Warren Reporter Missing ShopRite Circular?
For the last few weeks we have not received the ShopRite circular in the Warren Reporter. Has anyone had the same problem,do not know if the local delivery person did not stuff the circular or did ShopRite stop supplying it.
No Shoprite circular in my Dec 26, 2014 Warren Reporter. I've been out of town a few weeks, so I'm missing a couple weeks. However, there is a Shoprite circular in my Dec 5, 2014 Warren Reporter.
There should still be Shoprite circulars in the Star Ledger "Extra" that comes in the mail.
There should still be Shoprite circulars in the Star Ledger "Extra" that comes in the mail.
Do not recall seeing this circular ever...... Mail or at the end of the driveway. We do not subscribe to the Star Leger if that matters.
You can always view the current Shoprite circular on line:
The Star Ledger Extra comes whether you subscribe or not.
Besides on-line there is also the Shoprite App which can create a shopping list as well as gives you additional digital coupons. It also has your PricePlus bar code so you don't have to have your card any more.
Thanks for the link, in the past they had the circular on line then they just had a list of what was on sale. You had to click on each item which was very time consuming. Glad they brought it back.
BUT I still miss the paper copy!
Paper copy in our Star Ledger today that had some good coupons in it. The circular you picked up in the store didn't have the special coupons. Was actually surprised I got one.
Regular ShopRite customers who use the PricePlus card on every shopping trip get the circular through the mail. I get one each week.You might also look for Warren Reporter newspaper racks around where you live.There are several locations.The Star-Gazette also features the ShopRite circular as an insert.
Dec '14
I didn't get my ShopRite circular in either the Warren Reporter or the Star Ledger Extra this week ... I hope I get it next week. I will check it out on-line but, for some reason, I enjoy the paper circular, and I always use my price plus card.
Regular ShopRite customers who use the PricePlus card on every shopping trip get the circular through the mail. I get one each week.You might also look for Warren Reporter newspaper racks around where you live.There are several locations.The Star-Gazette also features the ShopRite circular as an insert.
Been in Washington 28 years, have shopped at ShopRite for all groceries, we are price plus members, have never received the circular in the mail..... :-(. Gee you really got me wondering now......
Anyone get via the mail weekly?
For me it's hit or miss; 1 week I'll get the ShopRite circular then the next week I won't get it. Today it was part of the Sunday paper with the coupons and there were coupons in the actual newspaper too so I've got double coupons.
I never get mine in the mail. Always in the Warren Reporter and got mine this past week.
I've never received SR circular in the mail....I get the A&P circular via mail. Usually get SR thru Star Ledger extra that is stuffed in either Thur or Friday paper - I subscribe. I rarely/never get the Warren Reporter. A few years ago I used to get it in my driveway...not w/in the last year or more. If I want it I would have to drive to PO or other places to see if any left in outside kiosk - not worth it. WR used to have SR coupons from Washington SR - but good at any SR.
Got my ShopRite circular today. Depending on the time of year I can get up to three Shoprite circulars delivered to my home.
Dec '14
Better than a lot of other things on here and if anyone doesn't care about the ShopRite flyer, there's not even a reason to read it.
The delivery of the Warren Reporter has been sketchy at best over the past year. I called the main circulation office (in western PA!) and they are much better. Now, missing circulars are not only annoying to many of us, but effects Shop Rite sales. I'm sure they pay for those circulars to be included in those papers. Maybe someone (or many someones) should tell Shop Rite.
The ShopRite gods must have been reading this thread..... I got my circular in the Warren Reporter delivered to my driveway this AM.
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