Aldi Coming To Our Area

For all those Aldi fans, they will be building one in Mount Olive just west of the former Trading Post on route 46 eastbound side. Opposite where HomeGoods was Dino's Pizza, Dunkin' Donuts etc.
I have only ever been to one in Germany. I guess I'll stop in when it's complete.
Aldi's in the US is nothing close to Aldi's in Germany. Been to both Rockaway and Stroudsburg Aldi's and I would call it something like of a warehouse style store only a tiny version without the 'family sizes". More of a tiny scale Costco, everything in the original boxes, only a couple of choices, etc. Think of what the Food Basics was like when it was in the original A&P location before it became the medical complex.
It is 6.765 acres.
Here is a link to the site plan:
GC-I sort of recall Aldi being the same way in Mannheim. A smallish store, no frills with limited choices of the staples. It was very convenient for most things. I was pleased as they carried a pilsner I discovered while visiting Chemnitz several times that I acquired quite the taste for! LOL
Hope it will do better than the store that came/went already in old A & P site at Naughright/Rt. 46. Next to Retro Fitness. I've been to Aldi in Bloomfield and Hamilton/Princeton area, and they are similar to BJ's/Costco/Sam's in warehouse atmosphere.
There is an Aldi's in Phillipsburg. It's next to Raymore & Flanagan and across from Target on Rt. 22
Aldi's is not TJ's, never will be unless they change plans. Limited variety, value goods, but considered good-value-for-the-price. Not close enough to replace Shoprite for me.
Has anyone tried Aqui Outpost in Califon? That looks interesting for a change.
There is also a Lidl on 25th street in Easton and another one on East Hanover Ave. in Morristown .
Are you talking about the building that looks almost completed across from the old HomeGoods location that was once the Mount Olive Board of Education offices?
The site appears to be just trees right now. Probably gonna be awhile before we can check it out.
Wonder why they didn't pursue the old Shopfresh/a&p site or move into the old Home Goods across the street.
Totally agree Scott! It's a little tract of woods, but do we really need any less trees or more impervious surface along the 46 corridor?
The state and most likely the federal government offers tax breaks and other benefits for building a new energy efficient building . Why do you think that huge office building that BASF built 30 years ago was not wanted and eventually demolished ? It wasn't practical to heat and cool let alone pay the huge property taxes . By building new and environment friendly a huge company like Aldi may not pay the full taxes on that property for years . BTW BASF built a new much smaller environment friendly North American headquarters in Florham Park .
Mango- No it is not there. Check out the link to the application I posted.
Scott- Correct. The completed project will be some time. The link to the application in front of the Mt.Olive planning board will give you an approximate time frame.
Ely —
Thank you for that information. What can we do now to block this before it progresses any further.
"Wonder why they didn't pursue the old Shopfresh/a&p site or move into the old Home Goods across the street."
Trees are a lot cheaper to "demolish" than existing buildings...
would have made much more sense to have the Aldi in the old A&P/ShopFresh or the old HomeGoods at the anchor store in either shopping center. No need to put in a new building, especially with the track record of some of the other food stores that have come and gone in the area...
If they went in the old Home Goods they would get the foot traffic from Village Green apartments and it would also be much more convenient by car for the Village Green folks. Dont see anyone walking across 46 from the apartments. I'm sure they will do fine either way though. The traffic won't be fine.
IIIo -
Some people are proactive for what they believe in.
We succeeded in stopping the cell tower from going up by Miller Street —— for real.
Well yeah, the sentiment in my previous post was let's not make more impervious surfaces in NJ
The woodchuck poster was being facetious
I will say Mount Olive would pave the entire township if they could. Lots of development all over.
There was an EIS conducted for this project I'm sure. Woodchucks be damned.....LOL
"We succeeded in stopping the cell tower from going up by Miller Street —— for real."
The lack of reliable cell service at my house thanks you!
