9-11-2001 Never Forget
17 years ago. There are people who will be adults soon who weren't even born with this happened. It's just a history lesson to them. But it needs to be remembered: for those who we lost, for those who lost loved ones, and as a time when the entire country came together... something we have not seen for a very long time, sadly.
Agreed, JR. The saddest day collectively as a nation in my lifetime. My heart is always heavy on this day with the the awful memories. Never forget and make sure it never happens on our soil again.
last night in the rain i lined my street with flags. I have done it now for 17 years. some of the flags are now faded but I still put them out, I wonder if some people even know why they are there, A few years ago a mom told me that her 5 year old asked why does that lady put the flags out every year? she explained to her child the reason. Some years it has been 90 degrees and i have to dig holes with a screw driver to get the flags in, other years it has poured. But, I say to myself I must do it for those who are not here anymore.So as a lesson today teach your childrenn what happened this day. My husband worked on floor 36 tower 1, he made it out.
17 Years ago today I was in having my radiation treatment for breast cancer when the terrorist attack in NY happened. No one said a word to me after I finished my treatment although they knew what was happening at that time and that my son lived in NY and his fiancee worked in the Trade Center restaurant called Windows on the World as Head Pastry Chef. Her name was Heather Ho...a beautiful and talented young lady who had so much to live for...We lost Heather that day...Our family will Never Forget!!
Thank you Laura. My wish is that we could all come together and stop all this hate....
Its been 17 years and I still wish I had the chance to sit down and have one more beer with Don and Tommy.
Rest in Peace, guys.
My dad's first cousin (that makes her my 1st cousin once removed) worked on the 82 floor of the second tower to be hit, but the first to come down. They were told to evacuate in an orderly manner, as the first responders were handling the first tower. Her coworker got on the elevator and since it was full, my cousin told her, "I'll just take the next one".
Well, the plane hit her tower likely when she was in the elevator. As far as I know, they never found her remains, and it took about 10 years for her husband to accept that she was killed.
A day to reflect. A day to remind us that we ALL need to try and put our best foot forward. Collectively this country would thrive and make something like 911 never happen again. Division just makes us an easier target.
God bless all those heroes who ran towards the danger. God bless all family members involved or affected by this awful tragedy. Try not to watch too much TV, today.
This day and those that followed are still so vivid to me. Awful memories but those that I don't want to forget. The one bright spot in this whole heinous act was that we, as a Country, came together. Too bad it took evil to make it happen. RIP Mike.
"We Remember Them…
In the rising of the sun and in its going down, we remember them; in the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them; in the opening of buds and in the warmth of summer, we remember them; in the rustling of leaves and the beauty of autumn, we remember them; in the beginning of the year and when it ends, we remember them; when we are weary and in need of strength, we remember them; when we are lost and sick at heart, we remember them; when we have joys we yearn to share, we remember them; so long as we live, they too shall live ~ for they are now a part of us, as we remember them."
From Gates of Prayer ~ Judaism Prayer Book
Please everyone read Tom Burnett's last words to his wife. He is a true American who sacrificed everything on 9/11/2001.
Great and noble heroism. Great and senseless loss. Great sadness. I watch the reading of the names every year and am always moved to tears.
