The Greater Good

this documentary is free to watch for ONE week via, i watched it last night. It is about vaccines and its a good information source. It is NOT anti-vaccine, it simply states the facts about them, good and bad. Just passing it forward for anyone who wanted to see it.

icicle icicle
Oct '12

It is indeed a good fact-based source of good information for the public good. I agree that vaccines are dangerous and you should stop using them or giving them to your kids ASAP. I mean who wouldn't put their kid's lives in the hands of Dr. Mercola, author of NYT Bestsellers "The Great Bird Flu Hoax" and "The No Grain Diet" with his slick product selling site, his questioning whether HIV causes AIDS (he believes it's stress related), opposition to any pharmaceuticals (he sells alternatives), sunscreen, and really weird views on circumcision.

Most certainly keep an open mind to the guy with multiple cease and desist letters from the FDA for illegal claims. Stop all vaccines and pharma's now. I guarantee that this will improve the situation. It's called evolution. Of course, you probably don't believe in that either.

Meanwhile, can you pass that jug around, it must be really good stuff.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Oct '12

Mr. G, my smarmy condescension meter just exploded, lol.

ianimal ianimal
Oct '12

low hangin fruit dude, low hangin indeed.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Oct '12

Let's figure out where to get some unbiased information. What's scary to me is that so many people do not investigate the source of the information they are listening to . Call me cynical but that's the first thing I do. I pointed out Dr Mercola's motives on the other thread about influenza. Believe whatever you want as it matters not to me but be careful to pass off information that is slanted a particular way in order to make money off of the public.

IFirefly IFirefly
Oct '12

It is not about stopping vaccines or not giving them, it is about doing further testing and studies on the ingredients in them. Its about possibly spacing them out more. I found the documentary very interesting especially since my 9 year old has received 73 vaccines in his short life, 44 of those giving in 1 year when he was 1.

How would ignoring this information benefit anyone? Do you guys know that in about 10 years many of the kids who have been diagnosed with a neurological disorder which is 1 in 6 btw are going to be the adults in this country?

Just passing along the movie is free to watch this week if anyone wants to see it.

icicle icicle
Oct '12

There was an article in ODE magazine a few years back, about how US parents should be concerned with more than just the ingredients or preservatives in vaccines. There should be some investigation into the frequency and number of vaccines given at the same office visit.

The impact on the immune system might also be causing neurological disorders.

hktownie hktownie
Oct '12

I give up -what does ODE stand for ?

Acronym Definition
ODE Open Dynamics Engine
ODE Orizzonte Degli Eventi (Italian: Horizon of Events; astronomical group)
ODE Odense, Denmark - Odense (Airport Code)
ODE Old-Dog Encephalitis
ODE Offline Diagnostics Environment
ODE Object Distribution Environment
ODE Orientation Drive Electronics (NASA)
ODE Office of Dependent Education
ODE On-Duty Electrical (mechanic)
ODE Online Data Entry
ODE Open Development Environment
ODE Operator Data Entry
ODE Ordinary Differential Equation(s)
ODE Odense (Beldringe), Denmark
ODE Open Database Engine (WhamTech Inc.)
ODE Office of Device Evaluation
ODE Opposite Drive End (motors)
ODE Orbital Data Explorer (US NASA)
ODE Office of Distance Education (various schools)
ODE Ohio Department of Education
ODE Oral Deaf Education

IFirefly IFirefly
Oct '12

If you google ODE magazine, it is the first thing that pops up.

Thank you cbel and MB. I was reading the previous post on my phone. I have never heard of this magazine. I will be checking it out more in the future. I searched their site for info on vaccines and many articles popped up but they seem to favor vaccines in general. All I know is that you need to do what ever is best for your family. There certainly is a load of money being made in the pharmaceutical business.

Make sure you are getting all the information that you need to make a good choice for your family from a neutral source and not from someone that stands to make a profit by influencing you.

Firefly Firefly
Oct '12

firefly- no one has to make the choice whether to vaccinate or not, its not about that, its about making vaccines safer and not administering so many so quickly. I absolutely believe in vaccines, they work, we havent seen many of these diseases in a long time bc of vaccines, but Id like to see the list of possible side effects go down. Thats what the film is about, its not anti-vaccine.

icicle icicle
Oct '12

I read the article and looked into it, although I could not look at the film in its entirety. I would certainly agree with the idea of more investigation and more vigilance when it comes to any medical practice and policy, vaccination included. However, with titles like "Beware Dangerous Vaccine Effects", "How Vaccine Policy & Law Threatens Parental Rights in America", and "modern medicine, especially when driven by politics and big business, can rob you of some of your most basic rights" I'm not so sure of just how neutral the film is. It clearly already believes there are big consequences of vaccines while saying "no one really knows". I take it to mean they want research to prove the link they already believe in.

I agree with the position you stated icicle, just am not so sure the film says the same thing.

icicle....Parents have had that choice for a very long time ( my daughter spaced out her childrens vaccines and that was 14 years ago. It's not a new concept exactly ( although you may need to work at finding a Dr that will agree). It is more expensive to do a single dose rather than the combo vaccines but most parents are happy to pay the difference. I am glad to know that you see the value in vaccinations in general - Dr Mercola's motives are always driven by money IMHO so I personally would have a hard time believing anything he advocates. Still there are many other experts out there that agree. Again, it comes down to making an informed choice.

Firefly Firefly
Oct '12

Its a definite "food for thought" topic. It makes me wonder, 73 vaccines, 44 in in year one of my son's life, how this could possible have affected the neurological storm in his brain. I for one want to see the research done, the studies and science. I want to know. I also do not want polio making a comeback so really it worries me that either way whether i vaccinate or not, there could be major risks either way.

NJ has a 1 in 49 autism rate, the US has a 1 in 89 rate, we are one of the top states that require the MOST vaccines for our children to be allowed to attend school. I just think its worth a look. And because the pharmaceutical company's, CDC and FDA refuse to do additional research on these vaccines, it sends the (wrong) message that anyone who wants vaccines studied are sending everyone into a panic, which is exactly what the film is about.

Im not a pro, it's just a recent interest of mine, Im honeslty finding myself feeling pretty passionate about the subject.

icicle icicle
Oct '12

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