Lump On Dog's Snout

Lump On Dog's Snout

I noticed a reddish, round, freckle like speck on Daisy's snout a few months ago. It was a little smaller than the head of a pin. I have been monitoring it and there was no change at all until a couple days ago. I noticed that it had become a small bump. She needed a vet appt. anyway for a heartworm test, so I called the other day and got her an appt. for Saturday morning and told them I wanted this lump checked.

Last night it was still the same, however tonight when I got home from work it was much larger and very red. I'm thinking of calling the vet first thing to see if I can get her in tomorrow instead of Saturday. I'm getting a little nervous that it could be some kind of infection and 24 hours of waiting can make a big difference with something like that.

In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone has ever had an issue like this with their dog and what it turned out to be. I'm adding a couple pics.

Calico696 Calico696
May '14

Re: Lump On Dog's Snout

Side view.

Calico696 Calico696
May '14

One more pic. I might add that she's eating and acting normal. Although she does growl a little and show her teeth if you go near it. Thanks for any help.

Calico696 Calico696
May '14

just my opinion - I'd get to the vet sooner rather than later if possible

5catmom 5catmom
May '14

looks like she has an infection maybe from a tooth. I would definitely call the vet and have her seen right away as if it got worse in 24 hrs is not a good sign.

Christine Christine
May '14

I agree about sooner than later. They were closed by the time I got home, but will be calling them at 8 when they open tomorrow. If she was acting at all lethargic, she'd be on her way to emergency. But she was playing like a lunatic with her yard toys for a couple hours.

Calico696 Calico696
May '14

Re: Lump On Dog's Snout

Here was that third pic that I thought I posted above, but didn't.

Calico696 Calico696
May '14

Calico - to see if an infection like this is causing a widespread/systemic bodily reaction, just take Daisy's temperature. If it's high, get her to the vet as soon as you are able. If it is not, it may be locally infected but is likely not threatening her overall well-being, and you may be able to wait until Saturday if necessary. There is a certain vet tech on the forum who I'm hoping will also weigh in. No idea what this could be, but it may be something as simple as a reaction to a bug bite or sting.

Rebecka Rebecka
May '14

Poor Daisy! Hope it's nothing serious

JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
May '14

Calico, I would definitely not wait until Saturday, especially if she is painful (since she won't let you near it, it is likely painful to her). Please call your veterinarian first thing in the morning.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
May '14

ingrown hair? hopes and prayers for her recovery. poor baby

skippy skippy
May '14

Poor Daisy. Hope it's nothing serious. Keep us posted.

Tracy Tracy
May '14

I think as long as she playing, eating, and otherwise acting normal you would be ok keeping your Sat. appt. Hope all goes well. keep us posted...

Since its gotten even bigger in a day for sure take her tomorrow, don't wait till Saturday. Especially if they have to do a procedure it's best they have Friday to work on it. If they are able to get her in in the morning maybe it's best if tonight no food and water after after 10 incase they need to give her anesthesia. Has she been rubbing it to irritate it?

justlookingaround justlookingaround
May '14

smart thinking justlooking .... re the anesthesia

pmnsk pmnsk
May '14

I agree with JRT..her behavior is the tell tale sign. Sure it's nothing. I thought it could be a bug bite ( bee) or an ingrown. I am sure she's fine. It's the stuff that grows inward that bothers me. Let us know!

Firefly Firefly
May '14

It looks to me like the pictures should the right eye is red as well as her nose. Maybe its allergies. Still, the possibilities are that it may not be dangerous but quite painful like a tooth. Move up the day if you can just in case.

Hope the pups ok..keep us posted.

Bessie Bessie
May '14

Hope she is ok. Let us know.

tropicalgardens tropicalgardens
May '14

I read she growls if you try to go near it, that's never good for the vet. You should try to get near her and squeeze and see if any pus or other discharge comes out of it, if it's pus, you'll know it's an infection and the vet should give you antibiotics for her. Also maybe try to put a cotton ball of peroxide on it once In a while to see if that'll help start to clean out any infections.
Hope it's nothing too serious for her.

May '14

If you could, try to get her in tomorrow just to give yourself a peace of mind. I'm one of those paranoid fur baby mom and take them to the vet asap. But that's just me.

Sending Daisy good wishes and hoping it's nothing serious. Keep us posted!

