Hackettstown St Patrick's Day Parade new ending location and Quiet Zone
The Hackettstown St Patrick's Day parade on Sunday March 9th has a new ending location this year!! Due to the safety of our crowds, road detours and more, the parade will be ending at Warren Street right by David's Country Inn. The Parade will make a right onto Warren Street...any band or group that would like to do one last performance can do so on Warren Street before dispersing ! Any cars or buses for picking up your groups, can park on Warren Street, opposite where the parade ends or at the Hackettstown High School...just be sure not to park in a "NO parking area".
There is also a new QUIET SENSORY ZONE for those with disabilities and young children who are sensitive to the noise. This location will be marked by bright colored lawn signs - It will start at W. Plane Street and go to Center Street. The Havkeyttsown BID has asked all of it's parade participants the following. PLEASE NO SIRENS, LOUD NOISE, MUSIC, BEEPING, REEVING ETC. in this zone.
So you’re telling me that we can’t enjoy all the sirens, bag pipers, or any other noise because of a small majority of our community? Stay home…..live stream it?
That's not the case at all. There is a one block area that the quiet zone is being applied. If one wants to hear all the sirens and such, perhaps stay home, live stream it and put the volume up to 10.... LOL. Or simply view from anywhere on the rest of the parade route.
So, the size of the parade route has been cut in half for what safety reason? Were there injuries in the second half of the parade route.
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