Yay, let’s destroy forest to make another store we don’t need when there are tons of vacant stores!! Really ridiculous. Those trees could help buffer noise to that new townhouse development amongst other things. Plus 46 is already terrible in this area without more traffic entering and exiting.
From reading the comments here I guess Aldi has changed a lot in the past 20 years. When I went to college in upstate NY we had an Aldi and it was VERY depressing. It was where all the low income townies and broke college kids went for the absolute cheapest selection of food. They had brand x everything and the quality was…not very good.
The building that looks almost completed across from the old HomeGoods location that was once the Mount Olive Board of Education offices has a sign now....a storage company name.
Not that I'm planning to try it but:
While I‘ve only shopped once many years ago at an Aldi in central Jersey, I have in recent years consumed many of their products while visiting my relatives.
I would give them a chance. They use some very reliable producers and formulate many items specifically for Aldi’s “test kitchen”.
You will no doubt find new favorites at Aldi’s.
As for the development aspect, it is sad how we operate… developing new areas and laying other areas to waste. I can appreciate the desire to build energy efficient structures, but the longevity of the new commercial buildings they build are in the throwaway category like everything else produced today. You wonder what the net gain is when you are throwing away existing buildings to build a more energy efficient one which won’t last nearly as long.
I shop almost exclusively at Aldi. I'm excited not to have to drive 40 mins to Rockaway or Stroudsburg to shop.
Aldi is awesome. We are thrilled to hear there will be one closer to home. It will no doubt be a great success in this area.
For those who don’t know, Aldi owns Trader Joe’s and many of their products are the same.
Aldi primarily sells their own branded items, and you are not likely to find any name brands except perhaps in the “Aldi Finds” isle. They deal mainly in staples but have pretty much everything you need. And if you really feel you just have to have name brand items…you’re just throwing your money away. Private label is nearly identical in quality.
Best of all? Aldi is CHEAP by comparison to the other grocery stores.
Can’t wait!
Aldi doesn't own Trader Joe's. Aldi USA is under the ownership of Aldi Sud (South, in German) while Trader Joe's is owned by Aldi Nord.
The two companies split from the original ALDI (Albrecht Diskont) in the 1960s due to the Albrecht brothers being unable to agree whether or not to sell cigarettes in their stores. So, they split the company into geographical regions and went their separate ways. They've been operating completely independent of each other ever since.
would have made much more sense to have the Aldi in the old A&P/ShopFresh or the old HomeGoods at the anchor store in either shopping center. No need to put in a new building, especially with the track record of some of the other food stores that have come and gone in the area...
There is already another store going in to where the Shopfresh was.
@Casey I know and it won't last. A&P should not have been subdivided into a gym as it should have stood its normal size as a Stop & Shop or Stew Leonard's would been ideal in that spot.
@Eperot - do not think so. Stew Leonard's or Stop & Shop are more needed in this area as Aldi is not a regular grocery store like a ShopRite that people will want to go to each week for food shopping. Trust me.
I was in Livingston on Sunday early afternoon going to a restaurant in the same shopping center as an Aldi. I was astonished at the amount of cars parked for Aldi's. People were coming out with shopping carts full of stuff so there must be some kind of a good deal or something there - I don't know - I didn't go in, but was surprised at the amount of cars there.
Stopped in at the Stop and Shop in Flemington a couple of months ago and couldn't believe the high prices - made Weis look like Shop Rite . A store with those prices in this area would fail just like Shop Fresh .
I go to Aldi EVERY WEEK in fact usually TWICE a week. Their products are better and have better ingredients. Yes the selection per product isn't as much as Shoprite but do we really need 7 brands of canned peas? Aldi products are perfect for me so I really don't need to chose from several brands because what Aldi sells is better.
Once people shop at Aldi's they will see not only is the product superior but the prices are much lower.
I do compliment my Aldi shopping with a stop at the farmers market but the Aldi produce is as good as Weis or Shoprite and lower priced but usually not as good as the farmers market I use.
Does Aldi give you a free holiday dinner like ShopRite? Also Aldi sells mostly their own generic brands. I would rather have a choice between generic and national brands. Cheaper is not always better.
