News of the Weird 2.0
The previous thread is unavailable for comment since it was started about 6 years ago.
Man accused of murder wants to show his penis to the jury. LMAO
Even bears are afraid of clowns.
Stuck train passengers order out for pizza.
I should totally try the creepy clown technique!! Damn bears in my garbage! I should hang one on my chicken coop too! My kids may never go in the back yard again and they may have nightmares and possibly require counseling but at least my chickens will be safe! :-)
No idea if this guy is actually worried about religious freedom. Just really, really love his driver's license photo.
I can't tell if this is real or not...
A beetle hold a marker and writes... or is he drawing?
(And these are these "popular pets" in Japan?!)
Quite possibly the greatest headline ever:
"Woman On Tinder Date Gets Stuck In Window Trying To Retrieve Her Own Poop"
Nothing like resorting to acting like a 10 year old boy when road raging! LOL
That's a hard on(e) to top :>) Was best good news story of the day until he tried to spray paint the driver ---- had to ruin a good time. Defacing is pretty bad but it's not violent (until you try to do it to a person)
My sister likes to put decorative magnetic covers over her mail box. She had a fall one up that suddenly disappeared, being replaced by a St. Pat's version. She was livid, creating conspiracy theories about her neighbors, road rage stories, theft and the like. I said, come on, must be a joke. If they replaced it, can't be simple vandalism or theft. She kept on..... Her daughter and friend fessed up later that night :>)
An International mystery... how in the world did this happen?
Came across that in the non-msm a while back Rebecka. Odd for sure, strange if the assumptions are true.
Nostril hair extensions?
Pulling a Peewee Herman in the middle of the mall.
If you look at the more lewd NJ stories links below that, it seems as though there are a number of Harvey Weinstein wannabes. They're just lacking his money, fame and power.
this 128 year old man claims he is Hitler.
What do expect the poor guy to do! LOL
Greg - With an entire walk-in cooler at his disposal, one thing he could have done would be to have more taste than some Four Loko and a large Icehouse. ;-)
No kidding GC. Only 4 drinks in 6 hours? I wonder which alcohol content is allowed for Four Loko in WI.....
Perhaps the ramen is better than the name of the place. I did get a chuckle though.
I’m just gonna leave this here

Not particularly news, but huh? Mystery flavor Oreos. It seems if you identify the mystery flavor you can enter to win a $50,000 prize. I read the ingredients for clues with no luck. One needs a chemical engineering background to decipher the stuff those yummy sumbitches are made of.
And boy do the jokes write themselves with this one! LOL
Greg, They revealed the mystery flavor. It's Fruty Pebbles cereal. Who would have thought? Wonder who guessed correctly and won the money...
Burger King airs porn in one of its restaurants....
The jokes write themselves here folks. Whopper....Jr. Whopper, small fry, etc Too easy.
The best quote from the article:
“There was another couple in there, and the guy was watching it,” the woman claimed. “And his wife yelled at him, ‘You’re a nasty horndog’.”
A dude riding his ATV butt naked whilst the police follow him.
the telling gets better:
Stop. Please stop. It hurts to laugh. The reporter must have been typing with tears rolling down his cheeks.
I think the guy who can tell the difference between large dog poop and man poop can be superintendent :-o
Unbelievable! Sit-ups as punishment?
A 16-year-old Indian girl was raped — then burned to death by her attackers when her family sought justice, according to reports. Bhuiyan took her for a motorcycle ride along with his cousin, Sudhir Bhuiyan. She was allegedly raped in a wooded area and then brought back to the wedding about an hour later.
The council on Friday ordered Bhuiyan’s family to pay a fine of 50,000 rupees, or about $750, and apologize to the girl’s family. The accused men were also told to do 100 sit-ups each. The ruling led to a fistfight. In the meantime, an enraged Dhanu Bhuiyan allegedly went to the girl’s house, beat her up, poured gasoline on her and lit her on fire.
Mr. Resident - I subscribe to Indian newspapers and follow Indian news heavily. Not sure why The Post picked up on this particular article, but it is totally typical Indian news.
Want to have both good belly laughs and a good cry at the same time? Just pick up any random Indian newspaper on any any given day. The whole entire paper could be filed under News of the Weird to us Americans. There be some crazy stuff happening on the Indian subcontinent.
Oh my.
It appears some of those in the Mountainside police department may have been having a bit too much "fun" at headquarters.
