Mexican Vintage paper mache clowns

Mexican Vintage paper mache clowns

I have paper Mache clowns that my Dad gave me over 30 years ago. I’m trying to find out some information about them and their artist. The signed artist is Montiel from Mexico. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Annemarie Annemarie
Aug '19

I did a quick Google search and came up with a lot of information and pictures and even ones for sale on sites like eBay. You might want to check with someone who can really help like a dealer, antiques dealer, etc,. Someone who deals in collectibles would be able to steer you in the right direction. Just don't part with them without knowing. I'm not sure 'Montiel' is a person. It might also be a place and so on. They're very nice!

Aug '19

Here is a thought...the man who owns fresco mexican and random acts of fresco in Chester is very involved with Mexican art and goes there frequently to buy art..he would be an excellent resource...

Awesome pics..they are really great to see!

I hope this helps...

Thank you so much for both of your assistance it is greatly appreciated!

Annemarie Annemarie
Aug '19

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