Stabbings at Stage Dolls last night

Coming home from work last night while passing Stage Dolls place was surrounded by police and was completely taped off with crime tape. Rumor has it there were 3 stabbings, "yes I said rumor how dare I". Anyone one have any details?

warren county communications noted 2 men stabbed on last nights event list

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

Where is stage dolls located?

New person in town
Feb '14

Could it be bad tippers?

Feb '14

What do you expect? Who would want a place like that nearby...

Rt46 Great Meadows.

I drove by yesterday afternoon and thought, wow how can girls do that. Very seldom do I go that way. And yes, Iam an old foddy doddy. Lol

Feb '14

WOW! No wonder why 4 State Trooper cars blew past me at about 100 mph last night heading northbound on 31.

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '14

Same incident or different? Date is 1/30

Feb '14

bothered - Has to be different, which actually makes it worse for that business. Two incidents, two days in a row.....SMH

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '14

And then there is this..... Not a great week for them

PenwellRd PenwellRd
Feb '14

Why would someone need 4 cellphones ? Entrepeneur ?

Feb '14

That's exactly what I was thinking Calico.

Feb '14

jerseycash5, I thought the same thing. Lol

positive positive
Feb '14

Shut it down. What a cesspool.

Minivan at a strip bar? Were there car seats in it? Who owned it? Publish HIS name.
In fact, there's a great idea: photograph cars going in there and publish them here.
That'll get rid of it nice and fast.

Feb '14

nothing good comes out of a go go bar; shut it down!

Summer Summer
Feb '14

We should also photograph the cars going into McDonalds, and start denying health care to them, after all, it is a burden on all of us.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Feb '14

Get rid of this horrible place. Shut it down. Who has the authority TO close them down or, at the very least, investigate the 'business?' Who owns the place, and is the owner/owners local?

MrsPipes MrsPipes
Feb '14

shouldn't we be encouraging girls to get good jobs

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

Wonder if this is anyway tied into Super Bowl Weekend and the problems they are having in NYC and around the stadium with "illegal activites" of various kinds. Hope they aren't shipping the clients out to Warren County.

I third the motion to shut the place down...

Spring Fever Spring Fever
Feb '14

Stabbing ? Where did that come from and I didn't know it was a crime to own a mini van . Are you implying a soccer mom is a stripper or a married family man is a patron ?

Feb '14

Shut them down? Any business has a right to operate, so long as they are operating legally. Whether or not this establishment is "your kind of place" or not is irrelevant.

If enough shady stuff continues to occur there, people will stop patronizing the place and then it will most likely shut down on it's own.

jersey - The mini van incident is a separate incident. LOL

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '14

Strip clubs for men are just the equivalent of soap operas for women. A little eye candy, a really crappy plot and eventually you either outgrow them or admit to yourself that you're a complete degenerate.

ianimal ianimal
Feb '14

I totally agree Calico.

positive positive
Feb '14

Maybe we should shut down churches since I don't agree with what they preach? These bars operate legally and pay taxes which is more than churches pay. LOL!

Red Wing
Feb '14

Exactly Red Wing.

ianimal - My husband hasn't been in a strip club since his early 20s. He says the beer is over priced. LOL

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '14

Shut em down! Next we can go after the bars and liquor stores...

Gadfly Gadfly
Feb '14

whohoo where are we gathering for the shutdowns?? Equipment to bring? costumes?

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

What is he, 28? Me and him were tearing it up at the RVI just a couple years ago.

Lol, j/k...

ianimal ianimal
Feb '14

LOL ianimal. I have more fear of losing him to a long necked bottle than a long legged woman. ;-)

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '14

You should sell that to a female country singer; it's got #1 hit written all over it (-:

ianimal ianimal
Feb '14

A lot of the "shut down the strip club" people are also active in the "save the stray cats" threads. Not sure if there's any correlation to be made, just an observation (-;

ianimal ianimal
Feb '14

5catmom - "Equipment to bring? costumes?" Bring pitch forks and torches. Wear clothes of "pinched, grim-faced, puritanical Bible-thumpers". Why are the first to volunteer the first to offer conspiracy theories and denigrate others when their behavior is questioned? bible thumpers here ----I'll be out in the garage making a pitchfork -
calico that really would make a great title for a country song - go for it

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

I know one of the men stabbed last night. It is true, one is in a drug induced coma in Morristown memorial the other is in Hackettstown in stable condition. I do not know where the 3rd victim is.