The Mountainside police department is the highest paid in the Union County. Party Time
Well from the looks of it, some of the officers will be kissing their nice salaries and pensions good-bye!
Just foul, chick takes a dump and flings it at employee.
As per that website:
"According to Canadian Mounted Police–the woman was “briefly detained” after the police were called. She is set to appear in court to see whether or not she will face charges."
Wow, isn't that special. She should definitely be confined & sent for mental evaluation.
"She should definitely be confined & sent for mental evaluation."
You can say that again. Insane.
Holy plot twists and weirdness. If you haven't read the international news today, google Babchenko. If this news story isn't turned into a blockbuster movie, I'll be a monkey's uncle.
Not exactly weird but in the are you blanking kidding me category.
In Denver children were forced to shut down their lemonade stand where the proceeds were to benefit a nonprofit child-advocacy ministry that supports children in poverty. It was great to see Heinz step up and will cover the costs of fines for any child in the same situation..Boy, I would love to meet the vendor who made the complaint about being undercut in price by the kids. What a crumb to say the least.
Kudos to Heinz!
Yikes! Woman kills rabid fox with bare hands!
Hubby plans to stay on good behavior. LOL
Wow! Hell of a story. Good for her that she was able to keep a cool mind under pressure and did what she needed to do.
I feel bad for this woman but is she living in the Warner Bros world?
"And she just had random sticks of dynamite laying around????"
It doesn't take much effort to read the news article.
It was left in the basement by previous owners and mistaken by the woman to be a candle.
"And she just had random sticks of dynamite laying around????"
"Right? Who does that?"
Agreed. they at least have to be in the knick knack drawer.
Pot smoking lobsters!!??
They do have those built in roach clips though.
Wow. a 3 week high for "Roscoe", then he got to be set free. Awesome for him apparently. Aside from her one-time experiment, she's only a Licensed Marijuana Therapist for humans. She doesn't mention having sourced any data from any studies (and you know with government grants someone has to have thought of and done this) to prove that crustaceans, most significantly lobsters, experience the same or greater effects of THC on their nervous systems, etc.
Without actual scientific data behind it, I think it seems more like a "feel good" measure to assuage her "guilt" at killing them. Now what about all those crabs??? Better start getting them high too.
I’m not even going to bother looking it up but crabs n lobsters don’t have lungs or blood like mammals so how does the smoke get into thier body? Like a meat smoker? Thats alot of weed.
Talk about a flying squirrel!
All passengers had to deplane because a woman brought her emotional support squirrel on a plane. Where does it end?
Well gosh, golly & gee whiz Calico! That idea is pretty old. I mean Bullwinkle never travelled anywhere without Rockie ;-D
The best one is the squirrels for shoes comment:
Pooper Super comes clean... blames Runner's Diarrhea.
Football players suspended for running naked with oreos in their butt cracks!
I must say though I just read that article to a few folks and I'm laughing my gumdrops off.
I never thought I'd say the words testicular bedazzlement. LMAO
Man releases rat in Newark McDonald's. I feel bad for the rat. LOL
Honey Badger Mama vs. Hungry Leopard
(Nobody messes with a honey badger!)
You might want to reconsider using an online delivery service. Yikes!
You don’t want the tip....
Ballsy move to tape it.
It’s a testi-ment to our curtural demise.
Nuts to this story.
They were going to sack the guy, but he already had one....
Woman gets fined by HOA after car leaves penis shaped mark in the snow.
omg - who even has time to study those parking spaces - would you have seen it? and a fine- perhaps if she had built it out of snowballs??
Woman pulls alligator out of her yoga pants during traffic stop.
ahhh, okkkkk, hmmm, i got nothin' , lol , alligator in the yoga pants, wonder what's missing in her life, and they say men are useless huh?
Blue colored birds contain no blue feathers! Who knew?
I'm guessing "marmot tartare" is NOT going to become the next big thing in gastronomy...
Yikes! How is this even possible? Car crash in Brick leaves car vertical....
Loud fart gives away suspect's location. LMAO
"How is this even possible? "
The guy wire (not "guide wire" as the article states) got caught behind the front wheel and the car just followed it up the pole...
Not so unusual actually...
I find it weird that our national teachers union, the NEA, at its yearly national convention, didn’t pass a vote to “re-dedicate itself to the pursuit of increased student learning in every public school in America” or think that the “NEA will make student learning the priority of the Association”. That seems like a no brainer for an association of “teachers” to me.
