2016 Presidential debates 2
I guess voter fraud really does go on...
Fixing American elections?? Let's fix FOREIGN elections.....
"Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, publisher of Observer Media." No bias in that press jr.
Bias in the press? I thought all you libs have been saying for years that it doesn't exist?
Oh, wait- it only exists if DEMOCRATS are getting bad press. I keep forgetting the "rules"....
JR - that's rich considering the mistruths/bias spewed from Fox, Murdoch publications and others.
Since media bias is the current topic, I can hardly wait to see how SNL spins this week's
turn of events...
"Fixing American elections?? Let's fix FOREIGN elections....."
Hasn't that been a hallmark of our standard foreign policy for the last 200 years? (-;
Yes, ianimal. We have been fixing the rest of the world for a long time.
Logic would dictate that OUR elections are manipulated to some significant degree as well. Knowing this is academic (or at least should be) but how to counter it is the question...
Break up the Putin Trump bromance to lessen US election manipulation. Just start ending Putin a bunch of Weiner sexts message.
Really, libs have denied media bias? That's like saying conservatives deny Trump's racism.
Comey was in a tough spot, his folks have been leaking like a sieve; underlings had sent a letter up saying folks should look into this, so the word was out. The FBI does not divulge ongoing investigations but he was tween a rock and a hard place considering his last announcement.
So that's what we have. We probably don't have a connection to Clinton's server, at this point we don't know where the emails were generated and stored. And if there's the big "C," there's a fair chance hat it will be Abedin's issue to work through.
Nonetheless, unless the FBI is ready to reveal within the next week, this one will just be yet another cloud over the most totally tainted Presidential election in our lifetimes.
"I voting for X because I believe they are less likely to be found guilty after the election but before they take office......"
It may have been discussed, but what happens if Hilary is elected and then found guilty?
Well well well.... what a weekend of news. Hillary's candidacy seems to be imploding. No need to post details here, they're all over the place at this point. Internet, mainstream media, social media.... it's like the Hillary ship has sprung leaks all over the place.
Any of you Hillary supporters having 2nd thought yet?
I'll expand a bit: Right now, no. Clinton has been scrutinized for decades now from every angle possible and even Republican led inquiries lead to nothing. Is she guilty of something? Possibly. Who in Washington isn't. That said, if she does win, and is subsequently found guilty of some heinous crime, I would absolutely be in support of her impeachment Nixon style. However, in the meantime, I still believe she is the best choice, and not so much because I have a deep abiding love of her (I don't) but because I truly believe Trump would lead to utter disaster. As Aristophanes said,
“Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever.” I cannot allow stupidity and ignorance to take over my country. Trump is the physical embodiment of ignorance, narcissism, brashness...quite possibly the poorest quality candidate we have ever seen in a general election on either side. And that's saying a lot.
Quite possibly and most likely everyone in Washington is corrupt, crooked and deserving of a little jail time. Trump included. But like eperot said Trump is such a yuge disaster that I fear for my country. We all know his flaws so I won't list them again. I'm more frightened of him and what damage he may do to our country. At least she is sane and has a modicum of stable thought processes and self control.
It's understandable that a lot of people are in denial. I've accepted the outcome
Hillary is a criminal plain and simple. Anyone else who has done what she has done would be in, or on their way to jail. We now have a fully tyrannical government in place. The IRS selectively targeting citizens, the FBI admitting laws have been broken but that nothing will be done. Government evidence being smashed with hammers in the middle of the night. The attorney general of the United States pleading the 5th amendment. It is so amazing that anyone could allow this to continue, party lines be dammed. When does ones moral compass come into play and say this is not right, that no election is worth allowing my country to slip to this level of corruption. To anyone supporting this woman at this point, how you can look at your children or grand children in the morning is beyond me.. to know that you are complicit and part of this now...
Election day in the United States of America is a week away. We thought it couldn't get more pathetic. Who would have thought that a Bush and a Weiner would be screwing things up even more! It will be interesting to see how the high school history texts handle this election.
Denial is normal when you're going down like the Titanic.
And all you people who think Trump is more flawed than Hillary- even after all this- seriously need to re-examine your political information stream, as well as your "loyalty"- is it to the country, or to the party? (It's a rhetorical question of course, no answer required).
Assume much JR? I voted for Bush the first time. Can you say you voted democrat? Rhetorical question, I already know the answer ( see, I can do it too). Ass.
Do you honestly think this new "non-issue" being spread all over the media is in any way going to change the minds of people who have already decided? Do you really think there are that many "undecided" that this even matters? Do you think anyone changed their mind after the Access Hollywood tape came out? Or the 11 women accusing Trump of sexual assualt? Exactly.
Nine more days.
Actually, I think undecideds will decide this election. Almost everyone I know sees the truth: both candidates are less-than-ideal, and we are again picking the lesser of 2 evils. Again. And again. And again.
As far as "assuming", you would be interested on my stance on several issues that I bet would surprise you.... where I do NOT agree with the mainstream conservative sentiment. FWIW, I don't vote party anymore. I certainly used to. But anyone I vote for now will be because I agree with them, irrelevant of party. For example, if BUSH was the republican nominee, I certainly wouldn't be voting for Bush.
Yes. 9 more days. Can't wait for it to be over.
Those of you going off ALLEGED assaults accused against Trump are clueless. You’ll use that as your reason not to vote for him, but Hillary has a mountain sized pile of dog crap to sort through with all of her corruption and you think she’s the best choice?! As far as Trump being labeled as dangerous… Really? Based on what? You’re just soaking in the BS from the mainstream media. We need a shakeup in this government because it’s going to cease to exist with the current people in charge. We will be like the Roman Empire and slowly fizzle away.
"Trump being labeled as dangerous… Really? Based on what?" Maybe it's based on what he has said combined with the things he hasn't said. Don't need MSM for that; you just need to listen to Trump.
"You’re just soaking in the BS from the mainstream media." Really. And where are you sucking your pond water from? Trump "pants of fire" himself? That's really bottom raking. So he says it, MSM says "here's the facts of why he is lying." And you say.......
Don't think it's really "9 more shopping days before election." It really doesn't matter, most voters are locked in by now. Maybe on some battleground down ballot votes will sway back to Republican.
Hey if he wins, he will have won the primary with his big hands, big genitalia claim and then he wins the Presidency by a Weiner.
I disagree, if Trump wins the election it's because of Bonnie and Clyde's past, poor judgement and lying finally caught up with them. Will the past and the present also catch up with Trump? You know what they say about pride...
True Tracy - very few undecided at this point. Turnout will be determining factor in who wins at this point - are enough people disgusted with the candidates/process that they will just stay home? If they do stay home it's probably a Trump win.
@mark - wrong she's not a criminal regardless of how many times you or people like Trump scream it. The evidence has been reviewed 100x and there is no evidence that she should be tried - let alone convicted LOL. She is one person the Republicans have been dying to file charges against so it's not that she's getting away with anything there just isn't anything. Regarding the emails, in 130 odd years on the books, negligent handling of classified info with no proof of actual disclosure has resulted in prosecution only once. That was a lesser included charge in an espionage case not the entire case. She was careless that isn't the same thing as legal negligence.
"Hey if he wins, he will have won the primary with his big hands, big genitalia claim and then he wins the Presidency by a Weiner."
But he still WINS... by hook or by crook, JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS. You guys still enjoying this "system" we have?
"if Trump wins the election it's because of Bonnie and Clyde's past, poor judgement and lying finally caught up with them. Will the past and the present also catch up with Trump? You know what they say about pride..."
Agreed. And agreed about Trump as well- but there's alot smaller chance of Trump getting indicted or impeached than Hillary. I think if Trump wins, his term(s) play out, and the shape the country is in will determine his "legacy"... just like the rest.
Carter legacy: Poor
Reagan legacy: Very good
Bush 41 legacy: fairly poor
Clinton legacy: very good
Bush legacy: good overall, but mixed on the wars
Obama legacy... too soon to tell, but I think it will be fair to middling, if the backlash that is (possibly) getting Trump elected is any indication.
" wrong she's not a criminal regardless of how many times you or people like Trump scream it. The evidence has been reviewed 100x and there is no evidence that she should be tried - let alone convicted "
+1. In our nation people are innocent until proven guilty. Clinton has been scrutinized more than anyone I can think of off the top of my head and so far, zero convictions. I know Trump supporters love to believe Clinton is guilty of many things and should be in prison right now, but based on what? The court of (uninformed and biased) public opinion? "I believe she's a criminal." Based on what?
As for the latest FBI probe, the FBI doesn't even know what emails they may have found and it is entirely possible that they are the same emails they already reviewed and put to rest back in July. Unless they come across classified information, this turns out to be just another witch hunt.
You're living in a fantasy land where gumdrops fall off trees and rivers flow with chocolate if you think Hillary has done nothing wrong. People have gone to jail for far less than what she has done.
Thats why you just have to vote Clinton. One nasty woman that just can't be caught.
As loud as you scream against Hillary and call for her hanging, you completely ignore the fact that your boy is suspected of and being investigated for actual criminal acts. But since it's just about "locker room talk" or "good business" it's unimportant to you.
And we're the ones living in gum drop land.
I think I just spotted what is perhaps the only Clinton/Kaine bumper sticker in upstate South Carolina.
One guess as to what kind of car it was on...
"She'd have been hung for treason in 1791."
For having classified emails on a private server accessed through her smartphone? I'm pretty sure she would have been far more likely to be burned at the stake for witchcraft, if that were the case (-;
That's fine. Most of the Trump stickers I see are on "real Americans" vehicles. Big turbodiesel trucks with American flags flying out of the bed. Let's go coal rollin'!
lol Skippy!
Only thing that's missin' is the GUN RACK in the back window (because this is the People's Republic of NJ)
For having classified emails on a private server accessed through her smartphone?
If I was found to have these things on my phone , by my employer...I would be escorted off property and criminal charges would likely follow before I was even off the facility property.
What makes her so untouchable ?
She's a politician, a clinton, and a friend of the current administration. She has the trifecta.
Clinton supporters just don't get it. All of us would be put in jail for what she did.
But not for what Trump was accused of, right? I guess if you're Brock Turner or that guy from Montana.
MarkMc, that was my first guess. But then I figured that most Prius drivers would be voting for Jill Stein, not Hillary.
Metsman, we'd all be in jail for what Trump did, too. If a dozen more women came forward to accuse him of sexual assault, would that make you change YOUR vote? Of course not...because you don't get it any more than Clinton supporters do.
Tracy what acts might they be? 30 year old accusations of groping? Cmon... If there was any proof these women would have taken him to court and gotten money out of him like they did to Bill Clinton.
There are no pending court cases against Trump in this regard? Gee, I guess I'm ill-informed.
Ok, this now 35 year old woman was afraid of Donald Trump harming her if she talked but yet Paula Jones wasn't afraid to sue Bill Clinton?! At this point it's a he said she said case. It won't go anywhere without physical evidence. The American public is silly to believe this is true unless there's actual evidence. Hillary's email leaks become more disturbing each day. That is actual evidence.
Believe it or not, Metsman, all women are not the same person! Shocking, I know. Just because someone does something does not actually require that everyone else do the exact same thing. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
Also, just FYI, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are not the same person either! Crazy, I know!
Everyone believed the UVA gang rape case, thanks to the media and society's "guilty until proven innocent" mindset.. Turns out it was all a hoax.
Now, I know you Clinton supporters are saying "hey!! but YOU are pronouncing her guilty before it's been proven too!" Actually, I'm not, and I haven't been. My point this entire time is people have to be CONSISTENT. If Hillary is INNOCENT until proven guilty, then so is Trump.
So, would we ALL like to agree that BOTH candidates are INNOCENT? or Guilty?
"So, would we ALL like to agree that BOTH candidates are INNOCENT? or Guilty?"
Either way, Trump loses. The only thing Trump supporters can hope for is that everyone believes he's innocent and she's guilty.
I'm just saying there's more evidence that Hillary broke the law than Trump. This email thing has been going on a long time. The FBI director wouldn't have reopened the case if it was nothing. Now close to an election some woman claims Trump raped her as a child?! Sorry but if that was my daughter I'd have fought it if it were true, not let her live with it for 22 years... So Tracy you sound silly. It was up to the parents back in the 90's to follow through with this. For all we know she's some bipolar case looking for money.
You assume her parents knew? Do you know much about being a rape victim? I'm guessing no you do not.
Jefferson, not necessarily. I didn't follow the UVA case much, but the Duke lax case I had a feeling from the beginning it was fake.
I kinda want to see Bill running around the east wing with nothing to do all day - that's gonna be comedy gold right there
Enlighten me Tracy. How does one suddenly become emboldened to say they were raped right before an election?
Willful ignorance of facts is no excuse. Some of these accusations against Trump are not recent especially those of raping a child. Even if they were new, "how do you get emboldened to speak now? Easy maybe because you realize that you're not the only one, maybe because your attacker is suddenly on national TV denying everything. Your book is pretty plain to see .... Trump can never do anything wrong - these women/child are liars, Trump's own admission was just a joke something you've heard/said yourself so no harm, Trump's fraud case is just a misunderstanding because after all he's Trump and so on and on.
skippy, lol. Hillary will probably hire interns that are so unattractive that Donald will be rating them as 3s! Bill will go nuts!
So Roger Stone, Trump advisor, who has admitted he has back channel communications with Assange, who posted just before the wikileaks dump on October 2nd, prompting several high ranking members of Congress to ask the FBI to investigate the connection to the Trump campaign, access to Wikileaks and Russian interests. When asked about this Comey states no comment, time and time again. In fact he will not deny or confirm that an investigation is even going on. Yet, in this instance when he had no facts, had not yet even secured a warrant, and has no idea what they find will even be new, feels compelled to send a letter to members of congress.
So Trumps ties to Wikileak, Russians and the hacking of the DNC computers = No Comment from Comey.
But there may be something, we don’t know, but hey we want to give you a heads up is perfectly fine from Comey.
Comey doesn't indict Hillary = AOK (righteous, even!) .
Comey re-opens investigation on Hillary = he's an asshole.
Comey doesn't comment on Trump = he's an asshole. You're too funny.
Who cares where the Wikileaks are coming from?
The important thing is Wikileaks and other info is showing what a corrupt,lying,murdering POS she is!
Voter suppression and intimidation tactics continue - not really a surprise though.
"A Wisconsin city clerk raised concerns about opening an early voting site on the state university’s Green Bay campus in part because she feared it would encourage more Democratic-leaning students to vote..."
And of course a dedicated Trump supporter with some pretty interesting views about African Americans - not very surprising either. https://www.buzzfeed.com/tamerragriffin/iowa-woman-allegedly-voted-trump-twice?utm_term=.xn7b4YW2v#.hbkWGEDop
A quick history lesson for ignorant Republicans...
Actually JR that's the point - why comment on one and not the other? Be consistent with no comment or comment on both. But probably most importantly don't break your own department's protocol if there's nothing new and don't break your own department's protocol with a "we're going to investigate statement". Investigate first then get back to us with evidence. Plus as we all know the investigation has not been re-opened since it was never closed.
Regarding her not getting indicted during the summer plain and simple the evidence didn't warrant an indictment. There hasn't been a similar indictment for carelessness in over 100 years so it's not as if she received special treatment.
Actually Joe it matters a whole lot when the email leaks are targeting one candidate and we know it's not because Trump is innocent. This should outrage everyone but your comment sums up the hypocrisy beautifully - if anything were leaked about Trump (tax returns for starters) supporters would be rioting but since it's Hillary it's A-OK.
The good old days without Affirmative Action which causes reverse discrimination,compromised quality,accomplishments that aren't earned etc
You Liberal weenies crack me up.
Let's give everybody entitlements,have open borders and become Europe.
Yeah,that'll work.
Bonv,Trump is a egotistical maniac but I cannot vote for a lying ,corrupt untrustworthy Hillary.
I liked and voted for Bill but his wife just shouldn't CIC.