Dodgeman Dodgeman
Feb '14

Articles about everything but a stabbing. Hmm...

Feb '14

dancing is a profession i thought, i don't get the bans,

i see other businesses around here open and close quickly, owners struggling to make payroll/rent etc, yet that place has been there many years, must be a need for it

i recall when the soccer moms protested the chicken house down in manville. they would march around with signs saying 'shut this down' and stuff. it was in the paper and on the radio every day, only effect was to drum up a lot new business for Frank. everyone knew just where to go to see the girls. i always thought he was supplying the protesters with sandwiches and signs and stuff to keep them coming back. that place did well for decades after all the hubbub.

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

darn ,,,hope they aren't shut down this spring. I enjoy stopping in for a beer after leaving island dragway. My prayers go out to all who may have been hurt that night.

There are too many Satanic rituals back in those words. Vampires, zombies, cannibals, aliens, elves and dragons gotta go! This is our country darnit!!

LeRoy Grimace LeRoy Grimace
Feb '14

@botheredbyuu - This is being treated as a murder investigation. Police wont release any details for a few days. I will say this, when the news does pick it up, it should say this - victim #1 was stabbed in the heart, victim #2 jumped in to save his friends life and was stabbed 5 times, and victim #3 jumped in to break the whole thing up.

Dodgeman Dodgeman
Feb '14

I hope it's open tonight.

MikeL MikeL
Feb '14

Is the knifer still on the loose ?

Feb '14

Wait why do you want to publish the name of the owner of the mini van? He/she was the victim. It was their car that GOT stolen what did they do wrong that you want their name smeared in the paper.

Darwin Darwin
Feb '14

+1 Calico. It's not the type of place I feel the need to visit, but if it's legal, live and let live.

Rebecka Rebecka
Feb '14

So many jokes in the wake of such a tragic chain of events...strange but true on HL.

Spring Fever Spring Fever
Feb '14

Shutstagedolls wants the mini vans owners name published. She/he asks if there were car seats in it. The way I take it is that's an implication a married family man is patronizing the joint and that's a sin according to them.

Feb '14

Strange that someone would take the opportunity to use a tragic event to advocate the closing of an establishment they don't like, either. If someone got stabbed at Burger King, would you be on here "thirding" that it should be shut down?

ianimal ianimal
Feb '14

This place has been there for over 25 years and has caused very few problems. There is more trouble on Main Street lets close that.

Snowflake Snowflake
Feb '14

How does a 19-year old steal a mini-van at a go-go bar. So many questions.

I mean, what is a 19-year old doing at this bar. Just walking by? Walking to where, there's nothing there. Did he get dropped off? "Hey, let's steal a car. The go-go bar is loaded with minivans and the patrons stay inside forever...."

Or was he in the bar and stole the keys, maybe from a coach bag, in which case, he's 19......

Or did the owner leave the keys in their mini-van as they went into the go-go bar? That would be weird. "Hey, I left the motor running while I caught a quickie."

Or did he hot wire it? And if he did, why steal the mini-van? Is he challenged?

Was the mini-van driver a customer or dancer? (inquiring minds just want to know)

I think there's much more to this story than we see on the police blotter.

And as far as closing it down, think about it. It's been a few decades but I think this is a bar with go-go girls, ie. bikini clad women. These women are dancing in the mucklands; not exactly Times Square. So how good is it? These dancers can't get better jobs than the last stop before nowhere. You can skip the bikini and catch the real thing just across the state line in PA (again, I think. Somebody younger can update). So first, did some HLer really think somebody was coming out from the Superbowl for that? I think NYC might be a tad T&A better..... And second, what customers there are going to this place for the girls. It's the last bar. It's nowhere. I mean it's better just across the river........

I agree with Iman, outgrow em, dengenerate, or maybe just a convenient place for a beer with your buddies.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Feb '14

sounds like there's a lot of Sally house coats and Paula Pan rattlers on here it should be closed down won't somebody think about the children. The only thing these Sandra sweeps the floor are worried about is that their husbands and boyfriends are there. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean we need to shut it down.

Feb '14

I say shut it down. Not only because of recent events ( stabbings happen at many bars/ clubs) but because of such location. It is a residential area with churches around it and then, there is stage dolls. I would not want to be explaining my future kids what that is when you are on your way to church one Sunday morning because it is almost impossible to miss it.

