Mansfield Shoprite
What a dump this store has been lately.They never stock their shelves anymore, everything is a mess and now thrown everywhere. I went there this evening and there was literally no meats/chicken within the meat department. I found 1 package of chop meat that is about to expire. The produce department looks like they found rotted vegetables in a garden somewhere and threw it on the shelf. The fruit was all wilted and bruised. The broccoli was completely spoiling. Their new refrigerating system is simply not keeping it fresh. Bring back the ice!
No one works the carriages anymore either. When I was there last weekend, everyone was complaining there were no carriages up front. Same was true tonight...
They also only have 2 registers open. What a joke. I am going elsewhere for now on. Such a pity though..
In all fairness, that's just not true. I have seen the "carriages" (southern or Canadian term?) taken care of regularly by three different people in the past two weeks. There were at least 10 registers open on Sunday when mom and I went. And no meat at all?
Because of the remodeling, multiple sections have been moved around, changed, and not where they were expected. There have been signs up to try to direct us to where things are.
No store is perfect. They all have their flaws. But let's be reasonable.
They have been going through a lot of changes so some things are understandable. However I do agree with the stock issue. Things that I usually buy with no problem have not been available and I now get very lost and frustrated because things have moved. Hopefully things will improve as renovations become complete.
I have had none of those problems at shop-rite except learning where certain things are now...because of the expansion and renovation.......Overturn2 I am there weekly and have never seen what you describe
The worst thing about Mansfield Shop Rite is the parking lot. It's a zoo. I always hated shopping there. I'm always pleased when shopping at Washington Shop Rite. The store is well laid out and usually very well stocked.
Mansfield Shoprite is a dump. If you must shop at a Shop Rite, the Byram Shop Rite is great. Clean, not as crowded and never a line at the checkout. All those that clamor over to the Mansfield Shop Rite like it is the best supermarket have made better stores like the A&P in Washington and Budd Lake go under. Weis is also much better and less crowded. Who cares if they are a little more expensive as was A&P? It is not worth the aggravation of the parking in the Mansfield Shop Rite and the long lines there. Also, they can remodel it all they want but it will still be a dump. Byram Shop Rite is a much better Shop Rite option in the area.
As much as the parking situation stinks at that ShopRite That supermarket is the best grocery store in the area-hands down. The selection is wonderful as is their produce. I feel it is much nicer than the new ShopRite in Flanders. Obviously, due to the extensive amount of work they are doing on that store, there will be some confusion as to where some items are, but the original post is just a bit much.
Rmmjs - wrong. That store sucks period. You helped shut down other stores in the area by going there. The store is dirty, crowded and not worth the aggravation. The original poster got it right with their descriptions. If you need your Shop Rite "fix" go to Byram, but shame on you as you helped shut down the A&P's in the area that had better produce and were cleaner with less lines and should be going to Weis with less lines and is much cleaner. Stop being a paid spokesperson for the Shop Rite of Mansfield. It is a dump and swamp that needs to be drained.
Hiposter, not sure who you are but I can tell you I am not a spokesperson for any shoprite. I don't care for shopping in general but I do know if I am looking for Boars head turkey it's 5.99 a lb or fresh shoprite Portuguese rolls from the bakery department currently 3 for .99. Most likely you should head on over to the dairy department where Philadelphia cream cheese buy one get one free this week only and be sure to check this weeks circular for other great deals only at the Mansfield Shoprite.
If you want a better experience than Byram. Head over to the Morris Plains Shop Rite. It makes Byram look like a Walmart.
Agree with the stocking issue. I was there early Monday and the store was already out of chicken. Couldn’t find four other items on my list, not because they were moved to a different part of the store but because they weren’t in stock. This is the third time in as many weeks something similar has happened.
My question is who was the genius or mastermind that decided to make all the changes to the store aisles in the first place? Was this really necessary? The confusion now is unbelievable as you are like a rat in a maze now trying to locate what for years was so easy to find.The powers that decided to change up the aisles and put the store into a state of confusion should retire. What a mess you created. Also maybe take some of the monies you invested in this store conversion and pay you staff a decent livable salary.
Paid spokesperson for a local ShopRite? Please know you sound like an absolute fool. I used to go to the A&P quite often, so I’m not sure how you feel that I shut down a store. Weis is trash. It’s dirty and the produce and meat selection are lacking and at many times old clearly, it is targeting a certain clientele, which is you! Speaks a great deal! Obviously, there are other great stores, however, for THIS AREA (let’s be real here-a bit of a beat one) this ShopRIte is just fine. Now, go forth and support Weis so they can expand it, as I’ve made quite a mess. Fool.
For those of you that couldn’t find specific items, what did management say when you asked?
If you didn’t ask, you have no right to complain here.
"My question is who was the genius or mastermind that decided to make all the changes to the store aisles in the first place? Was this really necessary?"