Having these two candidates just shows how far the going has gone down and circling the drain.
"The important thing is Wikileaks and other info is showing what a corrupt,lying,murdering POS she is!" Versus the guy who penned this....:>)
GOP = Grope Our Pxxxy
“I’ll be dating her (a ten year old) in ten years. Can you believe it?”
With the allegations we're out to a 2006 grope n tickle now and 12 different women. Why won't Trump release the other tapes? Where's WikiLeaks..... Wait, I'm wrong. Think we are up to 13; two of them released at the same time......
The second 12th came forward yesterday describing a 2006 grope at a Letterman show. http://people.com/bodies/twelfth-woman-accuses-donald-trump-sexual-assault/
Man, we're off our fingers and using up our toes pretty quickly.
Frankly I was a Republican, have attended several National Conventions, but there's no way I can vote for the corrupt conman known as Trump.
Interesting article about Hillary's reputation.
Neither would get us off our debt-based monetary system, so the question is which one will abuse it less? Hillary is a known entity there (not only continue but exceedingly continue) but Trump is an unknown. I think he'd be better, even if it's marginally so, therefore if I were a two-party Republicrat player it would be Trump as a no-brainer.
The rest is all just pissing into the wind and how we would react emotionally whether we were up wind or down wind.
Bonv,there's plenty of negative articles about her too.Yes,most circumstantial evidence but some not so much.
Too much smoke over the years.Lie after lie.Scandal after scandal.She just doesn't deserve the Oval Office.
JIT - Trump is just as known with regard to his business practices and policies that he would apply to the debt crisis and every other crisis for that fact. Frankly this is the year that I could have seen a 3rd party candidate gaining momentum but even the 2 main ones aren't strong so 2016 is the year of bad candidates all around.
Joe - there's also enough evidence on Trump showing how corrupt and fraudulent he is and all of that without actually having power. So it would be naïve at best to think that he would suddenly become ethical, care about issues and not power, money and branding,
Someone recently said that fascism and populism rose in the 30's not because it was right or popular but because democracy was weak. Trump has weakened the foundation of this country with his toxic rhetoric even as going as far as saying that he would not concede to the peaceful transfer of power. Some of the brown shirt suppression tactics being used right now are downright frightening. The one sided information leaks should be alarming to all not because it's Hillary but because there is an outside force trying to influence a Presidential election.
I don't have to see a singe email. All I had to hear was that there were emails on the laptop that were sent from a State Department communication system. That is enough to prove intent to bypass the "offiicial" State Department system. That is a felony. IF one of these 600,000+ emails was not turned over to the FOIA request then you have someone in the State Department who withheld emails which is also a felony. IF the emails were deleted somehow from the State Department system then you have further proof of intent and more people get a felony strike against them. Can you now see the scenario? If not you are never going to see it and you can ignore this post because it is obviously over your head.
I agree on Trump.
However,he isn't nearly as corrupt and hasn't caused the deaths of anyone and lied about any deaths.The Clinton Foundations is so corrupt.Yes,it helps some people but money launders.
Honestly,they both suck but Trump less.
Time for a change and I'm willing to roll the dice.
The country is going down the toilet.
" Hillary is a known entity there (not only continue but exceedingly continue) but Trump is an unknown. I think he'd be better, even if it's marginally so."
What the heck are you talking about? What would make you assume she is a known entity to continue whatever? Whattya do, just skip the plans and jump right to your fond memories?
And Trump is unknown? Have you even read his tax, economic, defense, and deportation schemes? (can't even call them plans). How do you conclude unknown, much less better, when he's telling you exactly what the cost is; how much he is going to spend, how much revenue he will cut. With that, what is the evidence that we won't be in the fiscal crapper even IF his trickle down and spend up actually pick up the economy at some point in the future --- some day in a galaxy way, way way into his first or second term?
"Trump is just as known with regard to his business practices and policies that he would apply to the debt crisis and every other crisis for that fact."
"Hello Dad, yeah I'm broke again....no, no, not another casino Dad, it's the country this time. No, no really Dad, the whole country. Dad, can you call your buddies and see what they can do?"
"I don't have to see a singe email." I realize you're way over our heads but, ssssssh, it wasn't Hillary's laptop....... And even if her email is there, did she put it there? push, push, nope. And yes, I can see many scenarios including the one where The Man, wearing skin tight black bodysuit crawls through the sewers to Weiner's house, finds Weiner's lap......top... and downloads illegal emails he got from WikiLeaks onto the laptop before returning to the sewers. Might be over your head but could of happened.
Joe - we need to agree to disagree. Re: The Clinton Foundation the money laundering joke/claim is baseless. That would be the equivalent of saying that Trump has laundered money by accepting billions of dollars from a prince in Saudi Arabia - he has borrowed twice but doubtful it's money laundering although people could make just as baseless a claim.
The Man - what's obvious is that the entire situation is over your head. You may want to actually learn a thing or two or not - whatever.
Hillary is a known entity there (not only continue but exceedingly continue) but Trump is an unknown. I think he'd be better, even if it's marginally so, therefore if I were a two-party Republicrat player it would be Trump as a no-brainer.
The rest is all just pissing into the wind and how we would react emotionally whether we were up wind or down wind.
"This is exactly it- the whole ball of wax, in a nutshell."
Chillax there emotion boy, I was referring to being an elected official and having a documented history, so yes Hillary is a known in that regard. Trump has no elected history, thus is an unknown in the same regard. Can you make assumptions? Sure, and they could even be correct assumptions, but funny enough we wouldn't know until after the fact.
This has got to be the single biggest emotion-fest of the century.
Btw, note that I said *if* I were a republicrat like most here then Trump would be the *marginally* better choice from a monetary policy view. Kinda like choosing rabbit turd over bear turd, both stink but one would be easier to handle over the other.
"The Man - what's obvious is that the entire situation is over your head. You may want to actually learn a thing or two or not - whatever."
Typical, with you and SD I just consider the source.
Neither one is equipped to run our country and I won't waste my time trying to convince people who's worse when they already have their minds made up.
Either way, we have some really rough times ahead no matter who gets elected.
"Chillax there emotion boy, ..." lol, off the mark in so many ways but not terribly surprising.
"Typical, with you and SD I just consider the source." Coming from you that's a compliment.
Just like the Hillary diehards that will never see the Clinton Foundation for what it truly is...
"Either way, we have some really rough times ahead no matter who gets elected."
While this is likely true, at least with one candidate we have an unknown tack- something that might work- (and forget all the so-called "expert opinions", as there are "experts" on both sides, and all have their own agendas for those opinions.)
With the other we know exactly what we'll get- because we've been getting it for the last 8 years, and it's not working. (again, see "experts" above). If it WERE working, we wouldn't have a race this close with and outsider and a lifelong politician. The people are not happy. Even alot of Hillary supporters are voting for her as the lesser of 2 evils, many here have even admitted it.
So, like all the Obama fans of the last 8 years spouted on this very forum "give him a chance", "try something different because what we're currently doing isn't working"... and, just like now, back then alot of people were very unhappy.... hence an unexperienced senator becomes president...perhaps we give him a chance.
Obama 2.0 (worse, imo) vs the unknown (that may or may not work).... remember, they said Reagan would destroy the country, and he is one of the most beloved presidents of all time.... (no, Trump isn't Reagan, that's not what I'm saying.)
One. More. Week.
"Reagan? Is there a Reagan running in this race?" - Gary Johnson
"Just like the Hillary diehards that will never see the Clinton Foundation for what it truly is..."
It's just one arm of the Clinton crime family.
Hilary mishandeled emails and such, along with other things.....this directly ties to her new role
Please tell me what Trump being a supposed womanizer has to do with him being president?
The two arguments are unrelated.
One allegation directly ties to a disasterous president. The other ties to personal life.
Presonally i wouldent want someone who has failed in other official positions moving up in the ranks knowing that a black political corruption cloud os already over her head.
Trump, although having some baggage, has been a incredibly successful man.
So, okay, he has found loop holes in the system to save some on his taxes.....how many people in here have bot tried to save money on taxes with right offs and such?
There goes Miss Snooty Tooty at it again.
The ABC/Washington Post Poll has Trump up by 1 point.
"Miss Snooty Tooty"
You should talk to a professional about your issues with women. It's unhealthy.
"Chillax there emotion boy, I was referring to being an elected official and having a documented history" Yeah, I'm the emotional one, oh name calling branding one. You're making assumptions based on a record as SoS and Senator, not her plans as President. But you are being fair in your "analysis." Because then you discard what few Trump's plans are available and assume he is better because he is unknown....politically. Really? You don't know Trump because he's never held any public office, never did any public service, avoided military service (after going to military school), precious little charity, has tax records that would disqualify him for President, and an alleged sexual abuse history supported by currently 13 individual accounts and his own confession, that's just.......perverted....that's what it is.
Trump's total for his plans will raise debt to 105% of GDP
Tax Plan that will cost $5T in debt (he's pared it back from the $11T loss)
Defense Plan that adds $50B per year to build Iraq/Afghan sized forces
Health Care plans that repeals ObamaCare with a "fantastic" replacement
Law n Order Stop N Frisk for the cities
Deportation Scheme will cost billions in removal fees and vacant jobs won't be backfilled.
Tariffs that will add up to 35% to the Cost of Goods.
That's all before we get to building roads, bridges, airports, etc. that he talks about but does not include any plans for funding.
Hillary's plans raise spending too but are seen as a $200B debt hit, again Trump's are at $5T over the next decade. I liked it better when Hillary was debt neutral but I will take a $200B risk well before I will accept a $5T risk on a Reagan Trickle Down theory on steroids. Not like this man has misjudged the economy before taking some big loans he couldn't pay back.....four or six times. I will take the Hillary base hit risk before I would let Trump swing for the fences when we have two outs and the winning run on third base.
We can argue the value of Reganomics, let's face it, the best simplification of the tax code in history as good or bad, long term or short term. But this is not 1980 and we don't have the same issues as Carter nor Carter-level issues. And Trump's plan is to triple down on Reagan? Double down on Bush when we saw the benefit's of the Bush tax plan...... Yeah, that's emotional all right. Emotional in my wallet.
So perhaps you should be the one to put emotion aside, stop voting with your heart, and instead look at what these folks have done, in life, and more important --- look at what they are actually saying they will do. Read the plans.
Fiscally, Hillary will tax the rich and spend the money on programs. She hopes she will build the economy from the bottom up and middle out. Trump will slash taxes, mostly on the rich and business, by the largest amount in history, twice the size of the Reagan cuts, 3 times larger than the Bush tax cuts. He hopes the economy will respond ala trickle down (versus the rich just pocketing the money in off shore accounts.) http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/trumps-tax-plan-twice-costly-reagans
You say I'm being emotional while you are voting with your heart and not your mind. Sounds like a gut decision to me. Maybe you should actually read their plans for your future. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-v-hillary-clinton-comparing-the-cost-of-their-plans/
Metsman, that was a perfect opportunity to use your boy's favorite line...
"Nobody has more respect for women than me."
It would have been just as hilarious.
I have to give CNN a plug. I am watching and hearing them give an honest and what appears to be unbiased appraisal of what is occurring in the most recent Clinton email situation. Good for them!
Perhaps you missed the bigger picture, yet again? He claims to want to cut taxes and add no new spending, right? Great. But the president doesn't control budgets, except through veto should he disapprove the budget presented by *Congress*. So the president's *plan* is moot anyway (thus my previous figure-head statements). Or did you forget that we have an entire branch of government that exists for this purpose? If he got what he claims (he won't, as Clinton won't either) then the responsibility for it would be with the Congress, not the President, as they are tasked with controlling the "purse strings".
So the better question to ask is what will the Congress do? Same old, same old, thus the reason it won't really matter who wins the Presidency. But if it comes down to no new spending vs adding spending, and reduced taxes vs increased taxes, then in not sure how Trump wouldn't be better in the context I discussed above. In the context above, Congress is the problem, not Trump.
IDK Tracy, what exactly has Hillary done for women? Make a list for me. At least we know Trump promotes women in his company. If he calls them pieces of ass from time to time, well so does every other guy. Any guy who says he doesn't or doesn't think it is a phony.
Not sure which way you meant that Metsman. Specifically, they were not down playing the seriousness of what Hillary got herself into and showed positive clips with Trump at his best rather than worst. They were not making excuses for Hillary as many news stations do.
Sorry Metsman, I don't behave that way. I know many guys that do, so I get why you say it but it's simply not true across the board.
Really, you never thought as you passed an attractive woman that they were hot? Don't kid yourself.
the same CNN who gave questions to Hillary in advance of the debates?
Donna Brazile leaked a question before the Townhall style debate on March 13th 2016, and then another before the Flint Michigan debate on March 6th 2016.
Skippy, yes, one in the same!
Brazile is no longer employed by CNN.
Not sure if she was "asked to leave" or she did so on her own.
I first heard that news on late Saturday or Sunday. Fox News lost no time in announcing that. They also agreed it was the right thing for CNN to do. It sounded like a compliment! Metsman, there goes dinner! ; -)
If you read the rest of the emails, there is proof of
Election Fraud
Money Laundering
Obstruction of Justice
Funding Terrorism
Destroying Evidence
Lying Under Oath
Classic deflection, Metsman. I didn't expect anything less.
Regarding what Hillary has done for women, among other things, is set the precedent that my daughter or any other WOMAN in this country can become ANYTHING they want, including PRESIDENT!
The whole "Trump promotes women in his company" is nonsense. HE doesn't do that. His company may, of which he is just the Lord of the Manor, and not human resources.
Trump treats women like possessions, sex objects, and basically scum on the bottom of his shoe.
Oh, and here's another round of "these two things are not the same". THINKING and SAYING.
Tracy, Hillary would be nothing without Bill. Let's get that straight. If Bill didn't become President, we wouldn't even know who she is, so cut the crap.
Oh, right. I forgot. A woman is nothing without her man.
You are ridiculous. I feel sorry for your daughters.
I hope Hillary will be someones sex object in FCI danbury.. are you going to honestly sit there and say that Hillary is a good example for young women? I know as a liberal you cant decide which contradictory narrative to apply so it causes cognitive dissonance.
I feel sorry for you if you think she made it this far on her own. I have more respect for Jill Stein than her.
I'll tell my daughters to look up to women who made it on their own, not piggy back off their husband's governorship and presidency to fuel her own future political career.
Good grief. Hillary is a role model for girls? Thanks but no thanks. I'll tell my granddaughter's they can be like Condoleezza Rice or Margaret Thatcher. Women who actually made it on their own. The most important woman my daughter looks up to is her grandmother. The most hard working, honest, and strongest person she has ever known.
Metsman, do you think Trump made it anywhere on his own? Hillary is a lot more "self-made" than he is. Do you think she had nothing to do with Bill making it to the Governor's mansion and the White House in the first place? You underestimate her political deftness and aptitude. She's hardly riding anyone's coattails. But I'm still not voting for her... she's the second most vile person in the race on either side since it started. Too bad her opponent is the leader by a long shot in that respect.
Gary Johnson 2016 - I Won't Be Leaving the White House in Handcuffs Like the Other Two Will
a random former lawyer with no name recognition just picked up a New York Senate seat OK sure - not to mention Hugh Rodham was quite wealthy as well so don't drag Trump and his father into this - Hillary had the same advantage.
Well said Tracy.
Hillary has issues but a really long list of accomplishments thanks to her intelligence, work ethic and perseverance. Accomplishments include:
◾At the Department of Justice, she helped create the office on Violence Against Women.
◾She played a leading role in the development of State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides the much-needed state support for children whose parents cannot afford nor provide them with adequate healthcare coverage.
◾She was also instrumental in the creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act.
◾Successfully fought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and asthma at the National Institute of Health (NIH).
◾She spearheaded investigations into mental illness plaguing veterans of the Gulf War; we now have a term for it – Gulf War Syndrome.
◾She was instrumental in securing over $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
◾Took a leading role in the investigation of health consequences of first responders and drafted the first bill to compensate and offer the health services our first responders deserve (Clinton’s successor in the Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand, passed the bill).
