Computer/Printer Help
Is there anyone local who can get a new printer connected and running to a laptop. Willing to pay reasonable amounts.
If you just use the usb cable, hook it to the printer then the laptop, it will do all the hard work for you by communicating thru the wire.
Sep '23
...a new printer will come with instructions.
And like Nerdy said- these days it should be relatively plug & play.
A few years ago I bought a printer for my wife for the whole covid work from home thing...and even wireless in the other room- it was quick and painless...just 'worked'.
Please make sure you have the router and Wi-Fi hooked up prior to installing the printer.
What make and model is the printer? I’m sure someone can walk you through it fairly easily.
Sep '23
I want to thank all of you who gave me some direction. It has been corrected by a gentleman at Staples.
Again, thank you.
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