Hackettstown in the News 2018
Let's start with a "false public alarm":
Bessie, you are right, I remember a lot of people calling that a fake robbery.
Hey, the guy was married, drunk and about to have to explain losing all his money to his wife......I'd go with armed uber assault too.
What a shame for this person...
Press Release(1/11/18): SCAM Alert And Warrant Arrests.
On 1/10/18 at approx. 1:12PM the Hackettstown Police received a scam complaint from a 78yro Hackettstown resident. The resident stated he was using an online company called CORE IT to fix and clean the internal workings of his computer for nearly two years. The address of the company was located in Sharjah a city in the United Arab Emirates. On 1/9/18 the victim received a phone call from Travis Carter saying that their business license expired, and he needed to refund money for the services they performed on the victim’s computer. The representative claimed that because their bank is not located in America, they would need to deposit a certain amount of money in the victim’s bank account and he will take the difference in gift cards. The victim then purchased $7,500 in Target gift cards. The victim called the company and he checked his bank account online and saw they deposited $12,000 into his account. The victim gave the company the gift card numbers. The victim then received a phone call from the company on 1/10/18 and they said to give them another $2,000 in gift cards or they would withdraw money from the victim’s checking and savings accounts. The victim went to the bank to change accounts and he was told that no one deposited $12,000 into his original account. It appears his computer was hacked, and the victim was looking at a fake online bank statement.
This type of scam is the first to be reported to our department and we want to make the public aware of this scam.
Greg, I just read the story about that. Such a shame. I hope that when I'm 78, someone will be around to protect me against stuff like this.
That's awful to hear. Why can't these numbskulls get an actual job and stop preying on people?
Computer Scams are real folks: I mean this one looks very professional, patient, and unfortunately thorough. They are getting very good at looking real. No more: "I is in Nigeria and ......"
I have a friend with a small WAH business who gets many jobs across the net. He is very computer savvy but got caught by one that looked, smelled, and even tasted like a business. Website, 1-800, you name it. The place looked real, he was very busy, and, of course, missed the fact that suddenly there was a rush need to expedite payment. Thing is he wrote the check..... Lesson learned: use credit cards whenever you can. Google everyone before you spend.
This place looked like a real business so he did not google. That would have turned up the potential scam. And then he wrote the check.
I can never understand why anyone would think that a legitimate company or service provider would ask to be paid with GIFT CARDS. That would certainly raise red flags for me.
Interesting stories and having my own recent road rage encounter the danger they posed is ridiculous.
First link is related to the chase and the 2nd to the original story/expose.
Ahh Joe Fantasia, I have been saying for years this guy is a scammer. I have had to deal with this unsavory character threw my work. Bounced several checks & still has not fully paid back monies owed, from years ago.
15 great N.J. food towns that no one knows about:
Million dollar winner in our area!! Check your tickets!
I swear EVERY TIME I drive by that store, I think to myself wouldn't it be nice if it won the lottery? I haven't been down that way in weeks, though. Darn.
Its like the Jets and Giants. Lol!
Congrats to the winner.
That store also sold $500,000 instant winner. I'm guessing a rub-off.
It is odd that often a location is reported erroneously. Last week I read about the fire at Bill's Service Center- located in Long Valley. Really? It's not that difficult to research the location and report accurately.
Greg - Are you now discussing the difference between "Long Valley" and "Washington Township"? You do know Bill's is Washington Township, right? I definitely understand the differences for townships in Morris County that have Hackettstown mailing addresses. As well as Independence vs Mansfield, etc. But to me Long Valley that's in Washington Township is basically still correct.
Calico - there's a whole thread on it. ;-)
Yes! Long Valley = Washington Township in many minds. Check the welcome signs coming into the township, they are subtitled "Long Valley."

