Home Made - Polish Restaurant
So, was having a great lunch at Sizzle yesterday and noticed the building across the street (between Harpers and the dog grooming place) had a new facade and deck put on. After lunch, we crossed the street to take a closer look and it appears as though another restaurant may be opening up (we saw tables/chairs lined up inside, but that was about it. It looked like the start of something very nice coming into town.
Anyone have an idea what is going to be in this location? (There are actually 2 units in this building - not sure if 2 separate establishments or what)
there's a new restuarant coming in, not sure they are ready to announce it yet. But as you mentioned they have already done a great job on the outside.
I was wondering if Uzma from the health food store might be opening a restaurant as her health food store seems to be for sale. Her lunches are very popular -- so it seemed like a feasible idea.
We are very excited to announce that our new restaurant, "HOME MADE", located on 269 Main str. Hackettstown will be open in September. We will be serving home made pirogies, and traditional polish dishes.
This sounds so great. Love Polish food! Wishing you the best in your new HOME MADE food restaurant..
Yum! I'm going to have to move out of Hackettstown. In the last 3 weeks I've been to Monchy's, Toscana, James on Main, Pandan Room, the Creperie AND Maria Bonita's. Most of these trips followed by beers at Manskirt and/or Czigmeister - now homemade pierogies?? This town is not good for my waistline.
Happy to know this! My wife and I have been wondering what might be coming in that space.
Such a great restaurant town.
So excited that this is coming to town! My family loves Polish food. What flavor piergoi will you guys be making?
Hope you will make the larger sized kind. Pierogie House in Moristown and Zabava in Hackettstown make the small thick sized ones. When they're bigger and flatter they taste better and they fry up so much better. That's how my family makes them.
Welcome and good luck! We also noticed that spot being renovated after having dinner at Toscana recently.
Menu is not ready, we are working on details. We will be serving for sure variety of savory pirogies cooked and pan-fried, strawberry and sweet farmer cheese pirogies, stuffed cabbage, vienner schnitzel, grilled kielbasa, hunter stew ( bigos), Hungarian goulash with potato pancakes and many many delicious dishes.
Everything sounds great! Be sure to post your Grand Opening info here when you know it--we will definitely be there!!
This sounds great! I love all the variety of restaurants we have in Hackettstown.
I had the pleasure of meeting Dagmara today. What a wonderful, caring professional.! The restaurant is beautiful, she shared some pics of the food with me and the food will be to die for. Home Made is certain to be a hit in town. Congrats to Dagmara and her
husband for all of their efforts in making their restaurant a new cozy, affordable,family
place to visit

I can't wait to go, and bring my Mom. We are very lucky to have so many unique ethnic dining choices in this small town!
Looking forward to another Great restaurant in Hackettstown. I'll watch for the grand opening. Hopefully it will be posted on this site.
I hope they will have Beet Barszcz on the menu! A dollop of sour cream on top of the claret-red soup, yummm!
We are so excited that we can finally get such a wide variety of Polish food locally. We are both Polish and grew up in Union County so Polish food was readily available in most restaurants in Linden. Best wishes for continued success and we look forward to your opening!!!
Looking forward to your Grand Opening Sunday 9/8/19 11am-9pm !
Very happy Hackettstown is taking well to Polish homemade food. it's a nice change and addition
I am Polish and am looking forward to this place so I don't need to travel to the delis towards the city.
Another idea to have a small type deli with the restaurant so we can purchase imported goods ..
Just a suggestion :)
It grand-opened 3-1/2 hours ago, according to the information a few posts up the page.
My husband and I just came from lunch. The service was good, the kitchen was slow(first day) and they will get the kinks out. Customers were very rude. Staff was trying. Food was Well Worth the Wait. We will definitely be back. People just need patience.
Yes they are open Monday at 11am. I went today around 2:00 but did not stay as I was told 1 hour wait for food. We went somewhere else for lunch but will go back to Home Made -- got a menu and looks good with also plenty of things for vegetarians too. I would suggest call first to see if seating / food is available or if there is a wait before you go. 908-651-5017
Lunch menu is 11:00 am - 4:00 pm ..... $6 -- $11
Dinner menu -- Soups - $4.50 - $8.00
Apps / Small plates -- $6.00 - $14
Main - $11 - $26
I will add 2 *bizarre* things about the menu --- one being if you want your pierogies pan fried instead of boiled, there is an added cost. I have NEVER seen this in any other restaurant.
The other strange thing is that there are 2 salads offered --- one has filet mignon, and is $13. The other is nothing more than a mixed salad with some crisp bread but is also $13. They need to rethink that --- no way will most people pay that for a salad.
Thanks Happiest girl. I appreciate the info. $13 for a salad with crisp bread is "out of line". I think back to OMG Burgers how they got such a bad reputation at first because their prices were so high. I will check out their menu and prices first.
Happiest Girl - I actually saw different price for boiled and fried "stuffed dumplings" in the Brooklyn restaurant a couple of weeks ago. It's more common in Russian and Ukrainian cuisine to serve boiled "stuffed dumplings" instead of fried and difference in price is to offset additional cost of frying. It just shows that owners are trying to be fair and not overcharge customers.