+1000. Totally unnecessary. What's going on over in the expanded section has NOTHING to do with moving almost every isle (I was told EVERY isle except PET and HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES were being relocated.)
That being said, I never found SR poorly stocked. If you go on a monday- especially a monday morning- yes, they may be out of some things because the weekend shopping frenzy just happened. That's to be expected in on over-populated state such as NJ.
I'm not driving to Morris Plains LOL for groceries, or even Washington for that matter- it's unnecessary.
And the parking lot does kinda' suck, but that's not just SR to blame: it's a shopping PLAZA... CVS, Pizza, etc etc .... there's alot more there than just SR.
My only ETERNAL complaint: WTF don't they open the door at the RIGHT end of the registers??? WTF is it even there if they aren't going to use it? It's ridiculous, and opening that door for exit would make the parking situation alot more tolerable, than the single in/out all the way over in the corner...
Shopping at any Shop Rite had nothing to do with shutting down A&P, bad management was the reason for their failure.
I don't understand why the bagged salad now has to be behind doors!
Thats just more unnecessary expense that's past onto the consumer. Ridiculous!
Going to Morris Plains Shop Rite is like going to an amusement park. LOL
The parking lot is even more insane than Mansfield and they tried to cram too many amenities into not enough space. Also, who is going to drive all the way to Morris Plains to grocery shop from Warren County? I've only been there because I work in the area.
I actually just went to the Mansfield Shoprite last weekend because my curiosity about the improvements got the better of me. I usually avoid it at all costs. I think the renovations are a good thing, and hopefully when they are complete the store will have a better flow. I will still most likely do my shopping in Flanders, but it's nice to have a tolerable option.
i love the mansfield shop rite, they are our goto place for weekly groceries for well over 30 years now. I am glad A&P closed, high prices and tainted meat combined with horrible management killed a venerable 150 years old brand name. sad really.
the washington shoprite is also very good as is the byram SR, but Mansfield is closer and yes the parking lot is frustrating to say the least
i feel no shame in frequenting a store that has consistently done a good job. shame on you for saying shame on me, whats up with that????
SR drives other stores out of business by doing good business and that's good for us. You may not like it for some or another reason, but they have a good selection and a great price.
I give them credit for keeping it pretty darned clean during the Construction, but beyond that....... yeah, what idiot decides to move stock on Saturday? I mean like is there a worse time in the week to pull that act off? What idiot put the counters one-cart wide right at the front door?
I will say all of this has lowered my grocery bill; I can only back track my route so many times for "lost items" before I say FI and move forward towards the check out.
But on top of a great price, they double coupons, even triple them when you put a digital one on top, and with sales save me an average of 35% off the list price. That's thousands of dollars a year in savings which beats most groceries, near or far.
Perhaps not perfect, but a price leader with a pretty good selection in non-building-expansion years.
Parking lot sucks, always has, which is sad given they have literally three lots but only one in proximity to a door. I never go here for just a few items, that's what other stores are for, for me.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that thinks this!! Why does every isle have to be changed just because you are expanding the produce department??? There have been many times in the last few weeks that I walked out without everything I needed because I couldn't find it. I also saw employees sliding food across the floor to move it to the other side of the isle. This is unacceptable! The produce department is horrible. The food along the wall is too high for people to see. I have to use the mirror that is on the wall to see what I am choosing. Oh and I am not a short person! This store was fine the way it was, now it's a mess.
I've been going to the Byram ShopRite for many years as it is closer for me & remember going through this exact same thing when they had their expansion. Very frustrating, but so worth it in the end!
"There have been many times in the last few weeks that I walked out without everything I needed because I couldn't find it."
In Washington the cashier always asks me if I found everything I was looking for. Usually I do. One time I did not. I told him what the item was and he sent someone to get it for me and explained where in the store it was so I knew for the next time.
When I go in and can't find an item I ask. The only complaint I've encountered recently was the chicken section seemed under stocked. Every time I've been in the past few weeks very little choice and empty spaces.. I will take advice from above and ask next time as to why it's not full. On the plus side I'm looking forward to their hot buffet section. The one in Ledgewood is pretty good.
Pretty much satisfied with the store.
Always cooperative at customer service.
But, when I have a yen for fresh fruit, I go to the produce market on Rte 46 in the strip mall near Budd Lake. Nice selection and great prices!
S.R fruit, peaches plumbs, etc hard as baseballs.
Besides that , I'm good
TIP- at Shoprite, park far away from the store- walk an extra 75 yards- avoid the pandemonium.
Every time I've shopped there, the cashier asks if I found everything I was looking for. I think the complaints in this thread about this store are pretty over the top. My husband and I both work full time and have full weekend schedules, driving all the way to Byram just to grocery shop is completely unreasonable when I pass this store on my way home.
I agree that it is not the brightest idea for them to move all of the aisles at the same time they are renovating/expanding, I am also VERY frustrated by that and the extra time it costs me now! However, if you've ever owned a business or worked in retail you would know that the "bean counters" decided it would make them more $$$. The grocery business does not have a high profit margin and also has the added expense of discarding spoiled food.