We all buy groceries, daily or weekly. When the receipts for those groceries, that we would buy anyway, total $400.00 within a specified time limit, Shoprite offers a free turkey, ham, or lasagna. It may be some sort of promotion to encourage customers to shop there, but I have enjoyed and appreciated the turkey for many family holidays. Now that my daughter is in charge of the family meals and earns her own free turkey, I enjoy and appreciate the lasagna.
"Yes the selection per product isn't as much as Shoprite but do we really need 7 brands of canned peas?"
Of course we do. What the hell are you, some kind of pinko commie? (-;
I believe that there is some exaggeration here. Shoprite only carries five brands of sweet peas!
I'm glad that this area is getting an Aldi store - another option for everyone. Wegman's, Trader Joe's + Whole Foods won't look at this area due to demographics...but that might be changing with new housing coming in. It does seem like there are many vacant building that could be utilized for Aldi, BUT they would have to be retrofitted for grocery (ex. Home Goods is too small + would need refrigeration/freezer, etc.) plus parking not sufficient. Possibly the old Bed Bath & Beyond might have been a contender BUT they subdivided into a Boot store + again would have to retrofitted w/ refrigeration/freezer, etc.
Anyone know what is store is being built in front of the NEW Home Goods? Appears to be a fast food - thinking Chipotle?
It is a fast food combo. Half of it will be panda express. I don't recall what the other half will be.
You might want to read this before cheering the proposed Aldi market.
Luke that is just a copypasta clickbait "article" with anecdotes that could be related about any grocery chain
Lol wut
I go to wegmans or trader Joe's, around home - target before shoprite!
Just pointing out that junky Yahoo links are lame to reference in any context
that article is truly laughable. It consists of two people's opinions who are not going to be making an appearance on Jeopardy if you know what I mean.
#1 has this quote in the article “I don’t like remembering money for the cart or packing my own bags,” You're not having to remember the Gettysburg Address just bring a quarter, leave a few in your car, in your purse or wallet. And with self check out being more the norm we bag our own stuff a lot. Not a very credible star witness.
#2 believes that Aldi is non-compliant to US food labeling requirements and whines when a sale item runs out. And after bashing Aldi he whines that it is too far away. What a putz, if you don't like Aldi why bother going especially since it is too far to drive.
yeah, very laughable.

For all the Aldi market fans here this is what you pay for. The cheapest generic products that Aldi stamps a brand name on. Most supermarkets in the NY / NJ area tried that in the 1980s. I prefer shopping in a grocery store with a variety of products to choose from that meet my standards.
Interesting, I haven't really shpped at Aldis but I am curious as family members in PA love it... trader Joe's doesn't have everything but there are specific products (yes, some clearly re-branded natural/gourmet products) that I only buy there.
Probably not for most of us weekly shopping, but I do find that a lot of stores "generic" brands are less available when you just want a basic version of something. Target for example. Since everything has gone up in price, Aldis could be great for basics like baking goods, spices, etc...don't always need King Arthur.
Think of Aldis as a low price quickchek on steroids with generics too. Low prices, streamlined offers, more products than quickchek

If you are still living in the 80s then one would call non-advertised brands generic but for the rest of us they are called store brands. And all stores have their own store brands. Walmart has Great Value, Shoprite has Bowl and Basket, etc etc. Aldi has store brands as well, I like the Deutsche Kuche soups as seen in the picture which are way better than watery soups made by Progresso. Tuscan Garden is another brand Aldi carries. Priano, Clancy's, Happy Farms and the list goes on and on.

CBGB . Aldi buys and stocks products manufactured by the same companies that sold these classic 1980s generics. All that has changed is slapping a label on the merchandise and putting it on the shelf. Generic products vary in quality from each retailer that orders stocks and sells them. Some retailers have very strict rules about the generics they sell with the company name on the label. Some do not. P.S. I am not living in the 1980s . Just explaining how generic merchandise works.
