Hackettstown in the News 2017
More drugs......
Treating drug users as criminals does nothing for the problem but magnify it - Ethan Nadleman has been saying that since 1990
this is who that is FYI
lol yeah no doubt - I told you I am pretty liberal on most stuff - I don't think the government should be able to tell anyone what they can or cannot put in their body. In addition the Billions wasted on incarceration would be MUCH better spent on treatment.
I want the government out of our medicine cabinets and bedrooms, and in my case my gun safe.
This kid is arrested every other week. It's really shameful that he keeps getting arrested and nothing changes. It means nothing. He needs HELP obviously.
boot camp implies a goal to be achieved - substance abusers are on an entirely different plane - they are more out of this life than in it.
"boot camp implies a goal to be achieved - substance abusers are on an entirely different plane - they are more out of this life than in it."
The excuses never end. Sorry Skippy, we disagree on this one.
"Calico, you sound like Nancy Reagan..."Just say no". How's that working out?"
Are you saying people are incapable of saying "no"?
I'm saying many children aren't capable of making mature decisions for many reasons. And many people are dealing with untreated psychological issues. How many adults do you know who are self-medicating with alcohol, or abusing Prozac, Xanax, or pain meds? It's a disease...and not everyone is capable of dealing with issues like you evidently are. Although based on past posts, you seem to have chosen alcohol as your go to crutch. Skippy is 100% correct. Medical treatment, not jail. The war on drugs has been a dismal failure and we need to acknowledge that and seek a better approach to a national problem. Instead of blaming victims and moaning when a rehab facility wants to open just a little too close to our homes.
"Calico, you sound like Nancy Reagan..."Just say no". How's that working out?"
pretty sure it's working out just swell for those that say no. :)
"It's a disease"
No, in my opinion it isn't. It's weakness and in many cases enabled weakness. That's all I'm going to say here on this topic. The opinion I have given has been the same opinion that I have given on here and elsewhere for years. If you don't agree, that's fine.
Omg!!!! Yes!!!! Thank you Calico!!!! All of these excuses are a big part of the problem....
Agree 100% with Calico. Over 15 years ago, due to an injury, I was prescribed opioid pain meds. I became addicted. I realized this when I needed to take the meds to just feel normal, long after the pain was gone. For a short time, I gave every excuse in the book, including "it's a disease", to justify my continued use of pain meds. I then realized I just needed to suck it up buttercup, and deal with a bit of discomfort. I weaned myself, very slowly, over a period of several months, off the meds. Have not needed or taken any meds (except getting a flu shot) for nearly 10 years.
As part of my research as I was weaning myself off of the pain meds, I discovered a drug called suboxone. A co-worker (a high-level VP in our company) also became addicted to pain meds prescribed after an injury. He weaned off opiods using suboxone and swears by it. His doc made him also attend counseling sessions which he said was VERY helpful.
I guess the reason I'm admitting all this is because no matter how you overcome addiction, it CAN be done if you really want it. No excuses. Life sucks sometimes, but if someone TRULY wants to get better, they will ...... they will because they are willing to feel like crap for awhile and make some lifestyle changes.
I agree with you but you got treatment which is my point. Once you put someone through the system they are pretty much unemployable never mind insurable
Jesse you are making a strange point. You are agreeing with Calico but yet your examples speak to someone getting help or being helped. Your coworker was provided medical therapy as well as counsling. We can only hope that saying no is the first path BUT for those that don't there has to be other options.
What about all the other millions of patients who do take pain meds and never get addicted?
Its a proven fact its a disease.
except the AMA literally classifies it as a disease because yes it has a behavioral component but there are biological factors at play as well - it literally changes your brain chemistry and messes with your dopamine levels - even after one stops using drugs its quite possible that they never will feel reward or pleasure again. The only time you have free will in regards to drugs is before you start to become a chronic user - after that it's no longer a choice. I am in no way advocating drug use - I just believe that it is a complete waste to put these people through the system. People with addiction are responsible for seeking treatment and maintaining sobriety. Help and support of family, friends and peers (think job) is critical to get them in treatment and increase their chances of survival and recovery. Putting users through the system just inhibits that process and costs society billions per year.
Most addicts go through numerous rounds of treatment without any results....Also costing society billions of dollars each year.
Jan '17
Everything is a "disease" today, no accountability for one's self. Medical study? You can always get one to back up what you want to...
I just said people need to be accountable for their own recovery however there clearly is no deterrent by putting people in jail and it's crazy expensive - there's a ton of peer reviewed studies on the topic. We are literally warehousing people.
You're not kidding iJay... We're doomed as a society. Too many crackpot psychologists and psychiatrists labeling everything as a mental disorder...
skippy, I agree with you, for a change, but the system is broken entirely. We don't jail people for it, and we don't send people for treatment. I just read an article about a young woman who crashed her car while overdosing on drugs in the middle of the afternoon right here in our area. She was then revived by police and good Samaritans. Then she was released pending her court appearance. So between now and her court appearance, do you really think she will stop doing drugs? Stop driving while she's doing drugs? She could have killed someone. But they let her right back out on the street to continue her ways. Personally, I don't want to share the roads with people like this, but I know it's impossible to prevent it.
well for DUI NJ has it listed as a motor vehicle offense not a criminal offense - which is a problem for several reasons, 1 - there is absolutely nothing that can be done to you until you appear in court - many states pull your license for 10 days immediately and you have to appear at a show cause hearing. In some states prior to that hearing you have to submit to an evaluation of your risk factors - similar to what NJ does in IDRC but here they do it AFTER everything with court is done. You could be riding around for literally 2 years after getting a summons for 39:4.50. 2 - this keeps DUI at a municipal level - because a charge of this type has "consequences of magnitude" there is often a defense attorney appointed and a trial takes place - municipal courts cannot handle full blown trials and the court dates literally take place over a matter of months if not years. 3 - you can never get the DUI expunged - it's not a crime after all. so it is on your MVR literally for the rest of your life effecting future job prospects and insurance. Why is DUI treated like this in NJ? municipal courts don't want to release fine revenue to the superior court of NJ for the thousands of DUI offenses that occur yearly. Another big problem is that driving is treated as a privilege not a right in NJ - there is no mechanism to get a "Cinderella" license in NJ to take you to work or school even with an ignition interlock - why is this bad? how can the person pay fines and attend treatment if they cant work or get there? I like how Australia does it actually - they slap you with an ignition interlock device and you have to blow clean (under 0.02) for 3 months or you never get it off. If you get caught driving with out one then you go to jail for 6 months - treatment and electronic monitoring significantly helps in this regard.
A strangling at a senior complex.
The number of vehicles at the Senior Housing was unreal. It looked like there were at least three ambulances, four cop cars, and even a fire truck. All with the lights going. I know every once in a while some one there passes away. But with the lights going and so many vehicles it sure seemed like something even far more sinister than what actually happened.
I saw that to GC, my first thought fire, second thought no fire trucks. Also wondered what happened. Thanks Calico for being our local CSI reporter. lol
Sure ociffer, I have ID. Here's my Price Plus card. LMAO
Lol Calico! People are stupid...last night I was watching an episode of Cops and when the officer asked the woman for ID she's checking her pockets and pulls out drugs and hands it to him ....The cop says " Well that was stupid". Lmao!
I was just watching the show Toy Box and they had Jason from Hackettstown on there! His toy is Lil Fruityz https://lilfruityz.com
Good luck to him!
May '17
http://www.nj.com/warren/index.ssf/2017/05/hospital_visitor_allegedly_arrives_drunk_to_see_pa.html#incart_river_index I guess she likes her beer? :)
Wow! I didn't even know a VW Golf could get up to 139 MPH....
Maybe this one had one of those "ultra-super-duper-speedy-fast" mufflers on it. They make cars buzz by really fast.
Or he's a Jimmy Johns delivery guy.
I heard something about a woman lying in the road on 517 the orher day. Someone ran her over. Wth!
Botheredbyuu2, I'm curious why she was in the road. So sad
The woman passed away yesterday, if anyone has any information regarding ding the accident, please talk to the Hackettstown police department. Her family has so many questions but no answers right now.
So sad. God bless her family.
I also feel sorry for the 18 year old who ran her over. She couldn't avoid her. She was laying in the middle of the road. Now she has to live with this the rest of her life.
Its a lose, lose for all involved.
RAS you're concern trolling - were clearly taking about something completely unrelated. We of course feel sorrow for all involved
Never heard of such a thing. I was a little taken aback that such an inappropriate joke would be made about a tragedy. But, your last post made me realize you were joking about a different incident.
jit - I'm fully aware of that. It just gives me a chuckle when "holy" people are involved.
I knew that calico, I was just implying that one doesn't have to be associated with a formal religious organization to say one thing yet do another. The world is full to the brim with hypocrites.
Ducks rescued by police in storm drain. Great to see. http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/warren-county/index.ssf/2017/05/5_ducklings_rescued_from_storm.html#incart_river_mobile_index
I just read that story about the ducks. So sweet. I stopped my car the other day and carried several turtles out of the road. People who are kind to animals are the best.
May '17
Nice reviews for a Warren County artist.
20 year old stabs unknown victim.
Another drunk driver.
LOL Bothered, I meant that the victim is unknown to the public not to the person who stabbed he/she.
Now I get why Botheredbyuu2 wrote "SHE". The article said HE, but it was a woman. I thought the name sounded familiar. She was in the news not long ago for something else.
Check out the advise the police gave.........I know it's not funny that a bike was stolen but the advise from the police made me chuckle...
Actually is good advise, what else to tell a minor for a minor offense. When he will work he won't last long with this ethic...
