LOST CAT - All Black Male

LOST CAT - All Black Male

Answers to Mac or Macavity.....in the area of Asbury Anderson Rd where it meets Rt 31. He is an inside only, declawed cat that got out Wed night. Never out before...we have a 'have a heart' trap set outside but in case you are in that area and see him, please let me know! Very worried! Jeanne

Macs Mom Macs Mom
Nov '11

Jeanne - Put his favorite blanket and a bowl of his favorite food and a bowl of water out back or from which side of the house he escaped .... a few of his favorite toys mixed in would'nt hurt .... watch this area very, very closely especially in the mornings at daybreak.

boney sono
Nov '11

thanks so much boney sono... i have done the have a heart cage set up with the food... with his favorite blanket... and litter box... out i will have to set the alarm to get up as daybreaks... unfortunately I am sick and haven't had much sleep! But I will continue to try! thanks for caring!

Macs Mom Macs Mom
Nov '11

I really believe tonight he will come home! you will wake up to him in the trap :o)

Hastings Resident Hastings Resident
Nov '11

Keeping Mac and Mac's mom in my thoughts... please return home soon, pretty cat.

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '11

no mac yet~... the littler box looks like there was some paws prints in it... hmmmm wonder who there were! unfortunately, my husband wouldnt allow the window to say open all night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh!! the hard part in this is when i have these moments of waking up and mac isn't sleeping with me or waits for me to feed him! its usch a sinking feeling in my gut!

Macs Mom Macs Mom
Nov '11

Macs Mom: I feel so bad for you. I went through the same thing two weeks ago when my newly adopted kitten escaped. She was gone all day and overnight. The most beautiful sound I ever heard was her little meow at 5:30 the next morning. I'm with you in your worrying and I hope you have good news for us soon.

Havaheart traps don't work well ..... as is my experience. Cats are leary of them and since the tray/food is in the middle of the trap, cats are so fast their back holds the door over them up and they scurry out if they get in them at all. You need an old 'Mustang' style trap where the bait/trip tray is on one end and the door falls shut and latches on the other. The bigger the trap the better .....

boney sono
Nov '11

O man hope he is home soon!

shoebie shoebie
Nov '11

you can put a cover over the trap and put the food all the way in the back with some pieces leading to it. I use a driveway alarm unit (not funny at 2 AM) but that way if you get to see him, at least you can call him or just open the door and he may come in, but don't move fast as he may just run, try to stay calm.
good luck, I hope he comes home soon

4paws 4paws
Nov '11

update: just got home from going out for a nice brunch with friends to get my spirits up! it worked! I am trying to not dwell on what i don't have control over! trusting and waiting! leaning on everyone's prayers and very sweet thought! I appreciate all of them! I walked passed my car and there were dried muddy paw prints on my car! YAY! & then my husband told me about the food i put on the otherside of the house was eaten!hmmmm!!!
so i appreciate your imput about the trap... i am not sure he'll go in it either... except i put his favorite blanket and my bathrobe out...i am going to still leave it..i am going to put a fresh can of food in it ~ just keep trying everything! Thanks again everyone you are so dear to me to keep me encouraged during this very uncertain time!
still reserved in my heart... mac's mom

Macs Mom Macs Mom
Nov '11

boney~ not sure what have a heart trap you are referring to but this trap has the food all the way in the back and its big enough (they vary in size) where the cats back will not hold the door open.......so when he goes in and eats in the far end......the door shuts and latches shut. It has a blanket inside and a blanket over it so it looks like a safe place......although I have caught a cat in one with no blankets also.

Hastings Resident Hastings Resident
Nov '11

made a bit of headway... around 9 last night i was calling macavity...mac... as i have been and he answered me with HIS meow!! so i tried carefully, quietly... to go near him and talk to him calmly... didn't work... somehow i lost him... he moved and then i couldn't see him... the rest of the night was a nightmare! didn't sleep... kept getting up to go to the window and call me! no answers... no kitty! oh well!

Macs Mom Macs Mom
Nov '11

next time sit down and let him come to you and have some really good treats that he likes, he is scared, even of you at this time. Do not try to grab him unless you are positive you can get hold of him.
good luck

4paws 4paws
Nov '11

Macs Mom: Maybe if you just sit in front of your open door and let him come to you and walk in on his own, you'll have your boy back. That's how I got my Lovey back.

4paws' advice is right on.

that is a great idea 4paws....to sit quietly and let him come to you..have his bag of treats on hand......they get so freaked out being outside when they are an inside cat...this WILL WORK eventually.....keep the faith! I know its hard and discouraging but he will eventually come in the window or go in the trap....or maybe walk up to you if you're sitting.

Hastings Resident Hastings Resident
Nov '11

yes, thank you 4paws... i am going to go out now and just sit! its a beautiful day and i didn't want to do chores anyway! hopefully he'll notice and come! don't have much hope cause as i get feeling hopeful, i also get very very sad when it seems like nothing is working!!! the hard part is ... for me is the night time, it is cold and damp outside... not to mention i am exhaused to begin with! The night time is suppose to be better for the kitties... its quieter and calmer! If i could only wave a magic wand that had the perfect solution & answer!!! but i am trying to hang on!