My daughter called 6:15 last night to order us something to try (we were thinking pierogies or golabkies) and they said they were closed because they ran out of everything. That's kind of bizarre too. They were supposed to be open until 9.
" $13. They need to rethink that --- no way will most people pay that for a salad."
perhaps that is their plan. Maybe They don't want to sell salad since it has a short shelf life but now almost every restaurant has to offer a vegan option so they offer a salad. But they have to factor in the cost of the how much salad they are going to throw away due to lack of demand.
Let's say they offered an $8 salad but for evey 1 salad they sell they had to throw out 1 order's worth of salad. So that 1 salad really cost them 2 salads. Not very profitable. But if they raise the cost of the 1 salad they sell to cover 1.5 salad costs then its more profitable. they can order less of a supply and have less waste. I guarantee restaurant owners don't just pick prices out of a hat, a lot of factors go into how they come up with the prices they charge.
Selling out all of your food the first day isn't "bizarre". It's "doing fantastic". Nice to hear they are successful right from the start. I think I'll order something today to check it out.
I would pay the extra for pan-fried. Dislike when a place would drop them in the fryer to fry them.

I'm not sure the added cost for a fried serving of pierogie is the way I would have presented it but it is what it is.
This is an example from a take out order we enjoyed yesterday. They weren't officially conducting take out orders yesterday but the young lady "bent the rules" a bit for my neighbor who went to check it out. Nice flavor. The dough is the thicker version like traditional preparations I suppose. I happen to prefer a thinner dough like a German Maultaschen. With that said that's not a deal breaker though. The order was $14.50 for 12 I think but came with some pate (paszlet) as seen and I think some rugelach.
I'm eager to try the kielbasa!
"almost every restaurant has to offer a vegan option so they offer a salad"
probably no vegan orders a salad at a restaurant, so not true Jim L
Most restaurants that do want to cater to vegans sell something like Sizzle's Vegan black bean empanada, Topo's vegan Banh Mi, or for Pierogies the Morristown Pierogie house offers an entire vegan menu https://www.pierogieshouse.com/online-menu/ and label them as such
"I would pay the extra for pan-fried. Dislike when a place would drop them in the fryer to fry them."
Then you like wasting money, because there's no real difference other than deep fried foods absorbing less oil than comparatively greasier pan fried food due to the drop in temperature of the smaller amount of oil in a pan.
Nope- pan fried is different than deep fried. Nothing to do with the fat absorption. Strictly talking flavor/texture.
Lunch was very good.
I tried the golupka and pierogi (potato and farmers cheese). $23 which included the tip. I did not leave hungry. Tasty. I will go back. Very friendly, attentive staff. Place was moderately crowded
Best pan fried pierogies suppose to be fried in good butter, definitely not in oil. Deep frying is always using oil. Margarine can be used instead of butter to keep cost down but taste will be different.
Right..sautéed in butter is the way I do it and of course it will cost more than boiling. Butter vs water..it’s simple math.
2 days in, and all the HL armchair restaurant-owners/chefs/entrepreneurs are out in full force.
Goodluck Home made, I look forward to going there Saturday.
"2 days in, and all the HL armchair restaurant-owners/chefs/entrepreneurs are out in full force."
LOL. Did you expect anything less Denis? Personally, I wait several weeks if not a month to try a new place. Not sure what makes people think that everything will be perfect on opening day.
Complaining about everything has become the new black; it's the new hobby and the new group-think. If you're not complaining about something, that apparently means you're "missing something" or someone knows something you don't. Complaining about everyone and everything is the new self-esteem generator. It's almost like a "vocal selfie"... "look at me! look at me! I have something to SAY!" (and it's usually negative)
And some wonder why I don't like (most) people.
I'm looking forward to trying Home Made in the near future! Good luck to you! Hackettsown has alot of great eats, and the more the merrier!
Good point, Jefferson... It does seem to be the group reflex now - I see it online, in work, in social settings, in our society in general. It is integral to our politics, and our media presentations - chicken or egg?. Our kids are developing awash in society's general criticism and negativity at home, in their friendships and schools. This seemingly growing cultural need to criticize and diminish others affects our capacity to simply be happy and to trust, and has deep and long-lasting effects.
"Complaining about everyone and everything is the new self-esteem generator."
Sad, but true. Maybe a lot of unhappy people? I personally don't post anything here or on FB that is negative, and never post my personal problems. But I digress. BEST OF LUCK to HOME MADE!! Looking forward to trying it soon.
It's the same old story JR. We don't have such and such out here, excited we are going to get such and such out here, boy such and such is awful, expensive, it is better somewhere else. Instead of being supportive, using kind words or just shut up and not post, there is a need to complain about everything. I am thankful there are people who want to open a business here and especially to occupy a vacant building. Good luck Home Made and anyone else who has that dream.
Actually.....we may have more complainers complaining about complainers at this point ;-)
In my genealogy research, I found late 1800’s paper online. It reads like todays twitter or HL without the name calling and bad language.... For example, a huge ballyhoo over bringing flags into the Church, separation of church and state. Read like an issue of today. The main difference seemed to be the boundary removal due to anonymity. Beyond that, seems like not much has changed about prurient interest, rumors, gossip, and complaining.