Dolce_Vita Dolce_Vita
Feb '14

I'm betting that Stage Dolls pays more in taxes than all those churches combined. It was established in conformance with the existing zoning at the time and even if the zonings been changed since then, they're grandfathered under municipal land use law.

Bars in residential areas are nothing new. It's part of a "sustainable community". When you restrict bars to commercial areas, you are by extension promoting drinking and driving. There was a time when everyone could walk to a neighborhood bar... not so much any more.

And as far as content, you aren't going to see anything in there that you can't see on MTV. People who are condemning it have probably never even been there. There's no nudity; like I said, soap operas show more skin than these places do.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Feb '14

I've seen and heard of more violence in regular bars than gentlemen's clubs.

When there is liquor involved your going to have some problems in any type of establishment. However, because of the nature of the business, most go-go bars have bouncers and most (not all) are even more strict and conservative when it comes to suspicious characters and activity.

Many of the girls (I had several friends that were dancers) dance to pay their way through college, support their families and just to put food on the table. They are not all druggies and dirt bags.

Of course it's a degrading job and no one should have to resort to that type of work, but it's not prostitution, nor is it illegal. I think for most it's a temporary way to survive or even get ahead.

positive positive
Feb '14

Stage Dolls has been there a lot longer then 25 years. Hell I remember friends going there on their 21st birthday and I am 52. How many other problems have you heard about in 30 plus years? Not as much as any other bar in the area.

How about we convict the person who committed the crime and not the establishment.

**Disclaimer never been there and never will.

Christine Christine
Feb '14

"How about we convict the person who committed the crime and not the establishment."

Come on Christine, you know that's not how it works in the USA nowadays... those who break the law are the VICTIMS and it's the tool/place that MADE them do it.

Oh, and "It's For the Children (TM)"

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Feb '14

I know Christine, I lived maybe 5 to 7 miles away from there for over 10 years. I never heard of any problems until now.

Too many people are too quick to jump on their band wagons...acting like it's a witch hunt.

positive positive
Feb '14

Mr. G, people go there for the girls, to think otherwise is naive. You can get your drinks cheaper right up or down the road. I'm not saying it's right but if your driving and plan on having a few beers your more likely to stay local, than drive to PA. If you do the right thing and use a cab, the cost for a ride to PA would be prohibitive for most. It's the only such bar in the area,

Denis Denis
Feb '14

iPhone, it's not about nudity, it's about the type of culture strip clubs support.

Dolce_Vita Dolce_Vita
Feb '14

The bar has been there forever...My Dad used to be on their softball team when it was called Cannon Balls.

"I would not want to be explaining my future kids what that is when you are on your way to church one Sunday morning because it is almost impossible to miss it."

I live in Liberty my whole childhood and passed this many many many times and I can tell you, I turned out just fine. It was a bar to me as a child just like any other bar.....My parents didn't make me turn the other way or close my else every time we passed it.

This is how kids grow up sheltered....amazing!

Nosila Nosila
Feb '14

What type of culture is that... single mothers with deadbeat fathers and no other means to support their kids? A dancer can probably make $500 in tips in a weekend at a dump like Stage Dolls. How long would she need to wait tables to make that much? She'd probably never see her kids.

And if you're talking about drugs, they're just as prevalent at other types of bars. No one's going to Great Meadows for their high grade cocaine, lol.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Feb '14

There are other ways single mothers can support their children if they have respect for themselves. How do you think that child will feel when it grows up and learns that his mother used to be a stripper? And most strippers themselves are drug addicts and can not rationally think to even consider of their options because that's all they know. Or another scenario, how about all the young girls who have been imported here ( mostly from Eastern Europe ) and are forced into this kind of lifestyle because they are threatened and mentally and sometimes physically abused by the owners? Sure, the owners will make a big deal if YOU( the customer) doesn't treat their girls right but many customers are unaware of what goes on behind closed doors. Don't get me wrong, I am not against strip clubs because they are just another form of entertainment but there are good ones and bad ones. Most of the ones like stage dolls ( where many girls work there do it to get "customers" who they can prostitute themselves to) are not the types I would ever want to visit.

Dolce_Vita Dolce_Vita
Feb '14

Notice how you're all using the term "girls." Dolce, it's not your place to decide what is a "respectful" job for these women. They are over 18 and can make their own decisions.

