Found cat

Found cat I live in Alexandria apartments kitty came out of the sewer this morning by my apartment. She is in very good shape a calico young, and has a collar, she is very friendly.
I hope I can find her home.

Patti Donaldson Patti Donaldson
Oct '22

What color is the kitten?

If you have Facebook, there is a picture on the Warren County NJ Lost and Found Pets page. The cat is a typical Calico, orange, brown, gray combination.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Oct '22

Re: Found cat

Saw this one in Riverfront Park today - by the stream closest to Willow Grove - it moved to the other side away from us but then sat and watched us - usually the ones we see there run - could it be someone's lost cat?

4catmom 4catmom
Oct '22

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