Macs Mom Macs Mom
Nov '11

Hang in there, at least you know he's around and doing alright. Hopefully, he will be back tonight and you can get him inside to his warm bed.

lynnada lynnada
Nov '11

HOORAY!!! GOD IS GOOD! Macavity is home NOW, safe and sound! I started calling him at 6pm & he answered me!!! I would continue calling him again and again, with his response stronger and stronger! Then, i just went outside and continued to reassure him! this time it worked... i just stayed closer and closer, crawling toward the area he was in... not going into the brush just staying on the grass! Shaking his food bowl with his favorite crunchies... we talked back and forth for a long while... then he started to come TO ME!!! slowly, cautiously!!! but then we crawled back slowly back to the house... i had treats lined up & he would nibble one at a time... closer and closer to the back door... so i just coaxed him in the door with the food/treats! Whew! he went in the door on HIS OWN!

Macs Mom Macs Mom
Nov '11

A Huge thank you to everyone on this site! You have all helped me tremendously during this very upsetting situation! I now believe that there are such GOOD PEOPLE out there! more than we even realize!!! May you all receive a blessing from the LORD, because you gave of yourself to keep me calm, ensured that it was going to be alright! Your kind words and thoughts were my lifeline these past three days! I give you all hugs and rejoice for each of you who love kitties and other pets... boy if someone would have told me i was going to have to expierence this... i would have not believed you! I just truely hope Macavity doesn't ever want to go out again! but i won't bet on that... i will just be extremely paranoid from now on! again thanks so much for all you did for me! So glad this had a happy ending! Macavity says, "thank you" too! MEOW~ it's good to be home! heehe!

Macs Mom Macs Mom
Nov '11

HOORAY! I can feel your relief...I've been there and I know how happy you are. Now you can sleep well tonight.

Glad he came back....I am gonna do some research on putting a chip in our dog in case he gets out...scares me so. Anyone have any experience with these?? Do they work? How much does it cost?

Nov '11

So glad your baby is home..hope he doesn't do that to you again! I would be so upset if my baby got out so I can completely understand your emotions on this.

Bessie Bessie
Nov '11

Yay! Glad he is home.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '11

Macs Mom - So happy for both of you! I'm sure when you saw/heard him you just wanted to pounce and scoop him up, but it takes patience staying calm. Easier said than done, I'm sure.

acl76 - I have my dog micro-chipped, sorry, I don't remember how much it cost. This is the one I have: http://www.akccar.org/index.cfm The vet puts the chip in and gives you a card and a tag with an id #. You go to the website on the card, put in the code number and fill out all your dog's info. The tag has a phone number as well as the id number. If your dog gets lost and someone finds him/her, they can call the phone # and give the id # to get your contact info or the company will contact you, I'm not sure which. Alternately, if the dog's collar comes off, if he/she is brought to a vet or shelter they can scan the dog and get your info. You can always go to the website and update your phone # or any other info. There is just the one time fee to purchase the chip, there is no on-going charge for access to the website. Hope that helps.

lynnada lynnada
Nov '11

Great news!!! So glad you got him back. We also have an "indoor only" cat and had 2 others in the past. I was always so worried about our cats getting out since they were also declawed.
It may not work in all cases, but right from the time we brought them home we always made it a point to scare them away from the door. What I mean is REALLY making a huge scene anytime they showed any interest in going near the door. We would yell, make loud noise, chase them away, whatever it took to make them run. Sure I looked like a crazy lady, but it worked! Once the cats realized anytime they went near the door they got scared they showed no interest at all. There were even times the door was accidently left open and I would see them sitting a good safe distance away from it, but they didn't attempt to go near it since I put fear into them. I guess they thought something bad would happen :) It's worth a try.

great idea JRT.........I've also heard of keeping a water bottle by the door (the side you enter from) so when you open the door, if they try to get out, spray them.......if you always come in thru the garage, keep the water bottle in the garage and just give them a little spray when you open the door if they are trying to make a run for it :o)

Hastings Resident Hastings Resident
Nov '11

Oh, this is wonderful news. So happy to see that he is home safe and sound. I'm sure the both of you are going to get a good, WELL-RESTED sleep tonight...lol Nice ending!

I am so glad you got your kitty,
JRT, good advice. I do the same thing, I bang on the door and chase her away from it when I come in, even though she shows no interest in going out since she returned from being gone for 5 months, all winter. I was a wreck not knowing what happened to her and one morning in April, there she was. I opened the door called her and she came running in. I was so happy to see her and I think she was glad to be back. I got her to the vet, shots and micro chipped. Hopefully she never gets out again.

4paws 4paws
Nov '11

I'm very happy for you. I know losing a kitty (or dog) can be heart-wrenching. My guess is you'll keep a close eye on him moving forward :)

Dont forget to keep showering him with kisses so he knows where to go for love ....

very happy for you.

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