Did some sketchy stuff happen here? Yup. Seems like the cops got all the bad people. So stop shaming law-abiding people for using their bodies how they please.

OldYelllah OldYelllah
Feb '14

DV- I can tell you this, my friend who was a dancer has raised upstanding kids and her kids were actually aware of their mom's former career and actually have more respect for her, because she did what she had to do for her them.

Hypothetically speaking, a young single mom with limited skills and not much of an education is served with an eviction notice and in the interim there is no food to feed her children. She has to make a very quick decision, maybe welfare, which wouldn't be nearly enough to pay the rent and survive or maybe dance in a bikini and make quick cash to pay the rent, feed the kids and enough left over to take college courses until she can get on her feet.

I'm not sure where you are getting your info from? Is it hearsay or do you actually know some dancers?

positive positive
Feb '14

That's pretty presumptuous and judgmental. Tell me another occupation where a single mother can "legally" make $500 or more in the course of a weekend. And how is "stripping" any more degrading than acting or modeling where one dresses scantily for the titillation of others? Should the children of Cindy Crawford be filled with the same shame that you have bestowed upon the children of "strippers"? Are you so high and mighty that you believe that none of these people have a right to respect themselves?

There is a huge problem with sex trafficking from Eastern Europe though... and I think I now understand where you're coming from. No one should be forced to do anything they don't want to do; but that's a whole different story.

ianimal ianimal
Feb '14

What goes around comes around. When that place was The Meadow View Tavern years ago there were stabbings and fights. There was a murder associated with that place also. That was before the place was a dancers bar. The more things change the more they stay the same.

Feb '14

Yes positive I did know somebody who did it. And I'm not saying I'm high and mighty but that's my personal opinion. If you think you are doing community service by supporting them (or their children to be exact), then it's your personal choice/opinion.

Dolce_Vita Dolce_Vita
Feb '14

I think strip clubs and pornography in general lead to the objectification of women which leads to mysogeny and violence.And one more thing, the quick and good amount of cash doesn't come from just dancing in a bikini. More like champagne room favors.

Dolce_Vita Dolce_Vita
Feb '14

I'm sorry that we disagree, but to put strip clubs and porn into the same category is just plain wrong.

How can you even compare the two? Ok, I will give you that they are both sexually enticing, but when a woman wears short shorts or a bikini on the beach, isn't that considered sexually enticing as well?

So anything sexy should be considered pornographic?

positive positive
Feb '14

I think that testosterone leads to the objectification of women and poor upbringing or mental illness leads to misogyny and violence. Just like estrogen leads to the objectification of men. I don't see too many fat, hairy guys walking around wearing nothing but a towel on those soap operas my wife watches. Does that also lead to misandrony and violence against men?

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Feb '14

Thanks now I know what's wrong with my husband! I never knew. Lol

positive positive
Feb '14

ianimal, you have been "spot on" this entire thread. Kudos to you.

My thoughts go out to the victims.

I'm with ian on this one. Of course no one really wants any type of go-go bar in their town but the stigmas are way overblown.

Bryan Bryan
Feb '14

Best wishes to the victims here.

Off the record, in speaking to some locals tonight, this was a Pagan vs. Angels incident.

Again, not sure if that is true just what I heard.

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '14

+1 ianimal

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

If that 'r-word' should prove to be true, there's only one rational solution: let's outlaw motorcycles.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Feb '14

When I drove by there last night, I noticed that the parking lot seemed a lot more packed than usual.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Feb '14

To those who want it shut down IF you have never been in there you have no idea how bad or good of a place it is so I say go there some night and check it out have a drink or so watch the show then decide

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Feb '14

ah the business of the strippers.... funny you don't know what is going on in these places. like you know girls that work there and make $500 a night. that means they are doing sexual favors in a back room. sorry to burst that bubble. don't think you are 'helping' them. they give a sob story to all of their lovers... ah the lies!!!!
but the lure of fast easy money keeps them going. and the men keep going cause of the cheap sex.

steve buckley steve buckley
Feb '14

So after being stubborn and discussing it with a friend of mine, who is a big time feminist, here is her answer " Yes...but it's hardly enough to live on comfortably (government support that they get) and many women prefer the "dignity" of earning their own money. Plus, many feminists would say that it is a woman's right to earn money as a stripper or prostitute if she wants to, and it infantilizes women when people try to tell them how they can and cannot use their bodies. And let's not let their customers off the hook, the men who treat these women like meat or worse. Who is at fault? The women who need the money or the men who spend their money to pay for sex or lap dances or whatever?" So still is that the type of establishment you want in your neighborhood ?

