Warren County in the News 2024
Sorry to post such a tragic story as the first for this new thread. Still no info on if they knew each other.
Yes tragic, this never ending gun violence.
I can’t imagine the suffering the family is going through.
Sad story. May she RIP. Condolences to the family.
happiest - If she had been stabbed instead of shot, would you be blaming the knife? This senseless violence comes down to mental illness.
He wasn’t her boyfriend. He was a coworker that she hadn’t seen or spoke to for around a year. He is a scumbag stalker.
Is anyone able to find any info about the “construction” along the entirety of Rt 57? It was literally just resurfaced a few years ago, and in the last week or two, it seems they repaved just the center, with a new rumble strip and new lines in the center. In Washington Boro, all of the parking spots have been sandblasted away, crosswalk strips are gone, painted turn arrows gone by WCCC. And this work seemed to have been done during the overnight hours (to not disrupt traffic)
Additionally, all the reflectors were removed on 57 as well as on Rt 31. Why on earth would (I’m assuming the State DOT) be doing all this work if the road has just been repaved? What gives?
Calico: if hammers were used to kill 30k a year, we would demand safety features like cars. We fix tools to nake them safer all the time.
Claiming the crime denotes mental illness is faulty logic. He may be saner than you or I.
Babbit you're kidding right? You'd want measures in place for hammers? lol... It doesn't matter what the instrument is, evil can be carried out with a number of objects or even bare hands.
It's good to see old-style crimes being practiced!
Speaking of old-style crimes, I haven't seen a good old "cattle rustlin'" beef come across the police blotter in quite some time...
Mansfield lottery winner, $1 million
Whomever you are... enjoy the conversation and glory... but do NOT spend the money.
After tax...although it will seem 'big'- it's not.
Invest it in a low cost index fund such as Van Guard or Schwab...and let it sit until you reach retirement age....
Warren County pot farm news, https://www.njherald.com/story/news/local/2024/08/02/warren-county-nj-pot-farm-obstacle-sunday-school-class/74628199007/
Adam Sandler, Judd Apatow Spotted Filming 'Happy Gilmore 2' At Hackettstown Golf Course
Cool! And Adam Sandler's wearing an Ice House hockey jersey! (a Hackensack rink)
I have several of those....
Two pharmacies burglarized.
Good ole route 594 in blairstown……
Sounds like they have a plan and if a brain, will get caught or move on soon.
Sleaze caught filming 13 year old in Walmart. He should have received a serious and consequential beat down right there in addition to any legal system punishment yet to come.
Did you see this
On Wednesday, Aug. 14, at around 6:00 p.m., the grandmother of a minor contacted police indicating a man was inappropriately touching, recording her granddaughter. Upon arrival, police observed an adult female holding a male to the pillar in the front of the store, police said.
I did. That is from the article I posted. It seems the mother, grandmother and child were together. The grandmother made the call while the mother subdued the creep. Very frightening for everyone, in particular the child.
Think about the guy, he just got cornered by a mother. That’s a story that will not go well in prison.
Mom and sons injured in explosion and fire in Liberty Twp.
If you would like to help, I have copied and pasted this from Matthew Klunk who posted it in the Warren County NJ Community Forum on FB.
As many of you know, one our dear neighbors lost her home to an explosion last night. Thankfully everyone is safe. The boys were transferred to St Barnubus burn unit but will be ok. That is the good news, the bad news is they lost everything!
For as long as I have known Susan Sterphone ( over 21 years) she has always been the one helping others, creating meal trains, collecting donations and taking in children. She now needs our help.
I am in touch with the Red Cross but if we could pull through and help as a community, this would mean a lot. I think a go fund me page is in the works but for now if anyone has any clean/new clothing or gift cards that the family can use, I am creating a drop off location at my home or Cheryl Crisp home.
My address:
7 Midland Dr, Great meadows
Cheryl Crisps address:
200 Free Union , Great Meadows
I will get containers this morning and leave them in front of our garages
Most importantly, please keep them in your prayers as they try to rebuild their lives . Thank you
Sorry, they bottom of the cut and paste was not posted. Maybe the post was too long. By the sizes posted, I would assume they need everything from shirts to pants to shoes to undergarments.
Liam’s size 14/16 L/XL Shoe 9
Deklan’s size 12/14 M/L Shoe 7.5
Susan’s size 6/8 S/M Shoe 10
Motorcyclist killed by falling tree on Rt. 46.
Definitely a shame to be lost at the beginning of his prime in life. While I didn't see him too often, Travis was always a friendly, upbeat guy, and always willing to help his neighbors. He will be missed. Rest in Peace.
The following five counties have seen the most significant increase in population over the last three years:
1.Ocean County—3 percent increase in population
2.Burlington County—2 percent
3.Gloucester County—2 percent
4.Sussex County—2 percent
5.Warren County—2 percent
Source: Newsweek, https://www.newsweek.com/new-jersey-map-population-shifting-crowded-1975080
Stop the boat, Katie bar the door, it appears that people are not fleeing NJ.
Or more likely, they flee, the flee, but even more come to NJ.
I say: NJ - no country for old men. So, although we might be aging, the aging are the ones who flee, flee, retire and leave. Let the young men come, raise families, enjoy the best public schools in the nation, and then FLEE.
There is no way this old peoples tax kickback will change that. We have the highest property taxes in the land and after my tax kickback, I have the highest property taxes in the land. Can save high four digits just by crossing the border.
Remember, it's free to come to NJ, you have to pay to leave.
Warren Co. backs bill requiring N.J. cops to notify feds in immigration cases
Well pollution:
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