Waterloo Music festival

Waterloo Music festival

i am not here to advertise this festival...i am happy to see that Waterloo is becoming a music festival destination...again...and so very close...to Hackettstown...i can only hope that Waterloo...can again become the concert venue that it once was...

oldman oldman
Apr '11

It's interesting people's different perspectives. I know locals that positively despised the concerts and bringing in outside people. I also have in-laws that only disliked a certain couple of concerts. And others around that believe it's the best thing in the world.

Here's the link for the event:


Calico696 Calico696
Apr '11

Thanks for the "heads up" on the upcoming music festival at Waterloo. We miss the concerts and events they used to have there as well.

joyful joyful
Apr '11

It's for a great cause - to raise money and help restore Waterloo Village and hopefully bring it to a point that it can reopen and teach the younger generations about our local history as well as host weddings and events. It's such a beautiful little gem and we are fortunate to have it in our backyard.


Apr '11

great news thanks for letting us know!

Bryan Bryan
Apr '11

fantasic and feel free to advertise things to do; no better purpose for HL

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Apr '11

I can't wait! Hope the weather is awesome. Thanks for the links and info.

Firefly Firefly
Apr '11

Wow that weekend is crazy this year...the weekend of May 14th, Confirmations are going on, Town wide yard sale, and also Music Festival, one can't be at everything, wish they wouldn't schedule so many things during the same weekend.

Jean09 Jean09
Apr '11

Although I'm glad they are having this, I'm going to pass on it. The Bourbon Street Blues Festival is the following Saturday and I would much rather go to that. There's no way I can get DH to go to music festivals, two weekends in a row....LOL

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '11

Concert is IN the village. Not the big concert stage.

Eyeswan is playing!!


Apr '11

I am a local, and I absolutely loved the Waterloo concerts and have missed them dearly.
So Happy to see this post.

midnightgarder1 midnightgarder1
Apr '11

Re: Waterloo Music festival

one of all time favorite concerts was recorded at Waterloo...From Good Homes recorded their live album there... Live At Waterloo...and i am glad to see the place coming back...i saw many concerts there...for the people who did not like the concerts...i would agree that the Phish concert and Lollapalooza concerts...were overcrowded and the place was a horrible mess...afterwards...as far as outsiders...i met many people going to the concerts...and for the most part they were ordinary people...i have lived in this area many years...and it is a shame to see what has happened to Waterloo Village...this is a new beginning...

oldman oldman
Apr '11

One of my favorite concerts I've ever seen - 311 - was at the Waterloo Concert Field in the early 2000s. Incredible show and not a bad experience in terms of getting in, partying and getting out. Being local made it that much better!

btownguy btownguy
Apr '11

I was a little too young to have gone to the Phish or Lollapolluzza concerts. That's too bad because it would have been an incredible memory. I do remember hearing about them at the time though. I do realize though it's probably not the best area for that. I have seen some great shows there. From Good Homes, Gov't Mule, Bela Fleck, String Cheese, moe, Buddy Guy, Johnny Lang, off the top of my head.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '11

Re: Waterloo Music festival

I dont want to stretch the subject here...but the Stanhope House is coming back at this time also...what was once old is new again...the more things change the more they stay the same...enjoy the renaissance

oldman oldman
Apr '11

Not to go off topic here, this question is actually based on a picture here. Anyone know when Canal Day is?

SeeintheReality SeeintheReality
Apr '11

used to go to bluegrass festivals there in the 70's, glad to see it trying to make a come back.

nonny nonny
Apr '11

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