Not quite Hackettstown, but close........ https://patch.com/new-jersey/longvalley/bobcat-traps-long-valley-family-inside-their-bathroom
I heard more this morning on the channel 7 news that they caught the cat after he had an altercation with a dog and then wandered into a barn. They mentioned possible rabbies on the TV even though the article said they didnt think he was sick...poor guy is probably going under the knife. :(
Per the updated article, the conservation officer thought the cat was displaying signs of the early onset of rabies. Being that it is an endangered species in NJ, they'll probably take some time to put it under observation first.
Jun '17
On a positive note, Jake Hall was selected to play in the 40th annual Senior All-Star baseball game. He and Matt Reynolds are the only players from Hackettstown in the games history to play in it. Game is this Tuesday the 13th at 7pm at Diamond Nation for those interested in attending. It is $5 to get in.
What happened to your gravitar? In any regard that's great - looking forward to my buddy Andy Lugo to report
Congrats to Jake Hall and Matt Arcona making 1st Team All Conference, Dom Desiderio making 2nd team, and Mike Danza making Honorable Mention.
More car break ins.
This was during the car show at Wendy's. I guess they aren't afraid of being caught. Please, people, don't leave property in your car. I have walked through Shop Rite lot going shopping and the stuff that is visible in the cars is surprising. Many don't lock their cars or put up windows either. People can't be trusted anymore, sorry to say.
And yet I have a 1999 GMC Sonoma with 274,000 on it that I can't pay someone to touch. Windows down, keys in the ignition. Please? Any takers? ;-)
SueR - All I ask is you let me take off the tool box first. It's the only thing about that boy that has ever been a positive cash flow situation. ;-)
Heaven help someone who would take me up on it. You can see, hear, possibly smell that boy 10 miles away. And with a conspicuous license plate, my luck would be to get him back without collecting a cent from insurance...
Oh boy, here we go.....summer time and the weather is hot
Oh boy here we go is right. Pool, public urination, bmw, patterson, saavedra ----> oh boy.
Yes just the start of the town pool season, always good for keeping the local police and Infectious Disease doctors busy.
At least he didn't pee in the pool.!!
(This time)
Stay out of the pool! I would!!
Driver with 17 heroin packets crashes into culvert, mailbox, cops say
By Pamela Sroka-Holzmann pholzmann@lehighvalleylive.com, For lehighvalleylive.com
Updated on July 3, 2017 at 5:42 PM Posted on July 3, 2017 at 5:21 PM
A Warren County woman used heroin before crashing into a culvert and mailbox and fleeing, police said.
Charged is Alexa Montanaro, 25, of Great Meadows.
Hackettstown police were called at 6:49 p.m. June 27 to Grand Avenue for a reported hit-and-run crash involving a 2011 BMW striking a culvert, police said.
An officer found a car that matched the description provided by a witness a short while later along Grand Avenue and stopped it.
An investigation revealed Montanaro allegedly injected heroin into her hands while parked earlier in the Dairy Queen parking lot.
After being arrested and placed into a patrol car, officers found Montanaro attempted to hide 17 full folds of heroin, 20 empty folds of heroin and a syringe in the back seat, police said.
Montanaro also allegedly hid a syringe in her bra and possessed suspected marijuana in cellophane.
Montanaro is charged with DUI, possession of heroin, possession of under 50 grams of marijuana, being under the influence of heroin, hindering, possession of hypodermic syringe, possession of drug paraphernalia and various traffic and motor vehicle violations.
Montanaro was then sent to the Warren County jail.
Pamela Sroka-Holzmann may be reached at pholzmann@lehighvalleylive.com. Follow her on Twitter @pamholzmann. Find lehighvalleylive.com on Facebook.
I'm glad to see walking the beat is finally coming to Hackettstown.
Now somebody climbed a tree to take a leak instead of using the pool-provided porta potty? How bad must that thing be?
Considering there were like 200+ people in the BBQ area alone yesterday, it was probably pretty nasty in there.
And I'd say 95% of the people at the pool yesterday were not residents. It's become another watering hole for people from urban areas to make a mess.
It's disgusting on the weekends there. The rec commission knows it, but it's all about the $$$!
Jul '17
What is wrong with people? Why can't he just pee in the pool just as one out of three people in there do! LOL.
Yeah well what is that money going to would be my first question.
If you want to go to the pool you're better off going during the week if you're a resident. The weekends and the 4th are ridiculous. There were so many people that they overflowed next to the youth softball field. Some of them hang out in the apartment parking lot too. I've also seen them in the HS parking lot during Legion baseball games and they leave trash. It's ridiculous. Some of these people have no shame. Maybe we should show up to their doorsteps in the Bronx or wherever they're from and dump our garbage.
Wow!! that whole scene is nasty....I don't get why they come here in the first place.
That wouldn't matter Metsman....they are used to living like slobs. Such a shame to see the changes in our town over the years.
WATCH: Patrol officer nabs alleged road rage driver in act
She's obviously got anger issues. She had a rage incident at the Bow Ties Cinema 2 years ago.
Mets, we already dumped our garbage in the Bronx, still need to clean up....
Iman, some of us just hate it when it touches the ground :>)
In a perfect world, we would limit the outside influence; at least if it gets piggish, we're the pigs then.
Second, limit the maximum allowed, spillover is ridiculous and probably mostly from out of down (otherwise, wouldn't you just turn back?)
Third, get some backbone. Not that they aren't doing this, but pool managers should call the cops at the drop of a hat, no quarter. Residents should call the cops at the hint of anything illegal. Gives creepy old men a reason to survey the area with binoculars to uncover illegal acts :>) If the township wants the profit, let them handle the expense.
Lastly arrest the troublemakers and do it like Frank would ----- big show for public support, roll em all out just for one pisser. Let everyone know "We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive!’ Today we celebrate our Independence Day!” So behave yourself and have a good day.
The reason they come from the east is its so inexpensive. They take a 45 minute ride west and they're in the country. A family of 2 adults 3 kids can spend the day for a whopping $26! That's less than the admission price for ONE at most parks. They come early, grab a grill and a table, and they're all set to raise hell for the day, disregard pool rules, litter and then head back east!
Jul '17
SD a few days ago you posed the question "But really, simple yes or no ----- is HPool a good place to take your kids?"
I responded with a breakdown of what's floating in typical pool water according to WebMD. I think you can compound the number times 20 due to the amount of people in the pool. No response, now you also see what goes on at the pool, not exactly something you would want your kids to see I imagine. So are you still wondering if it's a good place to bring your kids??
That picture looks so crowded it's not safe - is that an accurate depiction? Do they turn people away when they reach capacity?
skippy - The picture was taken with an iPhone. It not only contains date/time of yesterday but it's got the GPS info showing it was taken from the side ball field right about first base.
Thanks question remains - do they close the pool when it gets to a safe capacity - I have no doubt that's a real picture
I heard people (and saw pic) were lining up 2 hours before waiting for it to open on 4th. There should be a capacity maximum.
Man, looking at that video! Terrylyn Fulper needs her DL pulled for life, have fun walking.
No, they don't close the pool! At least they haven't in the last few years. They just keep letting people in and taking the money! It's all about the $$$
Jul '17
observed it myself.... had my daughter call me and asked for help..
#1 no parking for lifeguards.. they had to park on the grass by the dumpster
#2 overflow occupancy??? they have none...? was told by director of rec
#3 observed grown man jumping off high dive and came up and splashing as if he was in danger.... whistle blown guard jumps in and then man swims fine to ladder.. his friends cheering !!
#4 observing veteran guard warning kids to stop rough housing in pool to only be told to F off!!!
#5 main pool corner~~~ as if they were gated in a 10X10 pen 20/25 people with BABIES!! not in swimmie diaper but regular day use diapers.. I informed the pool manager immediately who was feet from me of the site and he said to them they had to come out and then walked away..... I then went up to the 6 woman with babies and explained that babies could not be in the pool without proper swim diapers. (ok fine) they took the diapers off and put just a bottom short on them and went on as normal... I then went back and explained again and was told in another language to go F off.
#6 went and address the matter to the head manager and was told that it was a busy day and doing the best they could!!!!
#7 I am aware that tests are taken through out the day with the pool water.. But there is no way with what I observed with my own eyes that the water was safe for swimming...and with treatment to control the levels of toxin there would not have been enough time to have swim team have a safe practice
#8 also to add there were numerous bottles of alcohol found inside the gate..
So my question is.............someone has to be held accountable for this and how do we go about rectifying this ongoing behavior... rules need to be enforced!!!
so much more to say but actually disgusted at what I have typed already..
Nothing new here, this has been happening at that pool for years, in fact, the very exact type of situation occurred 2 summers ago. Overflow crowd, picnicking all over the high school and apartment properties, basically anywhere they could find a patch of grass. Partying in the parking lots. Evidently they don't have any policies as to when the picnic grove or pool are filled to capacity. Just keep letting them in, taking the $$, and hoping nothing serious occurs.
Jul '17
Obviously some type of law enforcement personnel are needed at the pool. Security guard or police whatever. It doesn't appear the employees have any authority over the patrons of the pool. They might as well all go home with the exception of the cashier and the lifeguards. And yes, call the health department! Yech.
It was total bedlam at the pool and surrounding fields, roads and parking lots. I have lived right behind the pool on Warren St for the past 28 years and the last 3 years have been ridiculous. When my kids were little the pool was wonderful on the weekends. We would hang out all day, walk home for lunch and go back until closing. Beginning about 5 years ago, we had to stop going to the pool at all on the weekends, due to the severe overcrowding and the deplorable behavior of the pool patrons.