Here is a logical thought.
Might I suggest trying it out before making a derogatory opinion?
Aldi is an option, that's all.
I can say something bad about every single food store I ever shopped in including big box like Costco etc.
We go to Aldi in PA which we dislike doing because of traffic. We like Aldi enough to make the run. You can find some very good deals/items. The grass-fed ribeye steaks I bought were the best I have ever had at a very good price. Don't expect a 3 inch Costco steak. This is one reason why it was so much better in taste and flavor.
Try it out you may be surprised.
Trip to Aldi last night (Rockaway) Aisle of Shame was absolutely rocked, which is nothing new lately for this location unfortunately, BUT I had a huge Marshall's bag of groceries overflowing including, but not limited to, fresh fish, steak & chicken, dairy, fresh & frozen veggies, fresh fruit, frozen jumbo shrimp & some pantry items. $65. SIXTY FIVE DOLLARS. I truly cannot wait for a closer location.
When I posted that an Aldi was coming to the area it was simply the site plan as part of the application process. It did not have time frames or even approvals yet. Now the link above is no longer active. It may have been withdrawn or simply updated with new information. Either way I'm sure the information is on the Mt. Olive website.
I went to the Aldi in Rockaway for the first time. It was a terrific day at the grocery store. We all loved the items we got and of course the price was fantastic. I am one of those who are eagerly waiting for a location closer to Hackettstown.
Aldi's is awesome Superior quality... Phenomenal meat and fish and everything else
It seems the Hackettstown land use board has approved the Aldi application - will be in the old Marshall’s building on Mountain Avenue.
True, Hackettstown Land Use Board approves Aldi site plan application as complete for Mountain Avenue location
Yes, I would not say that if it were not true. Thanks for the link.
This will certainly give Shoprite a run for their money.
Aldi ….. superior quality.
What’s not to love?
I don't know that in our current culture that "we have lovable tots" is not a risky advertisement :>)
Not sure they can beat Ore Ida's newer mini tots; all crisp, less potato!
Certainly Aldi's is a great addition for the town and to take over that space vacant for awhile
happiest girl perhaps you should visit Phillipsburg where Aldi is in direct competition with ShopRite. The ShopRite is doing very well with the Aldi being nearby.
drew - why visit the Phillipsburg Shoprite. Every store is different, run by different managers. Shoprite in Mansfield is continually raising its prices and still selling poor quality produce, as well as pushing their Bowl and Basket products and not stocking brands they used to. Natures Food Market is drawing customers away from Shoprite, and with Aldi coming, many will shop there instead for better prices and more variety of brands.
happiest girl - Don't worry about the Shoprite employees that feel threatened.
Aldi's is a different type of store, it's a discount type of place where you generally aren't going to do 100% if your shopping there. Like a Costco only smaller. They do sometimes have a few name brands, but unlike Costco most are knock offs so you'll be disappointed if trying to get better "variety of brands". It's just different and I think for most people a supplement to your regular full range grocery store. Even though it will draw off some business, it's not going to put either Shoprite or Weis out of business.
Exactly, GC well stated. Just as the Nature's Food for most would not be the one stop shopping neither will Aldi's. There are many options so say the least.
As an aside, Wakefern is the 29th largest retail grocer in the US. Aldi is number 11. Wholefoods owned by Amazon is 28th. Target is the 13th largest with Dollar General the 12th. 1,2,3,4,5 are Walmart, Costco, Kroger, Walgreens, and CVS respectively.
There are lots of factors and types of grocers that come into play. There are Supermarkets, Specialty stores, Warehouse style, Discount, Natural and Organic stores, Ethnic and International as well as the 257 billion online grocer market. Demographics, technology as well as high inflation all play a part in how these various markets fair.
I was told Aldis is coming to where the old Marshall’s was, next to the Lowes.
It will be ready by June.
That would be great news and glad to see they're using the space. I've lived here long enough to remember the Basics grocery store on the other side, mall, movie theater, etc.
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