Thank you El nino

Okay folks I don't know if I got that name correct of the front that has been over us for 3 or more months now. With the mild temperatures, and all this rain just wanted to know how everyone else is fairing? I have asthma and have 2 head colds. There has got to be a lot of mold spores on the trees and other places. We've have more rainy days then sunny days. Sometimes I think we're in Seattle and not New Jersey. Now don't get mad, but a steady temp and no rain would be great. I can't believe how high the humidity and the dew point is, and this has been a long stretch. I can't even figure out on what to wear anymore. Oh and no I don't consider this global warming we've had this system before it comes so many years but we are hopefully it'll break come mid January cuz this is way too much rain.

Outdoors Women
Dec '23

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