Coin counters at local banks?
I've searched the forum but didn't find anything recent. My bank (PNC) used to have a free coin counter, but they no longer do. Does anyone know of any banks in the Hackettstown area that has one? Free usage would be nice, but I'll pay the fee if necessary.
Thanks in advance,
If I just bring coins to deposit - counted at home, will bank accept them for deposit as is (loose) or I must wrap them? I have absolutely no desire to wrap them or pay percentage. They are not different from paper bills in a monetary value as I see it and banks will accept bills as is, even damaged.
TD had to stop using theirs because someone had proven that they weren't counting correctly and the customer was getting shorted.
Peapack-Gladstone just down in Long Valley has coin counting. It's free to depositors but you may have to pay a fee if you're not a depositor.
I used one at the pnc off 46 in Budd Lake area. I think by naughright ...the only ne one the area
I think the only bank that has one now is Fulton on Mountain Ave in Hackettstown. I know PNC got rid of theirs recently not sure about TD
I think walmarts have a coinstar counter right?
There is a fee if you want the cash, but if you take the money as a gift card I heard it is free.
PNCs no longer have them. I called last week before heading there.
We wrapped $130 in change....old school style:)
I wonder if that's because some machines were found to be short changing people as it were
Lena - If you are a depositor, there is no fee from any bank just for the deposit. The specifics are different from bank to bank though. Some will require a roll for any change that is a full roll or more. Some often bend the rules on exactly what they want rolled or not. As long as you have an account, many better banks will just put reasonable amounts of coins in their own machine behind the tellers. A quick call to the bank will settle whether you need to roll or not.
Coinstar fee is 10.9%!!!!! Not what I would recommend.
But, there is no fee if you take it as a gift card GC
We use the coinstar at Weis and get the amazon gift card for no fee. It works for me since I use it to get books for my kindle.
Its odd if you think about what we accept these days.. an ATM fee to take out your own money, a charge to count coins, or coins not accepted as legal tender.
Fulton Bank in the Crossroads Center also has one. As stated before, free if you have an account. I recently came across about $10.00 in pennies in coin rollers. They refused to take them. I had to unroll them and put them into the machine. I don't know if other banks not having the machine accepts rolled coins.
Fulton Bank of NJ's crossroads location no longer has a coin machine, you have to wrap the coin and they will exchange it for cash if you are a customer of the bank.
Fulton Banks go rid of all coin counting machines.
It was found that 75% of coin counting machines were short changing patrons. ALL BAMKS!! Most banks do not have them anymore and will not. They do however have them for themselves to use. Like the parking Authority has quarters drop them off and they then give us the deposit.
Its a pain for us little people as I save change for special occasions. Now we have to buy wrappers.
"Its odd if you think about what we accept these days.. an ATM fee to take out your own money, a charge to count coins, or coins not accepted as legal tender."
Well, do you know that banks charge fee for deposited items (deposit transaction) after a certain number of deposits regardless of their amount (the fee rate and a number of free deposited items depend on a bank)? Chase, for example, allows 30 per month and charges 20 cents for each additional. Should the bank be glad that money are coming in? Nah, too much work.
These answers are all over the board..Yes, No,..Won't take rolled change any longer...How can a bank not take rolled change ? Family Business was with PNC from the 60's when they were NJ Bank. In the late 1990's account holders were told we would have to pay for getting change for the week based on how many mins it would take a teller..Then went on to more charges of how checks in a deposit,.How long of time spent at the teller booth..Learned not to ask how their weekend was ETC.. NO personal conversation at all....BUT you saw the Managers come out of their offices when the big Mercedes pulled in...parked in NO PARKING FIRE ZONE..and grabbed their deposits and took behind the counters...
Fulton bank on Mt.Ave still has one. I was just in there a few days ago and the guy in front of me used it.
I have never used one so I have no clue if they charge a fee if you're a customer or not. I assume they would only because it seems these days not much is offered as a free service.
If you want to get rid of coins without incurring a fee, just fill a zip-lock sandwich bag full -- and go to the self-checkout at Shoprite. Those machines are accurate -- unlike many of the bank coin machines.
Valley National has a coin sorter and they charge 5% if you do not have an account with them.
fulton bank on mountain avenue take them,no fee, wrapped or not.
try it, youll like it. b.j.
I just used Fulton on mountain ave 2 weeks ago
I got me $177 from a wind jug full of pennies :)
P N C on Rt 46 (top of mountain) had one about 6 months ago. FREE if you have an account. The one on Rt 57 does not.
Fulton definitely has theirs, I was there this morning. They will also give you coin wrappers free of charge. I will say the girl looked at me like I had two heads. She asked me "why would you wrap them, when You could just put them in the machine".
Credit union pulled theirs out "after" they had to have repaired several times after inconsiderate people put coinage in , mixed with a few screws, and nuts..broke the machine up to the point they decided it was not worth offering the "free service" any longer.