Instead, a variety of social priorities were passed they have nothing to do with education. Eye opening article, assuming it’s premise is true.
Anyone locally attend?
Not weird news but a classic. 89 year old Buzz Aldrin blasts off on a moon landing denier's jaw! What a crackpot the guy is. Buzz is Bad-ass!
Why didn't anyone smell anything? So bizarre.
Sorry, but this is just too weird for me. don't know half of what's going on out there. Some jackhole professor is all proud he beat woman and broke their record in a cycling race and has been butthurt for 2 days that the second place female wouldn't even acknowledge him. Needless to say his testosterone anger is proving he really isn't a female no matter how much he wants to be.
I know they love their Cowboys in TX, but this is ridiculous.
Drunk chick runs over someone more than once in a parking lot.
It's a shame that Wednesday Addams turned out so badly... I wonder how Puggsly made out.
Stabbed to death over a Popeye's chicken sandwich. Animal! SMH
Turns out drunk woman was let go after it was determined he was trying to slip a dollar tip in the wrong place at the wrong time. Every time I go by that lot is empty; makes me wonder how you could hit the one object in it.....
Meanwhile --- guess we need to vote for Popeyes as the KFC replacement. Darned fine chicken good enuf to die for. Get the point? You'll have a fatal attraction for it.... Too soon?
Sigh......think we are beyond "weird" with these stories.
Meth, car jacking, goat....oh my!
Criminal masterminds of the century...
What would E.T. think?
She apparently said she WANTS to capitalize on her body since everyone told her not to and she felt ashamed of it and then this quote: "“I can't stay dependent on my parents or even the state for that matter — not that there's anything wrong with that — it just doesn't feel comfortable for me,” she said." I thought most women have been saying they're tired of being objectivized because of their body...
I guess one could give her points for thinking "out of th...", but therein would be the conundrum, for reasons I won't expand on, of course.
Well, to each their own, but I hope she's fully weighed the risks and rewards, unless she just means to shock her parents and the public by such a statement and get some kind of other offer to convince her not to go down that path. There are people who are well-balanced and intelligent in that industry, as well as people who were injured before, during and after they were in it, or of course ended up dead.
E.T. phone home........for a mere $9.95 per minute, proof of age needed, all major credit cards accepted. Guaranteed to be out of this world.
So... will her first movie be "E.T. - The Extra Testicle" or "Close Encounters of the Third Input"?
There are some wacky people in California.
I like "ghost plants." Very easy to care for.
1. Light is not important, matter of fact they thrive in the dark.
2. Do not water, does not help and can make a mess.
3. Do not prune (unless you want a small ghost plant.)
4. Do not fertilize -- it's a waste, trust me.
5. Can be transplanted but never propagated. The "ghosting method" can be done on other living plants though. I have done it often.
Hope that helps :>)
Pig eats pedometer, starts fire. Huh?
Anyone else been following this story? I can't get enough of it for some reason, lol... probably because I can't stand Paulsboro wrestling or Paul Morina.
News12 was at the deli this weekend for a humorous take in the story. Not so funny if your a stock owner in basically nothing.
If this guy thought the price of beer at Yankee Stadium was outrageous, this one might have just cost him $120k per year...
Videos of the confrontation...
It's funny how they claim to been having a "private" conversation, even though it could easily be heard several tables away. At least her side of the conversation, since she just couldn't stop publicly making an a$$ out of herself, rather than just speaking with the manager to express her "dissatisfaction" and/or "outrage".
On the other hand, I also felt that the people recording only helped to exacerbate things. They decided to record and make a running commentary, rather than complain to the management about their "dissatisfaction and outrage" at the lady, especially around the children, which seemed to be a good part of their point.
It's funny that once the guy threw the beer, issuing a challenge to fight, all consideration for the impressionable children went out the door, as plenty of cursing was heard from the people at the table where it was being recorded. People (including the police) often don't realize that nobody needs their permission to record them in a public venue. Apparently, the husband threw his fit, either at his wife's behest or because he was offended that her behavior was going to go public.
Now to the salient point. Supposedly, the restaurant had a restroom for Transgender people, which may have been the "Family" one, with a changing table, etc. Before going through surgery and as part of the required process during psychological evaluation, Transgender people are supposed to both dress and use the facilities of the gender they identify with and are hoping to receive surgery for. Normally, they are also already on hormonal therapy as well. I realize that not everybody agrees and I don't want to start controversy about it, but I DO want to share that they aren't in there for any kind of perverse gratification, though yes, there is the possibility that someone outside of the Transgender community may try to take advantage of that part of the process for their own desires.