This 4th was total mayhem at the pool - people driving all over the fields, tail-gating in the parking lot and on the street right in front of my house, garbage strewn everywhere, loud, obnoxious people screaming - it was horrible. Last year was just as bad, with people actually barbecuing right at the end of our street and in the parking lots.
I really don't understand how our nice "town pool" got to the point where people from town can't even enjoy the pool with their children because it becomes overrun with people (mostly adults and young adults in large groups) from out of town.
Ok Mayor, Town Council and Rec Commission, I believe the town's people have spoken. We want to take back our community pool. So "NO" to out of towners. Guests of town residents are fine. Can we get this on an Agenda for discussion?
A big part of the problem seems to be overcrowding - i would start by calling the fire Marshall and recreation department because that sounds unlawful not to mention unsafe.
The mayor and town council, police chief, and especially the the recreation director and commission members are well aware of the situation there and have been for years. They look the other way and hope nothing happens. A few years back they were hiring off duty police officers to supplement their internal security, but the commission and director nixed that because it costs money. It effected their profit figures. Something serious is going to go down there one of these weekends. When it does, don't be saying "how could this happen in our little town?"
Jul '17
I hope the town has good lawyers on retainer. I agree with Bruce. The overcrowding and disorderly nature of the crowd with little to no enforcement of any rules and contempt for lifeguards and any authority is a tragedy waiting to happen.
I can't believe anyone local would even bother with this nightmare. It's a shame.
Hackettstown "sold their soul" to Green Acres; there is no "taking back our community pool". What they CAN do is to get rid of the grills; it seems to be a major draw to out-of-towners and not an amenity that is used much by town residents. They can also raise admission fees on out-of-towners, but I believe that there is a limit on the premium that can be charged to non-residents versus townies. There has to be a price that will diminish demand for the pool to a point where it's still viable, but not overrun. Right now, the price is obviously much too low.
Not the best photo, but I was so taken aback by the scene on the 4th that I made Mrs. CR37 stop so I could take a pic. It looked like a shanty town had popped up. All else aside, the sheer volume of people makes the pool extremely unappealing.
We decided not to join this year because the combination of the crowds and the chaotic atmosphere did not create an enjoyable experience for our kids. I remember very large crowds 25 years ago, but this is on a whole different level.
I can't imagine that the town views this as a long term viable situation.
Too bad we can't repay the Green Acres Money to the State. But then the profit margin would drop. Maybe it's time to clean house at the Recreation Dept.
The cops are getting money from these people too by ticketing them for pissing in public and having open containers. Don’t be shocked if there’s a brawl there eventually or worse.
from what I have noticed the past few years... It's really our fault for not ENFORCING POOL RULES!!!!!...
as described in my previous post.
The lifeguards are not only watching over the swimmers, but expected to make sure proper clothing is worn, no alcohol is in site, who can swim in the deep pool and who can't.. (which they should be tested to see if they can swim), taking care of the bathroom!! YUCK!!, picking up garbage and disgusting diapers and empty alcohol bottles at the end of their shift ... ect ect ect
All patrons at the point of entry should be given pool rules..... if they are not obeyed then you are OUT and with No refund period!!!
Terms of loan repayment
(h) Repayment of the loan in full does not terminate theGreen Acres restrictions on the local government unit's funded and unfunded parkland.
Public access to and use of funded parkland
(a) A local government unit or nonprofit shall ensure that funded parkland is open and that reasonable public access, as determined by the Department, is afforded to all New Jersey residents.
Question to everyone that has an issue with "out-of-towners". Is it because they are black and hispanic? Or just rowdy and slobs?
Just asking. Curious!
It's a shame, because it's such a beautiful complex.
I was a lifeguard there years ago, only for one season, then went elsewhere. As described above the lifeguards are supposed to enforce rules, no running, etc. and it's a distraction from watching the water. When someone is drowning they generally don't thrash and splash, they just go down. The guards' eyes should be focused on the people in the water.
Not sure if it's still the case, but we were on each chair on one side for 15 min each, then off for 15. During the 15 off, yes we would check and tidy bathrooms and after closing, yes we would clean up trash. Back then it was butts and diapers.
The regular tests throughout the day are for chlorine and Ph levels but not specifically for toxins. On a hot day the sun burns off the chlorine faster and more is needed, the water also gets very warm and cloudy, on those days I would not go in.
Seems like it has gotten worse over the years, but none of this is new.
Botheredbyuu2 - um, did you read any of the posts? Did ANYBODY mention color? NO they did not. you are not just curious, you are trying to start a whole race discussion. Not necessary.
Go back and read the posts and you will see EXACTLY what everyone's issue is. I think everyone stated it very clearly.
"Clean house at the recreation department" as suggested above might not be a bad idea! They brought in new blood as a director when Hoyt finally retired, but they ran her out of town. When the previous director left last fall, the commission hired one of their own, a commission member who resigned to apply, and then was awarded the job.
Jul '17
implications of latoya, shanequa and someone saying spanish people and those slobs from the bronx, etc......yea it was implied.
A list:
1. all employees are responsible for their own job and enforcement of rules.
2. lifeguards know what their job is when on the chair. A former guard who says otherwise is responsible for his/her own behavior .
3. there is a NJAC law that defines pool capacity. It is not violated.
4. Police in NJ are well-aware of the laws on School and Park property. It is not receation's job to Police the pool or the grounds. They work in harmony.
5. As to the water experts who find odd stats and write them here, do you know how many germs etc. you breath in from another person's exhale when within 5 feet of him/her?
6. Where does the money go?---- how about ALL of the following built by pool revenue--- ZERO taxpayer dollars
a. Two baseball fields at the pool
b. Orange and Black playground at the pool
c. Pool ballfield lights and all subsequent electric bills
d. Exercise stations at the Sandbar and Riverfront park
e. 30-40 % the cost of most of the rec. pickup trucks, riding mowers, on an ongoing basis (for 43 years)
7. When I posted on the now-shut pool thread, I listed a bunch of other facts
8. Councilmen who post on hl know all these things. They are right in the trenches with the hard working pool employees.
9. It's a real shame that the folks east of here, despite so much of our tax dollars being spent there, have no public pools that are worth visiting. They come here because they can and should.
Jul '17
CMG you must be talking about the other thread that got shut down. Don't start bringing race BS into it. This is totally about poor behavior and not skin tone. You seem to think everyone in our town is racist based on many of your posts. I think you're paranoid.
Beagiver, some of those funds should be allocated to making another BBQ area on the other side. There’s no reason to have 200-300 people lounging in that one spot and overflowing into the apartment area and the HS parking lot. There were idiots setting up food tables behind my jeep last year. Like seriously… WTF is wrong with people… What if I needed to go somewhere…
Beagiver, there is nothing odd about the stats, the water is filled with fecal matter sweat and urine. "Employees are responsible for enforcing the rules", kind of hard without calling the police when told F-off by when they try to enforce them. "They come here because they should" At the expense of the local residents many who clearly have stopped going there. Would you bring little kids to swim there on the weekend?
I think eliminating grilling altogether would make a big difference.
There is no grilling at Belvidere pool, Lopatcong pool nor Mountain Lake and they do not have crazy overcrowding.
Denis--- when you exhale do you spew germs or not?
They should because they're humans and despite all the$ pumped into the east they have nothing to show for it. Fix the state and you fix it.
Agree re: F off. I wonder what ordinance that is.
Jul '17
positive..... another good idea. Grilling was to help folks who didn't want to buy food or couldn't afford. Maybe just sandwiches would work.
Jul '17
Beagiver, yes when I exhale germs come out, so therefore I should be fine swimming in someone's urine and fecal matter? I don't think the state will be fixed in our lifetime, so I'll ask again, if you had little kids would you bring them there on the weekend to swim??
Exactly Heidi & Metsman.....so tired of people bringing up the "race" card. I'm pretty sure if there were 200~300 Caucasian people there acting like slobs...residents would still be upset. I feel sorry for the people that live right near the pool.
+1 CMG, very clearly implied, and not at all surprising.
It's purposefully obtuse to think otherwise.
Denis, oh ...the kids on weekends? Yes absolutely.
The pool passes all bacteria tests. Always has. Total alkalinity 100ppm, Calcium hardness 275ppm, ph 7.4, free chlorine 3 to 4 ppm.
All highly regulated, state codes and health codes.
Your exhale, unfortunately is NOT regulated, nor should it be. But it is filthier than pool water will ever be. FACT! ...no offense intended. You won't hurt anyone.... neither will properly treated, balanced pool water.
Can we move on?
Jul '17
beagiver you can treat the pool with all the chemicals in the world, doesn't change the fact that poop is poop and urine is urine, maybe dead poop, but still poop. Disgusting, i'd rather take a dip with the fishes in the hatchery. If you have little kids ask your local pediatrician for their thoughts on swimming in that pool.
not interested in what a ped. says.. too much hysteria. Wonder why health care is outrageous...... direct reflection on the wimpification of society... not you Denis.. your just being super-safe by criticizing HCP.
Jul '17
When my kids were little I was interested in what my pediatrician had to say, don't think that made me a wimp, but helped me make informed decisions about their health.
I was shocked to see the garbage and extreme overcrowding at our town pool, every weekend.
What bus company is bringing these animals to our pool?!
Health inspectors should be called in on the weekends.
They can take samples, and close the pool for the day.
If this happens a few times, maybe the piggy people will stay away.
Many more Hackettstown police should be on hand to escort people who refuse to follow the rules from the pool, and ticket/arrest them.
I take great offense to the notion that the complaint about the pool is racist.