The medium is the message and today’s medium is anonymous comments. IMO, that’s the big difference. The complaining has been here forever.
Their menu was on their website but has now disappeared --- maybe they are making changes.
I look forward to it. I have a copy of the menu in hand. I'd pay the extra for pan fried.
Way too much negative without going or going opening day. I've heard how nice it looks and so on. Every business has kinks to work out when then open. Judging if food will sell or not is a crap shoot, so selling out means they didn't judge it would be as popular, so good for them! I am anxious to go soon. Good luck to them and a great welcome to the area.
Just go...now. you may actually "like it". I thought that it was very charming inside. Food was very good and the staff was very eager to please and attentive. "Wait for a month"? They need the business and word of mouth now. The place was nicely crowded and people seemed happy. The waitress told me that they change the menu around every few days to keep it interesting.
Don't listen to the complainers, they have nothing to do all day! Good Luck, you will get the kinks out!
Hello everybody.
Thank you for constructive feedback
We are working on everything For 16 hours a day. The owners are very upset trying to make it work. Staff is new, equipment is new. We had to close on sunday also due to technical problems ( register, card terminal broke)
We have change the menu and we will be changing it in the future probably many times. We also switched opening hours for evening so we can focus on the quality of food not the quantity. Please give us credit an be patient... All we need is time, mental support and constructive feedback. Thank You
Angela, they gave me a printed menu when I was there. How can they change that every few days -- do you mean they have specials that are not on the regular menu?
Karolina, thanks for posting. We are all on your side, Hackettstown people are foodies and anxious to eat at your restaurant!! I personally was there opening day.
Looking forward to having many meals at Home Made.
Karolina, there are always kinks when opening a new place. Anyone who's ever worked in a restaurant will know how it is and those who complain and don't understand are just impatient and entitled. Good luck to you and I can't wait to come in!
Had Takeout Lunch from there on Monday Fried Pierogies Delicious !!! The employees are very talkative and nice also! Very nice looking inside and Clean !! I will be Back !!!!
will see you soon for more takeout pierogies! The renovations are beautiful, wishing you much success

I went opening day and it was the usual first day/grand opening issues. My only complaint was they had problems with credit card system and charged me twice.. but the food was delicious.
I went lastnight! The food was so good!! Had some kielbasa, pierogies, chicken. They have only been open a few days, so expect a few delays. I will be back.. keep up the good work! and welcome to main street!
I gave them a try this weekend on take out food so it was a 20 minute drive home. 6 pierogi pan fried and golabki starter/favorite?, turns out there are two with that order. (I forget how it was presented on the menu). Came in nice take out boxes that kept it warm till I got home to split it with my wife, and they included some sour cream. With tip I think it was 27ish.
Pierogi filling was nice (potato/cheese/onion). Dough was good. I personally like a crispier outside so next time I would ask them for it like that.
Golabki was different than what I am used to. My grandmother would make them small and the sauce would be thick. These are big with a thin sauce. I ended up cutting it up into pieces and mixing it up to get a bite of everything. It tasted pretty good.
The entire time I thought how could this be so expensive for such little food. By the time we were both done eating we were full and comparing it to other non fast food chains it seems to be on par and actually not terribly expensive. Staff was friendly. All in all a nice little experience bringing something different to the area and wish them the best.
I recommend the Hungarian Pan Cakes … please try them - staff is very friendly ...
I agree on the price and deliciousness though on the fence if it was worth it. Got the hunters stew and 12 pierogi's. Got them pan fried so they were 14. The soup was also 14 which came in a small Tupperware container, it didn't fill the bowl I used. This was take out and I'm hoping it was just smaller because of that. I will try it again sit down. Overall though it was really good.
Forgot to add, the homemade bread was really good but they gave one tiny piece for the soup.
We are happy to announce that we are expanding our operating hours on Saturday and Sunday to 12pm-9pm.
Stopped in for dinner the other night. Wasn't planning on it. I was headed to Tranquility for an icecream cone; but the place was "calling me" when I drove past! I had the pierogies (not panfried) and the kielbasa and kraut was the best that I ever had. Just a wonderful thing
I bought a container of cruszicki to take home with me which came with a container of chocolate for dipping. I was "living large"! That's ok! It's my Birthday week and I don't do that too often. I'll be back. Really nice staff.

I ate there with my family last week. Everything was great. I never had white borscht soup, gave it a try and it was delicious, and hearty. Then on to the main course, walked out very full!
I had came here the second day they were open and everything was great. I had potato pierogies and ended my meal with their amazing nutella crepes. The food was amazing and very filling and the service was pleasant . I had gone there again the other night and was disappointed with the many price changes they had done to the menus. The food was still good, but very greasy. I was disappointed in the service, with having to get the attention of my waitress by yelling across the room on multiple occasions. I would still recommend it to people, but there are better places to go.
Food here is great! We've been 3 times so far and have had a great experience each time. What a great addition to our little Main Street restaurant scene.
Food is good but portions are way too small for the price. Service is not stellar and should be open daily for lunch and dinner.
