Current Propane/NG Prices
I searched for a bit and only found the Fall 2021 propane prices thread and not sure how accurate that is anymore. Im specifically looking to just fill some tanks for the bbq, if anyone knows the cheapest place around for that. But Im sure it will help others to talk about general home heating prices for propane as well.
Richie, do you know of the days and times Region is open for propane tank filling? TIA.
I went on a Friday around 1:00 p.m. but don't know any other days or times that they fill. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful on the times.
Aug '22
Just as an update I went to Region Oil, they only fill on Fridays and I took a picture of their price sheet
The citizens of NJ get slammed again with a large price increase on natural gas effective October 1st. It's becoming more and more torturous to live in this state. Add record high inflation with a nice mix of a recession and we citizens have a lovely environment to attempt to enjoy Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Propane gas is not regulated in NJ and is not under the control of the state Board of Public Utilities. Secondly, thousands of homeowners do not have a choice of propane suppliers. Why? When the tanks were installed, it was under a tank lease arrangement between the supplier, e.g. Amerigas, and the house builder. When the homeowner purchases the house, the agreement comes with it. The agreement states you must purchase propane from them since the supplier owns the tank. As result, the homeowner can't shop around competitively unless they replace the leased tank with one they purchase. The cost for removal and installation is in the $ thousands.
Run the tank dry, leave it in the ground and install a few above ground 420's
"Still $15 at region oil per BBQ tank as of yesterday 11/4/22"
Is this everyday or only Fridays?
I own a 250 gallon propane tank that is going to need to be refilled. I checked and don't see any current propane pricing info.
Can someone recommend a good contact to get it refilled? Thanks in advance.
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