Hackettstown Students on U18 National Team

US National U18 Team Prepares for World Championships
United States Fistball Association announces u18 Girls National Fistball Team for Youth World Fistball Championships
April 30, 2016 - Roxbury, NJ - The United States Fistball Association (USFA) introduced their first ever u18 Girls National team on Saturday April 30th at Roxbury, High School, Roxbury, NJ. The team is comprised of High School students from Sparta, Hackettstown, Roxbury, Rockaway, Maplewood and Menlo Park, California.
The USFA u18 Girls team will be competing for the very first time on the world’s stage in the Youth World Fistball Championships this summer in Nürnberg-Eibach, Germany July 20-24. The Youth World Fistball Championships include u18 Girl’s teams from Austria, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Germany, India, Kenya, Switzerland and Togo.
The Town of Roxbury has been very a strong supporter of USA Fistball and played a significant role in the success of the Pan-American Fistball Games held for the very first time in the USA at the Swim and Sport Club in Roxbury this past July. The Pan-American Fistball Games featured both sport club and national Fistball teams from the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Colombia.
The u18 Girls National Fistball team introduction was attended by NJ State Senator Anthony Bucco, NJ Assemblyman Anthony Bucco, Roxbury Deputy Mayor Mark Crowley, USFA President Bob Feid, USFA Northeast Director, Werner Adam, and USFA Southeast Director, Steve Groeber.
“The support of Roxbury and NJ State officials has helped us foster and grow the sport of Fistball and bring a strong national team to the World Championships” - USFA President, Bob Feid
“Fantastic news on the U18 girls national team and all the work that has been done promoting the sport. Anything we can do is a plus for us and our appreciation for your commitment to include the township. Roxbury is a great community on many levels and you added another venue for us to be proud of. " - Jim Rilee. Mayor, Roxbury Township
“I wish you well in the first international venture for the u18 girls National Fistball Team”. - Christopher Raths, Roxbury Twp Manager.
“I’ve enjoyed playing Fistball for many years and it’s wonderful that these athletes have the opportunity to represent the United States on the international level.” - USFA member Kim Kruse
Beginning May 8th the u18 team will be holding their practices at the Swim and Sport Club at 272 Emmans Road, Roxbury, NJ. The SSC has been playing competitive Fistball against other Fistball clubs for over 75 years.
In the coming weeks the team will be working on developing their playing style, position play, defensive and offensive techniques and strategy.
In addition to the U18 Women’s National Team, the Swim Club be hosting a youth clinic for area children to learn how to play Fistball.
Photo Credit: USFA U18 Girls National Team: Kneeling left to right. Valerie Houghton, Alexandra Berdej, Christine Connelly, Kayley Moran, Kelli Vogel, Bayleigh Takacs, and Kate Tagliareni (not pictured is Kumali Schoen)
Standing: USFA South East Director Steve Groeber, U18 Ass’t Coach Lara Götz, Roxbury Deputy Mayor, Mark Crowley, NJ State Senator Anthony Bucco, NJ Assemblyman Anthony Bucco, Coach Amy Hess, USFA President Bob Feid, USFA Member Mark McDermitt. (not pictured - USFA Northeast Director Werner Adam, USFA Members Kim Kruse, Steve Grossman & Peter Buehning).
For US National Team corporate sponsorship or other details please contact Bob Feid, President, USFA - bobf2@optonline.net
To learn more about Fistball - http://usfistball.com/
For information on their home field, the Swim and Sport Club - http://www.swimandsportclub.org/
For more information on the Youth World Fistball Championships - http://u18wm2016.de/en/
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