Fulton bank only allows for customers to use the coin machine, Fulton is slowly getting good rid of the coin machines though. Once it brakes, they are not replacing it. I'm a Fulton employee by the way.
Bessie --
I was told that once they break and their contract is up, they are not renewing.
I believe that the basis for the banks pulling them is their tendency to erroneously count the coins and never in the customer's favor. TD Bank has gotten sued and now everyone else is eliminating them as well.
I'm not a fan of TD after the Commerce-TD merge, but as a former supervisor, I personally cleaned and tested those machines 3 times daily and they were very accurate. If it tested incorrectly we had to call tech. The biggest problem was that if a customer paused while putting change in and didn't press "more" the computer would start calculating as if they were done and not count the rest until the next customer came.
Credit Union advised they were pulled after being repaired multiple times due to :
" people put coinage in , mixed with a few screws, and nuts, they do not work well, causes machine to jam and break"
Affinity Federal Credit Union has free coin counters in all its branches. There aren't any here in Hackettstown, but there are branches in Denville, Cedar Knolls, Bedminster. Go to to find the one closest.
WALMART has one....most places have to roll your own...I have some wheat pennies I have to sort through....
Trolls and counters that take big percentages aside - Yes, sunshine, it's still there. I did a deposit and was filling out forms where the counter is. It's all good. ;-)
If you have an account at Fulton, you get penny for penny.
If you don't have an account, they deduct some percentage -- although I don't remember how much it is.
Thank you everyone!! Didn't want to lug the coind to the bank if it wasn't still there.
I would not trust these coin counting machines. Used the one at PNC on Rt,46,Budd Lake.The machine got jammed. When the teller opened up to fix it,I saw numerous coins that had spun out of a revolving tray that were uncounted. This was a very flawed design and I believe deliberately so, that is why they no longer have them. Your best bet is to roll them yourself or as happiiestgirl recommends, take them to the self checkout line at shop rite and pay your groceries with the change. Ianimal is 100%correct about the Coin counting machines at TD. If you want to get short changed use these machines.
I bought a machine similar to this and roll my own when needed.
If I'm behind someone at the self-checkout line paying with a bag of I can't even believe that was suggested. Just no.
I'd buy a coin counting machine and let people use it for free- just so I could dig through the coins and look for cool ones. :)
I see no issue throwing a big handfull of coins into the Shoprite self-checkout.
Tracy - you are not behind any one person -- you are in a line feeding into 6 separate cash registers.
Yeah, just no. You're still holding up the line and an available checkout station. The self-checkout line should be for QUICK transactions. Not inconsiderate people stuffing fist fulls of change into the machine.
Really? I didn't say "fistfulls" (plural) and also, do you know how fast the machine counts it up? What about when there is a broken register --- do you go and complain to the manager because you only have 5 registers open? What about all the slow-pokes who take their sweet time scanning and packing their things? What about when you have to wait because there are constant problems that need the store attendant to resolve (and there is only one attendant overseeing those 6 registers)
Why don't you complain about that?
Sorry, but coins are money and can be used ---- in fact, there would not be the option to drop coins in if that were not the case.
I understand that they machine may be off, but anytime I have used in the past and did a test, it was accurate. I don't pay for the service since I have an account so if it is off a little bit, I chock it up to a service fee. Time is money and it saves me a lot of time. I will roll small amounts of coins but we have a large jar, and we cash it in when we want to do a min vacation or something extra. We usually get over $400, so being able to change it in fast is nice.
The fed in east Rutherford contracts with terminal carriers like CDC to handle their coin - it's so expensive to deal with - we should really consider phasing out coin all together-
It costs $637 per us resident per year to keep cash in circulation - much of that is dealing with coin.
I'm of the same train of thought as you Sunshine. I hate rolling coins so if cash in $100 and get $99, I'm ok with that.
It appears TD bank was keeping a bit for itself.
"It appears TD bank was keeping a bit for itself."
Heck, I'd be glad to find a coin counter that only keeps 0.117%.
The grocery stores by me charge 9%. Not sure what the ones at Walmart charge, but those only give out store gift cards if you want a lower (or no) commission rate.
I cleaned and tested those TD machines 3 times a day and they were very accurate. The problem is that people throw wet coins, dirty coins, foreign coins, and other non-coin objects into the machine which is a problem. And the other problem is that the wheel inside would stop turning if you paused while dumping in your coins. You had to press "continue" to make sure all your coins were counted. If you didn't, whatever was still in there went to the next customer.
Apparently, I'm part of the class action law suit automatically since I have an account there and have used the machines many times. Woohoo! Maybe I will get $2.35.
Bank of America doesn't have a machine, but if you have an account, you can just hand them a big bag of coins (not rolled), and they will deposit the coins into your account for you.
Class action suit LOL! Just another shady law firm making money by creating no value...
Maybe we can start over on this, are there any local banks left with coin counters and if so what do they charge ?