Yes. The article stated Bill's Service Center in Long Valley. I know Bill's is located in Washington Township but never thought of it as Long Valley. I see Long Valley as in the screen shot- nowhere near the stretch on RT. 46. In fact the address for Bill's is 27 US-46, Hackettstown, NJ 07840. ( Washington Township). I always considered that area Washington Township, not Hackettstown and certainly not Long Valley. My point was if the author looked up the address it should have been reported as a Hackettstown service station.
I do correlate Long Valley as Washington Township as well.
Maybe they picked it up from the Washington Township Patch.
Oh, wait, it's called the Long Valley Patch. Google redirects the search.
Or maybe they picked it up on the Washington Township Topix forum.
Yeah - also called the Long Valley Topix forum.
When the town ran its own forum it was also called "Long Valley".
I've said it before. I'll say it again. This township (where I live), has an identity crisis. The borders of the unincorporated community of Long Valley are one thing; how the township chooses to identify/distinguish itself is another.
I was out of town when the fire happened. Link?
My husband has had business dealings with Bill and his family for 20 years. Hoping everything turns out ok.
"Long Valley" is a postal zip code wholly within Washington Twp.
There is also a "Schooley's Mountain" zip if you have a PO Box in the General Store.
Washington Township is the name for the whole town. It stretches from Chester on one side, Califon on another, Mount Olive from the northeast and, of course, Hackettstown.
The official name is “Washington Township”, but almost everyone refers to the whole place as Long Valley. So yes, places like Target or Bill’s are in Long Valley, as most people would refer to it.
My point being Bills and Target may be in Washington Twsp, but they are not in LV

Huh that's something. All my 27 years living here I never even remotely thought of Long Valley as anything thing other than the map I posted above. Washington Township is how I refer to the areas other than LV or Schooleys Mountain etc.
I guess because Long Valley is basically in the center of Washington Township , the two are synonymous to many folks. Except for me! LOL
There are 6 town zip codes serving Washington Twp ( Morris) but no zip code in the name of Washington Twp.
Yes Greg it’s definitely a confusing situation. Believe me if my wife wasn’t a former Long Valley resident I would have no clue either. But apparently the Washington Township name just isn’t used in daily conversation there.
I live in College View. Is that Long Valley or Washington Twp. My mail says Hackettstown.
Hackettstown student files discrimination complaint
Pot smoke sets off fire alarm in Centenary University dorm
As per WRNJ website, " A Centenary University Student is facing a drug charge after marijuana smoke set off the fire alarm in his dorm room Tuesday morning." Having the HFD called out in the middle of the night is a serious concern for them and public safety, but I could not stop thinking of a big blunt & cloud of smoke vis-à-vis a Cheech and Chong movie, Stay tuned, more of this to come after Gov. Murphy pushes through his agenda.
Beer bottles can be dangerous.
I guess more so when some fool consumes too much of what is contained in those bottles. LOL!
In a fight in an apartment with several people... hmm... sounds like an illegal home to me. I doubt the several people were children.
Metsman, I once had 20 people at a party in my apartment at Greenview... they didn't all live there.
BC if they really checked, then the illegal population here wouldn't be 6% of the state.
Yes and if business owners didn’t hire them, they wouldn’t come here.
And if citizens would only work for a couple of bucks an hour, business owners wouldn’t hire illegals, and the illegals wouldn’t come here...
Businessguy1984, you really think all these Hispanic people riding bikes around and walking with their laundry are legal citizens? I worked at the Chester Shoprite in 1998. There had to be like 20 illegals working there. They openly admitted to it too. That was 20 years ago. The problem has to be much worse now.
Hispanic, bike, laundry, illegal. Makes sense to me.
White guy, whinning about others stealing his cheese, crackers town life, racist.
Its good to assume
Yes, there are undocumented people all over the country. That doesn't make it OK for you to make assumptions about people SOLELY on their last names.
Stereotyping and bigotry much, Metsman??
Wonder what we'd think if we saw you riding by on a bike.....
Ok stay in your safe spaces... I forgot you're a racist when you point out the obvious...