Dolce_Vita Dolce_Vita
Feb '14


"And let's not let their customers off the hook, the men who treat these women like meat or worse."

Not all customers get lap dances most sit at the bar, drink beer, watch the sports on TV, while some chick in short shorts serves them beer...just like the restaurant Hooters.

I think you may watch too many movies....Have you ever gone to a strip club? I have seen more skin on beaches and walking down the street.

Clearly there are full nude ones like Grand View...but again these girls have a choice. I'm not talking about the ones forced bc I'm 100% against it.

Steve- Bar tenders in strip clubs make $500 a night and I can tell you they dont provide sexual favors...of course there are exceptions

Nosila Nosila
Feb '14

did anybody see the opening act at the grammy's? wasn't that just a pole dance act on national tv?

where's the castigating criticisms for Beyonce? does she have to display it all like that to feed her hungry children? or is it a choice that she has made as an adult?

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

Iman has been spot on except for the part about not going anymore but knowing the actual revenue stream. I am probably wrong but $500 for a week end at Stage Dolls seems high. Didn't think muck women could make that much :>)

Sure no one wants a strip bar next to them; no one wants a bar next to them, heck, I don't even want a Church next to me. Up by St. Peter's and Paul's, you can get both..... But someone years ago gave this bar the license and, frankly, they seem to have been a pretty good neighbor over the years. I have never even noticed much of a crowd much less a biker bar. I would worry more about when Island Drag Way lets loose than Stage Dolls letting loose.

And if we are really arguing about whether women should be allowed to dance in bathing suits, we have a lot of vacation spots and media to blacklist. Or are you just upset when ladies can get paid for it by idiots willing to plunk down bucks for a live bathing suit bounce?

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Feb '14

Dodgeman - Murder investigation? Someone died? Where did you hear that? Thought no details were out.

Feb '14

muck women? you sure about that? have you ever been there?

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

Not for decades. A few visits was enough.

When you reach the point where you can turn to your buddy and say "hey, she's your daughter's age" it's time to stop :>)

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Feb '14

Been to a couple go-go bars, but not for many years now. It used to be college girls, traveling ladies, and washed up (tried not to go to those places). Then the Russian dollar squad came and ruined the experience. Blame the Russian mafia or mafia posers. They have vans and they drop them off and return them to Brighton Beach.

People have been killed in parking lots in Plainfield. Ugly stuff in downtown Paterson with god knows whose involved. Greatest bar was just at the Paterson/Totowa border (after work sometimes hangout) but it closed and a point of trivia, 2 of the 911 terrorists lived a couple blocks away at the time.

Great Meadows is a rural area so its not that bad, but its not great. If I were younger I would be there with my friends if we lived out this way.

BrotherDog, Folks from the "Meadows" have always been called "muckers". Not a bad term if you are used to living near the "Meadows". No different than the folks from town being called "townies".

Ms Fishy Ms Fishy
Feb '14

Re: Stabbings at Stage Dolls last night

thanks ms fishy: i know and love the meadows for many years now (actually many decades)

questions about the pic:

beyonce at the grammy's: is she just another pole dancer? or pop singer?

is she promoting the independent, empowered free choices of an adult woman?
or is she promoting a misogynist stereotype objectifying the female form?

fundamentally is there any real difference between her act at the grammy's and the pole dancers in the meadows?

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

Lets get back to the original post. Does anyone have any facts about stabbings and a murder or is this a hoax ?

Feb '14

"Pagan vs. Angels incident"

This wasn't another stupid "happy holidays vs. Merry Christmas" fight, was it? Let it go people, let it go!

emaxxman emaxxman
Feb '14

The bouncer was saying that a hells angel and another club approached a couple guys and wanted to fight. The guys at the bar said no and tried to leave but about 10 of the bikers rushed them. The 2 guys fought them off and the held angel ran out the front door as the fight began. Humorous that a notorious biker gang like the hells angels took off after starting the fight. Guess the moral of the story is don't mess with rednecks watching strippers. That being all said they ought to round up all these hells angels and put them back into pre school to learn how to be an adult. It just shows you that some people can't use intimidation to win fights. The bouncer said he got fired from his job for not doing his job. Just imagine a 400 lb hells angel running away from 2 red necks and leave his 10 buddies to fight his battle. Childish and stupid! Makes me look at this gang in a different way.