◾Was instrumental in working out a bi-partisan compromise to address civil liberty abuses for the renewal of the U.S. Patriot Act.
Yes, because every other First Lady in history has parlayed that notoriety into a hugely successful political career of their own? Right...
Trumps son-in law has nothing on the Clintons.
Clintons son-in law is co owner of Eaglevale Properties. A hedge fund with Golden Sacs, who's in bed with Hillary. "Clinton sought secret info on EU bailout plans as son-in-law's doomed hedge fund gambled on Greece"
Lists. I love lists. How about we list all of Trump's accomplishments? And then we can list all of Hillary's failures and scandals, then all of Trump's failures and scandals.
Nah- because it won't matter one bit. We're WAY beyond lists. I'm sure there are a few undecideds out there, but I can't imagine there are many who haven't decided for themselves who the lesser evil is.
Hillary also has a long list of scandals following her through those same years of accomplishments. I see no light at the end of this tunnel. I agree with Positive. We are in for rough years ahead. Batten down the hatches no matter who " wins" this sorry election.
JR - I'd love to see a list of Trump's actual accomplishments - probably a pretty short list. But to assume that Hillary has only accomplished something because of her husband is ridiculous and actually pretty insulting.
Ultimately you're right there are very few undecided out there and with the exception of die-hard supporters on both sides many people are voting for their version of the lesser evil.
Trump's only talent is the ability to tap into the most deep seeded, evolutionary, subconscious thoughts, in most humans. Racism, fear, fame, sex, and consumerism. He's managed to hypnotize so well, that his supporters are clueless just how dangerous this person really is. He represents everything evil, in this world. I'm looking forward to having an intelligent, experienced first woman, for our president. Hillary's going to make America even greater!!!
Lovely story about some of Trump's backers: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/kkk-donald-trump_us_5818d0c8e4b064e1b4b50849
I think you just insulted about half of the voting population. Arrogant & superior much?
Or he/ she just accurately described a little less than half of the voting population?
"Or he/ she just accurately described a little less than half of the voting population?"
We'll see in 7 days about the "little less than half", won't we?
As far as "accurately described", then you wouldn't be offended by my describing you and sparks as completely brainwashed liberal progressive sheep who believe whatever they are told by their party, right? I mean, that's "accurate."
@ Yankeefan ... you are spot on ... @ sparksjbc1964 "In most humans" nicely worded ... I would like to add his "simple vocabulary" plays into the uneducated and he did say he loves the poorly educated... @ JeffersonRepub ... "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend." - Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, April 22, 1800
With JR, redundancy is a virtue. As is a tendency to wish for civil unrest and a return to Halloweens of old. You know, the Halloweens when June Cleaver answered the door and everyone pretty much knew their place.
Sparks you are wrong. It is about CHANGE. Hillary is status quo which in a nutshell means she is bought and sold by special interest groups. It works that way throughout, Trenton (at a state level) works the same way.
Can any Democrat admit to any value in the above statement? You can dismiss Trump, but does the above hold any value to you?
Incremental change. This country is a big ship that turns very slowly. We need a steady hand and certainly not a man who is running because he was b***ch slapped by Obama at the Washington Press Corps dinner. I recall him squirming in his seat as Obama skewered him. At the same exact time Bin Laden was on very borrowed time.
Special interests? Would that be Trump's ties to the mob, or just to Russia?
wow.... Yankeefan ... truth hurts, huh? Must've hit a nerve.
@Liberty ... most of these people aren't my "friends" to begin with... I have met and actually know very few of them.... and that goes vica-versa for them... they don't know me, either. So I haven't lost any friends, but have definitely gained several. And no, I haven't lost any actual friends (in my life) over politics. I actually find more of my friends agreeing WITH ME as the years go by...
Umm...that wouldn't be because that's how you pick your friends, would it? Whatever "vica versa" means?
How bout those Yankees? That's what you got? Perfectly happy watching Cubs/Tribe. Yankees will be back. Your vision of America, though, thankfully won't.
Special Interest Groups, ok...
AIPAC - Billions (Trillions if you include needless wars) and thousands of lives for the dream of Zionists, this should be no part of our secular nation.
Oil Lobby - 20 billion per year in needless aid, keeps us addicted to oil.
Healthcare Lobby - Keeps the private healthcare companies always part of the picture when alternatives such as expanding medicare may be a better way to get healthcare for all citizens.
And of course at the state level...
NJEA - Manipulated Trenton democrats to back excessive compensation for votes.
Do people really believe the Trump/Russia thing? Just curious as that's one of those stretches that makes one scratch their head.
What is it with you guys always saying it's dems this and liberals that, THEY ALL SUCK!!! Every last one of them, even REPUBLICANS. And the libertarians and the Green Party are just looney tunes in general. It's weird they'll have some good positions and then they throw in something totally out there, like disband the military and hold hands and sing cumbaya.
Russian connection makes you scratch your head? Verified Manafort connections, validated Russian hacking and leak to various media outlets. Trump asking Russia to hack US Government servers?
And the possibility that the Russian connection is why Trump won't release his taxes? Stretch just a little farther and you might find something to scratch.
I want a President that truly loves this country to the point of kissing the soil. Such a person will not give into special interest groups. The people in Washington need to go. Trump touches on correct concepts, such as "draining the swamp".
It is ok to be honest and admit we have wandered from our path of greatness, and to do so gives us a chance to straighten the course before it is too late...
I agree- the republicans suck too. But as I have been saying from the very beginning- Trump isn't really a republican... oh, he won the primary all right- despite every attempt made by the GOP to stop him. After he won, he STILL has the GOP fighting him. That speaks volumes as to how much of a "party player" or "insider" he is- he ISN'T. Which is one of the biggest reasons he won the primary and has gotten so popular.
ianimal, Hillary got rich as a politician. She's not self made, she took advantage of her stature as a politician and made big money off speeches.
I agree with you there JR, I just don't think Trump is the answer just for a "change ". I believe he is dangerous for our country. Plain and simple for me. Not to say I love Hillary because I don't. And I agree something needs to change but I'd rather it wait until there's a more sane choice, from whatever party that may be.
Hillary represents government corruption. That should be a huge concern. Trump will put them in a frenzy when elected, that will be a big plus. And if that term limit idea he has goes through, that alone will eliminate future corruption. Trump's been pretty iffy with his past no doubt. But Hillary has a much larger scale of major failures and really bad choices that have hurt everyone in the US
Yeah if all of what he proposes is carried out- anyone can say they'll do this or that and most of it is just pie in the sky stuff. I bet he can't get even ten percent of what he wants done. Forgetting the fact that none if it will accomplish the intended results.
You really think Hillary will get anything done with a Republican majority? I already saw some talking about impeachment proceedings if she's elected. Then we're stuck with creepy guy Kaine.
Trump is a lot more transparent than Hillary. How many politicians would admit that they used the current laws in place to avoid paying taxes? How can anyone hold that against him? He didn't make the laws. There's probably a ton of rich people who do the same thing. Then people come after him for using foreigners to fill job positions. How many landscapers and farmers are paying illegal Hispanics to do work for them? A lot. A lot of these people would go out of business paying good wages to citizens, because the cost of doing business in this country is ridiculous thanks to our government. You want change then like Forcefed4door said, some of these career politicians need to get the boot and a term limit is the way to go.
Wikileaks: Hillary apparently has a drinking problem..... so maybe it's not a physical illness as suspected, maybe she's just on the sauce LOL
Scott Adams (Dilbert Author) wrote a blog post about this
That was interesting. From the article Skippy linked to:
Here’s a quick summary of the other risks, organized by candidate. I’ll rank them from 1-10 with 10 being “drinks alcohol.”
Trump Risks
1. No political experience in office (4)
2. Might say something insulting to another leader (3)
3. Might go nuts for the first time in his 70-year life. (2)
4. Aggressive negotiating stance might cause trouble (5)
5. Might institute some racist/sexist/homophobic policies (0)
6. Doesn’t do his homework on the issues (3)
7. Health problems (5)
8. Budget deficit expands to deadly proportions (6)
9. Might cause a race war (3)
Clinton Risks
1. Perpetual scandals and investigations. (5)
2. Health problems for Hillary Clinton (7)
3. Health problems for Bill Clinton that become distractions. (7)
4. Scandals for Bill that distract (8)
5. Big donors to Clinton Foundation rely on wars to make money (9)
6. Clintons are relatively easy to blackmail. (8)
7. Budget deficit expands to deadly proportions (8)
8. Immigration policies are more likely to allow in terrorists (9)
9. Drinks alcohol (10)
"Trump is a lot more transparent than Hillary." Except when he lies and panders to the mob......which is most of the time.
"How many politicians would admit that they used the current laws in place to avoid paying taxes?" Just about every one who uses the current laws to avoid paying taxes.
"How can anyone hold that against him? He didn't make the laws." Gee, that's what we've been saying about Benghazi, The "Hillary" not Foundation, and the Emails.....
"Then people come after him for using foreigners to fill job positions. How many landscapers and farmers are paying illegal Hispanics to do work for them?" Well, that makes it OK then. Because I though he looked like a two-faced lying hypocrite --- my bad.
"A lot of these people would go out of business paying good wages to citizens, because the cost of doing business in this country is ridiculous thanks to our government." So, it's OK for Trump to do it because everyone does it, and if we don't do it, then we can't afford to do business, but once in office Trump will stop it and somehow make it so we can afford to do business without hiring illegals? Either pretzel logic or Trump is lowering the minimum wage.....
"Trump will put them in a frenzy when elected, that will be a big plus." Yes, frenzy will be grand. And then we can try harried, hassled, and harassed. Based on Trump's MO, I'm betting on harassed.
"that have hurt everyone in the US..." Really? What decision was it that hurt "everyone in the US?"
"She's not self made, she took advantage of her stature as a politician and made big money off speeches." Really? Having a career and then speaking about issues is not self-made? Hillary's top fee is about $200K. Trump's top fee is $1.5M. He did 18 of these over two years.
Now Trump uses his political status to hype, what, so far....his golf course in Scotland and his Old Post Office Hotel opening in Washington DC. Nothing like mixing business with politics. And sure, it will be arms length when the kid's take over. But uh oh, apparently his voters can't afford the rate..... http://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/trump-hotels-getting-beat-trump-campaign-n670266
Geez SD you have an argument for everything. Never once do you concede about anything. You think this woman can do no wrong. Most Trump supporters know he's done some dumb stuff, but if you can't see this woman has done so much more wrong, then I don't know what to tell you. I bet you and others on the Hillary bandwagon don't even pay attention to all the leaked emails being put out there. It's so clear that she hides things from the public. How can you trust someone like that with national security... You're just assuming Trump is worse based on nothing but a gut reaction and allegations that will probably never be substantiated. He's built a world class organization and that is someone we need to rebuild our country, not someone who goes out and gets paid big bucks for meaningless speeches that have done nothing for us. The main issues are jobs and national security pertaining to our borders. That hackjob Obama had the nerve to say job growth is at an all time high yesterday... Yeah ok... Talk about a half truth.
And the fear mongering tactics by the democrats just continues on.... Pathetic...
Hillary said she was in NY on 9-11 She wasn't. Why does she have to lie about the easiest things that can be proven wrong? It's diabolical.
Wow, Ollie, now you're referring to fake stories that have been proven wrong for weeks now? You really need to quit believing everything you read on the internet, especially those that can easily be proven wrong.
You can believe a lot more of what the MSM says than you can fringe websites that have no more accountability than the National Enquirer. But you're right in that you shouldn't take anything you read anywhere at face value. Do some digging before you propagate lies and make yourself look foolish, though. (Not directed at you specifically, just people in general)
Then Snopes got snoped...LOL
Bottom line: do your own research. Don't count on Snopes to give you an un-biased "truth" or the whole picture. And yes, there are other links saying how accurate snopes is, but that only further proves the point: if you can trust snopes, you can trust them all, and if you can't trust snopes, you can't trust any of them. They all have an agenda of one form or another, and it's very easy to "color" facts, without actually lying, that can paint very different pictures depending on who does the coloring. This is called spin. Just ask strangerdanger.
FWIW, I PERSONALLY discovered an error in snopes "facts", and wrote to them telling them they needed to correct it, which they did. However- they WERE WRONG, until corrected.
Oh yeah, she blew the 9/11 quote; if you weren't in NYC that day, you weren't getting there. She was in the capitol, has said it over and over and met with Giuliani on site on 9/12 (see pic). Giuliani is quoted as saying Hillary was "enormously helpful" to recovery efforts. Within 48-hours, she put in the bill for first responders while the government was still saying the air was safe to breathe. She was also instrumental in subsequent findings that the air was unsafe as well as extended benefits for first responders.
Donald Trump was in NYC but not on site. His first interview yielded this priceless gem: “40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest—and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second-tallest. And now it’s the tallest.”
Two days later he was spotted, suit n tie, near the site and did a German TV interview four blocks away as if on-site where he pitched he could build it better because they weren't attractive to begin with. And another gem came out: ""I have a lot of property down there. But it wasn’t, fortunately, affected by what happened to the World Trade Center."
"Everyone who helped clear the rubble - and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a bit....." There is no proof that Trump ever got that close to the site.
Later, Trump would collect $150,000 in Federal Recovery Money for this very same building because........it was legal.
Trump never attended a 9/11 Memorial Service until this year.
Trump claims he lost hundreds of friends that day. That's approximately 10% of the fallen. He never attended a funeral service.
He never contributed to a 9/11 charity except for a Scientology project.
Oh yeah, let's not forget the thousands of Muslims cheering on the rooftops in NJ.
Yup, Hillary lied or, more likely, misspoke in Florida given she has told the truth on this subject over and over. She has taken on the real issues, provided tangible monetary and medical relief even before anyone recognized there was a first responder heath issue. Matter of fact, she took on the government to prove there was an issue. Trump on the other hand has said some other weird things, has seen a few visions, and has done precious little to mark the date or mark the place where he lost hundreds of his friends. Frankly, the first time he donated either remembrance time or donations has been in the summer of 2016 as he clambered on towards the Presidency.
where is Huma Mahmood Abedin??? why is Huma Abedin hiding?
why did she have thousands of emails from Hillary's secret illegal server on a device that she shared with her Wiener?
where is Huma?
why is the DOJ stopping the FBI investigation into the Clinton foundation? It's about the foundation, and the FBI is looking into it and the DOJ is trying to stop them from investigating it. Why?
where is Huma anyways? what has she got to hide?
I beg to differ ianimal. I'm not bring up "Old" news. Hillary said on Tuesday at a rally in Florida that she was in NY on 9-11. She was not. She was in Washington standing on the steps on congress singing God Bless America with other members of congress. She flew to NY on the 12th.
So I ask again, why lie? And I reference this story from NBC news
She said she was a Senator in NY on 9/11, which is true. Her wording was a little wonky, but do you honestly think she was trying to pull one over?
I can't believe we're less than a week away and splitting hairs this tiny.
I apologize, Ollie. I didn't know the story had been recently rehashed. But, obviously, when a person is running their mouth 12 hours a day, some things are going to come out wrong. Do you really think she intentionally lied about it when this was such a big story 3 weeks ago?
Do you think she lied when she said Chelsea and her were dodging sniper fire when debarking off a plane in Bosnia or was it more likely she just misspoke.
kb, I think she probably exaggerated, which most people are inclined to do.
Apples and oranges from what Ollie brought up. Unless you've got a major bias against her, it was very clear what she was saying.
Debarking? I don't think I've read that word since reading the WEB Griffin Brotherhood of War series. Craig Lowell was a badass... I think "disembark" is used far more often these days, but I've always preferred the simplicity of the former.
As for Hillary, I'm not saying she's never lied, lol. She lies just as easily as Trump does... well, maybe not QUITE that easily, but it's certainly one of her defining characteristics. I'm just saying why would she lie about THIS, TODAY (or yesterday, whenever it happened), when she was accused of the same exact lie erroneously a couple of weeks ago? Maybe she's pathological like that Bryan Williams guy (or Trump) and has actually come to believe the lies as part of her personal narrative? Who knows?