God forbid someone walks to the laundromat!! I’m just saying it’s poor to assume things without the proper knowledge, that is all. Have a nice day!
It’s not like it matters anyway. NJ will be the next California with Murphy in power and all the sanctuary state BS will go into effect. We’ll be wasting tax dollars protecting criminals like Kate Steinle’s killer who got deported half a dozen times and kept coming back. These people will vote which is what the democrats want. It’s happening. If illegals could get jobs at shoprite 20 years ago then they are voting too. Last time I checked you put your social security number on job applications. Someone is faking this info for them. It’s the same kind of situation as people that scam the government out of welfare checks. It’s like an episode of Shameless, where Frank Gallagher used his dead Aunt’s info to get her checks.
"If illegals could get jobs at shoprite 20 years ago then they are voting too."
That's a head-scratcher. I'd call it a leap of logic, but that's one that not even the Evel one himself would have the cojones to attempt.
A family's pet fish puts out a house fire in Hackettstown!!
Well that's my spin...LOL
I hope so!
I'm sure it was a Nemateleotris magnifica. Better known as Fire Goby, Fire Fish, Fire Dartfish, or Red Fire Goby LOL
Sounds like a nice fellow.
Greg, he was technically from Washington Township, Morris County. My former neighbor.
A 6 year old, 3 year old and a 9 month old infant home alone.They sound like responsible parents.... SMH.....
Holy cow! I watched my 3yo and 8 month old grandsons this weekend. I couldn't let them out of my sight for a minute, except when they were sleeping!
Unbelievable! Thank goodness for that ICE warrant. Those kids could have really met with a bad fate.
Another Main St resident arrested.
Beyond sad. If I can interject regarding taking kids away from parents doing “illegal” things such as crossing a border or leaving kids alone. Shame on these two.
Disgusting. Mr. Leonardo-Enriquez needs to be taught respect and a lesson.I have less than zero tolerance for someone like him. Capital punishment is too kind for an animal like him. He should have to get a face tattoo stating his crime so the others in prison can welcome him the proper way.
Lethal injection. They break laws when crossing the border and then they commit crimes that are commonplace in central America. We need to be a land of laws, free to do as you pease without hurting others. This is so clearly wrong.
Crime knows no race, nationality, religion etc, so you're comment sounds a bit like CNN or Fox News iJay. Partial truths extrapolated for completely unrelated reasons is the media’s schtick lol
I agree with Greg. Capital punishment is too easy for paedophiles like him. A face tattoo on the forehead saying "I am paedophile,rapist" would be good enough for the rest of his life
Ijay is not dark. He is just differentiating between right and wrong.
If you don't stop for a stop sign, you're breaking the law. That's bad. And there are consequences when you get caught.
Meanwhile, lots of bad people are coming from South of Mexico, pretending they are parents of children, and coming into America to sell drugs and commit crimes, while American taxpayers foot the bill for their "Free" housing, food, Medical Care, lawyers fees...
This needs to stop. (Maybe we need to Electrify the fence?!)
We can't afford to keep paying for people who come here and can't speak the language, don't want to assimilate, take lots of funding from our government and taxpayers, and work off the books, so they can send major quantities of cash back to their relatives over the Border.
They are sucking us dry.
Older Mom - Calling "Hispanic" the same as "epidemic" and wanting lethal injections is "just differentiating between right and wrong??? If it is then it's clearly the "wrong" part and "dark" applies. It's as bad as "Jews and unions cause all the problems in the world today". Just adding another stereotype to the pile, what group is next? That's an excuse.
I'm personally sick of illegals coming to this country and getting handouts and committing crimes, not to mention that it's a crime already to be here illegally. I don't give a rats ass whether they are here illegally from Canada, Mexico, Ireland, Russia, Colombia or China. Doesn't matter. Illegal is illegal.
Unions were never mentioned as all that is wrong but they are complicit in the selfish "me" attitude.