To do that, is of course illegal. True transgender individuals do NOT want to garner any attention either and often try their best not to bring any attention to themselves when using the restroom and in many other situations. There is a lot of verbal and physical violence directed towards those in the transgender community. People may not agree with them, but could at least be tolerant and understanding, rather than hateful and/or violent. I hope I've stated the case well enough for the transgender community. While I'm not a part of it, I've talked with my cousin, who is, as well as some other members. They're people too.
There's also another possibility, that "she" was a biological female. In the early 80's we were visiting the bar/club at the Harmony Manor and a friend visited the restroom. When she came out, another girl started loudly proclaiming, "EWWW, a GUY was using the ladies room. That's disgusting" I responded that THEY were the disgusting party and that my friend was more of a woman than they could hope to be, unless they grew up. I had seen how much they'd hurt my friend, even though she tried not to show it.
The odd thing was that while she was somewhat androgynous and if she was 5'8"-6' and used makeup, she could have been a model. However, at 4'11 (and a half, as she noted), dressing like a tomboy and not using any makeup, she didn't feel she had to meet societies "expectations" for how she should dress, etc. She rarely ran across anyone that crass however.
The lesson here is that the "lady" on video shouldn't have assumed, but perhpas quietly relayed her concerns to management. It's just that easy!
There is no evidence that a transgender person even existed in the situation, except in that woman's head.
But for a middle school vice principal to be that drunk in the middle of the afternoon to react like that... he's got no business being in a position of authority over impressionable children, when he's nothing but a child himself.
But after "spending a couple minutes" with his missus... while I can't condone it, I can certainly understand it. I would need to be permanently medicated and stone deaf to be able to coexist with her, lol.
More proof of the overpaid useless school administration. This guy needs to be canned ASAP.
Camels DQed from beauty pageant due to Botox doping
Wow, I mean I keep hearing of these people who seem to have a foot fetish for camels, but a beauty contest...interesting, LOL! I wonder which organization runs it.
Are there separate categories for Dromedary or Bactrian? I mean one hump or two, the beauty standard has to be different from one to the other. Was there a Miss Congeniality? I mean not all of them were spitters I hope.
Imagine going to work at a "family-friendly" restaurant/bar and being pistol-whipped by a co-worker...
the link pretty much says it
"The deputy then spoke to Krupnicka who had been talking to another deputy on the matter. She provided a video from her Ring camera which again showed her standing in the street with a broomstick. It also showed her using the stick to strike individuals as they rode past her, the report said. "
You can see the lack of brain in her eyes...
I'd love to see the video. I bet she thinks she is the happiest woman in her town.
And we used to call them "eccentric."
When I was 10, my neighbor was a regional rep for a candy company. His garage had tables of the stuff for display.
In the summer, he would open the door, sit nearby with a beer and a garden house and we were welcome to give it a try until we couldn't take being hit with the full stream no more. Guess today we would arrest him on so many charges......
I just liked the candy and the weather was hot: win, win.
A few years later, another town, and we had "weird uncle pete," a single, older, gentleman that loved kids and we boys loved him.
In our town, he had a flat side lawn about 60 yards long and the width of a football field. We always played ball there, He had a fantastic old pool table in the basement and I honed my skills there. Once he took me and a friend to my first and only hockey game where I came in second place chasing a puck down the hallway. So close, so much fun.
Unless I have repressed memories, all good, but today ----- uh oh.
So sad we have become so afraid of so much and so reactionary to too much. Any time today, I want to do anything with any kid, I always have a second adult for my own protection, and added protection for the kids. Easiest solution to the fears.
Frankly, a lady with a broomstick just sounds funny to me. Perhaps a stern lecture, but arrest for aggravated assault? Come on folks, she may be crazy, she may be eccentric, but guaranteed she's your neighbor. Act like it.
Stern lecture for hitting someone riding by on a public street on a bicycle?
You have to be kidding me...
Wacking an oncoming object with a broom stick could easily crack a nose, bust a tooth... she absolutely needs to be jailed & fined.
You can join her in a detention cell... you both need to reflect on your stupidity.
This woman said her beau attacked her with a sandwich.
and if that isn't weird enough the police report stated
" signs of injuries other than some mustard on her jacket"
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