First responder, took families to Ground Zero . Still raw pain for so many . Ripple effect of loss hitting generations not yet born. Went to 9-11 memorial and museum last night. No words. Beautifully done. NEVER FORGET
dug on the pile 60 hour weeks - still broken remember the brothers who gave all
Sgt. John Coughlin P.O. Jerome Dominguez P.O. John Perry
Sgt. Michael Curtin P.O. Stephen Driscoll P.O. Glenn Pettit
Sgt. Rodney Gillis P.O. Mark Ellis P.O. Moira Smith
Sgt. Timothy Roy P.O. Robert Fazio P.O. Ramon Suarez
Det Claude Richards P.O. Ronald Kloepfer P.O. Paul Talty
Det. Joseph Vigiano P.O. Thomas Langone P.O. Santos Valentin
P.O. John Dallara P.O. James Leahy P.O. Walter Weaver
P.O. Vincent Danz P.O. Brian McDonnell P.O. John Perry
Supt. Fred Morrone P.O. Donald McIntyre P.O. Maurice Barry
Insp. Anthony Infante P.O. George Howard P.O. Michael Wholey
Chief James Romito P.O. Gregg Froehner P.O. Nathaniel Webb
Capt. Kathy Mazza P.O. James Lynch P.O. Paul Jurgens
Lt. Robert Cirri P.O. James Nelson P.O. Paul Laszczynski
P.O. Alfonse Niedermeyer P.O. James Parham P.O. Richard Rodriguez
P.O. Antonio Rodrigues P.O. John Lennon P.O. Robert Kaulfers
P.O. Bruce Reynolds P.O. John Levi P.O. Steve Huczko
P.O. Christopher Amoroso P.O. John Skala P.O. Thomas Gorman
P.O. Clinton Davis P.O. Joseph Navas P.O. Uhuru Houston
P.O. David LeMagne P.O. Kenneth Tietjen P.O. Walter McNeil
P.O. Domonick Pezzulo P.O. Liam Callahan P.O. Walwyn Stuart
P.O. Donald Foreman
let us not forget
Sgt. Patrick J. Murphy Det. 1 John A. Russo P.O. Michael Hance
Sgt. Edmund P. Murray Det. Joseph Seabrook P.O. Murtain Haskin
Sgt. Terrence S. O’Hara Det. Andrew L. Siroka P.O. Robert B. Helmke
Sgt. Donald O’Leary Det. 2 Christopher Strucker P.O. Richard Holland
Sgt. Louis R. Pioli Det. Traci Tack-Czajkowski P.O. Demetrias Hopkins
Sgt. Michael W. Ryan Det. William B Titus P.O. Richard Jakubowsky
Sgt. SD Stephen P. Scalza Det. Harry Valentin P.O. Cheryl D. Johnson
Sgt. Jacqueline Schaeffer Det. 2 Thomas Ward P.O. Paul Johnson
Sgt. Harold J Smith Det. Charles J. Wassil P.O. Louise M. Johnston
Sgt. Edward D. Thompson Det. 2 Thomas Weiner P.O. Robert W. Kaminski
Sgt. Michael Wagner Det. Richard H. Wentz P.O. Charles M. Karen
Det. 2 Sandra Y. Adrian Det. Robert W. Williamson P.O. William King
Det. 1 Gerard Ahearn Det. John T. Young P.O. Kelly Korchak
Det. James A. Albanese Det. James Zadroga P.O. Jeffrey E. Lee
Det. Aslyn Beckles P.O. Christine Ade P.O. Richard Lopez
Det. 1 Joseph Cavitolo P.O. Karen E. Barnes P.O. Frank Macri
Det. John Coggin P.O. Ronald G. Becker, Jr. P.O. David Mahmoud
Det. Angel A. Creagh P.O. James A. Besto P.O. Shaun M. Mahoney
Det. 1 Kevin Czartoryski P.O. Scott Blackshaw P.O. Anthony Mangiaracina
Det. Annetta G. Daniels P.O. Frank M. Bolusi P.O. Gary Mausberg
Det. Michael K. Davis P.O. Cesar A. Borja P.O. Vito Mauro
Det. 1 Cory Diaz P.O. Thomas G. Brophy P.O. Denis R. McLarney
Det. Leroy Dixon P.O. James M. Burke P.O. Christopher S. McMurry
Det. Louis G. Fernandez P.O. Madeline Carlo P.O. Mark J. Natale
Det. 2 Carmen M. Figueroa P.O. John Cedo P.O. Robert Nicosia
Det. Stuart F. Fishkin P.O. Dennis Chrostowski P.O. Patricia Ott
Det. James Fogg P.O. Peter D. Ciaccio P.O. Robert V. Oswain
Det. James Giery P.O. Daniel C. Conroy P.O. Allison M. Palmer
Det. Steven Hom P.O. Anthony DeJesus P.O. Angelo Peluso
Det. Michael Incontrera P.O. Terrence J Devlin P.O. Francis T. Pitone
Det. William Kinane P.O. Renee Dunbar P.O. Christine Reilly
Det. Steven Kubinski P.O. Robert M. Ehmer P.O. Peter O. Rodriguez
P.O. Wayne Sblano P.O. Steve Tursellino P.O. Kenneth W. Wolf
P.O. Peter Sheridan, Jr P.O. Reginald Umpthery P.O. George Wong
P.O. Edward Stewart P.O. John Vierling, Jr, P.O. Robert A. Zane
P.O. Robert Summers P.O. Perry T. Villani
P.O. Martin Tom P.O. Ronald E. Weintraub
Just One day changed so many lives Forever...
