Lost: Solid Slate Gray Cat

Lost: Solid Slate Gray Cat

Slate gray cat is lost in area of Washington St., Valentine St., Grand Ave and Madison. "Shadow" is a 1 yr old neutered male with a flea collar and collar with rabies metal on it (he jingles when he walks). If approached will run but extend your hand and be still and he will sniff then rub on you. He is harmless but skittish. If found please call 908-403-5739 Thank you.

missingkitty missingkitty
Oct '13

He's a nice looking cat. Any update?

villani villani
Oct '13

Re: Lost: Solid Slate Gray Cat

No ...not even a sighting. :(

missingkitty missingkitty
Oct '13

He is beautiful! Hoping he comes home soon.

Calico696 Calico696
Oct '13

I live that way will keep my eye and my roommates will take a look too.

animal lover animal lover
Oct '13

Any luck finding this kitty?

Calico696 Calico696
Oct '13

The elderly lady that lives with me has seen a gray cat on Washington St just before Bells Lane off and on for about a week...not sure if it is yours.

animal lover animal lover
Oct '13

On this other thread someone commented seeing a cat that was on Washington St. but down by Bell's Lane. They also commented it looked like the cat that was found:


The found cat was over by Donaldson's but you never know. If it was at the far end of Valentine, it wouldn't be that far if it went under the Grand Ave. bridge.

GC, I spoke with the elderly lady and it does look more like the other thread, so must be different. Sorry

animal lover animal lover
Oct '13

Any update on Shadow?

positive positive
Nov '13

yes. my neighbor found her cat awhile back. She posted on Pet Watch on WRNJ and they announced it and all of a sudden the cat was back so she believes that somebody had the cat in their house and then let it out. Kitty has been back for a few weeks now. Thanks for asking.

just the facts maam just the facts maam
Nov '13

Glad to hear it and thanks for the update.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '13

So happy Shadow is back home!

positive positive
Nov '13

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