Honestly, if so many people hate this Shop Rite so much, please actually shop elsewhere so it will be less crowded for those of us who appreciate having one so close to home. :)
natari is right, last few visits the meat dept has let us down, they don't stock the coupon sale items listed in the warren reporter, when i asked the guys behind the counter about it, they looked irritated, examined my coupon with a magnifying glass precision, acted like this was highly troublesome and not worth their time, , and then haughtily declared they don't carry it and they are not gonna order it, (yes, i asked them to order some and asked when it would be delivered and in stock) they just refused, not gonna do it said the meat manager guy to me, he did offer another similar item in it's place for the sale price, which was a good thing, but told me i would have to take that one item over to the courtesy desk to purchase it for that price (which i did) . . . Wow!!
and yes the chicken thing, many times in the last few weeks when looking for weekly listed sale items they didn't have them on the shelf, i asked the very busy guys at t the meat counter where was the sale item and they irritatedly told me to just go back look on the shelf again cause it's right there, (really? i just did that!) , so i go back to dbl check, and no there was none there, so back to the meat counter i go and they still looked shocked that i was still asking them for the weekly sales items, one of them finally came out in an angry rush, looked around, said ' hey you're right, give us 15 - 20 mins and we may have some more ready' . . . . wow!
so i'm thinking that maybe something could be generally addressed in meats over there. so i asked at the courtesy desk and got the same answers (none) and so then i went and looked in the rack for a 'how was your shopping visit' form, (there were none) so at that point i decided to table the whole issue till next week, i will find out whats going on back there in meats.
I've never seen such a bunch of cry-babies in my life. Stores need to perform updates and expansions in order to survive and thrive. Ultimately the goal is to make a better shopping experience for you. Unfortunately that means for a brief time stock may not be up to par and things may not be where you knew them to be. You'll learn where they are again quickly enough. And if you have a question, go to the courtesy counter and ask, because they are there to help you. Be happy we have a supermarket that is actively making itself nicer and taking over vacant space no one else wants to rent in an aging strip mall.
Oh, and as for the parking? WTF do you expect? It's a huge field of pavement for the huge numbers of people who come there. Here's a clue...park at the outer perimeter where there are tons of open spaces and walk the extra minute (exercise is good for you!) rather than wasting three minutes trying to find a closer space! Imagine that!
I used to shop at Mansfield Shop Rite and have been there only once during their recent renovation. Nothing unusual about any store that undergoes a renovation and moves things that you could almost find in your sleep prior to renovations- just the way renovations work- no worry, a year from now you will have a better handle on where everything is in the "new" store.
I always park on the side of the building that faces Rt.57, where I believe they have some loading docks. Never have trouble parking there.
I believe they also used to have the door open that is to the right of the registers to get back out of the store, but closed that several years ago, probably to control access- maybe they will remedy that.
Washington Shop Rite is where I do some of my shopping now, since I am rarely in Mansfield anymore. I am not particularly impressed by Washington Shop Rite, their selection and small shelves are not up to what other Shop Rite's offer. I always thought it odd that they built a brand new facility, where they could have made it fairly large, and made the Washington SR that small and limited. OK store, but a let down from other SR's.
It is out of our area, but the Flemington Shop Rite is really the best one I have been in. The bakery, hot foods and overall selection are the best I have seen. They also went though a painful remodel last year, but the store really is improved (trust me, I heard my GF complain about not being able to find anything for almost a year, but those complaints have subsided).
Where I work has me frequenting the Phillipsburg(really Greenwich) Shop Rite. It has what I need, layout is a bit rough, but I have a decent selection there- though in that area, the store tends to be crowded.
The Morris Plains SR, I remember when they used to have a huge parking lot, back in the 70's and 80's (I grew up right down in that area, and we went there often). Even back then, that place was a crazy event to go to! Once they put in all those other stores in that plaza and took away half the parking lot to do it, that became a place that one would never voluntarily go.
I think while Shop Rite is a chain, ownership groups own multiple stores. Washington Shop Rite is owned by Village Supermarkets, who own multiple stores:
Mansfield Shop Rite is owned by Ronetco, who owns some of the others that have mentioned above:
Flemington Shop Rite and Phillipsburg(Greenwich) Shop Rite is owned by Colalillo:
I find that the ownership groups generally are consistent in their quality , or lack there of at their stores.
All this has me realizing that I do need to get some shopping done, but which ever one I choose, I will get the best value for my money at Shop Rite.
They are in the middle of construction so are people really surprised that stock is low as they maneuver the changes.
Only real problem I have noticed since construction started is that the milk I buy has been going sour much faster. My milk use to be drinkable 2-4 days past the expiration date. Now one quart had to be tossed a day before the sell by date and another right on the sell by date. Are they not getting the milk refrigerated fast enough. Are the refrigeration units not cold enough due to construction ( all the moving around). I don't know. But something isn't right with the milk.