If it was hundreds of lilly-white, Christian adults from Mendham who were screaming like crazy, dropping the f-bomb, driving all over the grassy fields, throwing garbage and water bottles out of their car, grilling on the street and in the parking lots, playing multiple varieties of Christian music, loudly, from multiple car stereos and boom boxes simultaneously, telling the lifeguards to f-off, bringing their many children into the pools with regular diapers, instead of the swim diapers, running and pushing around the pool and peeing in the trees...I would feel the EXACT SAME WAY and I would state the exact same concerns I did about the people who did all the above on the 4th - wherever they were from and whatever color,race, creed or religion they were.
Overcrowding is overcrowding.
Bad behavior is bad behavior.
Grilling out of your trunk is wrong.
Not following rules at a public place is rude.
These are truths; whether you are white, black, brown, purple or yellow with fuchsia diamonds and/or whether you live in Mansfield, the Bronx, Harlem, Mendham, Hollywood or Hackettstown.
A similar overcrowding issue was occurring at Penn Pump Park in Palmer Township, PA a couple of summers ago. Perhaps the Town can contact them to get some ideas on how to get a handle on the problem....
Palmer also had over crowding at their newly renovated pool. When they reach capacity, they turn everyone else away!
That would certainly seem like the first step - second step ejecting rule violators and on a second occurrence trespass warning issued
Your suggestions above ianimal were good ones: get rid of the grills and increase the price for out-of-towners by the allowable percentage. That plus really enforcing the rules should help.
It seems like word has gotten out that you can pretty much do whatever you want here & that's not fun for anyone.
+1000000000000 Laurel! I grew up going to the Hackettstown pool. No matter the race or religion of the people, what happens over there now a days is disgusting. Over population, public urination, cursing at life guards,,,, I know the pool is not tax payer funded, but I really wish they would raise the price of non-resident passes.
Jul '17
I agree with ianimal's idea.
Just speaking for myself and no one else on here, my suggestions have nothing to do with race. It's about overcrowding.
No doubt positive - any person that has their personal space intruded has the potential to act irrationally- hence why there are safe occupancy limits - great post
overcrowding is a legit concern and there should be a cutoff, I see even the state parks close when full. and how many days of the entire summer do you think it would even need to be enforced? 4 or 5 tops? you all act like the weekend was a normal occurrence with the amount of people there. far from it.
scoop you sound like a helicopter mom on steroids. why do you allow your daughter to work there if it's so horrible? if you were my mom and pulled that crap i'd be mortified - would probably quit. that's quite a special snowflake you got there, she called you from work to come help sort things out? how will you keep this up in the future? are you going to hop in the car and race over to her office walk around jotting notes down. WHAT IF SOMEONE EATS HER LUNCH FROM THE FRIDGE??!! Hope she has you on speed dial.
and..NEWSFLASH...enforcing rules does not stop bad behavior. is it the cops fault when people break the law?
It's all how the rules are enforced - empower the employees to issue trespass warnings - ergo. Please don't pee off the tree - FU. Ok sir I'm authorized by law to issue you a trespass statement- you are hereby ejected from this property and should you return - defiant trespassing charges will be filed against you - sign here. Any response to that other than compliance is a petty disorderly persons offense and you engage patrol - simple as that
lol @ Liveandlove
"No matter the race or religion of the people, what happens over there now a days is disgusting... I really wish they would raise the price of non-resident passes..."
so you aren't racist or religiously bigoted, but you are just fine with class discrimination. as your solution to fix the "problem" is to keep out the people that can't afford it? Ok got it. Well 2 out of 3 aint bad.
Thanks Scottso!!!!
Yes she is my "Special Snowflake"....
and I hope that your mother will come when you call for help....
Adult men drinking alcohol at the pool, exposing themselves peeing from tree's, telling lifeguards to F-off and scoop is a helicopter Mom for coming when his daughter calls since clearly things are not being handled by the adults? I don't think so at all.
My nephew was a lifeguard at the Hackettstown pool last summer and said he would never work there again because of over crowding. This year he works at Hopatcong State Park and likes it much better. There is a limit to how many people can enter the park and the lifeguards are supported by park security when people won't listen and break the rules.
Metsman, you can choose to think whatever you want about me and I am completely fine with that. We never have to cross paths and I am so glad we do not.
Why are there no uniformed security guards on duty, at least on the weekends, who would show more authority than a lifeguard. It is ridiculous in this day to expect a lifeguard to enforce behavior laws or to control crowds. They won't be taken seriously by people who are intent on doing what they want to do, especially if booze is involved. A lifeguard should save lives not babysit unruly individuals.
Metsman, I secretly think you want to be from the Bronx so bad and your small town mentality just won't let you love us animals!
I don’t come from a small town. I grew up in a large one. No one said all people from the Bronx are animals. Just the ones who litter and whip their junk out in parking lots to take a leak.
The dirt bag was from Paterson not the Bronx.
"Charged is Victor Saavedra, 37, of Paterson, N.J".
People who act like animals should be treated like animals. It's just a matter of time before they find mt. Lake and Oxford furnace lake. Those will be destroyed as well.
btw i am not defending the actions of these people, whoever they are, whatever race they are or wherever they are from. i am simply saying not all people from the bronx are bad. no one knows where these people are from that are acting like this. and no i won't go there myself. every race, every town, every city has trash of all kinds and it is a shame people cannot act decent at our town pool. signing off today have fun with this.
Denis: whatever with the "we are bacteria breeding machines." You can take a cesspool and turn it into clear water given a day or so and enough chems. Who cares what you bring in, we can kill anything. Any anyone who drinks pool, lake, or ocean water is taking risk.
Facebook makes it look nice and, according to users, worth an hour drive at least for a great time, low prices, and the major complaint ---- too many rules.
Houston: I think we have a problem here?
CMG........you took the words right out of my mouth!
I was taught long ago not to make blanket statements like....All cops, or all men, or all whatever.......How the heck would anyone know ALL...!!!
I cringe when I read posts that do just that and it was so refreshing to read a post with my same beliefs.
Thank you again CMG for putting my exact thoughts out there :)
It's not just a belief, it's reality littlelu. Everyone is different - it can't be any other way!
No one said race WAS the reason. Just asking because the pics I saw posted were mostly black or hispanic. Didn't see any white people in the pic. So just wondering if the complainers are mad because of race or just because they are slobs.
That's because you won't find any white people in the BBQ area. I've never seen one there on busy days. That's just reality.
From what has been said here it sounds like Hackettstown pool goers don't as much on the week end and never on holidays.
Hey, I do that in a lot of places :>)
Guess on indication would be how many in-town season passes sold; wanna bet it's a pretty high number?
Also, Iman --- there is a price uplift already for aliens (heh, heh); are folks saying it can legally be higher? Cuz when one of the top facebook entries is: I drive an hour because it's cheap, clean, and friendly ---- cheap is not exactly what we need to shoot for here I think. Fair would be better. I mean when I sell things if people keep saying "we just love your price, I mean really love...." you can be sure that the next product change would include a price increase.
SD as I said you can kill the germs in crap and pee with chemicals, (not instantly) but that doesn't make them disappear. You are still swimming in crap sweat and pee, dead or alive it's still disgusting especially when you consider the amount of people in the pool. Once again I'll redirect you to my orginal question, you asked if it was a good place to bring your kids, have you come to any conclusions, or are you still in the dark?
That's a good idea SD - raise the price to decrease the take rate and reduce the issues seen. I'm sure someone will perceive that as exclusionary however it mitigates the problem without denying access to anyone
Supply n demand Skip, supply and demand. Besides --- folks are literally telling us why they are coming this far. It's nice and inexpensive.
But what I had said earlier is we really can't tell if problems mostly outsiders, townies, whatever. But at some point, it is our community, our pool, and if --- legal --- and if operating close to capacity --- why not assure the problem is home grown versus imported.
Denis, what's with this crap: "Once again I'll redirect you to my original (sp) question, you asked if it was a good place to bring your kids, have you come to any conclusions, or are you still in the dark?" Can't you just discuss without the accusation that if I don't do what you want, I am in the dark.
Actually the filter traps most particles down to 2 microns so most filtered out. You probably munched on more crap with your July 4th filet mignon. Not going to be much of a survivalist with those thoughts about pee. As to your question. I don't know. Sounds like a great place during the week, a little crowded during the week end with most problems stemming from crowd size whatever the venue. Your pool water obsession is just that. And for myself, no I will never go to a public pool; I'm a lake guy and they have their own cleanliness issues. More so over the next 4 years :>) The question was rhetorical.
Happy? (that's rhetorical too fyi)
Glad I have my own pool in my backyard. At least I know it's my own pee if I wind up getting a mouthful.
SD "Can't you just discuss without the accusation that if I don't do what you want, I am in the dark' It really was simple question yes no or undecided. So as far I can tell it's no for you, and undecided for kids. Was that so hard?
"no I will never go to a public pool" why is that, just curious? I don't want you to feel accused.
if anyone of our "townies" knows when there will be a rec meeting I would appreciate letting me know...
that seems to be where we need to start.......
"Was that so hard" to see how some might think you a jerk when you continue to bait people.
I don't like chlorine. Eyes are sensitive I like lakes, quarries, oceans. And no, my kids have never used that pool. But I see no reason, why not. Certainly not any scat you have brought up.
Do you use manure on your gardens? Anti baterial soap for after using the little room? Rubber gloves during?
First and third Monday at 7:45 to community center basement. Always open to the public.
I'm with Scoop ("Helicopter parent as you call her) and with Laurel! The town pool is an absolute mess!
Both my daughters were and are lifeguards!