Gary Johnson 2016 - Don't Ask Me if I'm High and I'll Tell You No Lies
ianimal - If you haven't heard that word in a while, you haven't seen my poor Charlie Brown tree. The original was starting to rot and the current one never revived after the old one was removed. Both were "debarked". ;-)
I was complimenting you on the use of "debark", Gilligan.
I even let slide the fact that you wrote "debarking off a plane" when debarking already means to get off, so they would just have been "debarking a plane". (-;
Ok, you may say it once and it's just an error. After that, it becomes a lie. If she can't handle the pressure of running for president what the heck is she going to do if she is president?
Indeed. But the same question should be visited ten-fold on Mr. Trump. If you think she's done a bad job of handling the pressure, what about him?
That's the thing ianimal, she already failed under pressure as secretary of state with Benghazi.
This election is hilarious. Some people are literally not voting for Trump because they take offense to some of his comments. They don't even look at his policies. My boss is one of them. He says he can't vote for a clown. What's better a clown or a criminal who will keep the status quo or worse...
I think he's done very well under the pressure. Especially with the lopsided media coverage. The problem is, the media didn't make him so they are having a hell of a time trying to break him.
She was in charge. If her people on the ground need help, it shouldn't take a hundred years to respond.
What happened in Virginia? Hillary thought she had that in the bag too. Landslide for trump!
Anyone catch Fox News since 8:00 thru 10:10 pm. I've got goose bumps. Too much to go into here. Wow!
More damming e-mails, this is really getting ugly. Justice Department official with close ties to John Podesta tipping off Clinton campaign. A cobweb of deceit and corruption being untangled by the FBI. The Clinton Foundation is now in the cross hairs.
Maybe Clinton will finally be crushed under all the weight of her lies and corruption. Now what do all you apologists for her have to say.
I'm not sure other stations were covering it yet. CNN was doing voter fraud when I tuned in there. Went back to Fox. I didn't want to miss anything. Hats off to the FBI!

Nothing bad happens to democrats / they are the party of the people - outrage will ensue and they will once again resume their status as victims of conservative oprassion.
FBI says it's 99 % certain that hillary's server was hacked by at lewast 5 different forigne agencies. WOW!
Huma has emilais on her shared device with her husband wieiner that came from Hillary's secret illegal server. WOW!
where is Huma? Why is she hiding?
FBI is pursing indictments in the investigation into the Clinton foundation (pay tp play, quid pro quo) WOW!
Where is Huma?
wow! just WOW !
Of course CNN would give it little to no coverage. After this election cycle, I'm done watching CNN because they've shown their true colors when it comes to covering the truth. I don't know how anyone could vote for this woman at this point. If it were Trump who did this, he'd lose in a landslide. What are people holding on to with this woman. It's a joke. My guess is all the inner city voters who collect a government check aren't swayed, because they're afraid a Republican will take it away. It probably won't sway the illegals that have fake social security numbers that are able to vote as well. They want to be able to smuggle their families in. Won't happen under a Trump presidency. All the hard working people out there who are getting screwed because of the deadbeats and people who don't belong here need to get out and vote and put an end to this crap!

"What are people holding on to with this woman."
Victory, at all costs. They are still playing the republicrat game of good cop/bad cop, and would vote for Bill Ayers if he were the democrat nominee.
I think it'll be interesting tho... if Trump wins, and especially if he wins handily (I hesitate to use the word "landslide"), that should tell the GOP something: we don't like you or your candidates. McCain couldn't win, Romney couldn't win (TWICE!). Who wins (if Trump does)? Someone talking MORE conservative than the previous candidates combined. It's a battle for the soul of the GOP.
Why doesn't the democrat party have such a battle? Because they became soulless a long time ago...(I keed, I keed...)
Sources in the FBI tell FoxNews that an indictment is likely.
"She was in charge. If her people on the ground need help, it shouldn't take a hundred years to respond." So now she is responsible for response time? Did you even read the report?
8 different committee investigations, more investigations than what we did over 9/11 and the conclusion from conservatives: "House Republicans investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, have found no new evidence to conclude that Hillary Clinton, secretary of state at the time, was culpable in the deaths of four Americans, according to the committee’s final report released on Tuesday."
"Although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were unable to respond more quickly to the Mission compound, 12 the Committee found no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other party."
All your Benghazi myths uncovered in one place: http://www.mediamatters.org/research/2016/06/28/comprehensive-guide-benghazi-myths-and-facts/211240#Response
You're voting Trump and you're accusing Democrats of "Victory, at all costs?" There's a funny.
What do you have a posting delay SD? I posted my comment before yours showed up.
Whatever, we'll throw Benghazi aside. What do you have to say now about the Clinton Crime Family?
Metsman, you have to ask yourself why, even with all this, the race is as close as it is. Of course, you will rant about "stupid women" and "inner city voters" and "illegals", but the truth of the matter is that Trumbert Trumbert is one of the few people on the planet who is an even sleazier scumbucket than she is.
If the Republicans had nominated Jeb Bush or John Kasich or even Marco Rubio... any of them would be leading by double digits at this point. But instead they nominated a charlatan who is so crooked he can't even release his tax returns. Someone who brags about sexually assaulting women and then calls them liars after they verify his boasts. Someone who allegedly raped a 13-year old girl and threatened to kill her family if she told. Someone with ties to both the NYC and Russian mobs and could possibly still be in debt to Russian interests (they sure seem to be trying pretty hard to get him elected; I wonder why...). Someone who found a way to bankrupt casinos. Someone who engaged in a blatantly fraudulent Trump University. Someone who bribed the Florida Attorney General not to pursue charges against him in that case. The list goes on and on.
"Metsman, you have to ask yourself why, even with all this, the race is as close as it is. Of course, you will rant about "stupid women" and "inner city voters" and "illegals", but the truth of the matter is that Trumbert Trumbert is one of the few people on the planet who is an even sleazier scumbucket than she is. "
And, vice-versa for her, otherwise she would be HANDILY defeating him in all the polls.
As far as who the country sees as "sleazier", or more dangerous, we're gonna' find out 6 days.
"Whatever, we'll throw Benghazi aside." Metsman throwing Benghazi under the bus, oh Lordy :>) so he can focus on the truth.
"FBI is pursing indictments in the investigation into the Clinton foundation." No one even knows if there is an investigation, much less a probe. And a BreitBart piece with two unnamed sources just tells me there are Trump supporters in government.
"FBI says it's 99 % certain that hillary's server was hacked by at lewast 5 different forigne agencies." Doesn't 99% say she should be indicted? How can they be pursuing hacking when the investigation is over?
"FBI is pursing indictments in the investigation into the Clinton foundation (pay tp play, quid pro quo)" Again, there is no publicized investigation here and if there was a investigation, it was started by some agent reading "Clinton Cash," the mostly debunked BreitBart editor's smear piece.
I believe it's time to throw as much mud as we can carry. Damn the facts, fire those mud balls.
Not even enough time to refute this tsunami of unnamed source allegations.
Ianimal everything you're stating is hearsay. Hillary has emails backing up her corruption.
I'm sure you think so, Metsman. How many of all the emails that have been released from WikiLeaks were either written TO or FROM Hillary? I haven't seen any. Have you?
Easily searchable:
The allegations against Trump are most definitely rooted from the Democrats. Why else would women come out 1 month before an election and start throwing out allegations. Where were they during the Republican primaries? On the other hand, the FBI is a neutral political entity. They are law enforcement. Kudos to Comey for doing the right thing and doing a proper investigation instead of letting that crooked attorney general Lynch bully him. You gonna tell me Bill talking to Lynch before they made a decision in July had nothing to do with the investigation? I'm sure it wasn't about Bill's golf stroke or whatever else he strokes... It's clear that this is a huge pay for play money scheme. She also allowed foreign nations to hack sensitive information. If this is the kind of president people want then I feel sorry for them. I'll take the locker room talk over that. It's better than dealing with more scandals from the Clinton's...
"On the other hand, the FBI is a neutral political entity."
LOL. you've lost all credibility right there.
It's supposed to be ianimal. Comey wouldn't be coming out now if he wasn't trying to be neutral.
He wouldn't be coming out now if he wasn't trying to influence the election in Trump's favor. It certainly isn't in the spirit of being "neutral", lol. Do you really believe what you just wrote?
"LOL. you've lost all credibility right there."
And you lost all credibility when you declared you were voting for Gary Johnson LOL
Says the guy who whines about the Republicrat duopoly... and then votes Republican, LOL. Biggest tool in the shed, you are... not the sharpest, but certainly yuuuge.
The fact that you somehow think Trump is actually a republican and missed the part where his own party tried to stop him.... from the primaries into the general.... means it's all going right over your head, shorty.
Gary Johnson- where the issues are unknown and the votes don't matter
ianimal or he had agents still doing work on it and they found stuff to reopen the case. Cases get reopened all the time.
Either way you're voting for a candidate who isn't winning. And JR is right…. Trump is not a republican. I’ve never seen so many republications jump ship in my life.
The fact that you think anything matters but the "R" next to his name shows how clueless you are. Next election cycle when no one's invited to the debates but the R's and the D's and Trump is nothing but a footnote, do you think anything he did or said will have any long term bearing on the duopoly?
No, it won't. Nothing will change until a viable Third Party can get equal footing, which isn't going to happen until someone starts VOTING for a third party candidate, regardless of who he is. Why would a legitimate candidate run under the banner of a party that can't get campaign funding and won't be invited to the debates? They will inevitably feel that their best chance to the presidency is through the primaries of one of the major parties. Then they will get laughed at and mocked by the Republicrats and the party bases will pick two more despicable candidates to perpetuate the cycle. And round and round we go....
"Cases get reopened all the time."
Not in the closing days of an election. It was unprecedented, and improper.
" Hillary has emails backing up her corruption." Really. Would that be the ones where the FBI already said there would be no criminal charges? You know, the ones on the famous server that the FBI said might be hacked (what server couldn't be) but could not find proof of hacking except when unnamed sources said they have 5 different hacks by five different countries?
Or would that be the emails written by someone to someone from some email system sent to some email system and now residing on Weiner's laptop that his wife did not share but appears to have shared that Comey said might be pertinent although of what significance we will not know until we investigate.
So you have envisioned some significant conclusion in that?
Yet if Trump confirms a crime via personal confession and twelve people come forward to confirm his confirmation, that's just an allegation?
Hillary Clinton
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As of today, Trump is the favorite to win Ohio, Iowa, and Florida. He could be sitting on 259 electoral votes -- just 11 votes away from a win. He could find those votes in battleground states where our lead isn’t so clear-cut.
So I’m personally asking you: Will you chip in now to help us get resources to our teams in key states now?
Guess she's getting nervous. LOL
"He wouldn't be coming out now if he wasn't trying to influence the election in Trump's favor."
Everyone has said all along that she shouldn't be treated any different just because she's a presidential candidate.
Do you think the FBI would "wait" to investigate you or I (or notify Congress/DOJ as applicable) if they had some actionable evidence that happened to be inconvenient to our schedules?
Sorry FBI, I have a plane to catch for my vacation... can you arrest me when I get back? Thanks!
I'll never understand why people troll on the social media pages of the candidate they can't stand. I don't sit around looking up videos and factoids about Trump all day. Who has time for that?
Tracy it showed up on my Facebook wall. I don't go on Hillary's page. I just thought it was funny. The funny people are the ones who watch a Trump rally and bash the supporters.
Mets: when I watch a Trump rally I just see all those job creators standing just behind him. Once they get those tax refunds, it's IPO small business Amerika lollapalooza. Actually, on that day I am buying stock in ADR and OLN :>) I smell a demand spike.
Now that I think about it, might as well buy now. Won't matter who wins to get this windfall. Either will do.
Hey Tracy...
Guess what Bill did that was unprecedented, and improper.
Obviously you don't have to answer me since it's your own business, but I am very curious.
You say you always vote for the best person for the job. Has that ever included someone NOT on the Republican ticket?
Well, I'm off for three days of Good whiskey and Bad golf; I'll leave the Ugly politics to you guys.
Mark, distract the FBI for me till I get on the plane (-;
I didn't say I "always vote for the best person for the job." I said I only vote for people WORTH VOTING FOR. and yes, there is a difference. I doubt I will ever see a candidate in my lifetime who is "the best person for the job", it always seems to be "the lesser of the evils". Such is government.
"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. " -Thomas Paine
Have I ever voted for a democrat? No, but I haven't had a democrat that I agree with run for anything I could vote for. Also, I have NOT voted for republicans because they also do not represent what I want in this government or country. As I said above, if a democrat comes along who was for smaller government, less govt intrusion, lower taxes, cutting spending... I'd vote for him. I WISH there was a democrat on the ticket preaching those items I could vote for! I don't care what party they represent!
Have I ever voted 3rd party? Yes.
Something to keep in mind: 8 years ago, I was not the same as I am now, politically. "Darmok, his eyes open" (for all you Trekkies!) I DID used to vote party line, but not anymore. I have not voted on an office, either because I cannot in good conscience vote for either candidate, or because I (I'll bet I'm the only one here truthful and humble enough to admit this) DON'T KNOW enough about the candidates to make an INFORMED decision. But I do not just pull the handle for republicans anymore by default. I fully admit I used to, but not any more.
Hey all you begrudgingly-supporting-Hillary people.... it's not too late!!
Sanders is a nut job who will double the debt but at least he isn't a untrustworthy,corrupt POS like Hillary.
Change.org also has a petition to save America from aliens. Not immigrants. Space aliens. Your point?
"Mark, distract the FBI for me till I get on the plane (-;"
Don't worry... I'm sure I'm on one of their lists...
ianimal, we can't go back in time. I will vote for Trump for two reasons only:
2) Not Hillary
As previously mentioned, I am a registered Libertarian for many years. I would love to vote for Gary but he is no Ron Paul who could have had a hope and I man I respect greatly. If Hillary didn't disgust me I would vote for Gary...
Enjoy the mini vacation ianimal, just make sure you're back in time to vote YES for Trump and NO for both amendment questions ;-)
Or maybe that Johnson guy would work too!
and here's what your man would and wouldn't do if elected: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/11/03/what-a-president-donald-trump-actually-would-do-in-office.html
4catmom give me a break. The author of that article is an idiot. They're pretty much preaching to keep the status quo. Donald Trump has always had a drive to succeed and get things done, and a person like that will do what it takes to get it done, unlike Hillary who has been in government for 30+ years and been a part of the problem. She's more worried about lining her pockets and those who support her.
NBC already has the election results? Interesting.....
FBI is considering revoking some of the immunity agreements given to her staff because they were not forthcoming to them after accepting their immunity pleas.
This is sending shock waves up and down the food chain over at the DOJ and the white house
Once they start splitting Hillary's close staff members from one another , invalidating their immunity agreements they will run like the rats they are from the sinking ship, watch the wheels come off the wagon.
where is Huma? why did she have over 600,000 emails on her shared computer with her husband, the disgraced pervert, anthony weiner?
where is Huma hiding out? Chappaquiddick? Why is she in hiding? Did she cut her own deal with the FBI? Is there more to come in the damning testimony already given in the FBI's multiple investigations into Hillary?
Those numbers would make less people voting in this election than last one. What a sham. There are so many new voters this year. I expect record turnouts.
You guys sure do find some interesting places to get your "news"...
I checked the site mentioned in the post with whois, and they were indeed registered in Macedonia
# whois worldpoliticus.com
Domain Name: worldpoliticus.com
Update Date: 2016-11-02T01:35:03Z
Creation Date: 2016-03-02T14:19:13Z
Registrant Name: Mario Hadji Petrusev
Registrant Street: Nikola Karev 4-1/15
Registrant City: Veles
Registrant State/Province: Macedonia
How Macedonia Became A Global Hub For Pro-Trump Misinformation
BuzzFeed News identified more than 100 pro-Trump websites being run from a single Macedonian town.