I don't like Greenwich Shop Rite at all. I think it's odd that the frozen foods are near the entrance not the exit. It's the only supermarket I have ever been in that is designed like that. Plus their parking lot might be worse than Mansfield with the Home Depot being right there.
eperot - I personally don't feel the need to park close, but even walking through that lot is a nightmare.
Can we put things into perspective as to what a nightmare is? Cancer...that's a nightmare. Losing a job and having your home foreclosed on? Nightmare. Walking through a parking lot? Maybe inconvenient?
If you're going to drive all the way out to Morris Plains to go to a Shop Rite, just keep going another 10 min and hit the new Wegmans in East Hanover.
I noticed the earlier spoilage of the milk as the post by JBJSKJ stated. Was really surprised by that as it never happened before. That ShopRite Mansfield parking lot is a accidents waiting to happen. Why did not ShopRite move to where A&P was in Budd Lake?! It seems the population in Hackettstown has grown so much over the decade that I have lived here that the move to Budd Lake would have made logical sense. All I know is that for those who reside here and don't feel like driving 30+ minutes to get to ShopRite in Byram/Flanders/Washington/Chester just go to stress free store of Weiss, starting November 1st until January 3rd that is where I am exclusively doing my holiday grocery shopping to avoid the rat race of the ShopRite Mansfield store & parking lot nightmare!!!
eperot - Really? We are on a thread discussing Shop Rite. The good, the bad and the ugly of it. Something being a "disaster" is an expression that's all.
eperot, I will keep this short and sweet. The parking lot is a freaking nightmare. Four years ago I was preparing to step off the curb by CVS when one of the many locals decided to park in the Fire Zone. In most areas it is against the law, but somewhat the norm around here. Anyway the individual wasn’t paying attention and got to close to the curb, hitting me with his side mirror and sending me to the ground, His ignorance resulted in a few torn ligaments and seven stitches after I hit the payment. I considered that a ordeal a nightmare and still do.
"If you're going to drive all the way out to Morris Plains to go to a Shop Rite, just keep going another 10 min and hit the new Wegmans in East Hanover."
Actually new Wegmans is practically in Parsippany (just before ramp to 287) and is closer to Hackettstown than ShopRite in Morris Plains.
My family had 4 car accidents in the parking lots near ShopRite in Mansfield during 7 years - twice when we were shopping and car was parked far away from entrance (once parking lot was practically empty) and twice when people pulled out the parking spots without looking. And a few dents from shopping carts and car doors. But it's not ShopRite fault, it's people who shop here. I personally prefer ShopRite at Sucasunna despite that parking spots are now much more narrow than they were before its reconstruction. But no accidents and always orderly, even during absolutely crazy pre-holiday or pre-storm shopping.
When I lived in Somerset County, my husband would talk about how run-down and schlocky Shoprites were as a whole. I never understood it, because the ones down there (Somerville, Branchburg) are brand new and super clean. Moving up to Hackettstown, I understand what he's talking about. The produce is definitely not the freshest in the area--take a gander at the sugar pumpkin bins in the front of the store right now and you'll see every single one of them is rotting. I see they're trying to renovate but adding a new appetizer bar isn't changing core problems like cleanliness and product quality. I much, MUCH prefer Weis, which is literally across the street, open 24 hours, and has a superior selection of fresh produce and meats.
I go to Clinton S/R for their produce which is always well presented and fresh. I find that Washington S/R/ produce is wilted most of the time especially the organics. (just my opinion)
Let's do ourselves a favor and stop eating. Americans are well known for being FAT. Can you imagine how grateful all those men, women and children from third world countries would be (who don't have food available to them on a daily basis) grateful just to see a "food" store. With all the problems of just being a human on this earth this is of concern? As Charlie Brown would say "Good Grief"
I can’t read all these posts, are people complaining that they need to walk a hundred yards to the entrance then can’t find the oreos?
LOL I didn't see anyone complain about walking far. Just that they feel like they are taking their life into their hands walking through that lot. As for oreos, I don't think I've eaten one in 20 years.
auntiel - So we should stop eating completely? LOL. People don't need to stop eating, they just need to make wiser choices IMO.
I think that lot is crazy too. I can’t figure out why though. Is it because the lot is a bit small and surrounded on two sides with the stores?
Calico have an oreo, you’ll remember how goooood...
this thread is great and completely says everything i have been thinking every time i go to shop rite. i always do grocery shopping on the way home from work on a week day and my biggest complaint every time is that there are close to no lanes open ever. it is absolutely ridiculous to have the lanes back up that far and waste so much customer time. and don’t get me started on the checkout people and their lack of bagging intelligence. there should be a mandatory bagging exam they have to pass. no reason to relocate shelves that we have been used to for years. the mexican food now needs to swap out to where the juice was?? poor decisions. if we had another option that was close by and decent i would go. they should hire more employees or relocate staff to high volume areas during peek shopping times to the checkout and the deli department.