We’ll give them another chance but they clearly need even more time to work out the kinks. Food tasted fine—maybe even a bit bland—but was barely lukewarm when served. Service was completely discombobulated. Was a bit pricey considering.
Comparing this with Zabava... Zabava wins hands down.
Hungarian grease cakes and pan fried grease perogies
both greasy. My only issue.
I hope the owners read this forum. This town is full of loyal foodies, but bad news travels fast.
Great opening experience, and now such disappointment. No lunch hours, poor service, prices up, extra charge for frying. There's a lot of great places to eat in Hackettstown, and IMHO this place is no longer off to a great start.
Well done, everyone. Once again you have managed to slam another new business. You keyboard cowboys are pitiful.
Just a head's up......Tuesday 10/8 is National Pierogi Day. I'm guessing this place will be mobbed.
Thank you Calico. It is also my birthday. I guess I'll be stopping in for pierogie's. It's been a good experience for me. I look forward.
"Well done, everyone. Once again you have managed to slam another new business. You keyboard cowboys are pitiful."
+1. Especially considering what a GOOD EATS town Hackettstown is. We are fortunate to have so many quality restaurants in such a small area. You just can't please some people. If you ain't bitchin' then you ain't "woke"!
Everyone clammers for new businesses in town, then can't wait to pick on every little thing while they work out the kinks. Then when there's an empty storefront, they just can't imagine why!
I get so disgusted by this forum sometimes.
"This town is full of loyal foodies"
The real foodies welcome new restaurants to the diverse excellent offerings already in this small town, and encourage them. Especially when they are just starting out. The forum is full of wanna be, food critics, chef's, and enreptueuers. Don't like it don't go there, spare us your arm chair critiques. Went there with my family and everything was delicious. I'm fortunate to live in a small town with so many great places to eat. Powodzenia
Lots of snowflakes here, I see.
Pull out your wedgies and accept the fact there are positive *and* negative opinions in this world.
There is nothing wrong with non-positive reviews as long as they are not made nastily. Constructive criticism is a good thing IMO.
Restaurant reviews on HL can be divided into 2 categories:
"It was cheap and I got way more food than I paid for"
"It was too expensive, and there wasn't enough food"
In other words, unless you open a restaurant with HUGE portions for LITTLE money, (something for nothing), HL will complain.
People wonder why a Trader Joes or Whole Foods will never come to this area! As soon as a business opens its like people cant wait to bash it. If you cant get Filet mignon for the price of a big Mac you say they are to expensive. If you dont like their hours to complain. How about maybe telling the owners face to face you concerns, not posting on a forum. Or if you dont like the place just dont go. If this keeps up this area is going to keep getting low cost low quality big box chain businesses. Or since those complaining seem to be such highly educated and business savvy people why dont you open the perfect business that will only get positive reviews or maybe teach a college course on how to run "the perfect business."
The come and go town....Let me refresh a bit!
White Castle.... GONE
Boston Market...GONE
Burger King ......GONE
Arby's ...............GONE
Pietro's .............GONE ..... Moved to a further area. ( And the portions were Huge! )
.......and I'm sure there are more; or on the GONE List!
oh no 4 crappy run down fast food chains that didn't put a dime into upkeeping their restaurants moved out of town!!! what a shame.
I may be wrong but I believe the people who said the portion sizes were small, myself included, all got take out. I saw the pic of the soup that the person ordered dine in and it was no where near that size I said a few times in.my post it was very well made. I think there may just be a difference in what they give you for take out and dine in. That's why I said I have to give it another try sitting in. Oh a side note the 5 Bros taco place that opened is really good as well.
Yesimpc - Here is the link to the thread on the taco place.
Weebiekins I wasnt bashing just saying I preferred the Vanilla Market but I said neither are as good as Playa Bowls (which we wont get here cause people will say its to pricey) saying you prefer something else is not bashing. If you dont like someones prices go somewhere else dont cry about it. You have no clue what their overhead is. And these smaller places are providing higher quality goods and provide higher quality service so you might pay more.
Other than James on Main most of the restaurants out here in the Hackettstown area wouldn’t survive in Bergen County or even In parts of Morris. What we have is good enough for this area but just does not compare in terms of quality. I’ll gladly pay for a good meal. But being overcharged for something that was okay in taste and served barely lukewarm? I’ll think twice about visiting there again. Gives me the impression the restaurant doesn’t seem to know, care, or take pride in their offering. Having a waitress who openly and loudly badmouthed other coworkers? Absolutely unprofessional.
Face it, this area is accustomed to Chili’s and Applebee’s. People think Mama’s is fine dining.
Here's an idea: if you want ALOT of food, for LITTLE money, and want it JUST THE WAY YOU LIKE IT...
Cook it your own damn self. Because restaurants don't serve fantasies.
JeffersonRepub, why so agitated over people’s opinions? Seriously, get over yourself.
@Yesimpc That was my soup picture. It was very hearty and filling. There were 7 of us, and all the portions were good.
@YeahRight you sound like a snob who would rather be living anywhere but here. Move to wonderful Bergen county or "seriously, get over yourself"
He may be a snob, but according to this article ---- he is right. Sorry, really didn't want it to be true.