I can't even imagine the pain that so many endured and still endure.
Thank you so much for your service Skippy!
Thank you so much to those who served and responded. Peace to those who lost loved ones. Never forget.
Wow, Skippy- you dug on the pile? God bless you, man. God bless all the first responders, all the volunteers, the 9-11 boatlifters, just everyone who did anything. I was listening to an interview with a fireman (the one who stood behind President Bush on the rubble), and he said when he got to ground zero all he could think was "it looked like the Blitz in London during WWII... it was just unfathomable.)
I remember WISHING I could do something to help. But there just wasn't anything to be done. Even the fireman mentioned above had to lie to get past the National Guard perimeter- they weren't even going to let him in, because he came solo (didn't arrive with his company), driving down from his house in NY on 9-12.
Same with Katrina... a buddy of mine is an ER nurse, and he volunteered to go down in the aftermath to help, but so many volunteered, his hospital (University Hospital in Newark) decided to not allow any of their people to go.
As bad a day as 9-11 was, 9-12 was the start of something wonderful, the coming together. It's a damn shame it takes a monumental tragedy to bring people together. And even then, the "half-life" is short; it doesn't seem to last long. I wonder what it's going to take to get Americans on common ground again, helping each other instead of hating each other (altho I think there is ALOT more of the former going on that anyone realizes; it's just not on the news because it doesn't serve their agenda.)
Sorry, I don't mean to go negative; it's just disheartening, seeing the shape our country is in right now, with the divisiveness. It's something I've not witnessed in my 49 years. Not at this level. As bad as 9-11 was, 9-12 was the start of something wonderful, for how ever long it lasted, and I actually miss that feeling. :(
9-12 was the most unified as a country I ever felt flags everywhere we were one. At ground zero Campbell’s fed us for weeks - there was food everywhere including from all of the local businesses while surreal it was definitely appreciated.
09/12 and thereafter made me proud to be an American. Now, although I still fly the flag outside my home, not so much. Really wish we didn’t need a tragic event to bring us together as a nation.
I didn't want to post my thoughts yesterday out of respect for the dead and respect for the first responders and to those responding to this post. No, none us who were alive at the time will ever forget. But to see how far we have come since then it's disheartening. Our borders are still wide opened and we are still at war 17 years later. What the hell is going on! In my opinion we have somewhat forgotten.
Skippy, wow, hope you remain OK after all that, body and mind. Thanks for your service.
auntiel...I am so with you...I think we have forgotten...I hope that with yesterday and reminded some people.
18 Years ago ...Our family lost my son's fiancee...A beautiful young lady by the name of Heather Ho. She was Head Pastry Chef in the restaurant called Windows on the World..She was not scheduled to go into work that day but was called in for a special event. Thousands of others perished that fateful day as well. We still miss her so very much...Our Family will Never Forget!!!
These were people with hopes and dreams going about what they thought would be a routine Tuesday. Condolences to their families and friends ... we'll never forget.
Windows on the World was truly a triumph, the most spectacular restaurant ever. I have many great memories of the Twin Towers … and so suddenly they were gone.