4 accidents in 7 years in the parking lot. Please let us know when your going so we can stay home. Good grief.
I limit my Shoprite trips to "big" runs. For the odds and ends (and produce) I've found FrutiMex downtown is great. And as a big plus I can walk there!
Fall_Leaves, maybe you could help the situation out by bagging groceries yourself. I always bag my own and the attendant is usually very thankful for a little assistance.
Rt46- its behind doors, being refrigerated! It was fine all these years, just the way it was.
I usually just read post and get good information out of any of them for my own use. I can’t help responding to this thread though. I have been in this area for over ten years now and must admit I do like ShopRite in Byram as they have all the items I need more often than not. Staffs are friendlier too. With my experience, Shoprite in Mansfield has not been good to me in the sense that everytime I have a question or sort of minor issue the staffs seems to be not in a good mood all the time. Yes, before the renovation started I did find they don’t stock some items that I find in Byram. Hoping after the renovations it will be better as they have more space. Also with regards to stock of items, I presume they stock depending on the location meaning what people most buys and stock on items that are not as popular in terms of demand for the folks in the area.
I was there last week for a quick shopping and noticed staff is a little better though not sure if newer staff or not.
We should give them a chance and if you don’t provide a feedback they will not know what to improve. Also, salad on refrigerator I think will make those salad last longer or at least will not look not freshed even way before they expired. And yes parking there in Mansfield is not good but all shopping areas are the same...its not the parking lot itself 100% thats the issue also people who parks contribute to the issue as well.
Again, they are trying to improve and compete with other grocery stores now that other Shoprites have done improvements and renovations. I have not been to Morris Plains or other new ones except in Washington on Rt 31 because they are not close or not on my way to and from work.
Provide feedback. I always say don’t keep complaining if you don’t let them know. How will they know if no one speaks up. Hope you all have a great week!
And thanks to everyone who regularly posts to this site...all these information are great.
You old timers...Mansfield isn't renovating for you. A bunch of baby boomers who can't adjust to modern times. So you are bent out of shape because you don't know where anything is. Really? Did you know it is great exercise for your brain to find out where everything is?
Shoprite is renovating to keep the younger generations as customers. We know supermarkets are more than what this old outdated Shoprite offers.
Again they are not interested in you, who will soon retire and move away. You who would have said no to the invention of a car, since a horse is good enough. You who would have said no to a cell phone, since the phone at home is good enough.
Shoprite is competing with Wegmans and Wegmans will always win. Shoprite in Chester is the most modern around. However Mansfield is best for those who live near here. So stop your complaining and get with the times.
I find Byram shop rite to be the best, but I'm not going to drive out there to do food shopping, when their is one right down the road. Makes no sense.
I respectfully noticed that no one has mentioned the Netcong Shop Rite.
It is a small store, but it is easy to navigate, parking has never been an issue, and the staff is always friendly and helpful.
The meat and produce, etc. is ALWAYS well-stocked and fresh as can be.
Please do go there and try them out, they are worth traveling to.
The store reminds me of the old Washington Shop Rite, before they got too crazy in size.
btw - for everyone complaining about Shop Rite moving everything, if you stop by the courtesy counter they will give you a directory that lists what items are in each aisle.
Mansfield Shop-Rite - terrible
Byram Shop-Rite - very nice
Flanders Shop-Rite - aisles are too narrow - hate this one.
Morris Plains?? Who wants to drive that far?
Wegman's in East Hanover - Went there once, it's a nightmare - too crowded, too hectic, terrible layout.
Weis - only in a late night night emergency, way overpriced and terrible selection. That's why they're always empty.
Best one in the general 10-15 mile radius? Shop-Rite in Chester. Great selection, nice layout and you don't need a quarter to get a cart.
You're welcome!
The Wegman’s was nuts when it first opened, but it’s not too bad now. I generally head down to Wegmans once a month for a big trip to restock staples and the freezer with meat because it MUCH less expensive than the stores here. It’s too far to go every week though.
Josie, agreed regarding Wegmans, though we've never experienced it crazy nuts, but then again, we're early risers and get there before the crowds. I think we've been there three times now.
My theory is they re-arrange items in the store so you have to walk around and around, looking for what you need, keeping you in the store longer, and buying more items. Stores have done this without construction going on.
For all of you Mansfield Shop Rite lovers, this is what you caused. Pictures below of the A&P in Washington. Beautiful store, great selection and never a line. For all of you insisting at shopping in the junky Mansfield Shop Rite and refuse to go to Weis or Byram Shop Rite, you helped cause this, which you should be ashamed of.