Bergen scores 5 out of the top 30 restaurants in NJ; Morris second with 4, and Essex/Monmouth with 3, followed by Camden/Mercer/Middlesex/Hudson with 2 each. While Sussex scored 1, Warren is nada.
I am sure there are other ratings, but chances are Warren gets a zippo. Think James on Main may be our only chance at a state-wide game.
SD I'm sure there are great restaurants in Bergen county, and Manhattan and Paris, for that matter. Doesn't change the fact that for a small town we have a great selection of wonderful restaurants serving a wide variety of ethnic choices. I for one am not accustomed to Applebee's or Chili's since I never eat at either. If you think that's a fair assessment of everyone that lives here then you would be a snob too.
I don’t even know what either of you are alluding to. It was just a story about top NJ eateries, fine dining. If you think that’s being snobby, methinks you might have an inferiority complex. Personally, our Marley’s Wings are NJ’s finest according to The Munchmobile I think and I am more likely to dine from that list than the five stars list. You guys are a tad sensitive.
Can we just stick to one topic that the thread is about? The Home Made Restaurant in our town? Do you like it or not? Enough about the stupid discussion over what county has the best food. Get off it already.
Our exclusive selection of New Jersey’s best places to dine, curated by the editors of New Jersey Monthly, the state’s foremost dining experts."
I think they're the ones being snobs, or should I state, self-proclaimed NJ "state’s foremost dining experts". Rather full of themselves methinks. That's somewhat like the manager of a restaurant who hung out with the waitresses at a corner table joking around and yakking, rather than doing their jobs.
When I complained about the taste of the Filet Mignon being "off" and the cut being non-typical, the grain being sideways, rather than up & down he stated that he personally bought it and had been in the business somewhere between 5-10 years. Regarding my ex's Chicken Marsala having a number of bones that needed picked out of it and the menu clearly stating "boneless breast of chicken", he stated that it was the "nature of the dish"...Say WHAT? I've never before, nor ever after that occasion run across a Chicken Marsala dish that had bones in it.
He offered to "take care of us" the next time we came in if we just asked for him. I stated that there was no chance in hell that we'd ever be back and none of my friends would ever either since he wouldn't own up to them blowing it. Not only did none of my friends get a good recommendation for this place, but I told them of our tale as well, stating that I doubted they'd get treated any better.
They closed about 1 to 1 1/2 years later.
wow just tried the new place on main st Hackettstown.home cooking polish restaurant.the pirogies were just right, a little crispy and light,just add a dash of sour cream,potato pancakes were spot on and the stuffed cabbage was perfect.tied it all together with the home made cheesecake and moca coffee.nice clean place,good service.now I really want to bring my friends there.great addition to Hackettstown.
You must either be rich (not care about the prices), skinny (small portions are fine for you), or not have any taste buds.
Mel sounds like the owner of the place as JeffRep is right with his comments. Expensive place, small portions and bland-tasting food. Service is bad and owners are not very friendly. This is not a recipe for success to survive as a restaurant.
Mel ~ it's nice to hear that you enjoyed the restaurant. Looking forward to getting there this week to try it.
jeff ole boy nobody goes out to eat to save money.my wife and I left with full tummys.when you want to take your friends out to a new place you know the food was good.the owners and staff came over to ask how the meal was.i could have not been more pleased with the staff,food and the home made cheese cake with moca coffee.like RAY CHARLES said if you want to have some fun you gotta spend some dough.
wow... some of you need to learn internet protocol: the "wink" ;) indicates sarcasm...
Go back and read my previous posts and you'll understand
To those of you criticizing the negative posts ~ They can be helpful when a new place is "working out the kinks". It always amazes me how quickly people call names and label people on this site.
Over the years I have seen many small business owners look here for input. Sometimes they wouldn't have heard things otherwise, and made many positive changes.
So before assuming someone only wanted to bash a new business, consider the possibility they were offering constructive criticism.
If the food is quality we don't mind small portions and we really don't like food drowned in salt. Looking forward to trying this place!
“Other than James on Main most of the restaurants out here in the Hackettstown area wouldn’t survive in Bergen County or even In parts of Morris.”
This is crazy talk.
I lived and worked in Bergen and lived in Essex just across the line from Morris for 15 years, and I can assure you there are oodles of restaurants in both counties that can’t hold a candle to many of the places in our downtown. Are there more high-caliber options in those counties? Maybe. But to say none of our restaurants is equal to any of theirs is ludicrous.
Just got back from dinner, had the potato pancakes and beef goulash. Big portion and very yummy. All three of us had excellent meals and service. We shared an order of pierogis that were delicious. I will definitely go back.
I had dinner tonight at Home Made and can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised. The decor is beautiful. Service was great! Food was delicious, and portion size was perfect!! I had the stuffed cabbage as my main dish and it was great, and we shared pierogies as an appetizer, which were delicious as well. Couldn't fit dessert so will have to try that next time. Will definitely be back soon!