Zionists are very selfish from the secular point of view, they have steered billions of dollars, trillions if you include war costs, along with thousands of US soldiers lives and over 100k foreigners (Iraqis an Afghanis) leading to even more hatred of the USA; all for biblical purposes and Jewish nationalism. Do not hijack my country for a foreign entity and biblical stories.
Believe what you want to believe. A member of my family goes to Mexico to help the poor as part of his church. He sees strong family ties there. Too many that come to this country illegally commit crimes. Isn't it fair expected behavior that illegals should walk on glass? Apparently not...
“I'm personally sick of illegals coming to this country and getting handouts”
Illegals receive no assistance from the government.
Really? One handout is their kids get free schooling without them contributing to the pot.
Businessguy1984 - Are you really that ignorant?
First, the minute they get here they are housed (never saw the photos of the supposed cages?), fed and are given medical care. They get food stamps, section 8, SNAP, Family care, TANF and their kids are allowed in Head Start and free daycare. They get picked up by the free van and taken to a CCAA daycare center, they are allowed to go to any federally or state funded medical clinic and /or dental clinic.
As a property manager I know EXACTLY what they get and how much -- and yu would die if you knew how much of your taxes these people REALLY get.
This is why there should be a test of basics before you should be allowed to vote... ugh...
nothing except:
Population-based services. Police, fire, highways, parks, and other infrastructure - no need to have a doctor. just go to the ER. healthcare is a right.
Public education - that's in the neighborhood of $12K for a pupil last I checked.
they are not eligible for means-tested welfare benefits -cash, food, housing, medical, and other services - the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act barred Illegal Aliens from drawing benefits... BUT
All U.S.-born children are automatically U.S. citizens, even if born to unauthorized immigrants-- read the Medicaid eligibility rules specifically state that unauthorized immigrants "may apply for coverage on behalf of documented individuals." Eligibility rules for SNAP say that a person who is ineligible because of immigration status "may choose to apply only for his or her U.S. citizen children in the household."
certain federal benefits are available regardless of residency status:
Child and Adult Care Food Program -which provides food aid to care centers for low income children, elderly or disabled adults
National School Lunch and Breakfast Program, which subsidizes in-school meals for children from low income families;
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (NSAP / WIC) which provides nutritional supplements and health education for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and their infants up to five years old who are deemed "at nutrition risk" by a doctor.
Report, "Undocumented immigrants in Texas: a financial analysis of the impact to the state budget and economy," Texas state comptroller Carole Strayhorn, December 2006
" Texas spent about $58 million caring for unauthorized immigrants through the eight programs--compared to $57.8 billion in total state spending that year."
hows that free BusinessGuy?
True Heidi, I had an honest talk with an office colleague who is legal immigrant, he says most legal immigrants are not even aware that they can use such services with their status. They never use it because they are self sufficient and pay their taxes. The only public service they use is public schools. I can't say the same about people who don't have legal status though.
If you speak to a legal immigrant like I did who is a colleague for 7+ years, they have unfavorable views about DACA recipients being promised naturalization.
57M is NJ cost just for education
I meant direct assistance (ie welfare, Medicaid). Obviously things such as infrastructure, public education, etc. are costs accrued by the taxpayer.
I think legal immigrants who pay taxes equally like everybody else have every right to send their kids to public school. I think most of them have never heard of the services that Heidi mentioned, they never use them unlike those with no legal status. It all comes down to immigration laws and other state and federal laws about who are entitled to benefits and services.
Our system of giving all benefits and services to all residents irrespective of their status is severely flawed and need to be fixed.
As I just showed you above - their children born here absolutely do as their citizens
"As I just showed you above - their children born here absolutely do as their citizens"
I don't understand your point Skippy if that was for me
does anyone here ever do any research and check their "facts"?
That was for business guy - and 4 cat everything I posted is in that link - I even posted the act that denies them “means tested welfare benefits” and agrees that aliens can avail them selves to SNAP and WIC regardless of status. Children of illegal aliens born here are NOT subject to these limitations and they can receive them.