This is so weird. I can't picture either one of these two individuals in the Oval Office. They've been the parties' nominees for months, but I can't picture either one of them as a sitting President. I guess my little head just can't wrap itself around the concept lol. One of the VP candidates, yes, I can easily see as President, but neither of the front runners.
When the dust settles, I hope we as a country take a serious look at the process. Because with 320 million Americans to choose from, we should not have to think hard about which of our two leading Presidential candidates is least deplorable when we're in the voting booth.
So many hoaxes, so little time. This seems to be the year of "my internet hoax is better than your internet hoax".
It reminds me of the TV program I saw on big foot a while back. A family of supposed experts on their 4 wheelers in the bayou was leading around a camera crew. All of a sudden their son who had broken off from the rest of the group radioed in that he found something they all need to see. When they get there the kid is gone, daddy stereotypically spits some tobacco juice and declares "we gotz oursells a 'squatch'". Just as they're done sifting through "evidence" the kid radios in again from another spot that they better come quick. They all run again to find more, the kid is gone again but of course is on the radio in another 10 mins directing them to the next place. After this happens like 5 times you're sitting there wondering why the camera crew isn't packing up their stuff. It's so clear they send the kid ahead to manufacture each "sighting".
So why propagate all these hoaxes?
You could say the sexual assault allegations against Trump are hoaxes as well. What isn't a hoax is that the FBI is taking a closer look at Hillary's dealings. And she can't cry afoul because they did the same thing to Bush in 1992 with the Iran Contra incident when Bill was running against him. This isn't anything new to politics. She did it to herself. If she wasn't so careless we wouldn't be talking about it now and she'd probably be more liked by people.
+1 Rebecka. I know you have "divorced yourself" from the process.... are you voting this time?
Well it seems there is something we can all agree on....
82% of people are disgusted with the 2016 campaign!
Where as only 13% are apparently excited....over what idk!
She was waaaay more than careless.
Hopefully, the truth of the extent of her acts of incompetience, law breaking, disregard for the safety and best interests of the country will eventually be exposed and all those who added her in her crimes.
@JR - yes, thanks to the write-in candidate option.
And I'm maintaining my election coverage blackout. I'll watch BBC for world news (Mosul etc.), and switch the tv off when they turn to the election. The news pages on my computer and news app on my phone filter out all election nonsense beautifully.
And I have a question re: writing in. Does one also write-in a VP? According to the ballot overview mailing we received, it does not look like one writes in a VP choice when writing in a choice for President. If that is the case, very theoretically of course, how would a VP be selected?
Previous JR post--
Fixing American elections?? Let's fix FOREIGN elections.....
Another great JR "news" source- the Observer. Published by who? Jared Kushner. Ivanka's husband.
"You could say the sexual assault allegations against Trump are hoaxes as well. What isn't a hoax is that the FBI is taking a closer look at Hillary's dealings."
Don't let the fact that the man confessed sway your opinion of a 12-person agreement to the confession a hoax by 12-women about to be sued by the litigator in chief. Right after he puts Hillary in jail, Paul Ryan on a rail, and the state of Wisconsin ceded to Canada.
No, they are looking at Huma's emails on Weiner's laptop some of which have something to do with Hillary. If somehow that is a closer look at Hilary's dealings, then I think they are comfortable that six degrees of separation always results in an indictment. It's the six degrees of separation smoking gun theory.
An interesting point in all this is it comes out of the NYC anti-Clinton FBI office with Comey fessing up rather than facing the oncoming leak. Comey is tween a rock and Manhattan and must be brushing up his resume because no good will come of this for him, no matter the results. But the interesting part is that Giuliani dropped serious hints about the bombshell ---- two days before it was dropped. Rudy is top advisor and surrogate to the Trump campaign. The campaign knew it was coming, sounds like Giuliani has a direct link to the NYC FBI office. Wonder if he gave them free copies of "Clinton Cash...."
The Foundation investigation is dormant, but still open. It is based on facts derived from "Clinton Cash," a widely debunked attack piece written by a Breitbart senior editor. Breitbart's website chairman is running Trump's campaign. Trump and Bret Baier had to walk back their "It was reported that an avalanche of information is coming in, the FBI agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment" as being a total fabrication....by someone. Baier said his comments were "inartful" I guess meaning that, for Brett, news is an art form. Of course, inartful means: "Awkwardly expressed but not necessarily untrue; impolitic; ill-phrased; inexpedient; clumsy" which is a very artful description for something that was a total lie of the lowest possible journalistic professional order.
Trump's last campaign manager, Paul Manafort, quit suddenly when the Russian conspiracy FBI investigation started. It is ongoing and covers Trump and a number of his associates. Trump's issued some outlandish stuff, but he's very soft on Russia saying, for example, on Clinton: "She speaks very badly of Putin, and I don’t think that’s smart,” “How do you speak so badly of someone?” Guess when it comes to badmouthing, Putin is off limits to Trump who can't figure out how to speak badly to Putin. Manafort has gotten richer than the Clinton's from his Russian "consulting" business.
Trump himself has either met or not met with Putin depending on which Donald you choose to believe. Sometimes it's yes, sometimes it's no. Of course, his taxes would probably reveal Russian investments or loans..... Chances are we will never see his taxes; he has something disqualifying to hide. Something obviously huge. Bad even for Trump supporters.
There are many Trump ties to Russia, including himself and senior campaign officials. One source said: ""there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."
The FBI has multiple investigations going for Trump's Russian ties: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/veteran-spy-gave-fbi-info-alleging-russian-operation-cultivate-donald-trump
Rebecka, I never did find an answer for that in NJ, but perhaps if you call the court house today, they can give you the answer. I have a feeling you can't vote for VP as a write in... But if you find out otherwise, please let us know.
Rebecka - Electors at the Electoral College really only vote for the President. Whoever is elected chooses the VP. So it's not really necessary to name a VP.
I think it's time for us all to reread The Emperor's New Clothes again.....simple observation will show us the naked debauchery and blind stupidity of the man who has weakened and changed the face of our manners, aided understandably by our truth-killing social media...
Donald's day of reckoning will be here soon too, actually beginning mid December.
The civil suit regarding the rape allegations begins on the 15th or 16th of December. We'll have to wait and see how that plays out and if anything regarding witnesses or evidence is made public in any way thru leaks or more factual sources.
Mother Jones site? Lol
One of the biggest far left sites on the net.
Even worse than the Huffington POST,MSNBC and CNN the Clinton News Network.
"We'll have to wait and see how that plays out." If this is the adolescent rape case, unless the defense can roll other "victims" out to show a pattern, this one probably gets tossed. Given that others, beyond the alleged grope victims where Trump confessed to similar actions, have not come forward probably says this one goes away.
The Trump University fraud cases start at the end of November; there are at least three of these in three different states and Trump, if elected, will settle. If not elected, he will fight and then settle. He will not escape a guilty verdict in all of these cases.
Trump Foundation investigation by NY's AG part of a long standing legal feud between Trump and the AG. They will find wrongdoing here, the level of which is going to be pretty small given the size of the Foundation is pretty small. Again, Trump's own confessions over the years makes indictment or fines a pretty sure thing. Heck, he's already paid fines, been found lacking in the financial tracking paperwork, buying self portraits with foundation charity money --- plenty of smoke here. Makes you wonder why the $10B man needs this paltry a secret slush fund versus just handling the payoffs from petty cash. But hey, I'm not a master businessman like Trump.
Then there's the ongoing gay harassment case, this one is in court-mandated mediation. Or the sexual harassment case ongoing in Florida, or the caterer in NYC claiming TrumpCo withheld tips, or any of the other 75 open cases Trump is working. Wanna know how he creates those thousands of good paying jobs? Lawyers.
In July alone, the Trump campaign spent close to $760,000 in attorney fees according to campaign finance releases. Clinton spent $100,000. While as of August, Clinton outspent Trump in total: $1.4M versus $1.1M, one has to wonder what Mr. Trump is defending against: allegations? Or maybe it's the Univision Suit, the $10M nondisclosure suit brought against a Trump campaign aide or maybe investigations on how to put Hillary in jail :>)
I almost want him to be elected just so we can see him defending himself against all this in the fishbowl known as the oval office. Can't hide behind his family-owned private business then.
LOL...well, you do seem to like them. You've certainly gobbled up all of Donald's...
Possible Terrorist threat on election eve.
SD that audio doesn't prove he actually groped women. The media only plays a certain amount of it. You don't know the context in which it was being said. So of course when you hear that people like you automatically look at it as an admission. No one at this point can prove it true or not. He could have been talking about his exploits when he was younger which to me I could care less.
Yankeefan the only thing I've gobbled up is that the FBI has reason to believe Hillary needs to be investigated. That has nothing to do with Trump, but her own actions.
"SD that audio doesn't prove he actually groped women." No, you are right. The fact that he said he did does not mean anything. Just like most everything he says. As far as the whole tape, really? Are you really going down the "cherry picking" argument :>)
And the fact that 12 have come forward to agree means nothing either.
Come one folks: how many with teenage girls would leave them alone with Trump?
But Hillary will be indicted, Bret Baier said it on Fox News, Trump and all the right wing blogs repeated it without checking, so it must be true.
Oh wait, they admitted they were wrong once the FBI said ---- "what the heck are you talking about, the investigation is dormant......" Shoot, they were close though.
Just wondering, is Clinton campigning? I see Trump out there everyday giving speeches and campaigning. I don't see Clinton doing the same. Maybe it's my viewing habits, I watch One America News. Maybe Clinton isn't going about the campaign trail in the manner Trump is or maybe I need to change the channel.
Is Clinton giving campaign speeches and where can I hear and watch them?
Clinton isn't campaigning because no one is showing up to her rallies LOL
Either that or she KNOWS she has it "in the bag", which should everyone VERY suspicious of WHY she thinks that....
Or maybe she's too drunk (see previously in thread), or too sick (medically).
SD I'd be more worried about spending time with Hillary. I might end up dead if I hear something I shouldn't hear...
Metsman, plain and simple, you've swallowed the empty slogans of a dangerous demagogue who wouldn't let you on his golf courses. Hook, line and sinker.
She's definitely campaigning heavily. I've seen lots of clips of her at rallies over the past couple weeks (and prior). I haven't really watched any, but they are definitely being broadcast.
Yankeefan, if you think everything the Hillary campaign spews out isn't more of the same then you're kidding yourself. I was making a joke. I've analyzed things and I just don't see Hillary being the better choice. If there's anything to these emails and her foundation and she gets indicted, even if she's elected, congress will impeach her. Then we're stuck with that weirdo Kaine...
A sack of potatoes is smarter than Donald Trump LOL he's such a bully a racist and he has court hearings for rape and assault I don't even know how people want him to win are people that stupid
CBGB - There's a website out there that appears to consolidate her schedule, clips of her speeches, as well as others campaigning for her. (like Bill & Tim Kaine)
Try this and click on the "speech archive" to listen if you want:
From that Hillary spoke Tuesday in Florida, Wednesday in Arizona and Nevada, yesterday in North Carolina, and today is in Pennsylvania and Michigan.
A Question or two:
What would have happened if trump ran as a third party candidate in 2016?
or better yet, if HRC wins, what will happen if he runs as 3rd party candidate in 2020?
2020 could be decided on the House of Representatives.
Something tells me the drama is just starting.
SD, surely you've seen or heard of the leaked email from last Friday, before all this new investigation news came about. It described in detail how the Clinton Foundation would shake down individuals, countries, and corporations. they would not only have to donate to the foundation but also have to give Bill some kind of no show job or title for millions of dollars. Obviously this is the more serious problems for the Clintons, because it actually had the main stream media shaking their heads in disgust. I shudder to think of what it will be like if Hillary is elected. The constant investigations, her only concern and biggest issue, trying not to get indicted, and most importantly the threat of foreign entities able to blackmail her with information from her hacked server. Hard to fathom we've let it get this far.
I agree with most of what the author said about Donald, but he sugar coated Hillary's 30 years of corruption, greed and manipulation at any cost. The two of them deserve each other but our country does not. May they both reap the fruits of their selfish, greedy, egotistical labors.
Nothing political here, except a blatant attempt by the FBI to influence the election. This country is in serious trouble when the FBI and Russia share a common purpose.
Regardless of affiliation, all Americans should be outraged.
I feel like it's pretty sad when you see a fresh American flag on someone's property and automatically know there supporting trump. They don't need a campaign sign. Anyone else feel that way? I really think Clinton gives a rat's a s s when it comes to the flag.
I disagree bonv. Hillary is afraid to flaunt the flag in fear of losing minority votes. So if you see a fresh flag on someone's property I guarantee there voting against Clinton.
Well then if you see a flag that's been flying for years then they are voting for Hillary - true patriots. Trump has zero respect for the US, it's military and citizens as demonstrated by his actions and words.
YF they may have had to disclose the information to be fair to both parties to prevent precisely that - one candidate cannot have information the other did not
So in addition to your difficulty with the English language (there should be their), I do applaud your alliteration. Flaunt and fresh flag. You are the poet laureate of the Trump campaign. Nonetheless, I have an American flag on my front door and my deck. And I am repulsed by Trump. So go figure.
No skipster, leaked to Trump mouthpiece Giuliano only. You know, desperate for relevance like our pathetic NJ Governor.
Voter fraud? Yay or Nay?
An app where people agree to "swap votes" around the country.
"Vote Trading, also known as vote swapping or vote pairing, is the practice of voting for or against another person's bill, position on a more general issue, or favored candidate in exchange for the other person's vote for or against a position, proposal, or candidate that one supports."
"And I have a question re: writing in. Does one also write-in a VP? According to the ballot overview mailing we received, it does not look like one writes in a VP choice when writing in a choice for President."
Quite a foolish thing to do. You are wasting your vote and might as well not vote at all.
(Pretty laughable too thinking you can choose who your "President" should have as their VP)
If that's the case then I hope they're prosecuted - and Comey seems to be pretty above board when it comes to this stuff
Forget about going high, it looks like Hillary and Obama are both going low. how stupid does Obama think his supporters are by saying a President Trump would support the KKK. I lose what little respect I had for the man when he states crap like that. As for Hillary, way to get your message out and stay positive by bringing Miss Universe or Miss America or whatever the hell she is out on stage to bash Trump. I guess declining poll numbers will make you change your message.
Sometimes my flag rips and I take it down , or I may take it down for the winter , and sometimes I take it down just because I feel like it - the freedom of being a free Mer-kan in Mer-kah I spect . However if I where to vote on November 8th none of that would have any bearing on that . Just kidding , I already voted two weeks ago on a mail in ballot for Joe DeWitt and against the colossal prick Snott (the rat) Garrett .
JIT: I would consider that "vote TAMPERING", and it should be made illegal.. But then so should gerrymandering. Because that's what that app amounts to- digital, nationwide, gerrymandering.
Dropped because of this-
From Snopes:
A woman who had accused Donald Trump of raping her when she was a 13-year-old girl has once again dropped her lawsuit against the Republican presidential candidate. Thomas Meagher, an attorney for the complainant (known only by the pseudonyms "Jane Doe" and "Katie Johnson"), filed a voluntary dismissal in district court in New York on 4 November 2016, two days after the putative victim was a no-show at a scheduled press conference.
The complainant cited "numerous threats" against her life as the reason behind both her non-appearance and her dropping of the lawsuit. The woman alleged that Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein had raped her in 1994, when she was a 13-year-old aspiring model.
“She has been here all day, ready to do it, but unfortunately she is in terrible fear,” attorney Lisa Bloom said of the abortive press conference. A status conference for the lawsuit was scheduled to be held on 16 December 2016.
Alan Garten, a lawyer for the Trump Organization, said the claims were “a complete fabrication” and that "this is basically a sham lawsuit brought by someone who desires to impact the presidential election."
An initial lawsuit filed in California in April 2016 was dismissed for technical errors, refiled in New York in June 2016, dismissed in September 2016 and refiled again the following month.
