Need to build a jail cell wall

hi : i am participating in a show and need to build a jail cell wall. so far i plan to use pvc pipes (spray paint black) and a 4x4 at the bottom with 1x4 along sides and top. however it needs to be a free standing wall ; not attached to anything. does anyone have ideas how to make it free standing. maybe cement blocks to hold it down? i am using 4x4 to make it bottom heavy. anyone want to help me build this this weekend? lunch on me. thanks.

Feb '13

Just screw a 2x4 perpendicular to the 4x4 along the bottom to make a "T" shape on each end.

That wouldn't be too visible and doesn't add a lot of weight. Maybe 1 foot on either side of the 4x4 should be enough to provide stability.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Feb '13

Re: Need to build a jail cell wall

Or you can build everything on a plywood base wide enough to prove stability.

Here's some quick sketches of both options...

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Feb '13

Best thread title of the year so far.

Rebecka Rebecka
Feb '13

Pretty tough to add ridgidity to a pvc jail like enclosure depending on the highth?

If there is a overhead stage type rigging rack can just be supported from Two lines (cables ) from the overhead rigging.

If it's not a stage...then use a 4x4 (untreated pine or poplar...) drill holes to accept the pvc 3/4" size spaced etc. Take a 20" wide 1/2 inch thick plywood, and affix (screw) that 4x4 to the center lenghthwise. Then you would have a flat surface wide enough so it won't tip over, and the 4x4 would accept the raw ends of the pvc pipes.
Tie the top pvc pipe ends with PVC T's....

If the jail cell can be can use electrical pipe...the gray stuff, and that would eliminate painting. Only problem is there are no Tees for that PVC conduit.

Hope that helps, or gives an idea...

embryodad embryodad
Feb '13

I see Mark Mc posted while I was typing..... He shows the exact scenario.

Scenario?? .... That's the Scene....

embryodad embryodad
Feb '13

u might be onto something with plywood base mark thanks for that idea. i was going for 6 foot high x 10 foot wide cell wall. i'll let you know how it goes. thanks

Feb '13

I would add an additional piece of wood about half way up and runs from left to right. Drill holes in the wood and run the pvc through the wood. Many jail cells have a cross bar to add some structural rigidity.

emaxxman emaxxman
Feb '13

Ha ha now I get it!! Good performance! Nice jail cell wall you made there!! I'm impressed!

H-town Mama H-town Mama
Feb '13

Ahhh, now I know who you are and why you needed it. Great job!

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Feb '13

Great topic Has anyone ever been in jail ? Where when and for what and how long ?

Feb '13

Re: Need to build a jail cell wall

Hi all - I posted under the handle jailcell so that family didn't know about this surprise show.

I ended up putting together the jail cell myself in a few hours over a weekend. It came out really well!

Luckily it didn't need to have a whole lot of functionality so I was able to just go with the bottom-heavy 4x4 to support the 2x4s along the side and top. I think it came out great!

RyanOMac RyanOMac
Feb '13

Re: Need to build a jail cell wall

And a cropped photo of the final product.

RyanOMac RyanOMac
Feb '13

What are those bars, 16" o.c.? You'd have to be the size of an NFL lineman for that jail cell to contain you (-;

ianimal ianimal
Feb '13

haha! Thanks iAnimal -- It was an 8ft long 4x4 and I had Home Depot cut ten 10 ft x 1/2" PVC pipes down to 6 feet but only used 7 of them for a variety of reasons, one of which losing battery power for drilling the 1" holes. I think I actually made them 12" apart but yes, you can still slip through them side-ways. Adding a horizontal bar through the center would've added better effects.

Believe it or not I first attempted to drill a 1/2" drill figuring that it would help when I brought out the 1" but it actually hindered the drilling process based on the type of 1" drill bit I had. so I ended up having to drill slightly adjacent to the pre-drilled 1/2" holes.

Luckily my mom lives basically right next to Home Depot so the 4 or 5 trips I took for various reasons came in handy. Though it definitely wasn't a measure twice, cut once solo job and took longer than I would've liked. Got it done over a weekend though and it came out OK.

Anyone interested in seeing the show video? :-)

RyanOMac RyanOMac
Feb '13

iAnimal - I have a feeling you might really like to see the video, lol

RyanOMac RyanOMac
Feb '13

I HAVE seen the occasional video shot through the bars of a jail cell, ironically enough. The first few minutes of them, anyway...

ianimal ianimal
Feb '13

ianimal : yes, I have seen that same vidoe. funny how everyone in the video really seems to be having a good time in jail.

Looks good Ryan....would love to see the video.

Christine Christine
Feb '13

Oh please post the video.. I'm just dying to see what these people here have to say... I think they would all be speechless or wordless.. Whatever .... Just post!!!

H-town Mama H-town Mama
Feb '13

You asked for it... you shall receive:

RyanOMac RyanOMac
Feb '13

Htown Mama - you might recognize the piano bench sitting under the TV in video, lol

RyanOMac RyanOMac
Feb '13

Very impressive Ryan. I loved the choreography...and you are quite the dancer

Christine Christine
Feb '13


No idea. You didn't even need the great looking prop. ;-)

fun video.. did the officer end up frisking you dureing the arrest?

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