Strange men
With the weather getting better ive been doing my normal runs on the trails in Doctors park and I keep seeing these gentlemen in suits with strange instruments taking readings of some kind in the woods. Seems odd to me. Anyone else seen them?
I assume you are talking about Riverfront Park. Are they in the area by the fields and playground or in the area and trails that join the fish hatchery, or along the river?
They were near the small wooden footbridge with this strange metal probe that was emitting an odd hum. As I got closer they took notice and packed up. Very odd was wondering if anyone else has seen them.
Did you see any roundish looking vehicles in the parking area with glowing lights? As a general rule when metal probes are seen, do not get too close !
Doesn't need to be metal. Probably best to stay away from all probes and probers since even if on probation, they could be problematic.
I saw them too! I was alittle nervous because when I ran past them they cat called at me. They also were not using metal detectors. I've used them in the past and I've never seen a metal detector that looked like that.
Suits, as in, business suits? Or do you mean work suits/uniforms? Sounds very Men in Black to me
Maybe you came across something you weren't meant to... Quick run before it's too late! What color suits by the way?
Sounds very out of the ordinary for our Hackettstown! Riverfront Park has been welcoming with no concern on my end. Was there any identifying information you could see?
I know this sounds crazy but these men seemed very strange. I think they might be doing something with the water treatment plant. Ive noticed my water started tasting metallic over the last few days.
Jack, at least describe what they look like if you're going to paint a conspiracy picture
Maybe the two of you that saw these men should let the police know?
What is it they say, "see something, say something".
If you were really concerned and thought something might be wrong- why didn't you call the police non -emergency number and let them check things out?
I called the police department and they said I wasn't the first person to report these strange individuals. They are looking into it. I'm just worried the amount damage they can do being so close to the water treatment plant.
I guess it depends if the location there on Seber road is a water production well, water booster station, or a ground storage water tank location. Could be part of the sanitary sewer system too. Either way I wouldn't be too concerned. I would simply just ask them what they are doing if you see them again.
HMUA reservoirs and adjoining property were sold probably 10 years ago. The HMUA uses only deep wells now to provide potable drinking water. The Seber Road facility has a well on site that it draws from and not the river. This location is used but is primarily a backup to the other wells.
There is security and monitoring at the Seber Road facility as well as their other well locations.
From men in suits with probes along the wooded trail, to poison in the town water supply. Paging the poster looking for Weird NJ stories!
Yes, I bet your water does taste funny.
Seriously hoping this is a troll, if not, we're in bigger trouble than I thought.
It’s disgusting that all of you would ridicule and dismiss Jack like this. He’s coming here, hat in hand, reporting something that could affect all of us and you’re laughing!????
With all due respect, if "Jack" really wanted an answer or was truly concerned for the public safety at large. a local gossip forum is not the place one would go to for answers etc. With that said one also gets the full spectrum of responses when a query such as his is presented. Particularly when it's men in suits with metal humming probes in the woods. A bit fantastical sounding to me. Just my opinion of course.
Should be easy to confirm the story since Jack said the police acknowledged getting other calls about this and are investigating. If you believe him just call them and ask.
Hey all, Spoke to the police last night. Turns out the men were doing a routine soil ph check. That explains the phials of blue liquid they were mixing into the dirt near the skunk cabbage. Was all just a big misunderstanding.
Oh my- I envisioned them in suits and ties----I guess that's not the kind of suit they were working ---- thanks for the morning laugh--on myself
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