* than what we pay now. it would be a nice idea, but it's been looked into and better this way.

For 20+ years we used Waste Management and never had a problem. We just moved and for a different reason had to call Global. Well they did their job and sold us. Bottom line was money. They came in SO much less expensive.

We never had a problem with Waste Management, and we did try to see if they would match the price, but bottom line is COME ON IT"S GARBAGE PICK UP.......and we were talking quite a difference in price.

Aside from that Global seems like such a smaller company that each time I called they knew who I was AND I didnt have to go through they entire automated runaround to get to the person I needed to talk with. One other little nicety was being able to save even more money by paying for the year up was just about a month free paying that way. So far, and it's been three months, we've had no problems with Global at all.

littlelu littlelu
Jan '17

Creature of habit I guess, but I still use WM even though just about all of my neighborhood went with Sanico or Global over the past few years. I guess peace of mind that I can put the can away before going to work since they come very early (if this changes, I may bail on WM too).

One thing I did notice about Sanico- now it may be the driver, or possibly my neighbor tips them well, but on several occasions when he was away I've seen the Sanico driver walk up the driveway to the garbage can to check if it needs emptying. One time it did and then he brought the can right back up.

Schmedley Wilcox Schmedley Wilcox
Jan '17

I have had Sanico for 15 years...they have been fine. Maybe a couple of missed pick ups over the years, but it was only when there has been a new driver or some type of change. They do pick up the next day after you inform them it was missed.
The one thing I do appreciate is they always leave my can upright and in the place it was left. They also will turn my recycle can over or put the lid back on when it's raining so it doesn't fill with water.
I have seen some garbage men just throw the cans after they empty them. I know its probably not a big deal to some, but I don't want to have to go search for my lids, cans, the end of the day:):)

We have used Sanico for many years with no problems. If I need to cancel service for vacation, never an issue and my account was not charged. Like other services, I think the employee is sometimes the problem and not the company. I have had good service.

justwondering justwondering
Jan '17

I've used all 3 in the past and had problems with ever one. Matter of fact, we canceled 2 and got nothing but attitude. They even never came to get their cans. Until about 6-8 months ago, when 1 can disappeared one day. No call, no note, nothing. AND THAT WAS ABOUT 5 YEARS AFTER WE CANCELED SERVICE!! Some way to conduct business.

Botheredbyuu2 Botheredbyuu2
Jan '17

I use waste management and every quarter the price would go up about a dollar. Finally it hit 150 and I'd had enough. Global had just come to the area and my neighbor said they were 75! He said call WM and tell them you're switching. So I called and told them Global will do it for 75 and they put me through to another department and they said they would match the price if j stayed with them. So I stayed as I never had a problem with them except for the price always going up.

I did not have to look into it I came from a town in Morris County where it was included in the taxes. Collection was and still is twice a week Wed. and Sat.

The Man The Man
Jan '17

Thanks for the recommendations! Interesting about the price match, will try that first since it would be easier than switching.

somechik somechik
Jan '17

What are the going rates for garbage pickup?

Darrin Darrin
May '17

GLOBAL!! - cheap, friendly and GREAT service always

May '17

Darrin - For the full size container about $75 per quarter. The small container costs me $52.50 per quarter from Sanico.

Thank you

Darrin Darrin
May '17

I've used Sanico for 16+ years with no issues. Maybe a missed recycling day but maybe my fault and forgot who knows? They've always taken what I put at the curb even after the yard sale days when I say "they're never going to take all this". They do.

Coming from Morris county as well and yes while garbage may be included in the taxes the water and sewer bill in Roxbury alone was insane. What we have here is beyond reasonable.

Mickey Mickey
May '17

sanico is 79.50 every 3 months

Thanks. Just called WM and dropped form $37 to $20 a month. Of course, there's all those recycle, tax, etc. on top ---- but thanks folks.

Yeah, Darrin, I owe you .....$200 a year..... I sent you some virtual e-liquid....:>)

Now if we could just get Comcast to do the dance again.......

And yes, been with WM forever, just don't want to change, but I like the fact I don't need plastic bags, etc. EZ to do business with ...for me.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
May '17

We had Global until they sold the route to Blue Diamond- $75 per quarter. If you pay for a year you can save $25

trick trick
May '17

Do did waste management buy put many years ago?..I could have sworn it was Sanico

May '17

Bug3 - Definitely no. There was a very small mom and pop trash hauler that they bought instead. Then Global came along later. Sanico, Global & Waste Management are now the alternatives.

