Feline Lysine

Feline Lysine

So I'm pretty much minding my own business when daddy starts talking on the phone with my doctor. He says something about infections, and I don't have "crystals", and I'm supposed to eat this "lysine" crap. Some nonsense about a virus when I was young and outside, eye watering that I do have, yada yada yada.

Now mind you, I don't want to end up having to rush to the doc every other month cause I have to pee so bad I'm bow legged. Believe me, a wire up the ying yang on Saturday was not what I was asking for. I'm actually considering eating it just to make everyone happy, but I want to know what I'm in for.

So I know I don't really want to go for the rotten dropper all the time, I've gotten more of some banana crap lately than I want to. But sprinkles on some food, well I'm just not so sure about that. Anyone know what this stuff tastes like? Am I gonna gag and throw up on dad's shoes? I know how much he loves that one. Can dad buy just a little and test it out?

Tigger Tigger
Feb '13

Most of the powders are tasteless, silly Tigger. They mix well in wet food, so you won't even notice. The people kind is pretty cheap if you don't want the special cat stuff.

If you have problems with the sprinkles, there are treats which will cost your owner more moolah. My girl loves them and gets 4 a day. She has feline herpes issues.


Anon. Anon.
Feb '13

Mom and Dad took me in from a barn and I have chronic gingivitis, major skin issues and constant fluid leaking out of all of my eyes and mouth due to a compromised immune system. I used to have to go to vet ever few months to get cortisone injections to help with the inflammation which in turn mitigated the irritation from the gingivitis, the inflammation from the skin issues and helped the fluid leaking and it worked pretty well. But I was so young (only 1 at the time treatment started) that mom was worried about the long term effects of the cortisone. She did some research and found L-lysine was sometimes prescribed as a homeopathic remedy for these types of symptoms. Mommy cleared its usage with the vet who recommended 500 mg with food for me (but I am kind of large so a smaller cat may need a lesser dosage). It worked great! Mom buys the capsules, opens them and mixes them in with wet food as a special treat and I love it! She had to buy them online because she said the stores only carried the pills and I DO NOT like pills. The discharge around my eyes and mouth cleared up, I don’t have to bother my skin so much and I am super happy that I don’t have to go to the vet all the time. Now that I’m older, some of the chronic symptoms have subsided, but when I start to feel bad Mom starts the L-lysine regime and it fixes me right up.

I would highly recommend giving it a shot- if your daddy gives it to you with wet food you won’t even notice it’s there!

- Fuji

Happy Homemaker Happy Homemaker
Feb '13

If you want to try it out, PM my Mom and she will give you some of my stash (We buy them in large quantities).

- Fuji

Happy Homemaker Happy Homemaker
Feb '13

You can use the people kind it is easier to find and cost less.Just open the cap and pour in food and mix it has no taste. You can have 500mg 3 times a day it helps makes your immune system stronger. Once you feel better you can go down to once a day.
It does help I give it to my 2 every day.
Just keep in mind this is not a medicine just a immune booster.

meee4 meee4
Feb '13

Tigger - we get Viralys powder at the vet's. It's not expensive, and our cats love it. We sprinkle it on their food, and it helps them stay healthy. I believe it's 100% lysine.

It wouldn't hurt to barf on your dad's shoes anyway, just for good measure and to remind him who is in charge.

Rebecka Rebecka
Feb '13

Hope you feel better soon, Tigger.....Sick or not, ...You will always be "My Valentine".....Miss Kitty

joyful joyful
Feb '13

Feel better soon Tigger!


Lydia, Oliver and Sabrina

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '13

Re: Feline Lysine

"It wouldn't hurt to barf on your dad's shoes anyway"

You can't fool me, "Rebecka". I know that's really you Iggy..

I got better ideas than just doing it to show someone who's boss. If he knows it's me, then it cuts into my tuna quota. If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it when he's not around, and make sure Sugar is right next to it the minute he sees. Happy freaking Christmas, sister.

Tigger Tigger
Feb '13

Can a senior cat have Lysine?

JessM. JessM.
Feb '13

Thanks everyone, it sounds like I gotta get me some of this stuff after all. I heard it might be a bit salty but will find out.

Fuji - You're the best.

Miss Kitty - See ya a bit later, babes.

Tigger Tigger
Feb '13

JessM - The vet has specifically suggested it and Tigger is somewhere around 17-18. He's got potential arthritis as well, but I've been waiting to get his diet settled before going down that road. I've looked at some of the human supplements and it seems like some of those have magnesium. I want to stay away from that if there's still some chance it might be "crystals". He's still going to be on the "C/D" diet until that's used up. We'll revisit it a bit down the road.

Thanks again everyone.

Thanks GC!

JessM. JessM.
Feb '13

Feel better Tigger !

Feb '13

Poor Tigger :( I hope he feels better soon

jrsemom jrsemom
Feb '13

Glad to hear the good news. You know we all love Tigger (especially Miss Kitty) and Sugar as well. You are a good and caring parent"! to your pets.

joyful joyful
Feb '13

I want to thank everyone again, particularly both Fuji & Happy Homemaker who stopped by and jennymc who also sent a present to Tigger.

This has worked out very well and seems to be showing definite signs of helping. Watering eyes that has been a symptom has gone away, and some issues on his ears is clearing. It may not solve all of Tigger's problems but it's been good enough that I am now giving Sugar some as well. She has had a condition that was thought to be fungal but then tested false. If it's similar to Tigger, maybe it will help that too. The supplement is a simple protein with practically no possible side effects but a lot of potential upside.

Tigger are you all better or almost?

Iggles Iggles
Feb '13

Re: Feline Lysine

We hope so.

Henry & Mindy

Mindy'sMom Mindy'sMom
Feb '13

Mindy's Mom....Henry and Mindy are just adorable...No wonder you love them so much!!

joyful joyful
Feb '13

Re: Feline Lysine

Hello friends and neighbors! I haven't had any more incidents if that's what you mean. It kind of happens real quick so I don't know ahead of time until it's too late. But I can say my eyes don't itch so much any more. That's better, right?

I'm just laying low and not letting anything bother me.

Tigger Tigger
Feb '13

That's the way to go....Tigger!!! All of us in our "older years" should remember to "lay low and not let anything bother us!" Miss Kitty is very glad that you are feeling better.....

joyful joyful
Feb '13

Re: Feline Lysine

"Not letting anything bother me"

That sounds like a challenge!!

Sugar Sugar
Feb '13

Ooops...Tigger!!! I forgot about your sister Sugar!! That is another story..

joyful joyful
Feb '13

Glad it's helping you Tigger. I just love all the photos and cute captions, makes me smile when I read them.

Feb '13

Tigger - so glad to hear you are "on the mend". We know your Dad takes really good care of you.

Henry & Mindy

Mindy'sMom Mindy'sMom
Feb '13

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