Found Gray Cat - Hastings Square

Found Gray Cat - Hastings Square

Male, not neutered, about 1 yr old, very friendly. Flyers hung, ACO contacted......found in Hastings Square. If no owner found, will look for a home.

Worried Worried
Dec '17

I think that is my coworkers cat. How can we reach you?

Fallfan Fallfan
Dec '17

Fallfan - Click on the envelope to the right of Worried's screen name to send a private message.

Calico696 Calico696
Dec '17

Thx Calico

Fallfan Fallfan
Dec '17

Re: Found Gray Cat - Hastings Square

Looks similar...

Melissa Melissa
Dec '17

Re: Found Gray Cat - Hastings Square

This is my gray cat. She was about 7 months here. Please contact me asap. I've been looking for her about 5 days now.

I live right across from Hastings Square. She's a very curious cat. I noticed she was lost wednesday.

melissa, I contacted this person. Not the same cat.

Worried Worried
Dec '17

Elif, this is a MALE cat!

Worried Worried
Dec '17

Do you know who has this cat. There is another grey cat missing that just came up. I want to try to put the owner in touch with them. Or send the link to contact them.

Cathy Cathy
Dec '17

Cathy, where is the info on another grey cat missing? came up where?

Worried Worried
Dec '17

It came up on a fb ad. I called her and was able to share pictures of the cat that were sent to me. She lives in the same town I do. It wasnt her cat. So odd that 2 grey cats missing at the same time but at least we are both keeping an eye out for each other’s cats.

Cathy Cathy
Dec '17

Re: Found Gray Cat - Hastings Square

Church- my sons cat

Cathy Cathy
Dec '17

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