My aunt and I had dinner at Home Made this evening and it was wonderful. My aunt had the Hunters Stew with Potato Pancakes, I had Wiener schnitzel, both of us were very happy with our choices. The portions were very generous and each of our dinner’s tasted so fresh and delicious. The staff was very nice and we loved the decor too. We also had dessert, my aunt had the Angel Wings which I tried and it was very light and very good. I ordered the Polish Cheesecake and it was completely different from the NY style I make. It was more cake like but delicious with a sprinkle of powdered sugar. We will definitely go back, I would like to bring my oldest grandson as he likes to try different foods now that he is 15. I had no concerns with the pricing, as everything was so good.
That's funny, but only because both my buddy and I went there just after they opened tonight. We were in the dining room on the right side.
He had the pan-fried (12) pierogies, raspberry lemonade and the cheesecake for dessert. I had the Goulash, 6 pan-fried pierogies and the homemade white kielbasa with sauerkraut and 2 of the Polish (I think it's Blood-Orange flavored) soda.
We both loved the pierogies, which were delicious and not at all greasy, like some pan-fried ones tend to be. The kielbasa was also very tasty and the accompanying sauerkraut wasn't the typical tangy type that people may be used to. It was different from what I'm used to, but its mildness actually made it more appealing to me. The Goulash was also very tasty. I ate about half of everything and brought the rest back home to eat for lunch and/or dinner tomorrow.
One thing I definitely liked about it was that nothing was overly salty and I wasn't left looking for something to drink as soon as I got home. The 2 sodas I got were very small cans, perhaps only 6 ozs. or so. I didn't check the size.
My buddy said we have to definitely add it to our rotation and I told him I was just about to say the same thing!
Can u park at side of building for take out?
You know what would be cool: PTA Pay, Text and Away.
1. Pay via ccard when you phone order
2. Text when you get there, they carry to your car in the hot spot at side of building,
3. Away!! You run like the devil ;-)
Yes, I am that lazy. Even text upon completion would be a plus. I hate lingering.
Parking meters on main street have 15 minute free I believe if you hit the button
Or am I confusing this with somewhere else?
In response to Strangerdanger - and other patrons....
I have learned some things - first there is NEVER parking on the side of the building.
It is a right-of-way/Fire Lane that serves as the only exit & entrance access for like 5 seperate properties it can NEVER be blocked....
Also people should know that only the designated blacktop parking spaces behind the restaurant are for the restaurant - any other parking you might see belongs to the other owners & tenants of each private property and all of those properties have no tresspass/tow away policies that that they rightfully enforce.
Found this out when attending something at the Moose lodge. Likewise the restaurant will chase you out of their lot if you park to go elsewhere.
I get it - each property is private and has tenants that are entitled to thier parking - they don't come park at my house in my drive and it's rude to park in theirs.
There is however often parking on the street and half a block down at the corner of Main and East Plane St there is ALWAYS parking in the nicely paved, well lit municipal lot - it's half a block - in the city that's nothing.
Do yourself a favor - avoid getting chased, ticketed for tresspassing and/or towed - they all have security cameras - I was snaged before I even got out of the car - it was clearly my mistake - I appologized and moved my car to the municipal lot - like I said I get it - I wouldn't like it if I came home and some stranger was parked in my driveway - on my property...... It's just rude.
My husband and I went there a few weeks ago on Saturday night when we had no other plans. Expected to wait, but was able to get a table right away! I thought that the food was very tasty and big sized portions. BYOB is a plus in my book!
If you're interested in details... we shared appetizers of the homemade kielbasa and the potato pancakes -- both excellent and reminded me of what I occasionally ate during my childhood. I had the golumpki (stuffed cabbage) for the main course and again, I really enjoyed it -- it was almost like my mother used to make. My husband also enjoyed his entree (schnitzel, I belileve). Not a very healthy meal, but I don't plan on eating this often.
Service was good and all of the staff we had contact with were very friendly. I wish the owners much success.
We went there a couple weeks ago and absolutely loved it. The food was awesome. I will say IMO their prices are a little steep though. Party of 6 and our bill was about $170.
If it wasn't for the steep prices, I would go much more often because the food was phenomenal.
For instance, Hungarian pancakes....$18...the bottom layer is no different then regular potato pancakes ($9) but with a splash of goulash over them....doubles the price?
Also, our white borscht came with what I assume was a chunk of pork chop with bone in them, not kielbasi as listed, and $16 for 12 perogies, a bit high priced I think.
Again, this is my opinion, and I wish them the best of luck, but I personally cannot afford to go out to a $100 meal often, especially when we are even bringing our own drinks.
I spent over $100 at the Brazilian place just for my wife and I on her birthday last year. You want high quality food you end up paying for it.
Her point is that rounding is good.
I just find the love of the potato in all of it’s splendid forms endearing. And a $9 potato pancake stack. Heck, that just makes the &9 ghoulish look cheap :-).
Darrin’s point seems good for Darrin, makes sense to me. Whether Brazilian or Polish, not everyday restaurants for me. And I’m glad to have special places like these to go to at a treat. Near home. In our fantastic global restaurant district!
