Issue with E-gift cards bought at

Hello everyone,
I am reaching out to get help so please try to just limit your comments on anything helpful as this has been very stressful already and definitely a lesson learned. Thank you all in advance.
Bought non-BestBuy e-gift cards direct from Got the email on Dec. 18th. Only view that it is my order but did not click on any other link to view the actual gift card codes nor print. When I tried to view and print them on Dec. 23rd email is gone and had to call back on Dec. 24th because when I called BB on night of 23rd I was informed to call the next day as the digital dept. is already closed. Long story short called back next day on 24th, got the link, print them and gave out the 4 retail e-gift cards to my nephew and nieces. The othe two which were Amazon e-gift cards are mine to use. Come to find out all money has been redeemed since Dec. 18 for the Amazon and on 19th for the other retail e-gift cards. I had to do all of these with no help from BB. I called them again today thinking this will help them resolve the issue and now BB digital dept. told me from their end they can't do anything because there were no issue with the e-gift cards nor the code. This is theft! The money has been long gone even before I was able to view and print these e-gift cards. Need help on where to proceed. I do have an Amazon account so I called them and they are investigating. Sort of similar for American Eagle but not luck with H&M. Again, BB is washingntheir hands from all of these. Looks like someone fromthe BB digital dept. got a hold of these codes and reddemed them.

Thank you all! Hope to hear some good feedback.

HcktwnSoccerMom HcktwnSoccerMom
Dec '23

Terrible. I would try your bank or credit card company who ever you used to pay for see if they can help.

There have been several large news stories the last couple of weeks alerting that this type of fraud with these cards was wide spread this year. I hope you get some sort of help from one of your banking institutions.

Thanks Greg. I really appreciate for your quick feedback. I already contacted the BB credit card we used and them also informed me they can not do anything about it. This is really sad on how this world is coming to this. I am checking the FTC website as wel.

HcktwnSoccerMom HcktwnSoccerMom
Dec '23

What does your Credit Card company say about disputes etc?

4catmom 4catmom
Dec '23

File a police report on the stolen cc. It may not get your money back right away but at least it’s documented. Sorry this happened to you. Perhaps if you call bb again maybe ask for an escalation of a manager? Maybe they can track to see where and when the funds were used.

Aye80 Aye80
Dec '23

The BestBuy site says:
If you have fallen prey to a scam:
Report the incident to your local law enforcement, and the Federal Trade Commission or the Internet Crime Complaint Center
Change any passwords that may have been compromised
Call your bank/credit card company to stop any unauthorized transactions

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Dec '23

@4catmom...they basically said they cannot do anything with it. They are not even letting me file a dispute.
@aye80...representatives I spoke to (yes, lost count on how many of them I already spoke to) has escalated this to the next level and supposedly from their end there are no issues with the order and the codes for the gift card, They basically did not want to do anything with this and making me call the merchants.
@ontheedge...looks like whoever has had access to send url prior to me receiving the email already had gotten a hold of the codes and redeemed them. Looking into the FTC and will look into the ICCC too.
Thank you all so much, Looks like really last resort is to file a report but I will be lost with this big amount.

HcktwnSoccerMom HcktwnSoccerMom
Dec '23

Was the email containing all the different gift card links sent to you within a few minutes of placing the order?
Was Amazon able to tell you what purchase amounts each card/code was used for?
I am not sure how these codes are viewable to BB ecommerce staff/backend processing folks, but I imagine if all 4 of your cards were used by another person after you purchased them, there is some way to obtain purchase and shipping information for at least one of the cards used.
It seems odd for all 4 balances from one purchase to be swiped unless one scammer is to blame, or there is a much larger issue that CC companies, best buy, etc would be hearing about

Dec '23

From what I gather, you used your BestBuy credit card to pay for these e-gift cards, and BestBuy won't let you do a chargeback to their own company. Since Citibank issues the BestBuy credit cards, perhaps contact Citibank. Good luck

If the initial email was gone when you went to find it, it sounds like maybe someone hacked into your email, took the info, deleted it, and then spent the money. That would practically be untraceable to determine who hacked it, but they should be able to determine where packages were sent from, at least, the Amazon cards. I would definitely change your passwords on your email used, though.

Mel81 Mel81
Dec '23

not sack
Dec '23

Not sack, that is for physical cards

Dec '23

Sounds like an email breach.
I would change your email passwords asap. Were you logged into any public computers?

Dec '23

Do you even have to be on a public computer? A connection via wifi can get your data stolen.

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Dec '23

1. Credit card charge dispute. Mastercard is like sending a text. Takes months to resolve, but issue instant credit
2. Better business bureau: more like an email but you have most the text here. I got microsoft to pay off on virtual sw once.

Good luck.

Babbit Babbit
Dec '23

hello everyone... sorry wasn't able to check more on feedbacks. I will try to respond to everyone after my last entry. First is Happy New Year to everyone and thank you for your help and advices.

@lilo...only one email for all 6 gc, I only viewed them to know it has all 6 gc, then I set it aside meaning saved it to a folder so I don't lose them with all the emails i get. But when it is time for me to view again on 12/23 to print it was gone, I called again BB to resend me the link, but apparently, all the money are gone on 12/18 for the 2 Amazon gc and yes redeemed by same person/account holder. The other four were redeemed on 12/19 but AE and H&M can't see of same person or not, Same happened when the second email sent by BB n 12/24, after I viewed it, several hours later it disappear and I confirmed this is happening 3rd time when I asked for the link again before I saw that the other 4 gc have no money too fhen.
@rich...I called BB, but it is not the Citibank BB card tho will call them to see of they can do something.
@mel81, for it to disappear 3 times after viewing, not sure if my email was really hacked, But I will sure changed my password. I have a feeling, gc was already hacked even before I recieved that email on Dec 18.
@seenit and onthe i was home...and i avoid connecting to wifi when not home, i always use my dataplan if i need to check emails.
@babbit...i will continue to fight for it. I need to follow up with Amazon. Due to the holidays things were slow so hopefully by this week there are some updates on this one.

I will trynto keep you all posted. Again, thank you so much!

HcktwnSoccerMom HcktwnSoccerMom
Jan '24

It truly does sound like your email is comprised as others have suggested, for the email to be deleted multiple times
So sorry this happened to you, and please treat that email account as "hacked"

Jan '24

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