Cooler Cooler
Feb '14

Cooler- link please.

Feb '14

maybe we should outlaw angels, an out right ban on them, nobody really has a legitimate need for an angel, let's ban them all.

let's pass some new laws, that will keep us safe

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

Sounds like we should ban "high capacity friendships" and "assault bikers"...

Nobody *needs* more than 5 friends to help them get into a fight. And their black leather jackets look scary (even though they function the same as any other jacket).

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Feb '14

Must be the thing to do. Shame!

Feb '14

blaming the sussians? try brazilians from newark. they grow up as prositutes and druggies then come here to nj. i have never seen this placed packed? so 500 dollars a night is funny... maybe in the past before the cheap labor ? the customers not looking for cheap sex in the back room? watching tv and talking sports? hahahahahahahhaaa! hooters don't have back rooms! the new rule in the dancers is LAP DANCING...they have to do it to make money! they have to pay off their pimps! (driver,manager,barmaid,bouncer and even the dj!) so it is sleazy sex! the state should legalize prosititution they will make a bundle off the taxes! what gets me is there is a law that prohibits even touching between a worker and customer? so just how do they get away with private lapdances? payoffs! payoffs! payoffs! they could arrest workers for taking a dollar between their breast and the customer for fondling.... it only happens when the cops want to scare the owner for another bigger bribe. many bars are owned by town influences, excops etc (you should see what goes on there) they even get the heads up when there is going to be a raid on the places from ABC...

steve buckley steve buckley
Feb '14

I agree. Hells angels should be outlawed

Cooler Cooler
Feb '14

10 against 2. And who would have thought the 2 would win?

Cooler Cooler
Feb '14

Re: Stabbings at Stage Dolls last night

So it is more than just a rumor...mea culpa.

LeRoy Grimace LeRoy Grimace
Feb '14

Steve Buckley, are you trying to say the cops are getting some type of payoff?
That's the most ridiculous thing Ive heard about this. There is no connection to any local Officer, and absolutely no one in the PD is getting anything from Stage dolls or its employees. For what the cops are getting paid in Independence, the town is lucky they come to work at all. They could go to any other PD and make more. And they are not about to endanger their job or pensions to protect a strip club. If you have some type of proof of your statements, contact the A.G.'s Officer, or county prosecutor. If what you say is true and you have proof and don't make it public, you are part of the problem..

boobalaa boobalaa
Feb '14

I think Buckley is watching too many Soprano reruns. Im on the edge of my seat waiting for the news tomorrow.

Feb '14

Without strippers there would be no need for the dollar bill

Mr.Wiggles Mr.Wiggles
Feb '14

Does anyone else think Buckley could be a woman who caught her hubby with a stripper err I mean dancer ?

Feb '14

Good bet, better odds than my s.b. pools

fitter fitter
Feb '14

I hope independence cops don't show up to work so we can lower our taxes and get state troopers instead

Ericf29 Ericf29
Feb '14

jerseycash I would put $20 on that! He has quite an imagination.

Christine Christine
Feb '14

WOW!!!!! this place must be a lot more exciting, then the times I have stopped in. The first time I ever took my wife to a go go bar, she was like wow these guys are really boring, they just sit there and watch the girls. I laughed and asked her what did she think the guys would be doing? She replied, IDK grabbing at the girls. Told her you would quickly be tossed out if you grabbed at them. this was in the 80's when male reviews where common and bars around lake hopatcong had male reviews. She told me the girls act really bad at the male reviews grabbing etc. I have since heard from others that girls do act more wild at male reviews. Well to each their own, live and let live. and if your spouse runs off with a go go dancer male or female. consider yourself lucky. You now have a second chance at making the most important decision you will make in life. picking the rite partner.

Must be a HA Chapter on probation LOL... Don't think they cut the mustard...

I think Buckley is a cuckold whose wife dances and turns tricks just for the fun of it. What was up with that website he posted... cheaterville? Lol

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Feb '14

If true the bar owner Better Call Saul !

Zombo Zombo
Feb '14

@iPhone-imal I think your rite on. I wonder if she makes him watch. I looked at that web site he posted. Im not sure what it had to do with people being stabbed at a bar or even go go dancers.