Piling/counting/organizing change is one of my most favorite things to do. While some people are annoyed by the task, I actually find it calming and relaxing. I'll sit in your kitchen and sort and wrap change all day long if you let me! for free!!!
eapos - The advice above still holds. You might have to read most of the way through to the end to understand some wrong info was given out or TD removed them because of the law suit. But Fulton in particular still has them.
Bumping this to see if anything has changed. Does Fulton Bank have a coin machine at the new location on High St? Do they still have one at the Mountain Ave branch?
Weis 'changed' their machine to 2 options. (ha sorry!)
1- get cash and they charge 11% fee.
2- get a Weis card and they keep 5% fee.
I would have been fine with a Weis card in exchange for the service, but not fine with the 5% fee.
Thanks in advance!
Like Jenny said, you can put them in the wrappers ..... takes no time really.
You can get the wrappers free from most banks.
Baker FCU - in Washington NJ (Rt 31 South)..
you have to be a member, then it is free.
I had $3.71 deposited into my TD Bank checking account the other day. This was the result of the class action lawsuit regarding the coin counters. LMAO
Even at a dollar store you couldn't get very far with that lol. Wondering what the most fun you could have for $3.71 would be. (Is there a penny candy section at Tracy's?)
I only got $2.60 and I have to go through Paypal to get it. WTF?...
it's probably cuz I closed my TD account when they pulled the coin counters, lol.
Just went to the Fulton bank in mountain avenue and the coin counter machine is broken. When machines break they are not fixing them. Was told the nearest working machine is in Lopatcong, 45 minutes away!
Refreshing an ancient thread. Clearing out Moms stuff and found jars and jars of coins. , most from the last 20 years or so so very little silver, which I plan to keep. The rest I need to get counted and converted into cash. Anyone know of a place that does this any more? We're talking 50 pounds or so of coins all mixed together.
Fulton Bank will take them if you'll roll them first. There are coin machines in some stores (Walmart? Weis) but they take a percentage of the total amount.
Greg said: "PNC near Home Depot has a coin counter I believe."
That's been gone for several years now, ..... unless they put a new one in and I didn't notice, lol.
Ah. I must say it's been at least 3 years since I've used that one.
Googling Coinstar shows one in Weiss as well as Walmart. I think the Walmart one is in the entrance area opposite the Redbox kiosk.
Wells Fargo will take rolled coins --- you don't need to have an account there.
Most banks will take lose coins in bags and then send them out to be counted and deposited into your account. Obviously there is a trust issue there that the count is correct but it is easier than rolling them yourself or taking them to a machine that takes a 11% cut. Best to call ahead and confirm with your bank before lugging that much in
I’ll just keep throwing my change in those big water dispenser jugs and let my estate deal with it.
“And to my worthless nephew, I hearby leave....”
Calico696 said: "The bank coin counting machine has gone the way of the dinosaurs."
LOl, you would think so. But according to someone higher up there than I, the new machines are coming soon and are much improved. I'll believe it when I see it but holding out some hope. I say just get rid of dollar fractions and coins!
Coinstar takes about 11% if you want cash back. Personally I always select a gift card (Applebees/Amazon/Starbucks/etc) because doing that gives you the full value of your coins.
I don't know why it was said that you can only get cash or a Walmart gift card. That's BS
First Hope on 46 east in Hackettstown now has a brandy new coin counter machine.
I was happy to see the machine at my bank. I would have to believe First Hope bought the machine for their customers. I did not ask about not account holders permission to use the coin machine because that was the last thing on my mind. I thought only of my loose change, selfish fat bastard that I am
HG: yes, you need an account. I think both GM and Htown branches have machines but there was something wrong with GM's. No separation or wrappers are needed. Just dump it all in and voilà, they give you paper money.....and a little change back --- seed crop :>)
Hope bank at GM does not have working coin counter- I made an appointment at Hackettstown ( can also do BLairstown) and they did it for me in less than 5 min. Separation of coins is not necessary. You do need to have an account to utilize this service.
It’s funny, did mine just before the pandemic and now since “keep the change” and credit cards are the way in the time of covid, I have no change, few tens, fives, and ones.....
Surprised Hope won’t do ot for a charge since there must be much out there to be done.
Anyone used the Weiss coin counter on route 57 for an Amazon gift card lately, i.e. it is working?
I don't know if the Weiss coin changer works or not. Is there a fee?
I have been emptying my coin jars at self checkouts. The self check machine doesn't seem to care if I use three dollars worth of pennies or three dollar bills.
Valley Bank at the five corners says they still have one. No word on fees for non-customers. We tried the Coinstar at Walmart today and it was full. Any other alternatives in the Hackettstown area?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE sorting and rolling change. I'm happy to do it, for free, in your home so you know I'm not stealing from you (which I'd never do anyway). I love doing it! I'm weird. I even watch your coins for wheat pennies, etc.
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