Neither one would lifeguard at Hackettstown pool. Tk gawd! I by far am not a "Helicopter Parent", but I have front seat on what is going on at The Hackettstown Pool. You better bet your azz off if my daughter was a lifeguard there called me in distress I would be there in a second! It is out of control on weekends and the patrons of the pool (whatever race) have zero respect for rules! That pool! Is an accident waiting to happen!
Someone needs to step up and enforce the rules of the pool! Plus there has to be a maximum of how many patrons allowed inside! Collecting money is great until you're faced with a major lawsuit! Wake the heck up Hackettstown council!
SD what you see as baiting I just see as trying to get you to give a direct answer for once, instead of the usual dancing around the question, with insults mixed in. Apparently it's not only your eyes that are hyper sensitive. Let me know when you bring your kids to the pool, I suspect it won't be any time soon.
I think you said it all Denis. But keep it up, you're cute.
My kids are grown. I, and my kids, have other closer places to swim. Just letting you know since you seem obsessed with my swim habits.
Honestly I could care less about your swim habits SD, like I said just trying to get a straight answer, but that's a difficult thing for you. After so much dancing around, I think just like the pool, you are full of crap.
PS if I was baiting you, then success, you took it hook, line and sinker.
Chill out Denis and Stranger danger! This isn't about you! Instead about the safety of The Hackettstown Pool! I understand it's under Green Acres, so anyone is welcome there. My question is if someone gets hurt or drowns there and sues will the tax burden be placed on Hackettstown residents?
I understand that being under "Green Acres" means all are allowed.......but does it mean you can't have a limit on the number of people let it????
I would think that the OVER CROWDING is a huge part of the problem.....I mean it takes just one to climb a tree to pee.....but one singer on the green doesnt create the problems that a huge concert at the meadowlands may bring......kwim?
It is not fair for locals with memberships for the season, but to be honest the annual fees look cheap. They could increase the day rate a bit and for non-locals it is still cheaper than private water parks so there may be no stopping...
Denis, you're still being cute. I like it.
For a number of years, I owned a lake house.
I have my own pool.
Mic drop.
Looking forward to meeting Scoop at the rec meeting!
A lot of fun memories !
See you there.
Jul '17
Did anybody ever go to inner-city public pool? A few years ago I visited my daughter in Astoria during hot weekend and we took a walk to the local pool. Everything was very organized, no rough games, no bunking in water, no running, no cursing and definitely no talking back to lifeguards. Yes, the real police patrol was nearby.
Did anybody go to state parks for swimming? Again, if there is an issue, park guards and police are radioed immediately and come during a couple of minutes.
No real authority controls crown at Hackettstown pool during "pick hours", nobody really enforces safety and behavioral rules. My husband goes to pool practically every day. A few times he was hurt because people sit at the end of lap lanes or cross them. Nobody listens lifeguards because they can't do anything to violators. People behave badly because they can, nothing is stopping them. I don't recall ever seeing anyone removed from premises by police (and I used to go to the pool for many years). I understand that "crowd control" and enforcing rules will dramatically reduce the number of visitor and revenue will drop. So until something bad happens and someone will sue pool and town of Hackettstown and we locals will pay huge attorney fees through our taxes nothing will change.
If you are affected and/or concerned about the situation at the pool, I suggest you go to a town council meeing. All involved parties are there, mayor and council (obviously), the police chief and the recreation director. There is an opportunity for the public to speak at the beginning of the meeting. Recreation Commission meetings are just the rec director and his "yes men" the commission members. By the time the next meeting rolls around, they (rec commission ) will have had plenty of time to cover their butts with excuses and statistics. Bottom line is, they tolerate the situation at the pool because it makes alot of money for the commission!
Jul '17
Have any recollections of 2015 and who you said saw the issues occurring in the parking lots? Did you go to a council meeting then?
Jul '17
I agree with Deviljet that if you want to voice your concerns, do it at a Council meeting. Don't waste your time at a Rec meeting.
Lena.. good points, pool employees don't have police powers. On a busy pool day 1/3 of all the people in Hackettstown are at the pool. Are 1/3 of the regulators?
Jul '17
SD yes I'm very satisfied, thanks for asking.
Lena, I grew up in the city and went to YMCA summer camps for years. We would go to city pools at least once a week. Kids came from all over the city. I do recall seeing park patrol police there, but not always. I never recall any problems at all. It could be just times were different, the presence of a real authority figure or combination of the 2. I believe Hackettstown lifeguards having to deal with rowdy drunk adults is beyond the scope of their job. It wouldn't be a bad idea for the local PD to make there presence known on occasion, and do a quick walk through. There should definitely be a one strike and you're out for good policy for people bringing alcohol in.
Denis, every year July 4th and on a really hot weekend day Swartswood and Hopatcong State parks close admissions to park by car because there is no parking available.City folks come by car and bus loads. Sometimes it's extremely hard to find available picnic table with grill. Beach and water are super crowded. But there is always safe, always proper and always under control. Everyone knows that. Everyone who comes to our pool knows they can do whatever they want and it attracts certain crowd and promotes rough behavior. A couple years ago I spoke to my co-worker from the city with relatives living in urban NJ areas who used to go to Hopatcong park and started to come to our pool instead. She said, it's more fun here for younger generation and there are too many rules at the park. Despite park entrance being much cheaper ($10 per car).
I too have spent much time at a swimmable state park and agree with Lena and Denis on this part.
Lifeguards can provide the rules and the request to stop. After that it's up to the police. What is needed is management to create the process to make that happen in such a way that the lifeguards are not put in jeopardy. Safety first.
But we need to be firm with the rules since most are about safety first and our right to happiness which means don't bother others.
And yes, the state park rules were draconian, ours even has a no-thong rule. As a kid, I hate them. As a parent, I love them. Even the no-thong rule :>)
This whole (yearly I might add) brouhaha is one lifeguard mom and the people living on Warren St. don't like the traffic. Everything else is 'pile on'.
I certainly hope those 5 or so people have their concerns addressed in the sanest and least hysterical way possible by the town
The traffic doesn't phase me! And generally the pool doesn't phase me! I actually enjoy listening to the children laugh n enjoy themselves at the pool. What concerns me is on some weekends the overcrowding of the pool and the disrespect some show for the common areas. Bbq'ing where they aren't supposed too, urinating from trees, leaving garbage everywhere, fighting, etc.
Please don't generalize assuming it's just the people on Warren Street complaining for there are plenty of others who also complain. Quite honestly the people on Warren Street barely complain. 85 percent of the time I forget the pool is even behind my house.
IMHO! On those busier days at the pool perhaps the police, rec department and manager of the pool can monitor it more closely.
Btw! The pool is full today, but not overcrowded. Lots of laughter coming from there and zero issues.
I forgot to mention I was born and raised in a city. Noise doesn't bother me nor does traffic. Heck I would even allow the patrons of the pool to use my yard as a picnic area minus grilling of course. But in the days of suing for everything that isn't an option anymore sadly :(
Sadly in these days and time people don't follow the rules or respect others property.
I won't generalize about Warren St. If you stop generalizing about what goes on at the pool ok?
"Urinating from trees"? That was one guy, it was before the pool was even open and he was busted by the police.
"Bbqing where they are not supposed to". That's really the majority behavior? No, no it's not. The picnic grove is quite heavily used for grilling. I'm sure there are some rule breakers that get talked to about it by pool staff and police if necessary.
Got to go Scottso!
I have zero time to argue with you! You are right and I am wrong! I'm seriously not into HL debates! I said my peace and also stated that 85 percent of the time I have zero issues with the pool! You are just looking for an argument in which you will not get out of me.
Btw! Where did I complain about traffic?
It is actually a beautiful street to live on and raise kids!
Have a wonderful week ❤
Scotto, were you there?
At our child's 9 AM swim lesson, we saw that the grills were already full of roasting chickens, and the chairs were already lined up for 12 o clock opening.
ALL out of towners.
Wouldn't mind so much if they were rule followers. Diapers babies in Big pool, beer drinking onsite,
kids swearing at lifeguards...
Hackettstown NEEDS Security Guards at the pool on weekends.
Please attend the next town meeting to request Security Guards/Police at the town pool on weekends.
How do people know who is from OUT OF TOWN? Are you taking surveys? Or they just don't look like the people you are used to seeing in Htown? I am truly curious. Is someone listening to convos or stealing people's licenses?
I used the pool facebook page to realize there's a lot of folks coming from out of town........but wondered about season pass percentages.
Look, there's a guy peeing from a tree. There's issues with peeing in the parking lot. Even before you add in other allegations, it seems that a heightened security presence is warranted. Then put on top some of the worker accounts, albeit anecdotal second hand stories, and, at minimum, one might wonder if the management processes are sufficient to retain order and increase safety for all pool goers.
Maybe they need a rainbow flag.
oh okay I was genuinely curious. i remember when i first moved here and went to the pol and thought hey where are all these people from?!??! but i can't even begin to pretend to know who ALL lives in Htown. Its small, but not that small.
People can't seem to call this what it is. We don't need security or police officers at the pool. Do you really want to live in that kind of environment? Not much different than a prison.
Where did society go wrong and certain people are OK with defending these actions? people in this town need to open their eyes and not be so PC. You want to live in a "cute, quaint town", but you don't have the balls to try to keep the "trash"out. And for all of you that want to jump on me as a racist, trash is trash and it comes in all skin colors.
The lifeguards and pool staff should have the authority to kick anyone that is not following the rules out of the pool at anytime. Lifeguards can ban them from the pool for that day for not following the rules and the management should back them up, no questions asked. We should be trying to change the thoughts of the people from out of town from --- that is a great place to go because it is cheap, to --- that is a great place to go because it is a place that is safe and people follow the rules.