I think he posted the website of his wife to warn others.

Weird site IMO

Christine Christine
Feb '14

iPhone-imal that was a good one I can bet all most every one had to race to the internet to find out what a Cuckold was very good

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Feb '14

Here's a little message for everyone involved in this conversation who think they know what they're talking about, but really don't. Stop stereotyping go-go bars and the girls who work there. I work at Stage Dolls, and I am a well educated COLLEGE STUDENT who does NOT TO DRUGS nor PROSTITIUTE MY BODY to customers for money. I support myself and pay my own college bill. I'm sure half of you on here either didn't even go to college, or had your parents pay for it because there is no way you yourself made enough to pay your way through. Oh, and on top of that, I pay my phone bill/rent/cable/electric/car insurance/and all of life's other expenses by working here. I don't strip for any guy, nor do anything 'extra' in the back like many of you are suggesting. Oh, and I also bought myself a beautiful, educational trip to a foreign country as a TEENAGER... all from those single dollar tips you are making fun of, Mr. Wiggles!. I'm pretty sure all of Stage Dolls recent media attention is because of patrons. So how about you focus on these customers who are giving it a bad reputation, and not the innocent workers, owners, or the place itself? I completely understand the stereotypes about this type of business. I probably would have agreed with you before I started working here. But are these rude, slanderous comments really necessary? Maybe you should all run to the Church up the street and pray for your sins, since the Bible says God doesn't want you to judge others ;) Have a great day.

Bravo, ABC.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Feb '14

So is the bouncers story true? Are we going to see a news article saying what happened? Stupid hells angels know how to ruin a good time and then run away like little girls.

Cooler Cooler
Feb '14

Well said, ABC.......

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

Well said ABC!

Christine Christine
Feb '14

VERY well said ABC

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Feb '14

I really hate it when men treat women like meat:

If a man wants to give a woman a dollar simply for standing in front of him in her underwear and she voluntarily is standing there, so be it. It's called capitalism.

There are larger than life-sized posters of half-naked people at the mall in front of Victoria's Secret and Abercrombie. Hell, there are parents that let their daughters go to school with barely enough fabric to cover their asses. I think people should clean up their own glass house before turning to someone else's.

emaxxman emaxxman
Feb '14

The bouncer's story is not true. And there is no murder investigation because no one died. Duh. Believe half of you what you read on here, folks.

I know. I know.
Feb '14

And the winners of the best responses are ----------------ABC & emaxxman.

Ms Fishy Ms Fishy
Feb '14

+1 Ms Fishy

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

The bouncers story is very true, "you know" is either the hells angel or the other club that the bouncer says he's a member of.

Cooler Cooler
Feb '14

Still no news about stabbings. Hoax ? Rumor ?

Feb '14

I'm surprised there has been no article on this yet. The public deserves information darn it!!!!! ;-)

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '14

Stabbing is real. I think it's hush hush till investigation is done. If somebody talks maybe cops are afraid of gang retaliation

Cooler Cooler
Feb '14

@cooler I cant find anything about this incident anywhere other than here but your accounting seems so accurate!! did the bouncer try to stop this from happening? isn't that his job? no Patrick Swayze there! I report gogo bar atrocities to a church group I am on the council with. we send our reports to the Cardinal of Saints so any new information would helpful!

David Bruce Banner David Bruce Banner
Feb '14

the story will come out one day as some little paragraph between advertisements . they do try to keep things hushed in the towns don't they? hell if it wasn't for word of mouth you wouldn't even hear about things like this.
to the girl who put herself thru college and went to fancy places on vacation (bet you took your lover too?) well i guess you got away with no damage or is that what you keep telling yourself? we all know what happens inthe backroom stays in the backroom.... but when people remember you ....they will always think of you as the cute little bimbo that...

steve buckley steve buckley
Feb '14

@David Bruce Banner WHAT?

