Flat straight backroad?

odd question I know- but I want to see how fast my little remote controlled car will go.

Does anyone know of a local straight flat smooth area with little traffic?


Shades of death road past ghost lake

Michael Michael
May '19

Used to be a stretch on Waterloo Valley Rd that paralled Rt 80, but it has been so long since I’ve been there that it’s probably derelict by now.

justintime justintime
May '19

^ justintime is right if you go on Waterloo valley road past the quarry there is a paved stretch of road with no traffic at all.

Michael Michael
May '19

How about a school parking lot on a weekend?

jrsemom jrsemom
May '19

Yup, old waterloo valley road. The is still a paved section but it is way past the quarry and is actually closer to Mt Olive

Darrin Darrin
May '19

go to island drag way in great meadows see if they will let you run the car for fun before regular raceing starts

Caged Animal Caged Animal
May '19

Caged- I've emailed Island. No go.

jrsemom - thanks for responding- but although my car is currently stock, only capable of low 70's mph- and nowhere near as fast as some of the guys can run with a few modifications- there are guys hitting 130, 140mph+ which takes quite a bit of distance not only to accelerate- but also to hit the brakes and slow back down.

That being said- I've thought about going to Rockaway mall at night- but hitting a lamp post would be game over.

Weston canal road off 287 in somerset - also big open parking lot. Was a lot of drag racing back in the day there

Skippy Skippy
May '19

Trade Zone in Mount Olive - the old BASF building probably has miles of open parking lots.

try the air port

Caged Animal Caged Animal
May '19

parking lots usually work pretty well, I've gotten my Slash into the 70s by Centenary College.

What kind of car is it? if its 4WD you should be able to accelerate and stop pretty quickly.

See if any of the airports will let you

No airport that is in service will allow something like that.

Isk- Typhon and Notorious, both 6S.

try the air port on air port rd

Caged Animal Caged Animal
May '19

ah yeah my outcast is hard to get up to speed in short distances.

you can try hatchery hill on the weekends, although I'm not sure what kind of shape the parking lot is in currently.

We have taken our boys over to the high school lot when school is out and on weekends. It is pretty flat in the parking lots. If you want to see how you fair against other people. DirtRunners in Jefferson is having their first race of the season May 19th. You can find all of the information at dirtrunners.com.

RC mom RC mom
May '19

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