But Darrin, premium steak? Good yes, fun for sure, but premium? Not from the grill package. Tasty for sure, but premium? Have yet to see “all you can eat” and “premium” in the same menu item
What I really wonder is how those exterior building remodeling efforts can be deemed “historic?” Colonial white brick?
Thanks also for the parking tips. Used to stand there, apparently illegally, while picking up takeout. And sorry, to me takeout means take out. Not find a parking place, walk, receive, walk, drive. I’m usually in a hurry; thus the takeout. Too many other places where takeout parking is far easier than praying for a spot on Main Street.
Okay, so maybe not "premium", but still comparing steak to potatoes ;-)
Food is delicious, don't get me wrong....but is $1.33 really the rate per pierogie? $1.50 if you want it pan fried?
Forge Of Taste in Tannersville,PA where I usually go doesn't change this much....9.99 for 12 pierogies
We didn't get the rodizio and still paid over $100. That included a pitcher of sangria, app, 2 entrees, dessert.
I think the bottom line is that no one goes out to dinner to save money.you get what you pay for and you pay for what you can afford.
"Your point?"
I think she was pointing out you didn't spend $100 for dinner. At $28/person you and your wife spent $56. which is not outragous for a nice meal.
No one goes out to save money, but many try to save money when dining out. Otherwise there wouldn't be chicken on the menu :>)
One of my wife's and my favorite are the new "duo's" at Mama's. We order one duo, split it, and then feel fiscally free to order an appetizer and salad. When really feeling frisky ---- we get the trio appetizer and thus have two entrée's, three appetizers, and a huge salad for the price of a single meal, appetizer and salad. We think we are saving.... :>) And they throw in bread those silly peoples :>) And a sample pasta, usually something really creamy.
And hey, they have special takeout parking right next to the door! Even will carry out if the wife is feelin tipsy.
I have made my point, I am not going to sit here and argue what you or happiest consider costly vs product received as opposed to my feeling on the topic.
Mets, And there is also fordge of taste 30 minutes away for just about half the price ;-)
I agree with Darren on the pricing there. It is a little over priced and I found the potato pancakes a little greasy. But to each their own and I wish them luck.
"When really feeling frisky ---- we get the trio appetizer and thus have two entrée's, three appetizers, and a huge salad for the price of a single meal, appetizer and salad. "
Which is useless when the food tastes like crap. :-)
If you want large portions of Italian food, for a reasonable price, that tastes much better than crap but in no way close to Toscana, go to Mariana's in P'burg. It was mentioned in the Infinity Golf thread. They are on restaurant.com too.
I relinquish my gold star to Jim L for his intelligence.
For those who have not dined yet at Homemade, entree prices are around $12 - $18.
One person's honey is another's poison. If a trusted confidant, I would take your advice, but, then again, you chose to live in Oxford :>)
Where do you park for Toscana take out? I have tried them, but not for takeout.
And given how filled the Mama's parking lot is on many nights, I guess you have a very low opinion of many NJian's who frequent this joint. At least you seem to think they food that tastes like crap. Methinks Mama's isn't sweating your opine, although I am sure they care.
"One person's honey is another's poison."
Very true. My husband has been known to eat Spaghettios. Blech!!!! LOL
My grandmother blew her nose with two bricks. (Think thats an Italian way of saying one man’s....)
I find the fascination with potato’s in these different forms: pierogi, pancake, etc. fascinating much less raising it to an art form. I’m Irish, it’s a potato, boil it, mash it, make a soup, get over it, but don’t stuff it, load it, whatever... Like dressing up the pig. :~)
Had dinner there last night. Everything was delicious! They need to turn the heat up a notch tho, that front room (where you enter) stays chilly because people are entering/exiting all the time. We will be back.
Unfortunately this place was a solid no for me :(
We each had the $4.95 chicken Noodle soup = Luke warm spaghetti in unseasoned "broth" aka water... A few diced carrots... No meat in either bowl. Literally not one piece of meat or chicken flavor of any sort.
Shared =
Luke warm potato pancakes
Bigos (this was a very good dish)
6 Luke warm pierogis with greasy flavorless Luke warm onions.
I found the price way too high for the quality of food we received. It was cold in the restaurant and the food took an inordinate amount of time considering we were the only ones there and it was nowhere close to hot when served. We also never saw the waitress again once the food was served for drink refills. I would probably go there for the Bigos once in a great while, but that bad first impression is going to last.
went there last night for the first time and was pleased at the quality of the food. Wife had Bigos and I had the Goulash. Both were excellent. Also wife had the chicken soup and it also was flavor full. Will definitely go back. however the menu was very limited
Ordered from Home Made for pick up the other night and the food was excellent! Good home made quality Polish food. Cabbage rolls, Schnitzel and soup were all excellent, also the sides- loved the beet salad.
We will order from here again.
Shocked this place is still open. Service is horrible, owners are not friendly and very expensive. Plus portions when I have eaten there are so small that you leave hungry. Will be shocked if this place is around in a year.
My family and have eaten there many times because we enjoy their food (especially the stuffed cabbage and pierogies). The portions were large enough that we all left comfortably full. The servers have always been friendly and attentive. We’ve never had a bad experience and look forward to returning.
Same here Quiet One.