Baci's mom Baci's mom
May '14

As long as she doesn't seem to have trouble breathing, or if it enlarges at the same or a faster rate etc., I was going to say to stick with the Sat. appointment. However, after re-reading your post several times, I'm now thinking that I'd err on the side of caution and if you can manage it, call your Vet's. office back tomorrow and tell them of your concerns and see if they'd be willing to see you Friday instead. From the pics, I had the same impression as Firefly, that it was a bee, spider, tick or other type bite or sting. A bee stinger may have been embedded under the skin, which later became infected.

I've seen similar wounds that were from those very sources. I would not try to express any puss (as mentioned above) however. One, because it may elicit a very unpleasant reaction from Daisy and two, because if there is any infection present, it could forcibly spread that further into her system. It is too close to her brain to try that. If it was on a leg, that would be a different story perhaps. I do agree with soaking a cotton ball with Peroxide and lightly and carefully dabbing it on the area.

Best of luck and I hope Daisy recovers quickly!

Phil D. Phil D.
May '14

Maybe just a spider bite. Poor Daisy. Good luck.

Thanks all. Daisy has an appt. in an hour. Will report back later.

Calico696 Calico696
May '14

It turned out to be an abscess. So good news there. She had antibiotics to take for ten day. Thanks everyone for your concern and well wishes.

Calico696 Calico696
May '14

Glad to hear Daisy is now on the mend.
You must be so relieved!

Spring Fever Spring Fever
May '14

*has antibiotics to take for ten days. Sheesh! LOL

Spring Fever - Yes, we are very glad it wasn't anything more seriousl

Calico696 Calico696
May '14

So glad to hear ......easy fix

5catmom 5catmom
May '14

Feel better Daisy

Nosila Nosila
May '14

Love happy endings. Glad she is okay. (or will be in a day or two)

Ms Fishy Ms Fishy
May '14

No wonder she wouldn't let you touch it. They are painful. Here is to a speedy recovery.

Christine Christine
May '14

Hoping for Daisy's speedy recovery!

JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
May '14

I was thinking bug bite. So glad she is ok. :)

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
May '14

Dear Daisy,

I was sorry to hear about your snoot booboo and also that you have to take medicine. YUK! I hope you feel better soon and make sure you get that treat after the medicine because I'm pretty sure it's the law, and they have to give you a treat RIGHT AWAY after any medicine.


Iggles J. Snoots Iggles J. Snoots
May '14

Re: Lump On Dog's Snout

Hi Daisy! I just had back surgery but I'm back home now with my mom, dad, and sister Pickles! We can get better together! Tonight is my first night home. Here is one of my homecoming pictures! Feel better soon and hope those antibiotics kick in fast for you!

Peggy C Peggy C
May '14

Calico..glad it wasn't anything serious..hope Daisy is feeling better (and that her mommy is feeling better knowing that she's ok)

Bessie Bessie
May '14

Yay! Craven & I are glad it wasn't anything too serious, though my ex & I had a rabbit that had a bit of a lump in the same area, which I should have followed my own instincts on & taken him to the Vet sooner. The ex insisted we should wait, that is until she came home and found it was too late.

I hope Daisy is responding well to the antibiotics. Did the Vet investigate whether it was a stinger from a bee or a mandible part of a tick that may have festered in there? Best of luck:-)

Phil D. Phil D.
May '14

awww....hope Daisy feels better!!

Summer Summer
May '14

The lump has gone down quite a bit with just two doses of the antibiotic so far. 8 more days and she should be good as new. We have been applying peroxide a couple times a day topically as the vet suggested.

Calico696 Calico696
May '14

thanks for the update, Calico ---great news

5catmom 5catmom
May '14

thank you, Calico, I was hoping you would let us know (was thinking of Daisy this morning!)

pmnsk pmnsk
Jun '14

Re: Lump On Dog's Snout

Daisy has responded well to the antibiotics. 4 more doses to go.

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '14

yay and the redness around her eye in the first pix is just about gone too--wonderful

5catmom 5catmom
Jun '14

Great news!

Phil D. Phil D.
Jun '14

Oh, she looks SO much better. Glad the antibiotics is clearing it up. Please give her a little kiss on the nose from me.

Rebecka Rebecka
Jun '14

Poor Daisy! Glad to hear the meds are working!

Now if only my recent dental work would stop hurting so i can stop taking mage-doses of advil..... OW!

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Jun '14

JeffersonRepub - try teething gel or paste, always worked for my mom.

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