@CMG This is one way of knowing they are from out of town.
On 7/9/17 at approx 2:19PM the Hackettstown Police responded to the Hackettstown Community Pool (499 Warren St) for a report of a male to be in possession of suspected marijuana. Through an investigation it was determined that 40yro Angel Padilla of Carlstadt, NJ was in possession of a suspected marijuana cigarette, which was located in a clear test tube. Angel was charged with possession of under 50 grams of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Angel was released pending a court appearance.
On 7/4/17 at approx 11:51AM a Hackettstown Police Officer was patrolling the Hackettstown High School Parking Lot (599 Warren St), when the officer observed a male standing on a tree limb (approx 10 feet high) urinating. The officer approached the male and advised him to climb down the tree. The male was identified as 31yro Jose Amaya-Cantarero of Morristown, NJ. Jose didn’t use the Porta-John, which was approx 20 feet away, due to it being occupied. While the officer was on scene, the officer didn’t see anyone enter or leave the facility. Jose was charged with indecent exposure and released pending a court appearance.
On 7/4/17 at approx 12:24PM a Hackettstown Police Officer was patrolling the Hackettstown High School Parking Lot (599 Warren St), when the officer observed a male drinking Coors Light beer. The officer approached the male and he was identified as 32yro Francisco Martinez of Paterson, NJ. Francisco was charged with possession of an open container of alcohol and released pending a court appearance.
On 6/30/17 at approx 12:52PM a Hackettstown Police Officer was patrolling the Hackettstown High School Parking Lot (599 Warren St), when the officer observed a male drinking Modelo beer. The officer approached the male and he was identified as 56yro Josefranc Filomeno-Rodrigue of Clifton, NJ. Josefranc was charged with possession of an open container of alcohol and released pending a court appearance.
On 6/24/17 at approx 7:53PM a Hackettstown Police officer was patrolling the Hackettstown Community Pool (499 Warren St) parking lot, when the officer observed a male standing in front of a BMW urinating. The officer approached the male, who was identified as 37yro Victor Saavedra of Paterson, NJ. Victor didn’t see the “Porta-John” which was approximately 30 yards away and in plain view. Victor was charged with disorderly conduct and was released pending a court appearance.
Anyone spot this child's Mustang?
Who steals a child's toy? I sincerely hope someone is really proud of themselves for that maneuver.
So more desirable out of towners....
Press Release(7/13/17): Possession Of Open Container Of Alcohol/Warrant
On 7/12/17 at approx 1:56PM a Hackettstown Police Officer was on routine patrol of the Hackettstown High School (599 Warren St) when the officer observed three males smoking from a Hookah pipe. The males were identified as 27yro Gustavo Camejo of Passaic, NJ, 21yro Jairo Genao-Mora of Newark, NJ and 27yro Jordan Rodriguez of Jersey City, NJ. Through an investigation it was determined that all three had in their possession Coors Light beer. It was also revealed that Gustavo had a no bail Clifton municipal court criminal warrant. All three were issued summonses for possession of an open container of alcohol and released pending a court appearance. Gustavo was then turned over to Clifton Police.
Never drank a beer anywhere in public, Metsman? Just curious... because I certainly won't be casting any stones personally, lol.
Never been smart enough to be arrested for drinking in public; then again was never smart enough to smoke tobacco in a Hookah in public just inviting cops to come on over and check it out. And certainly not smart enough to think of drinking at the High School. I didn't even drink at the High School when I was in HS. Just not as smart as these fine fellows.
Nope, arrest them, fine them, and tell everyone we did it to convince them it will happen again -----> we need smarter people than this in our community.
Thanks to the police for hauling the trash in.
The high school is closed, if you haven't figured it out, these are more examples of the fine clientel who come here to use the "town" pool! At least it seems as if this year the police are concentrating on the pool visitors a little more closely.
Jul '17
still not from the bronx..............
i was there at the pool while the cops were questioning those guys..i said to my BF - dont worry someone will write about this tomorrow...
and here we are LOL
From the Bronx or not, they are still trash.
I'm glad people keep posting about it.....maybe then those that keep defending them will start to open their eyes and see what our town is turning into.
Ianimal, I’ve never been dumb enough to crack one open on school property where there are signs forbidding it. Maybe after a softball game when I used to play, someone would have some in a cooler and I’d have one.
CMG I will say stuff because it’s literally happening outside my front door. Some idiot the other day did something to the passenger side mirror on my jeep. I had to readjust it.
Had to readjust my side mirrror! Hang 'em up by their toes! (or maybe not live in an apartment 20 ft. from the town pool). Sorry Metsman but since you don't pay property taxes you don't really have a say as to what happens in the town.
Then why do renters get a homestead rebate ? You pay them in your rent. So the point is your on the side of people behaving poorly at a public venue - and are holding that someone who doesn't want their vehicle touched when parked on the public street should have no voice because they don't own the property they live in...
The force is strong with you padawan
Scottso that made absolutely no sense... My vehicle is technically on private property. That parking lot is private even though dummies park there anyway thinking they are entitled to and don't live there.
The HPD and the pool staff are doing a fine job addressing poor behavior one ticket/arrest at a time!!
Thank You to everyone who sees something specific and says something.
Jul '17
I see so anyone who rents in Hackettstown, and pays rent to the owner of the property in town no say about anything in town. One of the dumbest things I've ever read on the forum.
We'll I guess it's a tie with the with the Russian's only killing the good rebels, and not going after Isis. Someone tell al-Baghdadi.
Metsman - so what did the property owners say when you contacted them about the people trespassing on their property?
from an article in NJ.com re towns where property taxes hurt the most - here's just one excerpt:
Lower than the statewide average, Hackettstown's property tax bill comes in at $8,097. That's a little less than 12.6 percent of the median income, $64,464.
Runners up:
In Mansfield, the $7,498 average property tax bill is 12.5 percent of the $59,850 median income.
In Belvidere, the $6,742 average property tax bill is 12 percent of the $56,221 median income.
I just happened to read it.
It would be great to see the numbers regarding what percentage of each town is on welfare/low income housing.
Our Taxes pay for a lot of nonworkers.
I'm also curious as to whether the overall property tax number is residential only or includes commercial/industrial as well. Not too many towns in Warren have a $1.5M ratable like Mars potentially skewing the average tax number north.
The 1 page user friendly budget for 2017 can be found at the bottom the town's Finance officer's page. It breaks down the avg Residential Taxpayer Impact of each category.
ianimal that $8,073 avg is for residential taxpayers.
Lili just how do you know that? how many nonworkers? how many under the age of 18? how many over the age o 65? just how many and how do you know?
I guess the message hasn't gotten out that the PD has increased their patrol of the pool/HS parking lot!
Coming to The HPD Channel this fall, it’s Pool Cops.
They’re tough, they’re fair, and they look good in or out of their speedo’s. These cops ain’t no stinkin PC; they’re cool, they’re pool, they’re cops……They’re H-Town Throw Down Pool Cops. Pool Cops. Get up against the wall and spread em every weekend on the HPD Channel starting Memorial Day and ending Labor Day.
Tonight's Premier: Man, it's hot out here at the Hackettstown Pool
In tonight’s episode, Mobile Mounted Pool Units (M&M PU’s) cover parking lots at the middle and high schools in anticipation of a simultaneous raid of the kiddie and main pools.
Why all the pool comments? He was in the high school parking lot, not at the pool. (?)
Botheredbyuu2 if you follow the hackettstown PD police blotter you will see the HS parking lot is the convenient place to be for pool visitors looking to skirt the law. There is an arrest there at least once a week.
Just saw there was a police standoff and suicide at Hastings Square Monday night.
Someone please post. I cant on this phone.
Here you are:
He was also the same man who pointed a rifle at some kids for sneezing outside his window and the one who stabbed an acquaintance in Hackettsown. So why wasn't he locked up????
Good riddance. Google his name, it was just a matter of time before he killed someone else.
Jul '17
Never been more relieved to not live there anymore. Residents of Wimbledon Square were evacuated during the standoff.
My understanding is that he was awaiting sentencing for the weapons offenses he pled guilty to last year. So please explain to me why this guy, with a LONG criminal history of violence, had an arsenal of weapons in his possession?
Sometimes it's easier to obtain guns illegally than legally. If anything is ever to be done about guns getting into the wrong hands, the focus needs to be on the people who sell them illegally. Adding more rules for the law abiding citizens, that are already jumping through all kinds of legal hoops, is not the answer.
The system is also the problem. This guy was a repeat offender, with multiple violent crimes under his belt, and had pled guilty to his most recent offense, yet he was allowed to be out on the streets, committing more crimes, and in the possession of weapons. Could he have really amassed an arsenal of weapons after his most recent arrest (I realize it was over a year ago)? Would the police have confiscated what he had when he was arrested last year?
Calico, how do (collective) you focus on the illegally sold weapons?
Back to our regularly scheduled broadcast:
In tonight’s episode, Pool Cops tap their feet to the beat to the street and walk amongst them. That’s right, it’s flip flop speedo patrols to increase community awareness. Some seem more aware than others as our seasoned PC trains the newbie how to keep that gear belt up over that slippery sun block.
And then there's tomorrow night’s heartwarming summer season finale: Hackettstown, say goodbye to our sunburned boys in blue. Happy trails HPD PCs. Pool Cops. Stay safe, you have family too.