I checked out the new Wegman's in Parsippany and don't understand what all the hoopla is about. I didn't purchase any, but I thought their prepared foods did not look nearly as appetizing as the prepared foods at the Morristown/Cedar Knolls Shop Rite.
resident08 - Seriously? Ashamed? LMAO! A&P went out of business because their prices were too high. People could get better deals at Shop Rite.
A&P was an IT client of mine. That's definitely not why they went out of business. They opened up the beautiful Mansfield store, then closed it shortly after only to totally redo the Naughright location that looked just the same. I'm sympathetic to the employees that I knew many. But management is what killed that company.
I find the produce at Mansfield SR unacceptable.
I also recently had an issue with the sushi pricing there. There was a sign in big letters with a sale price. In small letters underneath it said "selected items". No one knew which were the selected items! You could only find out at checkout. Yes, I complained.
Anytime I ever stopped in A&P because I was passing by and just need one item, it was a ghost town. Additionally, the complaint I continually heard from people about A&P was the high prices. Might have been a combination of not enough customers and bad management.
resident08, as a former shopper at the A&P, it was the higher prices that caused the store to be deserted - and trying to "shame" those who choose a different store? really? welcome to the marketplace - laughable.
The display containers that block the aisles and that god-aweful music frosts my cookies ( if I can find which aisle they’re in)
good grief - our fault for deciding where to market? up to us to give equal time to all of them?
smh again - we all choose the stores and markets that serve our needs - we don't chose just to keep some afloat
I used to live in Totowa and on Route 46 East you had Shop-Rite and on Route 46 West there was Pathmark and A&P.
Pathmark was terrible, they went out of business. A&P was nice, but expensive - they're gone. Shop-Rite is still there and probably one of the worst I've ever been to, and their parking lot is atrocious and it's always packed every time you go.
I was so happy when they opened a Fairway where Pathmark was. That's a superior supermarket. I still stop there sometimes on my way home from Clifton.
FWIW. Wegmans is in Hanover Township. Not East Hanover, not Parsippany. Hanover Township is comprised of Whippany and Cedar Knolls.
Thanks for the clarification JellyB. The borders in that area are confusing. Hanover Twp./Morris Plains/Parsippany/Whippany.....
ShopRite is a cesspool. I wonder how the Board of Health doesn’t cite them for having such dirty stores.
ShopRite isn’t all that great a deal anyway—especially when you need to buy 10 of an item just to get a “savings”.
As far as Shop Rite's go, the Shop Rite of Branchburg on Rte 22, east of Whitehouse Station, is the best one I've ever been to. Try it if you are ever in the area.
Weis has improved greatly over the past year and is a nice store to shop in now.
Rich - I have a new client in that area and was in that store last week. That food court there is amazing. The place is huge and that seems to make a lot of difference in how they can afford to spread everything out. Not a fan of the "extra seating" upstairs though.
Can someone explain how this Mansfield Shoprite is dirty? Maybe I just don't see it, but I'm there every Saturday morning. It doesn't strike me as dirty, I always see the person sweeping and cleaning up through the produce section. The bathrooms are pretty nice too after the remodeling.
What makes this Shop Rite dirty?
I know that some of SR things are cheaper, but I go to Weiss less people cleaner, and you beat there Friday specials;
Shop Rite was just fine today - new areas are really nice - new flooring - man sweeping outside - directory at the courtesy desk if you want it - yeah a little wait on line - that's the way it is if you don't go off hours - veggies looked just fine - as did the fruit - plenty to pick from - some new items - I found Weiss most uninteresting - except their brand of ice cream - no not dairy dessert - real ice cream
I doubt if they are updating the store to be like the Shop-Rite in Parsippany which is just WOW. It's normally packed in there and they have separate vendors/stations in there for pizza, fresh sushi, etc. Craziest one I've seen yet.
Phil D. There is also one on Horse Hill in Whippany (Morris Plains? ) is NUTS... it is SO good! I used to crave their cheeseburgers even though it would take over half my lunch time for them to make one Hahahaa! The sushi station is huge and all the hot & salad bar options... Insane! And they have a really nice seating area where the walls open in the nice weather turning it into a partial way we'll get that here lol. I did see sushi rolling booth though!
Perhaps that's the Horse Hill Road in Cedar Knolls? I'll have to check online to see, since I'd enjoy visiting when out that way at the Morris County Main Library nearby. The only reason I know about the Parsippany one is because my parents live just around the corner from it.
Yes, that's Shop Rite of Greater Morristown on the corner of Horse Hill Rd. and Hanover Avenue.