Exactly YF. Some of the other women who had come out with allegations against Trump also had their home addresses leaked by Fox News and not surprising received a lot of threats.
These are really dark days and not solely because of the candidates but because so many people are willing to do and justify anything so that their "guy" wins. Many of the voter suppression and intimidation tactics being used are from the 30's (Germany) and 60's (South).
- The nation’s most prominent anti-government militia and a neo-Nazi group have announced plans to send their members to monitor outside the polls.
- In Ohio a judge issued a temporary restraining order against Trump’s campaign and his unofficial adviser Roger Stone. The ruling said anyone who engaged in intimidation or harassment inside or near Ohio polling places would face contempt of court charges.
- North Carolina forced into court for illegally purging African Americans from the voter rolls.
- Republican operative, Mike Roman, notorious for stirring allegations of voter intimidation in the 2008 election, is coordinating the Trump monitor program.
Oh what a laugh. So if Trump wins, he "stole it". Yet you same numbskulls would make fun of anyone saying Hillary stole it... the liberal extreme hypocrisy continues.....
If Trump wins it COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE because more Americans agree with him than with Hillary, oh no... that's impossible. And if they do, it's because they are barbaric, racist, homophobic,mouth-breathing rednecks who have fewer brain cells than Trump himself... right?
I smell desperation. And HATE. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
Or these women are mentally ill. Sorry, but if someone did something horrible to me, I would follow through if it's true. Hank Aaron got death threats when he approached Babe Ruth's homerun record. You think that stopped him!
No JR - no deflection, wild conspiracy theories or a lot of whining that I've heard of yet coming from Hillary. What is obvious is that there is a base of citizens, complicit with the Republican leadership (a la 2008), who are intent on intimidating other voters because they don't "look or sound" like Americans. This behavior should not be encouraged because it is simply against the values of this country and what so many fought against in the 60's.
Bonv - love how you conveniently ignore all the democrat voter fraud... over many years... ONLY the republicans "mess with" the vote, right? Riiiiiight..... someday you need to take your head out of the sand (putting it politely), and look around at the TRUTH.
How about black panther members suppressing white voters?
"Hillary certainly liked him....."
And you continue to lap up lies like any good Trump supporter unwilling to look under the hood of his statements and plans. http://www.snopes.com/people-like-donald-trump/
Next: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/59ubol/russian_disinformation_blog_source_completely/
Should I keep going or do you want to admit you're sucking bottom water from the Russian mud puddle.
Bon Appétit my little comrade.
Lets not even bring race issues up because our black president has created a race war in his tenure. All this crap about cops shooting black men and the ridiculous crap black lives matters incites has all happened during his presidency. He has no spine. He doesn't back the police because if he did, the democrats would lose black voters. The democrats need their sheep...
How about those polls? Are they still "rigged " now that trump is pulling ahead? Yeah that's what I thought. Hypocrites.
Sure IF they are out this year it's a problem as well. The laughable part is that Trump campaign is actually on record about their voter suppression strategies but hey it's okay because the black panthers were out in 2012. This year people are being encouraged and feel that they are empowered to intimidate anyone that doesn't "speak American" (actual quote) or look American. Again that's okay because these people aren't "real" Americans.
Metsman... the republicans have their "sheep" too... but alot fewer of them, if the "civil war" in the party (that resulted in Trump becoming the nominee) and all the GOP-ers who have tried to stop Trump, are any indication.
And I wasn't trying to make anything about race- I'm talking about voter suppression/fraud. Race plays into it of course, but my point is, for someone to think only the republicans practice such techniques is laughable (and there's strong evidence over the years showing the democrats actually practice the technique alot more.)
But, "all is fair in love and ELECTIONS", right? As long as "we" win, I don't care HOW we win, even if it's illegally!!
"How about those polls? Are they still "rigged " now that trump is pulling ahead? Yeah that's what I thought. Hypocrites."
It's already been stated: the polls have to come back to reality as election day nears, they can't be too far off if they want to continue to be respected and used in the future. It's business. Trying to steer an election is one thing, but losing your job over it is another.
race war, ridiculous black lives matter, does not back police, crap about cops shooting black men.....
Actually it's the unarmed black men being shot that's the major concern. Am I am sorry that black lives matter seems like ridiculous while the KKK supporting Trump, endorsing Trump, is not that important to you.
He doesn't back police yet police are safer under his reign than ever before: "During the Reagan years, for instance, an average of 101 police officers were intentionally killed each year. Under George H.W. Bush that number fell to 90. It fell further, to 81 deaths per year, under Bill Clinton, and to 72 deaths per year under George W. Bush. Under Obama, the average number of police intentionally killed each year has fallen to its lowest level yet — an average of 62 deaths annually through 2015. If you include the 2016 police officer shootings year-to-date and project it out to a full year, that average of 62 deaths doesn't change." Washington Post
Talk, like your threads, is cheap. Facts don't lie.
But if we pressed the facts, I believe you would get your normal "pants of fire" ranking for believing the spin but over the facts.
Time to fall back on your MSM tainted liberal fact checker biased lying journalists defense retort.
Or you can just roll the tapes and see for yourself.......
Metsman, you are by far the most entertaining poster on this thread. Hmmm...so, there was no racial strife, or riots, or police brutality incidents in the Sixties? Seventies, Eighties, Nineties? A "race war was created by our black President in his tenure"? "Ridiculous crap black lives matter"?
Gee, you don't sound racist at all.
You're right JR. They had the race favoring Hillary earlier to discourage some people.
"Metsman... the republicans have their "sheep" too... but alot fewer of them"
One must wonder about a guy who spends an inordinate amount of time and effort identifying sheep in order to count them. Or at least he says he's counting them...:>)
"(and there's strong evidence over the years showing the democrats actually practice the technique alot more.)" Really. Now you're counting what professionals can't even see.
"It's already been stated: the polls have to come back to reality as election day nears," Ah, polls are reality now that Trump is winning.
Wow. just wow.
JR - in this country voter suppression has historically been about race and ethnicity. This year voter suppression is still primarily about race and ethnicity. This year voter suppression and intimidation are being encouraged and almost worn as a badge of honor. Where are the widespread democratic attempts and rhetoric this year? We can go back in history as you suggest but neither party looks good.
Aaaaand...... even if the polls WERE NOT BEING "adjusted" for nefarious reasons..... let's say they were the actual real numbers the whole time.....
....more Americans are going with Trump. If Trump wins, it means a majority want him over her. It's really quite simple. Like it or lump it. Alot of us had to lump it for the last years, perhaps now it's the other side's turn, LOL
Saw this, thought it very apt:
"It's very simple to me. If you are happy with how everything is and the direction America is going, vote for Hillary....If not, vote for Trump. Votes on other candidates are wasted. Then we all hope the people that voted for the winner were right and we can all prosper in freedom and safety in this beautiful country."
Bonv- this year, the democrats are concentrating on early voter fraud:
That is just one of several reports of such.
Not to mention the voting machines in TX and NC changing Trump votes to Hillary votes.
And landslide- by EITHER candidate- is required to quash all calls of "fraud", "suppression", "rigging", and all the rest of it... a landslide (or at least a race that isn't "close" and counting on "hanging chads") will INVALIDATE all claims to such, make them irrelevant.
Personally, I don't see a landslide for either candidate. But no one saw Reagan's landslide coming either....
I also find CNN pathetic. Fox will play a Trump rally through it's entirety. CNN cuts in and out with their stupid commentary. No one cares what you have to say Anderson and Wolf....
"...more Americans are going with Trump. If Trump wins, it means a majority want him over her. It's really quite simple." Not so simple if entire groups of citizens have their votes suppressed or are so intimidated that they stay away. Or like purging thousands of North Carolina's African American votes.
Of course you know (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt) that works BOTH WAYS. I have shown evidence of democrat voter fraud as well.
SO: as I said above, a landslide in either direction would be helpful in making irrelevant all this "chaff"... or maybe republican voter suppression will simply cancel out democrat voter fraud?
A decisive win is hoped for. Or it may be a loooooong election.....
"SD Hillary has CNN in her pocket." I remember that John Wayne movie. "Well that's a mighty big pocket for a little lady." :>)
" Fox will play a Trump rally through it's entirety" Yeah, but on MSNBC you can get a free Beyoncé, Jay Z and Chance the Rapper concert with Hillary. Might have been 30,000 at this one. Or might be able to catch Steve Aoki, Jon Bon Jovi, Katy Perry, Stevie Wonder and Ne-Yo.
Or continue to watch FOX for Trumpaloozer.
JR's "source":
The Gateway Pundit has 12 million visits each month (Stat Counter – Google Analytics). It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation and by several international news organizations.
Jim Hoft was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013. Jim Hoft received the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2015.
JR - it does go both ways BUT this year it's not just about allegations or rumors. There is individual crazy all over the place (i.e. everyone's favorite Ohio woman voting twice for Trump). What is absolutely different and insulting this year is that many Trump surrogates/organizers are on record about what they are doing to suppress and intimidate votes. They have admitted to strategies of suppression. What is absolutely disgusting is that many of these people are on record admitting that they are going to racially profile other voters. If it were the Democrats saying this s**t or admitting to these strategies it would be equally horrifying.
You mean like democratic campaign operatives admitting that they put plants in Trump rallies to incite violence and make Trump and his supporters look violent? Hmm.....
It's on video....CNN, a trustworthy source, right?
Sure sure, the DNC says "these actions were never executed"... what else are they going to say? But, if we take the DNC at their word, then we have to take Trump at his word, right?
Lies abound on BOTH sides. Trying to prove "who lies more" is folly, and a very poor metric for picking a candidate... which in this case IS the lesser of 2 evils, whether you or anyone else chooses to believe that or not.
SD the only way Hillary can get people to come to her rallies is to invite pop stars...

"Sure sure, the DNC says "these actions were never executed"... what else are they going to say?' Of course, this has nothing to do with voter fraud but it's fun to conjecture about boy talk when you're the party of the locker room.
Not quite the same as: "When I said I groped and abused women and then 12 women came forward to agree with what I said, I did not say what I said and therefore they are liars that I will sue once I am President. Right after I put Hillary in jail for being a criminal that the FBI said is not a criminal or the Republican Senate said is not a criminal."

"SD the only way Hillary can get people to come to her rallies is to invite pop stars..."
I guess. But you have history on your side as you strive to make history again.
African Americans should look at how Hillary said she admires Margaret Sanger, someone who once said that African Americans should be exterminated. Yeah but keep voting democrat...

Stand by your man mets. Support your groper. A man of his words. Believe him when you believe him, disavow those bad things he said, he didn't mean them, and dream your dream of what he will actually do. Because it's all in your head, it's not what he said.
Yankees..... I'm going to make your hypocritical head spin. White lives matter. Maybe that's too racist for you. All lives matter. That pc enough?
teaching someone to read gives them a view and some understanding.... social media distorts that view and clouds their understanding.....
that is a crock - metsman: http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/08/14/432080520/fact-check-was-planned-parenthood-started-to-control-the-black-population
You all need to take a deep breath, turn off your TV, stay away from social media and do the mature, reasonable thing. It's getting really ugly and the prejudices on both sides are showing.
Some will be happy on Tuesday
And hopefully will accept the victory humbly and without bad mouthing the other side. There are going to be those who will be very disappointed and will need to give themselves time to cool down before coming back on this site.
We all need to stand together no matter who wins this election. It will take an all out effort on both sides, but as Americans we must move on and do what we can to keep this country peaceful and attempt towork together.
i was going to write "holy hell" about all the nonsense above but Spring beat me to it and is much nicer than I.
Hope you have a great day today, truly is a nice fall day.
OK. Just got back from a long hike at the Water Gap. Meditated. Smoked a joint. Played with puppies. Took a xanax. Played Why Can't We Be Friends over and over. No good. I still believe Trump is a despicable and dangerous demagogue and totally unfit for the office. Sincerely hope that a majority of Americans agree.
4cat see you at the voting booth. I refuse to believe the majority of the country can't see through the PT Barnum of our generation. And if they can't, shame on all of us. It won't be pretty.
"I still believe Hillary is a despicable and dangerous demagogue and totally unfit for the office. Sincerely hope that a majority of Americans agree."
Fixed it for the OTHER HALF of the country.
I wonder, of the people on here who are voting for Trump or Hillary, if they are doing so because they actually think their candidate is a good one, or just the best of a bad lot?
As in:
Trump - I believe he can make the country great again
Trump - he's not Hillary
Hillary - I believe the country is already in great shape and WANT Obama 2.0
Hillary - she's not Trump
Margaret Sanger, in her own words, WITH SOURCES LISTED:
here's just a few:
On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon
"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)
This woman was EVIL, and believed in "race purification" just like Adolf Hilter did.
Check it out, especially at 1:55. Shaq summarizes Trump, just a straightforward guy. Yes, hard along the edges but I will take this over the ultra-fake Hillary every time...

"Shaq summarizes Trump, just a straightforward guy. Yes, hard along the edges but I will take this over the ultra-fake Hillary every time..." Yes, Hillary talks like a lawyered up ambassador and Trump talks straightforward trailer trash. Must be the unvarnished honest truth.

He certainly has his followers, home and a broad. There's just a certain honest air about them. A smell of strength that all great leaders have in common.
This is about as clear as it gets - someone is living in another universe: https://youtu.be/4PqpoyOOzeQ

Trump will run the country like he runs his successful businesses where he had, in his own words, created tens of thousands of jobs. Actually about 20,000 at last estimate, add 10,000 more for folks working for other companies on behalf of Trump.
Of course, that doesn't count the tens of thousands of jobs he abolished during all the bailouts, meltdowns, and Trump factory closures.
Nope, I expect he will run the country just like his airline, into the ground. The wheels will come off the shuttle. But this time there won't be Daddy to bail him out. "What do you mean Father of our Country is just a term of affection. I need a bailout NOW......"
Comey admits nothing found, nothing to change July decision. Now he should immediately resign.
I'm not surprised nothing was found with the emails but would be shocked if no illegal activity is found with the Clinton Foundation.
Jrn, don't you think if she had the ability to "pay someone off" she would have done that BEFORE Comey's announcement?
Metsman is satisfied. Nikki flip flopped again. When is your next stand up appearance? I'm there, you are one funny guy.
And Jrn, speaking of payoffs, should we talk about the National Enquirer, or the Florida Attorney General? You know, since you mentioned payoffs. And I guess you think the FBI was bribed.
True 4catmom, but Hillary is no Obama when it comes to honesty. I voted for Obama and still believe he is honest for a politician. But non of these politicians have the ability to think on the fly like Putin (you would have to go back to Bill Clinton to get this). Listen to 15 minutes of Putin and see what we are missing and some frank commentary:
Or perhaps Yankeefan, she realizes you don't elect a President based on petty crap, but on what they bring to the table. The British guy talking afterward makes perfect sense.
What does Hillary bring to the table other than 30+ years of talk and just going with the corrupt politician flow...
Bring to the table you say? Well I like fresh authentic food with no fillers. Can't say that Obama, Hillary nor Trump satisfied my palate...
Not enough to make her President... You'll have people voting for her because she's the first woman candidate, you'll have the black and latino communities who live in the inner cities vote for her so they don't lose their government assistance, you'll have the rich who aren't affected by the economy vote for her because they don't want to see the tax code change to where they pay more, you'll have special interest people vote for her because her corrupt foundation funnels money to them, and then there's the people who get butt hurt because he doesn't speak PC. Hopefully there's enough people out there to overcome these kinds of people so that we can DRAIN THE SWAMP!
