Jury Duty

Is it approciate--sp? to wear jeans to jury duty. My son is planning to in two weeks!!!!!

cosmo cosmo
Apr '12

Yes, many people will go in their work clothes - even construction guys will show up in their work clothes. When I went I did wear business clothes (not a full suit, but slacks and a blouse with heels). I suppose it doesn't really matter what you wear, but for some reason I felt the need to dress up. Honestly, he is probably best to be in something manicured looking but comfortable since he will be sitting around all day. Maybe some khakis at least? Good luck!

Apr '12

I always assumed you should dress up. The last time I went I was the ONLY person dressed up. Next time I get called it's jeans for me.

M & K M & K
Apr '12

I still think that dressing nicely for court is the respectful thing to do. Dockers and a nice shirt. Jeans only if anything else requires a purchase. Either way, there is no law on how to dress.

oh for the love of Mike --- Jeans YES --- or whatever YOU are comfortable in --- they are not paying you to be there, you are a volunteer and what you look like makes NO difference in the world of jury selection.... Now, if I ever actually had to sit on a trial, I might make an effort, but I'd still be comfy, I'd wear my nice jeans and a great top!! --- granted I wouldn't wear PJ's!! : )

trekster3 trekster3
Apr '12

oh wait, that's right they do pay you --- Not enough to make me care, though....

trekster3 trekster3
Apr '12

When I went last year people wore all sorts of clothing. One guy had on his painters pants covered with white paint. He actually got picked to sit on the jury too.
Jeans are fine, but I would just make sure they are not holey and ripped.
And yes, trekster is right, they do pay you, but NOT enough to make you really care.

botheredbyu botheredbyu
Apr '12

I got called last year and got dressed, most of the people there were dressed in business casual. But then again I am of the mind set that it is your civic duty to perform Jury Duty. Your not a volunteer, it is compulsory and if you don't follow the instructions on your summons you can face a penalty. IMHO people dress too casually for most occasions these days (ex. sweatpants in church on Easter Sunday - I know the thinking is at least they show up, but it still just seems wrong to me)

JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
Apr '12

Hi I have jury duty in belvidere next week. Does anyone know about the parking situation ? On the website it says street parking but that some streets are 2 hours only . Specific streets that are good to park on?

Missrx Missrx
Jan '14

There is usually always spots on Mansfield St and 3rd St adjacent to the green in front of the court house.

They also explain where you can and can not park at the beginning of Jury duty and give you a chance to move your car.

christography christography
Jan '14

Thank you !!

Missrx Missrx
Jan '14

JrzyGirl88--Well said. I agree 100%.

+1 JrzyGirl - I, too, completely agree.

Rebecka Rebecka
Jan '14

There is a lot on the side road you can park in. Drive past front door, make left and lot is on the right.

Jan '14

Their was a parking lot across the street, I think it was the library? We were allowed to park there but that was 3 years ago. Still waiting anxiously to be called again. :-)

Baci's mom Baci's mom
Jan '14

Been called twice and both times there weren't even any trials. Kept calling the phone number ahead of time. Both times no need to go in and even by Wed they knew nothing on Thurs or Fri either and you didn't even have to call again.

I've had the same experience as GC. Never had to even serve one day. Additionally, I have been called to Federal jury duty in Trenton twice. That's quite a ride.

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '14

I have been selected this week....so far I have not had to attend

Nosila1 Nosila1
Jan '14

I got the jury duty notice twice for Warren county, the last time was in December. Both times, I had to either call in or check online and never had to show up.

Lynnada Lynnada
Jan '14

My husband served Grand Jury this time last year and he parked in the library lot. He said the jury room is in the basement of the library.

jrsemom jrsemom
Jan '14

Nosila: dh was called for this week too.

Njchia Njchia
Jan '14

My suggestion is to look like a scumbag. Ripped clothing, messy hair, no shower, etc. The worse you look the better chance they will send you home.

Jan '14

At the beginning of my serving on the Grand Jury we were told to dress casual. If in doubt about petit jury just call and ask them.

Also, at the beginning of grand jury selection we sat and waited for 1 and 3/4 hours before we were given any directions. At the end they told us about the 2 hour parking. By then we were well over the 2 hour limit. Fortunately I read the signs about the 2 hr. parking and didn't park in that area.

The grand jury is presently serving in the main building as the building where they had been holding it is under renovations. Three years ago the petit jury was also in the main building. I'm not sure where the petit jury court room is now but it's probably not in the basement of the library since renovations are still in the process.

Magpie Magpie
Jan '14

I would dress the same way that you would dress for work. That way, when they let you go, you can head right there.

If I painted houses for a living, I'd either wear my painting clothes or bring a gym bag with my work clothes to change into.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Jan '14

Nosila - my mother was called this week too.

Mommyof3 Mommyof3
Jan '14

Guy wore his painters clothes, covered with paint and got picked to sit on the jury. So looking messy doesnt get you sent home. The rest of us got sent home, they only needed one person to fill in on a case already going because one juror got sick. Why they picked the painter we dont know. Case was a shoplifting case.

Jan '14

Doesn't matter what you wear, Justice is blind. As long as you are not the one in the orange jump suit you are ok

eapos eapos
Jan '14

I was also called this week - was looking forward for a few days out of work!

htownnewbie htownnewbie
Jan '14

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