I have been to the Mansfield and Byram shoprite stores many times - Byram is a far superior experience, not because of selection/cleanliness but because they ALWAYS have more lines open when you check out - at Mansfield, I have sometimes waited an additional 20-30 minutes just to pay for my groceries - and stand and see that half of the registers are not open - at Byram, I have NEVER had to wait more than 5-10 minutes and typically during busy times, every register is open. For me, that combined with the parking lot difficulty at Mansfield with have me driving an additional five minutes to Byram every time. At this point, I only stop at Byram when I happen to be in that area for something else already.
we've been going to the mansfield shoprite every week for well over 30 years, we love it there, have made many friends among the staff, joke with them, treat then well and they treat us well, we save money every week with double coupons, wakefern corp is just killing their competition with good business practices, that's why everybody goes to their stores, there's a solid reason for the crowds, A&P and Weiss can't/couldn't compete at the same level. Neither can the trendy 'whole foods' and 'trader joes', wegmans admittedly is more upscale (higher prices prove that one big time) and that's why there will never be one around here.
uh oh, agreeing with BDog......Lithium needed....
Yeah, I'm a 30-year SR man, tried others, never can match price with reasonable quality. Double coupons? I think with the digital coupon on top, you might get triple right now!
Nonetheless, my savings, with sales n coupons n such, are about 35% this year with an estimated savings of $5,000. Don't think I can top that except with bulk buys like Sam's and not going that route. I purchase about 4,000 things a year, about 80 things a week, and am seeing the DR. about my a-retention..... Actually, SR receipt makes it easy to tabulate..... The only thing I don't like about the parking lot is the trash we all leave behind. SR should put up a low fence to catch it all before it heads downstream, literally. Love the folks working there, meat, bakery and deli have very nice competent folks. Could use better support in vege since we lost "the fruit guy." This guy could pick a stellar Cantaloupe in January. Bumped him to Byram those poachers.....
easy resolution for all the complaints, use Shop-rite from home. Never have to experience all these horrible things.
The Shoprite in Washington on Route 31 has a few problems. I stop in there about twice a week after work, usually for something quick like milk (which WHYYYYY do all stores keep it at the back end of the store? SOOO inconsiderate!), and they never have the Quick Checkout (less than 10 items) cashier stands open at the front of the store. You have to walk the entire length of the store to get to the cashiers at the back end, by the pharmacy. And before anyone says anything about walking is exercise - please - not in heels, not in a dress, not in the same makeup I've been wearing for 14 hours, not after a 9 hour day and 2 hour commute. It's inconsiderate not to have convenience. Of course I could go to Krauzers, but I like the idea of getting cash back on my debit card at no charge, and I also never know what Krauzers is and isn't going to have that I need (like Italian bread, or whatever).
Also, I wish they'd keep carts on all sides of the store. When you pull up on the Route 31 side of it, you have to walk through the main lobby out to the other side to get a cart.
Again, just thinking about a rush on the way home from work. Not convenient.
They put stuff you have to have, like milk, at the farthest end of the store so that you have to walk past everything else and might be tempted to buy. Sucks but that's the way it is.
Can't beat the little Netcong ShopRite for a quick stop for a few things on the way home from work. Small and I can always find what I need. Reminds me of the old ShopRite on Main St.
Wegmans in Lower Nazareth Township has a small cooler with milk and eggs in it right next to the cash registers.
Who the heck is going to drive all the way to Lower Nazareth Township? Wherever the heck that is. ;-)
It's just south of Upper Nazareth Township (-;
Truth be told, I originally typed Easton, but then I remembered what a prick I've been regarding geographic accuracy so I figured I should practice what I preach. I also assume that it's a "Wegmans policy", rather than a store-specific one, so it should apply to wherever you get your Wegmans on, be it in LNT or in Bridgewater or wherever.
For various reasons, I haven't been to Shop Rite (Mansfield) for months. Today, was my day for a visit. What a fabulous store! I thought the place was clean, the aisles were wider than I remembered, the check out area seemed more spread out, the food to go section was like a full buffet center, and the prices were better than I remembered too. Not sure if the store is completely done, but for what it's worth, I'll be going back.
The only thing I wish I knew more about was the hot dinner offerings they had. I was told they don't put the food out for sale until after 4, and I was there much earlier. If anyone has info on the hot trays, please tell us.
What are they supposed to do with "the parking situation"? It's a paved lot where people park cars. You drive in, find a spot, park, and wslk into the store, basically like EVERY other store or mall l've ever been to. Do you stay away from all stores?
I don’t understand why people prefer a close to the door parking space when they’re going to spend an hour or more walking inside.
Yes, I agree Esperot. I've never had a problem with the parking lot. Never understood why it has been such an issue for some.
" Today, was my day for a visit. What a fabulous store! I thought the place was clean, the aisles were wider than I remembered,"
They're not. They did not move or widen the isles.
"the check out area seemed more spread out,"
It's not either. They didn't move anything.
As for the "parking issue", the only issue with parking in that lot is that there are too many G-D people around here.
Shop-Rite, generally speaking, has been doing some really cool things. I've been super impressed at some of the lunch options added. I work near one (not Mansfield, different owners) - the Sushi rocks, they also have Chinese food which is delicious. Lots of tasty looking food bars.