I'm a white woman and I will be there in for Hillary Trump is racist doesn't pay taxes or the people who work for him. He's a Bully and he doesn't care about the American people he just cares about the rich his plans to so-called makeamericagreatagain don't make any sense. He has lots of scams like Trump University for example with people who are suing him. He says he's going to be going after Hillary and the people who are suing him if he becomes president and that will take away from what's important of the doing the country and that will just be distracting him. Trump is not the president I don't even know how we got real acted the way he treats women disabled and people who are not quite ridiculous. He is not fit to be president and it's actually very scary think if he does become president he's going to just destroy our relationships with other countries go Hillary make the United States loving peaceful and not a racist like Donald Trump. The only think Donald Trump is racist bully who only cares for the rich not the American people
Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable.
---John Kenneth Galbraith---
can't decide which is which
An opinion piece I hope most can agree with:
It begins with:
"We still don’t know the outcome of the 2016 election, in which our “democratic process” has produced two candidates widely despised by the American people, but we do know the race’s biggest loser: reporters and the profession of journalism, which has been reduced to surrogacy, largely on behalf of Hillary Clinton.
Before going further, let me state that my own politics are on the left but I won’t be voting in this election. Both parties have collaborated to rig the system so that’s it’s virtually impossible for an independent candidate to compete given the financial and institutional hurdles that have been put in place to block such a possibility. We live in an oligarchy where democracy is virtually meaningless; I’m not debasing myself by participating in this charade."
And ends with the following comments:
"Again, I find both of the major candidates repellent and would never vote for either. Most of my friends and family are voting for Hillary (in despair), and I respect that; I have no intention of losing friendships over this election because of the way someone votes.
But you don’t have to be crazy to vote for Trump. The best reason I’ve seen was recently offered by Camille Paglia, who said, “People want change and they’re sick of the establishment…[I]f Trump wins it will be an amazing moment of change because it would destroy the power structure of the Republican party, the power structure of the Democratic party and destroy the power of the media.”
If she’s correct, that indeed would be the very best outcome of this sad, sad election."

I think Paglia is being a little optimistic with her outcome of the election if Trump wins, but I understand where she's coming from, I agree with her, and as I have been saying all along, it is why Trump is so popular. I would love it if a Trump win actually did signal a "changing of the guard" as she suggests, but Americans have a very short memory. If Trump wins, and if he does manage to turn some things around (especially the economy), people will forget the "bad" (Obama) and not be as vigilant, which means after a 4-8 year Trump term, we will be right back where we started... with fewer people participating in politics. I can't wait to see the voter turnout for this election, I have a hunch it's going to be the biggest one in a long time.... 2004 has been the biggest yet, as a percentage...no doubt due to 9-11 three years previous (Bush vs Kerry)
"Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable. "
And, even looking at it that way (which I totally agree with, the opinions of which one is "disastrous" and which one is merely "unpalatable" are SO black-and-white...... this is one crazy as hell election.
i don't think it was meant as a prediction JR, just commentary on *why* he's got support, which is in direct conflict of why people think he has support (all that divisive racist bs and whatnot)
My bad... chart was kinda hard to read...2008 was a little higher than 2004. So "change" is the item that pushed 2008 percentage up. Hmm... I think that is a big item this year as well LOL. "change" from the previous "change." LOL
Gotta love how it takes them a year to go through the first batch of Hillary emails, but 8 days to go through 650,000...
"Listen to 15 minutes of Putin and see what we are missing" Another Trump supporter embraces the dark side......
"The British guy talking afterward makes perfect sense." Yeah, eurosocialsim.
But finally Metsman blurts out the bitter truth of what's wrong in his Amerika:
"You'll have people voting for her because she's the first woman candidate," (Actually she's not, but.....we get it....a gender vote)
"you'll have the black and latino communities who live in the inner cities vote for her so they don't lose their government assistance" (and they have plenty of time on their hands to get to the polls.... )
"you'll have the rich who aren't affected by the economy vote for her because they don't want to see the tax code change to where they pay more" (Uh, they do pay more under Clinton, and less under Trump. Think you got your stereotype radar wires crossed....)
"you'll have special interest people vote for her because her corrupt foundation funnels money to them," (oh yeah, and I bet you have that loooong list)
"and then there's the people who get butt hurt because he doesn't speak PC." (or English for that matter)
"Hopefully there's enough people out there to overcome these kinds of people so that we can DRAIN THE SWAMP!" (hey, you forgot the anti-gunites and the demosheeps)
Yes, enough people just like Metsman. The special drain the swamp people will overcome THESE TYPES OF PEOPLE. These types of people. What's that leave for Trump since he can't speak to all these wrong-headed people?
"People who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world
We're children, needing other children
And yet letting a grown-up pride
Hide all the need inside
Acting more like children than children"
"Gotta love how it takes them a year to go through the first batch of Hillary emails, but 8 days to go through 650,000..."
Hello, McFly, anybody in there..... That's because they weren't "Hillary emails."
For JR:
25 Trump lies in one speech...
And for Metsman:
Whether they could or not doesn't really matter. I'm sure Obama and Lynch put pressure on Comey to close the case. If it were you or I they'd have found enough to indict us and we'd be in prison for a long time.
The short time implies a lack of investigation of individual emails, so the statement must be assuming that the email contents are not relevant.
This guy is a joke. All he has done since the summer is attack Trump. Trump merely asks why his wife didn't speak, and the democrats go crazy. No, it was not Trump who attacked it was this nut job... Using his son's sacrifice as a political platform. You sir are the disgrace...
When the taxi drove through the gates, Khan told the soldiers to take cover. He walked toward it, signaling for it to stop.
The car, with 200 pounds of explosives, blew up, killing him.
Khan's actions saved the lives of several others. For that, he was awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.
"He died selflessly and courageously, tackling the enemy head on," his commanding officer, Lt. Col. Dan Mitchell, wrote in a letter read at his funeral. "We will not forget him and the noble ideas he stood for."
He was given full military honors and buried at Arlington National Cemetery, where the marble headstone bears the star and crescent of his faith He was 27.
Meanwhile, Metsman spends his time shamelessly promoting his son on the baseball field.
""you'll have special interest people vote for her because her corrupt foundation funnels money to them," (oh yeah, and I bet you have that loooong list)"
Per your request:
Just remember to paste the link into a google search and go to the site from there if you don't have a subscription.
"The short time implies a lack of investigation of individual emails" Between possible computer scans for redundancy checks with previous emails, classified check, to/from address check, and key word checks, perhaps the lack of guns, much less smoking ones became intuitively obvious to the casual observer. I mean even if there were Hillary emails from her server all over the place, if they were redundant with the ones already uncovered ---- Hillary case over (although Weiner and family may have a lot of questions to answer......)
Let's remember the hurdle: had to be on Clinton private server, had to be classified, had to be new and not redundant with already uncovered emails; that's a high hurdle right there for Weiner's laptop that his wife said she never used, much less used for work. I mean if you were Weiner, would you let your wife use your sexting laptop?
Then remember the process: The NYC FBI branch was going to go Hillary hating rogue and leak the allegations; Comey might have done it better, but he had little choice but to announce or face the leak ASAP. Next thing you know, there's a leak about an active investigation to the Clinton Foundation.
My question is why did it take so long? The Foundation investigation was announced as in a dormant stage immediately, one would think a no-go call could have been issued faster for what appears to be an obvious whiff of the prosecutorial bat.
No matter what the outcome of the election, Comey has a real problem going forward. He just entered the FBI into the world of politics as a real player capable of powerful actions possibly changing our democratic process. And for his debut, he lost the game on literally every account. Neither candidate can trust him at this point. He came after Hillary and did Trump in. If Comey doesn't fire the NYC FBI branch leakers ASAP post the election, he is doomed for sure. Probably doomed anyway but if he doesn't take an action-based stand for "we don't leak information about ongoing investigations," the role of the FBI is changed forever.
Who ever thought the FBI would have loose lips while the IRS has had zero leaks on Trump's taxes or the audit ---- like does an audit even exist, I mean who has seen any paperwork saying there is an audit. And if an audit even does exist, is it still ongoing or is it over? And what's the audit about, I mean no leaks about anything about this biblical audit. That's like nine months and ticking so far. Six days to create the world......
our votes do not really count anyway at this point do they? the electoral votes are what counts! correct me if i am wrong!
Yankeefan, the elder Khan isn't honoring his son by ripping Trump apart every chance he gets. This guy should be about making sure seeing that veterans are cared for which at the moment, this current administration hasn't done much for. How many of them die waiting to get treated by VA hospitals or put bullets into their heads from dealing with PTSD... How about he focuses his energy on that instead of being a tool for Hillary... The democrats take one line from Trump and turn into into him being a racist or bigot.
Also Yankeefan, you must be cranky still because the Yankees didn't make the playoffs.
equating the IRS to God? that's an interesting thought, the IRS certainly operates with God-like powers . . . . . . . hmmmm . . . .
quote from above>>correct me if i am wrong!<<
I can't, I can only give my opinion of........
quote from above>>our votes do not really count anyway at this point do they? the electoral votes are what counts!<<
Of course your vote counts, my vote counts, every vote counts. Even with the electoral vote. The votes are counted and the electoral vote is awarded to the candidate with the most votes in that state. At least that is how I see it. Yes your vote counts.
Didn't Lois Lerner from the IRS take the 5th when questioned about investigating Tea Party groups regarding applications on their 503C status? I also believe that former IRS Commissioners seemed to have amnesia when they were questioned about it.
vote for who you want :
Government Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by 9,977,000
The United States lost 9,000 manufacturing jobs in October while gaining 19,000 jobs in government, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Government employment grew from 22,216,000 in September to 22,235,000 in October, according to BLS, while manufacturing jobs dropped from 12,267,000 to 12,258,000.
I voted this morning. They don't even check for ID. Asked my name and birthday. So anyone who knows my birthday could have voted in my place. Not a very good process.
"They don't even check for ID."
It's amazing how such a thing is considered an "infringement" on the right to vote.
Perhaps if they added a background check, fingerprints, a waiting period, and a "no vote" list it would then be OK. Right? I mean, common sense and all...
can we transfer the FBI agent who reviewed 600K emails in 6 days to the BATFE tax stamp approval department? this guy is FAST!
the NYPD SVU, TARU and JTTF, was also involved - not just the FBI
Not once have I had to show my ID when voting. Not once no matter where I voted. Not once have I been asked for ID when voting since 1980.
One last time.........
Vote for me, I am rich, I am the best businessman, and "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created." I am worth $10B and “I've created tens of thousands of jobs and a great company.” Lick it up because it means change from the status quo.
Horse hockey on all accounts.
The man without transparency who lies at the drop of his hairline just takes you for another spin. He offers no proof except self-reporting. He offers zero transparency, his private company does not divulge anything except spin, no documents of any kinds like taxes, immigration, or even medical reports. He is the status quo for a vengeful, autocratic, company dictator class running his private business by himself, for himself, any way he chooses….himself.
In the middle of 2014, Trump claimed he was worth $8.7B, $3.3B of which was goodwill. Apparently since then, Trump has raped customers while losing some luster from his goodwill. Go figure.
The current Trump net worth of $10B is a self-reported number with enough estimates and numbers juggling to make PT Barnum wince. His accountant put up the numbers, it's a work of art. Having worked through a number of these for annual reports, there is an art form for financial spin. First, the $10B includes $3B in goodwill for the Trump brand name. There’s no money there, just an expectation of worth in the value of his name. Wonder what it will be worth later tonight. You can’t get financing based on goodwill. In the sale of the company, the buyer starts at $0 for goodwill. In this case, Trump starts at $3B.
Outside sources estimate Trump is worth $2.9B and that ain’t goodwill.
Trump Org is estimated to have 22K employees; with ancillary jobs that are caused by Trump Co but not employed by Trump Org, the total rises to 34K employees. Similar organizations are in that area too for total number of employees, hospitality, and revenues. http://money.cnn.com/2015/09/03/news/economy/donald-trump-jobs-created/
Tens of thousands of jobs. At the Trump Org number of 22,000, tens of thousands is a bit of a spin. And if that’s the case, then he’s fired tens of thousands of people too. At least 6,000 alone in the AC bust and when you count the ancillary jobs lost.... At one time Trump’s three casino’s employed 9,000 people. And then there was only one casino, no longer run by Trump.
There were 700 locations for the University formally known as Trump that can’t be called a University. Tens of thousands of Trump U employees were let go.
Trump airline had 20 some of the worst maintained 727’s, most of these were scrapped when he sold out; 1,000 people were scrapped as well.
Trump mortgage failure good for a few thousand unemployment checks.
Trump Vodka for a thousand more.
Trump steak and the associated restaurants fired some more.
As did Trump Magazine.
Looks like he has created 22K jobs for the Trump Org, maybe 34K in total. And along the way he probably destroyed more than 20,000 jobs as well. He lies about most of his accomplishments and even his net worth is probably inflated by 2 times or more. All this while he convinces you with his transparent plain speaking when nothing is transparent at all.
I will say this: in July after winning the convention, Trump finally actually paid for his campaign, forgiving $50M in the "loans" he had made so far. Now he had to do it, by law he could not pay himself back from campaign donations after the convention, but nonetheless, he did it becoming the largest self-financing campaigner in history (probably). Too bad he did not invest in a competent campaign.
My work here is done: vote and be happy.
"Yet you can't buy cough medicine without proof lol"
Probably has something to do with the fact that nothing in the voting booth can be used to manufacture methamphetamine... (-;
Yeah Metsman... I 100% agree that you should have to show ID to vote.
It isn't an infringement to prove that you are indeed a citizen of the USA (in the correct state/district). Having to prove competence, getting delayed, or being denied due to a secret list of names, etc. certainly IS an infringement - regardless of which right we're talking about.
Romney won Warren County in 2012 by a margin of 25,723 to 18,701. It'll be interesting to see if the margin or turnout actually changes appreciably or if everyone was just in a hurry to get out and vote today.
If the voter rolls have been "hacked" that's a separate (but still important) issue...
In the meantime, whatever names ARE on the official voter rolls should be cross checked against who is present and voting (to, at a minimum, prevent one person from voting multiple times because they happen to know their neighbor's birthday).
Other 2012 statistics to compare... out of 83,000 (per 2010 census) residents above the age of 18, 68,851 (83% of eligible voters) were registered voters and 45,875 (55.3% of eligible, 66.6% of registered) cast a ballot.
Mark, they would also need to forge their neighbor's signature. And yes, they were looking closely (or at least pretending to).
I'm from a neighboring town, just had to tell them my name and address (no DOB). I really do not like the idea of not showing ID

"just had to tell them my name and address"
What are you worried about? There's no possible way anybody else could know your name AND address!!!
Even if you had to show that paper card they mail you - I never understood why they issue a voter ID then don't want it
" I really do not like the idea of not showing ID"
Why? Please explain your reasoning.
What IS that odd book, Mark? It looks vaguely familiar, but I can't put my finger on it (-;
Amateur, did YOU need to sign your name next to the signature you had on file with the Board of Elections?
I have been voting for over 50 years.....give my name, they open the book to the correct page, I see my previous signatures from past elections, I sign in today and vote....how many of you have found phony signatures by your name and if you did, what did you do about it? MUch ado about nothing me thinks
Yes ianimal, I signed the ledger thing.
4catmom if you have to show forms of ID to get a drivers license then why shouldn't it be the same to vote?
We moved from Washington, where we lived and voted for 28 years, to Pa in July 2015. About March 2016 we got a letter from Warren County indicating they noted we moved and if this was a mistake to notify them within 60 days or we would not be able to vote in November in NJ. So yea the system does work.
In PA we had to show our voter registration card the 1st time we voted in November 2015. In fact we went to the wrong location to vote and they would not let us vote because our name was not on the list. They told us where we had to go to vote and after showing our voter ID card we voted.
Today all we had to do was show up, we signed the book, the person compared our signature to last November signature and handed us a ballot.
So go vote and do not worry, the system WORKS!
Many people don't vote 4catmom... all you need to do is play the odds that you pick one of those names for your "second" vote.
Besides, what risk is there for getting caught? They have no idea who the "wrong" person was since no ID was required..
"Probably has something to do with the fact that nothing in the voting booth can be used to manufacture methamphetamine... (-;"
So it's ok to *assume* I'll make drugs and place limitations on my purchases, but it's not ok to *assume* folks will commit voter fraud?