Hamms sanitation

stephen stephen
May '17

Lilian Hamm was the best. They were around for many years.

SD, when you call Comcast ask for the retention department and ask to be put on the newest promotion. I did that for years and years

Darrin Darrin
May '17

Looking into these companies now, one thing I saw is WM only has one sized container, while Blue Diamond has two, and Global has 3. For a small house, you can save by getting a smaller container.

I don't want to use sanico

Darrin Darrin
May '17

We went with WM because of what they offered when I called all of them. They just seemed like the better offer. We are a family of 4 with several pets and their size can was the best for us, and price difference was negligible. Didn't want to have to leave bags on the side of the road if we went over our can's capacity and risk animals making a mess so easily.

Darrin. Me too, used to have one of the best prices anywhere.

Think they stopped that a few years ago. Was competition based and until someone starts nipping at their market share increasing their erosion and take rates, probably won't budge much on price. Used to check in every 6 months but lately best I can get is free HBO for awhile.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
May '17

We've been using Sanico for the last 11 years and have no issues. They take all of our garbage (and we have A LOT which always doesn't fit into the can so they never have told us we need to get a larger can) each week without a problem. In fact, they will take stuff that is not required of them to take every so often. They are friendly, on time, and put your garbage can back exactly where it was with the lid on (instead of throwing it and letting it roll around and onto the street like I see other garbage companies do). They are reasonably priced and when you go on vacation they will not charge you (we go away for a MONTH each year and they HOLD our account without sending us a bill).

May '17

Lifer and Mickey - you probably have Ernie as your Sanico pick-up man, as we do. He's such a nice person, and also takes everything and puts the cans back neatly.

Rebecka Rebecka
May '17

Rebecka - didn't know his name. Great guy!

May '17

We have been using Sanico for the last 7 years and have had no problems. Ernie is our pick up man too and he is awesome!

brian brian
May '17

I just said today to my husband it's weird our neighborhood has three different garbage pick up days, Monday, Thursday and Friday, years ago one company did the whole neighborhood. My self I've been with Sanico for years, and have no problem with them they take what every you put out.

Sanico has been my waste pick up company for years.
The plus is, Recyclables pick is every other week, and on the SAME DAY as trash collection.
It seems silly to have to put out containers twice a week on Separate Days; like with the other trash haulers.

I pay 76.50 per quarter, and I have the large 94 gallon container that they supply.

Embryodad Embryodad
May '17

Has anyone tried LMR Disposal? I see them around town and noticed ads for them of late. Wondering if so the cost and what they give for it. I see via website they pick up recycle weekly same days as trash.

Nov '17

LMR has taken over Globals residential accounts. We never had a problem with Global and hope it’s the same with Them

Bessie Bessie
Nov '17

Well the first week LMR took over they picked up recycling but not garbage...had to call them, hopefully they get the kinks worked out

Darrin Darrin
Nov '17

They picked up our garbage much later then Global. I did call and not to long after they did pick up our garbage. The woman I spoke to was very nice and understanding. I can imagine some growing pains. They did apply new stickers to our can today.

Global didn't pick up my recycling until around 4 most weeks. LMR has been picking up both garbage and recycling by 11:30. I have had no issues with them. I don't know the price because I prepaid Global for the year so they transferred it over. I guess they aren't giving us new garbage cans since they are applying stickers to the Global cans but we should be getting a 65 gallon recycling can soon.

jrsemom jrsemom
Nov '17

I just got an invoice (a credit). I have a 35 gal cart and it's $19.17 per month.

jrsemom jrsemom
Nov '17

We pre-paid Global for a years worth of service in October and I guess Gloval has since been acquired by LMR and today we got a bill from LMR for an additional $100!

NJDad1 NJDad1
Nov '17

I have 64 gal, seems to be same price if not a few dollars cheaper then global

Darrin Darrin
Nov '17

We haven't had global for about four years jusrt got a bill for 75 dollars.

Curiousgeorge Curiousgeorge
Nov '17

I have been using Sanico for years good group

Dan Glaskey Dan Glaskey
Nov '17

A LMR garbage truck hit a telephone pole on my street on Monday, nearly snapping the pole in half, and drove away. Thank god it wasn’t a vehicle that was hit, because the driver left the scene. This leads me to believe that LMR is very untrustworthy.