Eaten there a few times. Great food, good service. Zero complaints about portion size. It's not cheap but it's worth the money. Will continue to go there.
I ate there once last month. Was very good. Got white borscht soup and 6 perogies. The soup on it's own was enough to be filling.
I have also eaten there multiple times and have been very happy with both food and service.
Hearing reviews on both sides. Any recommendations for what to order for first timers?
No worries about portion size here! I can get 2 meals out of one of the entrees. iJay it depends on what you like, my husband always goes for the stuffed cabbage and loves the soup. Kielbasa is a big item for them, and the perogies are very good.
I really loved the hunters stew, I was one who said the portions were small, that was from take out from the beginning. Eating there again it seemed they have corrected it or maybe it was because it wasn't take out. Who knows? The hunters stew though I'll keep getting.
I LOVE this place! We have eaten there numerous times and have gotten take out. Portion sizes are great. The service is fantastic and no problem with the prices. I highly recommend them!
When my husband and I go here we order the Variety Platter ( $49) which will leave 2 people stuffed and 3 with a comfortable full feeling. The platter includes smoked ribs, grilled kielbasa, white cooked kielbasa ,pan fried pierogies, hunter stew, potatoes, sauerkraut, beet salad, condiments and bread. It is delicious and a great way to sample much of what this place has to offer. I love that they also offer outdoor dining now under a canopy. BYOB is another bonus!
Got this text this morning. I will miss them if they do close. Their golombki are even better than my mother’s (sorry, Mom). Hoping that business improves and that they remain open.
Homemade restaurant:
Dearest customers we are considering closing down the restaurant in August 2022.
If you would like to enjoy our fresh Polish Food before we close. We invite you to 269 Main street Hackettstown.
Mon 4:30-9:00pm
Tue closed
Wed-Fri 4:30-9:00pm
Sat 12:00-22:00pm
Sun 12:00-8:00pm
To go: 908-651-5017
or: homemademain.com
Thank you for your outstanding support during this long COVID time and from the first months when we opened.
We will never forget you!
Wow that stinks the food there is excellent and I eat there often. Difficult climate to be in business these days. Sad.
That’s surprising. They were very busy with lots of customers when I was last there for take-out.
My wife and I ate here about 4 months ago for the first time. Homemade or not, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Good, but not great. This was around 7pm and only 2 tables were occupied. We ate and left saying it wasn't gonna make it :/. Honestly Marley's has better perogies. Best of luck to home-made.
I think Home Made's Stuffed Cabbage and their Perogies are excellent!!
Try some eat-in or take-out food if you are reading this.
They don't deserve to close, they are an excellent restaurant!!
After you said that Marley's perogies were better, that tells me all I need to know about your review of the place. You must have grown up on Mrs. T's perogies. (Which at home are not bad) but they are no where near homemade perogies.
Well per a post on Facebook group Community Forum of Hackettstown looks like Homemade has closed and a health food restaurant called Empower Healthy Grill and Juice Bar will open in its place at some point.
The Ukrainian church on 46 has some of the best perogies around... sauteed with some butter... mmmm good stuff. Nykun's next door usually has them in the freezer.
OP: where on Rt. 46 is the Ukrainian church? Are the perogies pre-cooked and ready to eat, are you saying above?
The church adjoins Nykun's property on RT 46 in Great Meadows.
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church.
I think that's the problem, that many think Mrs T's are good perogies. lol... I took my wife to a place near us in Brodheadsville, PA and she didn't care for the perogies. Some people don't know what real food is.
It's funny you said that Metsman. I remember getting good homemade Polish Kielbasa from Nykun's one time and gave it to the kids. They did not like it because they had in their minds that kielbasa was supposed to taste like the Hillshire Farms kielbasa. It is sort of like the people that say Olive Garden is good Italian food, it's all what you are introduced to when you grow up.
Elevation of the Holy Cross Eastern Orthodox Church does pierogi sales on Sundays as I recall. They're across 517 from Towpath north of M&M/Mars.
If anyone is interested- the Ukrainian church is having a pierogi sale this Saturday the 17th.
Thank you OP for mentioning our sale. It is a fundraiser for the people in the Ukraine.
Pick up is 9-4
Can't start a new post so I figure I'd post here about it. An Indian food restaurant is coming soon to this location. I look forward to trying them and wish them well.
I hope it's good, and I hope they thrive.
For my wife and me, a good Indian spot is probably the only remaining "must have" on our local restaurant wish list. We're very excited.
Try: https://krakus-deli-phillipsburg.edan.io/
Phillipsburg and best Kielbasa I have had in some time. Really nice folks too. A block off 31 on the strip. Only a couple tables, like lunch. But I take home. A lot.....
Learned about them here.
Richie, The address is 600 Elder Ave Phillipsburg. about a block off of 22 West. 31 is in Washington.
Correct. My bad. on the strip after 31 ends, one block off to the right, the street before KFC, if that's still there.
No, it's about a mile or so past the 57 confluence with US-22 (Memorial Parkway). There's also a very good middle-eastern restaurant right there behind the KFC named Amasi. There's a Bourbon Street Liquor store between Krakus and Amasi.
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