I find some of the incoherent posts in this thread more disturbing than the existence of a strip joint.

emaxxman emaxxman
Feb '14

Wow!!! Never thought my post would go from a crime to the morality of strip club dancers, strippers, prostitutes, scum, drug addicts or anything else they may be called. This incident could have happened anywhere. Who remembers the Elk's Club incident, the Frankie and Johnnies incident. Did they close down the Elks Club, No!!! To blame the owner, the dancers or the patrons who frequent the bar is ridiculous. MC clubs have been at this sort of thing for decades in all kinds of places. No there has been absolutely no media account of what happened and that is fairly common in these sort of things due to the fact they don't want to escalate it to more violence. Im sure that both clubs have been contacted and warned that if it does, the law will bring heat down on both of them. The last thing they want is the attention of the law, given the illegal activities that large MC's are involved in.

"went to fancy places on vacation (bet you took your lover too?)"

now now Buckley dancers don't have lovers, they have sugardaddies. And since she implied she paid for the trip i don't think she took her sugar dady with her :)

Darwin Darwin
Feb '14

Mayor David Dinkins was responsible for a study that led to the shut down of the strip clubs and porns shops that many believed were the source of Times Square being the vile place it was. The study found that the sex business harmed residential areas. Guiliani was mayor when the rezoning went into effect.

Times Square is a much better place now - less drugs and crime - safer and far more enjoyable for all. While this discussion is about "just 1" strip club, it's also about a far less dense area, and the "reach" of that "club" is enough that I, for one, would like to see the zoning changed to not allow any sex businesses in the area.

Feb '14

This thread is so ridiculous it's sad. My heart goes out to the vicitms, kudos to the police for scooping up the people responsible.

Sandy Sandy
Feb '14

"far more enjoyable for all" - in whose opinion?

"strip club" is a total misnomer, no body strips there, dancers are wearing clothes
and it is not a 'club', it is more of a 'pub' or 'Public House', there are no membership fees or restricted entrances, anybody can go in there. so not a club, and since no one strips, your continued use of the pejorative term 'strip club' is wrong and inaccurate.

this business has been in operation for many, many years, while other establishments all around them have opened and closed repeatedly. they must be doing something right.

question for you 4of4: do any of your children have Beyonce cd's? (yes/no)

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

Re: Stabbings at Stage Dolls last night

pretty sure if you watched the MTV VMAs, American Music Awards or the Grammys you saw more sexual content than if you walked into a go go bar. I've never seen a young lady get it on with a foam finger at a gogo bar but i have on national televison

Darwin Darwin
Feb '14

Notice the women in the audience enjoying that show too?

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Feb '14

Lets ban the public beachs too.

Longhorn Longhorn
Feb '14

Re: Stabbings at Stage Dolls last night

Is that what the Cowardly LIon looks like when you shave it?

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Feb '14

Still never saw anything about this in the papers.

Feb '14

Still not in the papers? seems your small town covers up the Crimes good!!!!
and Darwin i said took her real lover.... as in,you know ,the dumb guy who she will marry or is married to... wonder if she uses a rubber when she works?
It is interesting how sort of thing is common this past month at strip clubs this year...

steve buckley steve buckley
Feb '14

There were no arrests. Lol. Gotta love our police

Cooler Cooler
Feb '14

About 5-6 years ago I heard Indy police had shot and killed guy was never in any papers

red beard
Feb '14

Yea that's complete bs lol

Tombo Tombo
Feb '14

seems to me S.B. has had some experience with with places like this and cheating on 1st wives.

It took a civil suit, but there's finally been something printed about the stabbing two years ago... I guess the victim's window to file was closing. Not sure why he's suing the bar... I'm sure the Hell's Angels have much deeper pockets.

ianimal ianimal
Jan '16

WOW, that was two years ago? Time sure is flying. Thanks for the link.

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '16

ianimal it's just another money grab, and I'm sure in his mind it's a little safer to sue the bar, than the the Hells Angels. Hope they don't get a dime.

Denis Denis
Jan '16

About ten years ago you used to be able pay a little extra and get a little "extra". Not sure if that still goes down there but was always a great time.

Larry Larry
Jan '16

I just had to let y'all know that there is cameras in this establishment And as far as banning anything YOU should look in the mirror and ask yourself who am I to judge anyone else. I frequent this establishment and enjoy a cold beer and respect the ladies of Stage Dolls. enough said.. oops I also ride a Harley so don't try to ban them.

Harley Harley
Feb '17

Family is at the jersey shore for the first time,the son as he runs down the board walk and points to the beach yells back to mom and dad and points to the beach look its a out door go go beach with lots of girls in bikinis , his mother screams and hits the father as she covers the boys eyes I told you we should have gone to that zoo in north jersey

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Mar '17

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