Who's the area resident that took the little girl's toy truck on Willow Grove Street claiming she thought it was "garbage"? The truck was probably in the middle of the lawn and not by the curb! Her friends saw it in the News and told her to return it, and she returned it broken. I bet she has a past criminal record of theft and i would have pressed charges. She's lucky that they let her go, I would have not believed a word she said - she just didn't want to be turned in. Horrible what this area has turned into.
I agree Hackresident....I have been here over 25 years and cannot believe what the town looks like now.
I rarely drive through town anymore, but last night I did. All I can say is ....wow! What a shame....
Why is the crime rate high? Do these CRIMINALS get fined or jailed? NO!!!, becasue they claim being on Social Security Disiability & claim they have no money to the Judge, get a FREE lawyer in court despite working under the table, and find loopholes to get off all charges, even though they are guilty guilty guilty!
This is what the story is and why CRIMINALS are still WALKING the streets of Hackettstown and Mansfield.
Hackresident - sorry but you have no concept of the municipal or superior courts within Warren county nor how the criminal justice system works A good day to you.
Does anyone walk the streets of Mansfield? It's not exactly a pedestrian paradise. You're taking your life into your own hands walking those roads.
The apts off Allen Rd and Mansfield Village area are the only "not so good" areas in Mansfield. Kensington and Country Meadow developments are good areas. Other then that, Mansfield doesn't have a "Main St" area like Htown does. No sidewalks in town either.
I'll try to be very conscious as to not wear jewelry or carry my purse while strolling through the dangerous streets in Mansfield and Hackettstown.
Some people still think they live on "Little House on the Prairie".
Ignorance and snobbery...
Are you serious? Hackettstown and Mansfield are probably the safest streets you ever walked! Prior to posting try walking the streets of Trenton, Camden, Newark and Jersey City! Just to name a few!
I feel safe walking the streets of Hackettstown 24/7!
Reallly - just really - I moved here 4 1/2 years ago - and I've yet to see all those "scary" things - and I've walked all around town - with my pocketbook and jewelry - Open your eyes and feel free to wander -
this is just what is published here, or not removed by the guilty or friends of the guilty.
Do you read the Morris Daily Record and Warren County newspapers, and on the internet? Years ago you didn't hear about stabbings and shootings and violence and theft and the crazies that this area has allowed in. I never had to worry in the past....
OMG this is so comical. I have never felt unsafe anywhere in Warren County. Try living in Essex County. You'll be listening to police cars and car alarms all day and night, knowing that almost every morning someone in your neighborhood will come out of their house and find their car stolen.
Years ago.... we had a mass shooting in Hackettstown, the motorcycle/gang incident on Mt. Ave, rapes, murders, robberies. Come to think of it seems like we had a lot more violent crimes years ago...
h-town is safe, so are the dark back alleys in Mansfield, (if anyone can direct me to a dark back alley in Mansfield, please do, i don't think there is one in the whole town).
and, carry your purse with pride :
Just to clarify, I was personally talking about being run over by a car on the streets of Mansfield, not attacked by a mugger, lol.
How about the only public hanging for m u r d e r in Belvidere. I think that was Mansfield.
Um, has anyone who thinks this area is so scary ever left it? As others mentioned, take a stroll down Main Street in Paterson, or Newark, or Camden and please report back to us how that goes!
I assumed that's what you meant, Ianimal. The cars going 50+ MPH on the rural roads... I would love to walk my dogs around the area more, but we tend not to stray too far from home because of this.
I also wish Independence PD would set up speed traps on Russling once in a while. Nuts how people drive that road.
NOT so scary around here, but to clarify that statement, that this area is Beautiful and definitely less crime than Paterson, Newark and Camden! I love this area for the most part.......
just certain people in and around Hack. & Mansfield that are now residing here (unfortunately) are or were on drugs and not normal thinking and the actions they say and take are not normal and worry-some.
It's in the papers. The police have told me that this area has changed and to try to move someday. ask (them) which areas talked about have crime in Mansfield and Hackettstown, about those that commit it, and what crimes those are. Or read about it on Hackettstown Life.com.
Have a good weekend.
"pedestrian paradise" LMAO ianimal no matter how bad it gets please don't stop posting, you always crack me up!
OK I'll bite. The police actually advised you to move out of the area because the crime has gotten to a point where they can longer keep law and order?
From the inception of society there has been and always will be an element that are the cause of turbulence. It could be due to an addiction of any sort, mental illness, medical issues. financial concerns, et cetera. I don't see this wholesale downward spiral in our small area of the world. Of course drug use is more prominent now as many drugs are now illegal where they were not at one point in time. I would bet that if one were to look at statistics of crimes broken down into types of crimes committed over the past 100 or so years here in this area you would not see any big swings one way or another. Except for cow tipping. Thank God that is on the decline.....
drug use present or past, and mental illness, now that's a connected combination to what is posted in the Daily Record, etc.! and probably why there are issues anywhere ~ and crimes committed. Keep it out of this area.
Thanks Greg for your thoughts.
I have always found is odd that folks talk about Main St. as being a scary, or bad place, or state..."what it's turned into"......
I wish you would go out and just smile and say hello......of all the folks that I have met or just said hello to on Main St. respond with a smile and say hello back.
I think it's wonderful that folks are outside, chatting and just enjoying the day. I bet back in Victorian times there were folks outside, gathering on porches or on benches and chatting.
I bet those that have such a hard time with the area have more of a problem with the nationalities of the folks out there, rather then any kind of "criminal" activity. they are just too afraid or embarrassed to say it. (Not sure it's true but it's my thoughts).
I have met many families that reside in Hackettstown that originally came from either Honduras, or Mexico and they have been the most welcoming, kind and generous folks I have met......they invite you in to eat and drink (non alcoholic)....
It's a shame that people think the worse........before they have even met the people.
With the addition of czig's open air brewporium, all the outdoor resturants, main street is more vibrant and filled with friendly people. More active and friendly than in decades.
Chillax and quit harshing our mellow with your phopias.
Hackresident..........100+ years ago Tillie Smith was raped and murdered right in Hackettstown..........then there was 1977? I believe another horrific crime of murder........then in 1994 there was yet another shooting that left 2 dead.....
These are just three that I know about.........now please tell me how many years ago was it when you didnt hear about stabbings or shootings????
You are very confused, I'm afraid.....
I remember that motorcycle shooting. We were stuck in the McDs parking lot, with a 2 year old and infant, trying to hide inside car as we heard the shooting going on. Cops and EMTs everywhere. Scarey!!
I don't comment on here much, Bessie.........but this particular subject just irks my girk lol
Last year, the year before, etc.. I read the local newspapers and internet papers daily. not murders, but CRIME.
A very sad story out of Morris Plains. The young lady was a Hackettstown HS graduate. RIP
@Calico696 What a sad story, hard to understand. What a low life that guy must have been.
For sure Denis. Not to turn this into a gun thread (as we have many of those), if this lady would have had the right to carry it might have turned out differently. She was an ex-marine and I'm sure proficient with weapons.
Course then again there's the gunnies "where thete's a will, there's a way" where you don't even need guns.
A terrible tragedy and awful loss.
A quote from her at graduation. Heart breaking.
Aug '17
calico, greg, yep, you both are quite right, NJ needs a CCW "shall issue" permit law ASAP, if she had her own firearm with her on her person this situation could have turned out much differently.
women need to retain the ability to meet force with equal/superior force, and being comfortable and practiced with their own handgun is a good way to accomplish this.
NJ needs to allow this. Like 40 other states do at this point. NJ is behind the times and out of touch with the rest of the nation.
Her sister Jamie was a close friend with my daughter in high school, and her brother a close friend with my other daughter, and they graduated HHS together..Laurel was an exceptional young woman with determination, diligence, and many gifts...And it really stinks that she was trained and able to protect our country but not allowed to protect herself..The killer(recently) was able to get a gun licensing permit is what I read online, but needful to be checked out..Please pray for the family, who are very close, and suffering through a tremendous loss..
abigail said - "And it really stinks that she was trained and able to protect our country but not allowed to protect herself..The killer(recently) was able to get a gun licensing permit "
yep to that one abigial, you are spot on correct, +1, the stalker was able to qualify for a pistol purchase permit while she was unable to be awarded her own CCW right to carry permit,
this is just wrong, we ought to be able to trust a trained marine corp veteran to handle her own firearm, esp in the face of an existential threat that she faced and fell victim to. The Morris cops even knew about the threats and the harassment and they gave the murderer his purchase permit anyways. (wow!)
this story is more horrific the more i find out about it, i think the cops in Morris Plains have some serious explaining to do
and this just underscores again that NJ needs to enact a CCW 'shall issue' permit law right away so that this never happens this way again.
my heart goes out to the family and friends of this murdered young woman, cruelly and cynically cut down and taken from this world way before her time. this saddens me no end,
BrotherDog (and others), is there an article or some evidence that this young woman had any desire whatsoever to possess a concealed weapon? I love that everyone just assumes she did and was denied based on our current laws.
In any event, why not let her rest in peace and her family and friends grieve without turning everything into an argument about the 2nd amendment.
i didn't assume that Tracy, nor did i say it, although i could have worded it more clearly, , but the fact remains if she had requested a CCW she would have been denied, and she shouldn't be denied the concealed carry permit, she should have the right to 'keep and bear arms' for her personal protection. esp in a case like this where she feared for her life (and she was right)
yet the cops in Morris knew of the stalking and the threats against her and still issued the purchase permit to her murderer, that's a problem for them now and they have some serious explaining to do over there.
i grieve for her and her family and friends, they all have my heartfelt sympathies, this should have never happened. .