Me thinks the control freaks understand their use of control in the former and the lack of control in the latter may be used to their advantage when it comes to public opinion. Stupid reasons IMO and is just effed up.
Mark, you need to SIGN your name against a signature on file. I'm pretty sure the list of people who can look at a signature and instantly be able to forge a reasonable facsimile is extremely low.
If the lack of an ID requirement can be shown to lead to fraud, why then, yes, let's require ID's. So far at least, impostor fraud, the kind that ID's may prevent, is virtually non-existent. So weighing the scale between ID's possibly preventing fraud but also causing additional cost to individuals and taxpayers, and preventing some people from casting legitimate votes, the present system wins out.
That's up to now. In the future, who knows? The system should always be reviewed.
I'm fine with the voting process, not so much with other areas where we are treated as if we are all criminals....
Mark- me smelleth a drop of paranoia - based on - well only you would know that........
"Mark, you need to SIGN your name against a signature on file. I'm pretty sure the list of people who can look at a signature and instantly be able to forge a reasonable facsimile is extremely low."
What about people that never signed to begin with in previous elections?
With ~40-50% voter turnout, you have quite a few million possible blank lines to choose from.
How hard is it to just say ID is required? Wouldn't that be better than asking poll employees to be handwriting experts? Heck, driver's licenses are bar coded, just scan them when you walk in.
Mark, I just changed voting districts. The new registration book had my current signature in it. They must copy it from the change of address form.
Ok, again how hard is it to require a look at your drivers license? Takes 2 seconds.
you don't pick lines - you give your name - they open the book to the correct page - there are not thousands of names visible to you- have you never voted before?
If you walk in and say you're Joe Smith - they'll go to that page - surprise - no Joe Smith - surprise - no voting for you---this is not rocket science
"Takes 2 seconds."
Yep - We DO require ID here in South Carolina.
Walk up to the table, give them your ID (license, passport, military ID, or voter card), they check the address off the list on a computer, you sign the sheet (no comparison needed) and they give you a card to activate the voting booth.
If you forget your ID you can vote a provisional ballot and then you just need to show proof of ID to the county commissioner by a certain deadline or the ballot is void.
I didn't hear any complaints from poll workers or voters on this extremely cumbersome process...
"You do realize not every citizen has a drivers license?
They had to register to vote somehow (or did they?.... that's the problem...)
Prove your identity to get the registration card, and that BECOMES your ID for voting purposes.
"Walk up to the table, give them your ID (license, passport, military ID, or voter card),"
VOTER CARD. There you go. If you're registered to vote, you should get a voter card. Easy peasy. "but what if I lose it???" DON'T. I don't lose my driver's license, FIC card, passport, credit cards... don't lose your voter registration card.
There is no reason to not be "for" ID to vote, unless you or you party have some ulterior motive... which is enough to REQUIRE ID to vote.
"me smelleth a drop of paranoia"
No paranoia... just pointing out the hypocrisy of some people claiming that merely showing ID to exercise one right is an infringement or undue burden, but requiring that and MUCH more for another right is common sense and not a burden at all.
"There is no reason to not be "for" ID to vote, unless you or you party have some ulterior motive... which is enough to REQUIRE ID to vote."
Actually, yes there is. Too many people already don't vote.
People want to drive, buy guns, travel abroad and pay for things without using cash. So, they are willing to jump through whatever hoops are needed to achieve that end. Voting, not so much.
There are plenty of people in both parties who wouldn't bother voting if it meant they had to take a day off to jump through hoops to get a "Voter Identification Card". At this point, I doubt if even I would bother. Probably, but I can't say for sure until faced with the decision.
And if "Voter ID Cards" exist, EVERYONE should have to get one, not just those too poor to need a driver's license. They should be the only ID allowed at the polling places.
The Weather Channel has a special program, until 12am EST, titled Escape the Election! It’s several hours of beautiful, bucolic scenery with jazz/new age soundtrack. LOL but probably the sanest channel on TV right now.
"And if "Voter ID Cards" exist, EVERYONE should have to get one, not just those too poor to need a driver's license. They should be the only ID allowed at the polling places."
I'm not against that. I got a card when I registered to vote. Why, if they aren't required? Register to vote, get a card, USE IT to cast your vote. Perfect.
Well it looks like Trump may pull out ahead... I sincerely hope that if that is the case he is not nearly as harmful as he has been during the election.
Interesting times ahead for sure.
Not surprised with your open mindness and acceptance Bonv.
I'm trying to look at it this way, even though they both have moral, character and honesty issues..doesn't necessarily mean that they can't do the job. Look at Carter, the nicest guy ever, but he was a horrible president.
Scrambling up pennies has led me to turn to a different perspective for mental survival purposes. Lol
If he does win, yeah, change is coming. The Dow futures are already down 700 points. There go my earnings for this year. Then again, you probably don't have any money invested, Scottso, so it doesn't really affect you.
already eperot? He hasn't even been declared the winner yet!
The market is ready for a correction and it has nothing to do with trump. feel free to convince yourself that's the case, but it's been common knowledge for months that we are over due for a correction.
JIT, you are fooling yourself if you think the market response has nothing to do with Trump. Markets like stability. When Comey brought the email case up again....what happened? The market fell hard. Case got dropped? Markets had their best day since March. Trump looks like he might actually win tonight? Markets are poised to tank. Not just here in the US either, but globally. Trump is a huge unknown and a Trump win means a serious market quake.
I said it from the beginning, shoulda been a pundit on fox. It's over, Clinton supporters should start crying about now. Very sorry to break the news.
I'm not kidding myself at all eperot. Recall my comments last week or so where I reminded everyone that our primary "savings" method - the stock market - is equivalent to a roulette wheel? Now it becomes visible and you blame it on trump rather than in human emotion and hissy fits?
Guess what? Rich folks can and do affect the direction of the market because they contribute huge numbers toward it. My best guess is that the drop is nothing more than a temper tantrum by the wealthy. But if it completely tips over that's only because we're way overdue for a correction in the first place. Trump or not.
These are messed up times due to cumulative misdeeds that he couldn't possibly have influenced.
I have never been more frightened in my life. God help us. I will never say his name again. I'm going to throw up now.
Market correction? Really? 750 points, yeah you're smoking dope.
Recall I also said that trump will be blamed for the shtf. He's the perfect scapegoat to preside over a reset that should have happened years ago, so if the wealthy let it happen I wouldn't be surprised. Kill two birds with one stone: allow the reset and blame an outsider, thus paving the way for power to shift back where they want it.
ABC News reports a high up donor in the Clinton campaign has been quoted moments ago saying
"Done...over...he's the next president."
Here comes the Trump Train folks!
The late great Mama Cass....sing it!!
The thing I keep hearing again and again is that this election is the big white rural American middle finger to that which they feel has kept them down or ignored them...namely, Washington. (I mean, they are fly-over states, but I digress)
More to the point, they are angry at the idea of the political establishment. So the apparent answer is to put out the protest vote by electing a man who knows nothing about how Washington works? That's similar to rioting and burning down your own neighborhood, or cutting off your nose to spite your face. It's going to be interesting for sure.
I can't believe how perfectly divided this country is. It's almost impossible for things to be this close. I mean, at last check Pennsylvania is only 1000 votes apart? Totally insane.
Meh. Let it drop.
If you are already in, sit tight. It will be back.
If you can, buy.
All this panic, just like the housing crash- is just on paper until you sell.
1 am. President unknown, but leaning Trump. So much for polls, but I've thought all along that many people just wouldn't admit out loud that they would vote for Trump. I actually don't even think I've face to face had anyone say they support him. Here and on facebook, yes. Live, out loud, no.
Yes, the stock market was expected to tank with a Trump victory. I don't expect that would last, so buy while it's down. The Donald would.
The media, that Trump hates, gave him this election. He received 2 billion dollars in free advertising with "all Trump 24/7". He knew the power of social media and branding..just like Paris Hilton. Negative publicity is better than no publicity, and he knew the power of "branding". A typical stock market correction is usually around 500 points. Yup.... the markets are tanking over 700 points already. And yes, not only is the stock market and our 401k's going down the toilet faster than you can sell, the global markets will, as well. I guess the voting system, polling and the media is not "rigged", anymore. Well... let's see how he fairs. I just hope he doesn't put a cap back on health insurance coverage, as well as making sure they cover pre-existing conditions. 20 million people, right now stand to lose their health insurance. Unless Trump keeps his promise to "replace it with something better". Ok, can we all be friends, again?
Trump wants to "heal the wounds" during his acceptance speech, but what does he do when his buddy shouts "Kill Obama"? Nothing.
The swamp will be drained beginning January 2017.people are tired of the rhetoric and lies.
After 2 hours sleep I feel refreshed and ready to start my day with a hip and a skip!
This country is going to hell in a hand basket. Sad, sad day.
Trump and his family were all stone-faced when they first walked onto stage to claim victory. What's that all about? No excitement!
Funniest headline of the morning:
"How did Trump turn the tables? Shocked experts explain how he won the White House"
So less than 12 hours ago these experts *knew* how the election was going to turn out, being experts and all. Now those same experts magically *know* why they were wrong?
How can they not understand that collectively we don't care about their *opinions*, because that's all they are, opinions. If they were really experts certainly they would have used their powers of premonition 12 hours ago.
If anything, I hope that more people see the MSM for what they are, which is nothing more than an entertainment venue, highly paid self-proclaimed soothsayers.
lol, the bottom line is that nothing has changed, and nothing really will unless we
Can't wait to hear the idiots in Hollywood reactions. And of course our own sd, yankee, etc.
Philliesman, we need a segment like they have on the Talking Dead to say goodbye to those that were lost in the most recent episode. Except for Hollywood/entertainment folks. Buh bye! Enjoy Spain, England, Canada, Australia. Wait until they find out you can't just permanently move there.
President Trump. Very hard for me to type that. Still, the country has spoken, and I can now only hope that Trump (and Congress) make decisions that are beneficial for America and the world. Interesting days ahead, for sure.
This has to be one of the biggest F - yous to politics and media in America in the history of the United States!
Trump and his family were all stone-faced when they first walked onto stage to claim victory. What's that all about? No excitement!
Yea, but did you see Hillary's face, wait a minute she didn't even come out?
You'll get no gloating from me. Frankly, I wouldn't have been surprised if she won. Props to her for conceding immediately. The only surprise to me was Trump ran the "inside straight" as the announcers called it. He won every state he needed to, including a few democrat ones. Good luck, Mr. Trump. Get it right.
Well, you guys wanted a “unified government” who will “get stuff done”... it doesn’t get any more unified than that. If the democrats would like to “cross the isle” to “help get things done”, they’re more than welcome to. Altho I suspect the concept now meets with your disapproval, unlike the last 8 years...
I just hope everyone “gives him a chance”.
This isn't gloating, just reminding people to maybe not be so sure of themselves in the future....
hapiest girl:
“NO WAY can Trump win.”
“Trump running means you better get used to saying madame president”
“God help America if he is elected. But no worries, it won't happen.”
“Except Trump isn't going to win.”
“I brought my babies with me and let my 3 year old daughter press the button for our first female president in history.”
“No way. Hillary's going to win, by a landslide... thank God.”
“I’m looking forward to having an intelligent, experienced first woman, for our president. Hillary's going to make America even greater!!!”
“nobody but Rubio stands a chance in the general election”
“Either way, Trump loses.”
...Ian was 10% correct on NJ tho; Trump lost by double-digits
“Might as well face it, Trump’s gonna get whumped”
“We'll just take the NJ win and call it a day while you continue to pound your chest and bay at the moon about how Trump will take NJ, the US, and render that corrupt political machine and corrupt MSM null & void.”
“I am betting this guy does not concede the race when he loses.”
“You just don't really get it, do you jr. “
—> SOMEONE apparently doesn’t ;)
I haven't picked up the paper or turned on the news yet, but I would hope that some are seeing the larger picture and realizing that Trump's win is, in many ways, America's Brexit, and that the era of global post-WWII liberalism appears to be coming to an end.
Biggest so far Darrin. But the FU is downhill from here. Now we all have to work together and compromises will be needed to make changes on the national and international level.
It is also probably the last election where traditional pollster methods will be used to predict the elections...
I have to say that JeffersonRepub's political analysis was a hell of a lot more astute than the so-called "experts". I still don't believe it, but there it is, lol.
The time for bickering is now over. It's time to come together and work for our children's future. Congratulations President-Elect Trump and good luck.
" Trump's win is, in many ways, America's Brexit, and that the era of global post-WWII liberalism appears to be coming to an end."
Agreed, altho I think it transcends "liberal vs conservative"... I think this was more about the people vs the elite. And those voters who consider themselves to BE the elite. Charles Krauthammer (who HATES Trump) said it last night: "this is an ideological revolution of the people vs the establishment elite."
There's just once catch: Trump's policies have to WORK. If they work, he's got 8 years. If they don't, we're right back where we started. His acceptance speech was humble, and I think you'll find he loves this country just as much as the rest of you, and will try to make it better. Give him the chance.
Trump only lost NJ by 13% with 93% reporting....not a whumping by any means
trump secured 42% of NJ's vote
Just hope he delivers on his promises: the wall, bombing the sh*t out of isis, repealing Obamacare, and maybe as a bonus.... putting Hillary in prison.
Hilary has twice failed, the general public clearly feels she is not presidential material
Please please please, can we address the debt and the systems of government that allow for its abuse? If we don't we'll wind up in the same exact spot, fighting amongst ourselves and not fully understanding why...
From above: "Well, you guys wanted a “unified government” who will “get stuff done”... it doesn’t get any more unified than that. If the democrats would like to “cross the isle” to “help get things done”, they’re more than welcome to. Altho I suspect the concept now meets with your disapproval, unlike the last 8 years... "
So this has been a favorite complaint of mine, that it makes no sense to have a government working at cross-purposes. No, the new situation meets my approval; we will now know who to credit for good things and who to blame for the bad. I have been very anti-Trump but will hope for good things.
"No, the new situation meets my approval; we will now know who to credit for good things and who to blame for the bad. I have been very anti-Trump but will hope for good things."
It's funny, I don't see it as "cross-purposes", I see it has "hard to get things done" BY DESIGN, and I agree with it. Because absolute power corrupts. And I say that with the republicans controlling all 3 branches of govt. And yes- if "good things happen", I hope Trump gets at least some of the credit, and we don't have to withstand "Trump inherited a growing economy, so the credit it Obama's" nonsense. (I'm not talking about you, jd2; just in general).
Besides, the senate will no doubt shift in the next go-round, so the "balance" will be back in place.
I have not commented on ANY political conversations.....BUT DAMN! WHAT A GREAT THiNG TO WAKE UP TO!!!!!
Jefferson..." You'll get no gloating from me".... then call us out on our quotes, individually . That's ok. I expected that. Like I said before.... we all live in Warren county (I think), and hopefully we, as a community, can still be friends. Congratulations on your candidate pulling it off. Now we'll see how he can help UNITE the United States of America.
"Charles Krauthammer (who HATES Trump) said it last night: "this is an ideological revolution of the people vs the establishment elite.""
Well, okay, Trump won, but as far as some kind of revolution, he should remember that the overall popular vote is essentially a tie.
Also: "Give him the chance." I agree completely. But did the right-wing give Obama a chance after his much larger win eight years ago? Oh well, time to let bygones be bygones.
Donald Trump's Drain the Swamp -
Debbie Wasserman Schultz - resigned as chairperson of DNC July 2016
Donna Brazille, Interim Chair DNC - fired by CNN for passing town hall questions to HRC
Cheryl Mills - granted partial immunity by FBI regarding Clinton's private email server
Elizabeth Warren - Self appointed Chief of Nasty Women against Trump
Huma Abedin - nothing more be said about that
Donald Trump - Our 45th President - elect: PRICELESS
Debates are well over. Even the election is now over.
Time to move it to the "President Trump" thread.
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