There were so many harrowing experiences in lower Manhattan that day … and so many heroes... so much loss of life and detrimental effects that have burdened first responders to this day … condolences to family and friends and appreciation and respect to all who were impacted … I remember the Mets wearing FDNY and NYPD caps the rest of the season and that dramatic Mike Piazza homer … that night when it was more than just another baseball game ... we will never forget... we now know we can't depend on the oceans to protect us anymore … America changed forever on 9/11/2001.
19 Years tomorrow and the pain is still there....Our family will never forget the young lady who would have been our future Daughter in Law...Her name was Heather Ho and she was Head Pastry Chef in the Restaurant called Windows on the World...She was beautiful, talented and had so much to live for but lost her life that day at work. Our family will never, ever forget 9/11 and especially our beautiful Heather....R.I.P. Heather Ho...we will always love and miss you....
Absolutely, never forget! Wishing peace and healing to all those who suffered a loss that awful, awful day.
Thank you Consigliere and Mom of l and l...It is just recently that I have been able to talk to anyone about this terrible loss. My son still has not found another to love like he did Heather maybe never will. We must all never forget this tragedy to our country and so many others. Our family will never forget but also probably never forgive as well...
I'll never forget, working in midtown that day, walking to the ferry and watching bus loads and taxis filled with firefighters heading downtown, taking the ferry to Hoboken, then a train to Hackettstown, stopping in Dover for a mandatory decontamination shower (fully clothed), walking to The Quiet Man to drink and see for the first time images of the event on TV, my wife arriving to pick me up for the drive home, how scared my kids were until we hugged when I got home, the funerals of co-workers who were at an event at Windows on the World, and the tears, even now, not for me, but for the many other lives which were impacted much more than mine.
Still very raw. Joyful, I too will never forget or forgive. RIP all who perished.
The best tribute to the tragic day 19 years ago is on this link. Brings me back to the days when we were much more tolerant and accepting of people and their opinions. Maybe one day we can recapture that spirit. I truly hope so
19 years later and It never gets easier...all the emotions of that day come racing back.
You hear the squawk about forgiveness, and how messed up it is when you don't forgive someone-and how it will eat you alive inside, yet so many post here they won't forgive.
So why forgive at all?
Very nice tribute at Warren County memorial. There are 2 lights shining to the sky depicting the towers. So glad I went to check it out.
Sep '20
The heinous acts that were perpetrated on 9/11 were based on an ideology. An ideology that has been growing since that time and even more prevalent on American soil it seems today. Forgiveness should not, can not, and should never be entertained, or accepted in this case. American freedom and democracy all over the world depends on that principle. In my opinion of course.
I'm am all for forgiveness when that is what is morally the right path. Just NEVER in the context of what happened that day. Call me intolerant, but clearly the monsters that carried out the attack and or condoned it, and look to do it again, are devoid of tolerance of others.
Has anyone seen the documentary Loose Change? Just curious.
RIP to my two cousins and all others who were lost that day.
Never forget, 15 from Saudi Arabia, arms sales, sword dance, technology transfers, American job transfers, MBS journalist murder, drone sales, never forget where the recruits came from.
More prevalent on American soil today? Whatever does that mean?
American freedom and democracy all over the world? Whatever does than mean?
I will never forget, will never forgive, will always seek justice, but the rest.........not quite sure what you mean.
Can someone tell me where the Memorial is? I can’t find a street name online and would like to go see it.
Think the light display was 9/11 only unless someone knows more: it's between WCCC and Votech.
The Warren County Memorial is on the entrance road to the community college. It’s off of Route 57. Just before Warren Tech.
Mrs Ward - The lighting of the memorial was beautiful. The ceremony today was a very emotional tribute for the Warren County citizens who lost their lives on that tragic day. The ceremony was very well organized and beautifully done. This ceremony was it’s 16th year. The memorial itself is very beautiful. If you have never seen it, I highly recommend you go and look yourself. You would be quite surprised to see such a beautiful display in the memory to Warren County heroes.
Thank you all, I made it to the memorial today. I was very impressed as it is very moving and beautiful. Jim L said it perfectly as the emotions of the day come back every year. It is awful but we must never forget. God Bless.
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