I didn't notice anyone arguing. Just stating opinions is all. We all wish her to RIP and feel terrible for her family and friends. A young life lost so senselessly is always a tragedy.
As advocates for the right to carry, we hope that horrible circumstances such as these bring to light the need for people to be able to protect themselves. Even if this young lady was not seeking that right, hopefully others that do based on feeling threatened by another individual will eventually be able to. These are the cases that we want our legislators to examine. Stalking and domestic abuse is a real problem and many have lost their lives because they were denied the right to protect themselves.
Brotherdog, where are you getting the information that she feared for her life and was receiving threats? Every article I've read said she complained to the police about harassment (unknown number of times), but declined to sign a restraining order against him.
I think the bigger problem is how easily her murderer obtained his weapon.
Yes, I agree. Especially with the part about wrong time, wrong place to debate.
And I deleted the rest.
Yes. Her failure to obtain a restraining order caused this. And I'm sure if she had one in place he would have abided by it. Why would a murderer break a law?
I think the bigger issue is that there was a criminal who was determined to cause harm to her and then took the coward way out. And I'm sure if he didnt have a gun he wouldnt have decided to grab a knife or shovel.
An even bigger issue is people who think more laws are going to prevent the law breakers from breaking the law.
Aug '17
From Kyle Busch on Fox Sports TV after his win at Pocono on July 30th
"We find it very rewarding to achieve victory, especially here at Pocono in M&M’s back yard, with one of their main plants over there in Hackettstown (New Jersey), so we appreciate being able to go see all those guys and gals on Thursday and having them invite us over and giving the team guys and their spouses tours and what not. It was fun to do that and, of course, to be able to get to Victory Lane with this team with Adam (Stevens, crew chief) and all the guys."
What a terrible accident. Condolences to this man's family.
Not Hackettstown, but this made World News last night. I hope everyone makes a full recovery. This is very scary.
Calico isnt that such a sad story.......I always feel so bad to hear when a person who has lived such a long life dies in a tragidy. I almost feel that by the time you hit 70/75 natural causes are the norm.......not falling off a latter...but I read this poem a bit ago, I don't know who wrote it but it fits...
Leaves have their time to fall
And flowers to fade, touched
By the north-wind's wintry blast;
But thou, oh Death! hast all
Seasons for thine own.
Guess you just never know when your time is up. Condolenses to his family and friends.
Happened to see this during the lunch hour news today, supposedly in Independence Twp:
jit - I think they might have just been interviewed at Field of Dreams. I'm fairly certain they are from Washington Twp. (Warren).
Either way, great job Sterling!
Thankfully it sounds like the toddler will be fine. Incredibly scary!
good story, good announcement (for a change)
Jesse Bardwell To Open For Forbert In Succasunna (on September 16th)
Looking to “up its game” in celebration of its 20th anniversary this year, the Roxbury Arts Alliance is kicking off its Fall music season with two major acts in September and October. Steve Forbert and Marshall Crenshaw, respectively, will be bringing their renowned music to The Investors Bank Theater at Horseshoe Lake in Succasunna.
Special guest opener for Forbert is regional favorite and Hackettstown native Jesse Bardwell, formerly of Quimby Mountain Band. In addition to opening for Forbert, Bardwell will be performing with the national recording artist at the show.
In celebration of the Alliance’s 20th anniversary, on September 16th nationally known songwriter and singer Steve Forbert will be taking the stage.
Fight over pork roll and beer. Yes, it's pork roll not Taylor ham. ;-)
HS student charged with distribution.
Pathetic... Kids parents should shove their foot up his butt... Oh wait DYFS would cry abuse...
You need a prescription. Obviously he was dealing or is completely stupid giving out his own prescription to someone.
If we're going to go with assumptions, personally I'd assume that the prevalence of xanax in the adult population likely made those two pills accessible to the juvenile. So Dealing? Perhaps, but unlikely imo since xanax is quite common and relatively easy to obtain from someone he knew.
The more likely *assumption* is that they were taken from a family member or other acquaintance, imo of course.
So, if I was having a full blown panic attack and a friend gave me a Xanax, he/she would be charged with drug dealing?
Maybe I should've posted this in the "Stupid Questions" thread.
Who cares where he got them? Isn't it illegal to give someone a prescription drug that is not prescribed to that person in the first place? It's not like handing out a Tylenol or some cough drops.
Of course JRT, but I think JIT's point was how easily accessible prescription drugs are to kids. So many people are on some type of anti-anxiety medication..it's kind of become the norm.
Main Street happenings.
Congratulations Mayor DiGiovanni, director Shelton and all other contributors for this accomplishment.
No Skippy. As far as I know the BID has never had any debt at all. It's the town we're talking here. Ready the article through. The BID certainly didn't borrow $7 million.
That’s pretty amazing - I didn’t think it was possible to operate with zero debt - congrats.
The reason I asked was it mentioned the new businesses opening up and mentioned the BID. Very impressive
I recall speaking about that with Mayor Lavery. He began the hard work and Mayor DiGiovanni and company did an excellent job to reach this point. Fiscal responsibility is a good thing!
"The other night, for example, I had friends in from out of town," she said. "We started out at the Czig Meister brewery to grab a drink, and then walked across the street to James on Main for dinner...."
That was a nice feel-good fluff piece. Hopefully the storefronts continue to fill, but I am not sure that they are filling at a record pace. Does somebody actually keep that stat?
Just to keep it real, they did mess up the sidewalks which are now almost dangerous in spots and still need to be fixed somehow. Plus the colors - then there was the tree fiasco, but I guess that is forgiven since they are supposedly debt-free.
Let's not ignore the elephant in the room, or actually in the parking lot of the Sunshine Dairy at 7am every day.
Part of the good news is that we have taxi service now, which we use sometimes, if we are going to have a few drinks with dinner.
Another improvement could be the crosswalks, maybe upgrade them to the way they are set up in little Washington?
Does that mean our taxes will go down?? LOL. The article also fails to mention the 2 biggest store fronts on Main street (former Marty's and trading post) have been vacant for quite some time now.
Dec '17
Congrats HT government on your fiscal management. What's next?
"Just to keep it real, they did mess up the sidewalks which are now almost dangerous in spots and still need to be fixed somehow. Plus the colors - then there was the tree fiasco, but I guess that is forgiven since they are supposedly debt-free."
Someone can check me if I am wrong, but I think this was Obama Stimulus money so the down got a great deal. I think the pink has been accepted as well as the midget trees highlighting the overhead power/phone lines. I know I have, although always worthy of a zing.
Fixing would be a good thing, just phone em in to get em on the list. Washington's stimulus upgrades seemed to fare even worse, their cute cobblestone walk ways disintegrated. I hope, and trust, both towns got a warrantee.
"Let's not ignore the elephant in the room, or actually in the parking lot of the Sunshine Dairy at 7am every day." Some towns have a designated area for this, could be Sunshine Dairy, which makes living alongside of it a little easier. Just avoid that place unless you are looking for work or a worker....
Good job H-town fiscal managers. Can't wait to see your next fiscal steps now that we might be able to invest in a good idea. Maybe get rid of those wires OR make parking even easier than it is today. That's my biggest hurdle to Main Street; figuring out which lot and how to walk out of it.
And yes, last time we had a crew of guests we did Trivia Night at Czig with take out from Monchy's.
sorry stranger but that wires aren't going anywhere. We looked into it while doing our 2018 Master Plan. Cost to bury lines is $1million per mile. Plus the State is supposed to repave Main St by the end of 2018 so the wires would need to be buried before that. so in other words, not happening.
Spend the Million plus per mile to bury the wires before Main Street is repaved. Now that the debt is gone this Million per mile will be a good investment rather than digging up a new road a couple of years from now or never doing it.
sorry deviljet
No tax reduction, you still need to payback Great Meadows Regional School District a couple million they were over billed.
Too bad the Hackettstown School Board is not as fiscally disciplined as the town government. Superintendent and his merry band of school board officials only know how to spend above the cap. The new plan will cost more. This is a different subject for another thread,
Dec '17
"Someone can check me if I am wrong, but I think this was Obama Stimulus money so the down got a great deal."
Yes, and they went significantly over budget almost double if I recall correctly, but could be wrong on the amount. They had to use tax dollars to complete the project. Either way that whole fiasco was on the old BID administration. Hated the concept then, still do, but water under the bridge. The new BID under Jim Sheldon has done a great job. Thanks also in large part to all the local brew pubs, and unique restaurants. I feel very fortunate to have so many good dining, drinking options in this small town. The town has come a long way in a few years, job well done all the way around.
So the town still got a great deal by using stimulus money. If I recall correctly. Could be wrong on how great the amount.....just saying.
And yes, JSheldon seems to be doing a great job. Except for those parking lots......
I don’t understand all the complaining about parking in Hackettstown.
there are a few lots. If not park on the street and walk a block or two.
I could see if one was disabled...but its not like it is trying to park in Hoboken
Dec '17
jono - Bury wires *before* repaving? Only to have to redo all the wires when the road is torn up? That will make it $2 mill per mile needlessly. Are you willing to pay 20% more in your property taxes? Try telling it to your constituents and see how far that gets council members.
As for the sidewalks, the BID's involvement was never as great as was attributed here on HL. Yes, they and the public together did design work and kept the businesses involved. But the town and DPW were responsible with a whole heck of a lot of help from the town engineer. Tax payer dollars were always part of the budget from the start. That's usually what grant money is, enough to make affordable to do but not the entire bill. It wasn't so much that the budget got busted, but they chose to do a whole additional section of Main St. They got a second round of grants and some people at the time misunderstood that as over budget instead of voluntarily doing additional work.
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