Nov '17

NJ Dadof1..I received a bill from LMR yesterday for my quarterly fee (same as Global) but the bill showed a $25.00 credit from what was paid to Global, only owed them $50.00. Just going to check the dates but all seems ok. If you paid for the year, they should be pro rating what you paid and transferring the credit to your new bill.

Bessie Bessie
Nov '17

NJDAD1 we also paid for a year in Oct to Global and today I just got a bill for $75 from LMR?? Spoke to LMR customer service and they are going to look into it and call me back. Did you ever get your bill resolved?

dismom dismom
Nov '17

I had a $100 bill even though I had pre-paid Global for the year. I called both companies and they resolved my issue. I got a callback from LMR that they had my credit transferred from Global. They had some problems in transitioning the records as part of the sale. I would recommend that you give them a chance to resolve your issue.

JustBePatient JustBePatient
Nov '17

Billing issue resolved. Spoke to LMR and they just finished downloading Global's financial records. Our prepayment still holds and was told to simply disregard the recently received LMR invoice.

NJDad1 NJDad1
Nov '17

Representative from LMR went around the neighborhood (Mitchell/Lawrence Rd area), early this week handing out fliers. 35 gal $60/quarter; 96 gal $66/quarter; 128 gal $75/quarter. Weekly recycling. No hidden costs (e.g. Fuel Surcharges). Bulk pickup (extra fee). Two months free when sign up now.

The LMR flier came at a good time since we were thinking of checking other companies. We've been a Waste Management customer for 15 years. Most weeks we only have 1 bag of garbage. Our November-January quarter bill is $157; previous three quarters were $149 each. WM cost includes curb service, fuel / environmental charge, recyclable material offset rel, regulatory cost recovery charge.

Nov '17

Call WM they will match the LMR price. We just made the call this past week.

Sanico,no issues at all,great service.

hammer hammer
Nov '17

Does anyone know if LMR requires recycling to be sorted, or is it ok to mix glass, plastic, small cardboard pieces all together in the container? Thanks.

hktownie hktownie
Apr '18

From their website it states they fully commingle the recycling.

I'm switching today, waiting for my callback. According to my brochure you don't have to separate recycling and I'm getting 2 months free. Waste Management couldn't come near what LMR is offering me.

Happygirl Happygirl
Apr '18

TY for this thread. Save a bunch of cash by calling WMgt and telling them there's competition out there.

It was a noticeable savings. tyvm.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Apr '18

LMR took over Global, and our service is terrific. They gave us 2 large cans. One to use for trash, and the other for recycling. You do not have to separate recycling, and they pick up both every week on the same day. We couldn't possibly fill the recycling can (it is huge) every week, so we put it out every 2nd or 3rd week. Plus at the time they were running a starters special and gave us 2 free months. So now I pay 66 dollars a month ( 16 dollars less then I paid previous), and have the best service ever. Just remember to time your switch over so that you are not paying your current carrier when starting a new carrier. Your current service will not refund your money for paid months. (can't blame them)

USAfirst USAfirst
May '18

USAfirst, you mean you pay $66 a quarter no?

Every so often when Waste Management raises their price we call and share LMR and Sanico's pricing. They always match it. So far so good. The day they no longer price match is when a switch to one of the others will happen.

This pretzel is making me thirsty.

WM matched price for me and I didn’t mention a number. I must have been paying a lot because the drop was well over 10%

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
May '18

RE: Greg Yes per quarter. My mistake. Not at home right now, but will check my ledger for the amount...Stay tuned>

USAfirst USAfirst
May '18

I'm getting a refund from Waste Management, about $110. The lowest they would come down was $80/quarter.

Happygirl Happygirl
May '18

Getting back to Greg; My LMR bill is $22/mo. or $66/qtr. for a what they call 96 gallon service. That means a 64 gal. trash can with the allowance of an additional bag if needed. As I said, it includes an additional 64 gal can for co-mingled recycling. We are thrilled with the savings and service. They also offer a smaller can service and a much larger can service. Also for those who are interested, ask for the deal we got:
2 free months with sign up. Good Luck to All.

USAfirst USAfirst
May '18


karma karma
May '18

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