Mansfield, has gotten better I think. Especially the produce and prepared food sections, not as good as some though. My biggest complaint there is the sushi. Cold, dry and small amounts of fish, not fresh tasting at all.
I get lunch mostly everyday from the Shop Rite near work (Monmouth County) so they can be good.
"As for the "parking issue", the only issue with parking in that lot is that there are too many G-D people around here." And I suppose you have a very special solution for that? heh, heh...
No issue here, I like the walk. The quarter makes "free range" carts in the lot pretty much a thing of the past.
And I save over $5K a year at about 35% off for sales n coupons with less an a 2% inflation rate on my "market basket" and can't match that price anywhere. I can trudge through a lot of parking lot for five grand. What get me is the trash; just put a small fence to catch this crap before it heads downstream -- literally.
My favorite store, in another state a lifetime away, was where they basically moved the cart kids up to the door and put up poles so people can pass, but carts stay by the sidewalk. You left your cart, the cart kids watched it, you drive up and they put bags in car, and you're off!!! Sort of like pick up at the airport. Seemed to work OK although perhaps too much traffic at SR. It was parking lot and bag loading heaven.
This SR is still in development. I think the cashier lines will be changed, again, as part of it. Much of what we see inside is still WIP. To me, veggies better, but could use help. Cheese -- omg who will buy all that cheese.... Deli -- better, they actually made a shorter counter so shorter customers (women) can see shorter deli folks. Won't be as funny for me now except that the rocket scientists made the counter all finger-print-ready glass (soon your bologna will have that hint o' windex). Bakery -- not equal, not better --- yet. Matter of fact, it's a far worse display. Meat, fish -- no change yet. Rest of store -- no change yet.
I commend those cashiers still brave enough to say: "did you find everything you were looking for." SR still has a long way to go, I hope, I hope.
I would think the owners of the plaza are responsible for the parking lot. Shop Rite doesn't own it.
For all you people bitching about the parking. Shoprite does not OWN the parking LOT! as a employee, many people age brought that up to the management, we have brought it to the landlord. The landlord says we will look into it Dunkin was suppose to be built in the main entrance, guess what ? It fell through because of the landlord. The landlord approves everything. If you have a problem , go to the landlord and don’t blame Shoprite when we have no control over it.
"And I suppose you have a very special solution for that? heh, heh..."
? Who said anything about a "solution"? It's just too populated, too populated = high/congested traffic.
Does anyone know what was in the building before Shop Rite where it is now in Mansfield plaza or did Shop Rite put up a new building I believe Shop Rite began there about 40 years ago.
If I remember correctly there was a Shoprite next to Tickners, where the mall is now. It burned down and they moved to their current location. Quite a long time ago.
Shop Rite was smaller. They bought out the liquor store, Kork and Keg and also there was another small store but I can't think of what it was called.
the original store was a Falks food market that only lasted maybe 6 months and closed before Shop Rite took over the building and changed the inside, and since then made several additions
Shop Rite was on Stiger street where the strip mall is now. The Mansfield strip mall was built in the late 70's and Shop Rite was the main business. The Shop Rite on Stiger had 2 entrances, one on the right and one on the left, and a cigarette machine to boot imagine that. They had two parking lots, one across the street on Stiger and one to the right of the building. In the 80's the Shop Rite on Stiger burned down. The Shop Rite is no different today than way back then, except for having to use a quarter for a cart, and customers aren't allowed to smoke cigarettes while shopping. Same old stuff. Crowded isles, isles not wide enough, not enough cashiers (except holidays). Even way back then it was a mad house.
Yes, very good Auntiel, but what I want to know is what stores were there before ShopRite.
It was a very unorganized supermarket. I worked there also, I remember Mr. Falk coming in the day before grand opening and making us change everything in the frozen food section
and there was an alley walkway in the corner which you could get to the back lot, which was taken away when Shop Rite expanded the store
Good Grief People!!!
Instead of complaining about a few shortages or having to walk a few extra steps we should be counting our blessings that we have such an abundance of food and places to purchase it. and as for the inconveniences of the parking lot it would do some of us good to have to walk a few extra steps - might decrease our waistlines a bit.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
When I SR, I park 50 feet from Walgreens which hasn't helped my waistline whatsoever :>) Amazingly I have to almost park in the same place if I am using Walmart :>) Now that's a yuge lot. Have a few auto body jobs coming from those lovely patrons. Last one was an Xmas ago where the hubby was shamed into making a scene by wifey-poo ranting on and forcing it to insurance. A few cameras and some months later, his insurance paid off a tidy sum. If he wasn't such a jerk, if I hadn't been forced to go to Whitehouse to get an estimate from insurance, we would have charged him zero for not being a schmuck, no real harm, and for not trying to man-over my young son. But noooooo, so merry Christmas to you and your lovely spouse.
FYI - by the time I got here in the 80's, the Stiger Street SR was a pit. I was kind of spoiled by brandy new everything where I lived so this was a bit of a shocker.
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