Knitting Club

Does anyone know of a knitting club in the area and if not, would anyone be interested in joining if one was created?

Hoppy Hoppy
May '24

I would be interested.

I thought there was one at the Independence Library, and one through Hackettstown Hospital.

There also appears to be one with meetings at the Blairstown Library.

A previous post also mentioned there might be private small groups that meet at Panera. You could go there and check the back bulletin board where people post meeting notices and groups looking for new members.

There are 2 groups at the Washington Twp library in Long Valley; one in the day and one in the evening.
Also maybe check out the store Rows of Purl in Chester.

I would also be interested in joining

Northeast branch warren County library has a group that meets Thursday afternoons

Phragile Phragile
Jun '24

I'd love some more info on the Thursday afternoon group at the Northeast branch if anyone knows anything. I tried asking library staff, but as there's nothing on the event calendar, they weren't able to give me any information or even confirm that such a group exists.

I moved to the area late last year and have been looking for a local group open to new members.

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