It agrees with my post in re education and population based services. It actually goes on to state that 6 states allow Medicaid without documents and 12 allow them to get drivers licenses and mortgages with a TIN - thanks for enhancing my argument madam fact checker.
“does anyone here ever do any research and check their "facts"?”
No, they rely on others to research for them and simply regurgitate the sources they agree with (confirmation bias).
Ok...skippy. I agree with your points. The point that my legal immigrant colleague debated with me was also about naturalization of DACA. The legal immigrants as he stated want all DACA, illegals to get back in the queue behind them. There are many things that need to be fixed, every benefits must be based on status of residents. US citizenship shouldn't be granted to people born to illegal immigrants. There are many things that's wrong and need to be changed.
P.S. : Who is madam fact checker?
They’re not naturalized - they’re citizens by birth. So nobody’s factually incorrect here - now that we cleared that up illegal immigration costs us billions of dollars per year - go
4catmom with the comment that we don’t check facts
Skippy, I do agree that the cost is outrageous and our system needs repair. Also, thank you for being civilized in your conversation :)
No snap Skippy; basically kids only.
Plus, ERs are only, by law due to Federal funding, required to stabilize and release for life threatening situations.
Remember, most fear ICE will be waiting whenever they are uncovered.
The “free ride” ain’t as grand as some would imagine.
A person must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible, lawfully-present non-citizen to qualify for SNAP benefits.
the kids are eligible for snap if they're born here but the adults can get it once their case is adjudicated.
they get WIC
“The county should not be asking WIC clients about their citizenship status because it has no bearing on WIC eligibility,”
ICE has "overwhelming caseloads," per the IG report
nobody is getting deported without coming in contact with law enforcement. especially in sanctuary cities.
nobody said it was a free ride or grand but to state that unauthorized immigrants receive nothing from the taxpayer is woefully inaccurate.
JIT is right, IMO. As I have been saying since 2015, for work-based illegal immigration, we don’t need a wall, e-verify will stop the problem, is a system started in 1996, field tested, internet adapted, and fully deployed since 2008 in AZ. It has a track record. Good to have you aboard, JIT.
For fake IDs, which is about 20-25% of the time, need to put IRS, HHS, CIS and the rest of the alphabet stew together to solve the problem, and solve it for way beyond just immigrants, for everybody. They don't share today. (At 25%, kind of blows that "they don't pay taxes" mantra, don't it.....)
For asylum seekers, improve the vetting process, continue rapid deportation for those who don’t vet, keep families together, avoid incarceration but assure 99% success in court appearances through the use of ankle bracelets, and provide access to pro bono legal services. We need to comply (or change) the 1967 Asylum Protocol that we established, world-wide. Shining light, remember.
IMO --- For job force, create a merit-based green card H1B status category at the STATE LEVEL so states can target outside talent not domestically available. Unlike the monolithic simplistic Trump, I don’t say merit-based is the simple answer. Remember, Steve Jobs couldn’t pass a merit-based system. While we’re at it, allow those who desire to serve easier access; you know the Foreign Legion model, worked for France. Meanwhile, make the Federal H1B system easy to use, rapid, and with extreme punishment for misuse. Another idea: create a pay-based merit system where you can buy your way into America. Lastly, create a targeted green card system where, at the Federal level, specify talents and merits in an opportunistic fashion like all the top scientists in Russia.
I do not know why Congress holds this issue hostage; this year it’s the mid-terms. For the past 8 years, it’s been the Republican controlled do-less-than-nothing Congress. In Obama’s first two years, it was second priority and then only EO-able. E-verify is obvious to even the casual observer and goes a long way to meet the American voter’s requirements. The rest is more difficult, but come on……enough hostage taking.
Or we can just continue to purge Main Street with an ICE sweep.
Hostage taking, kidnapping, and other buzz words the left keeps throwing out there to rile up its base. Isn't it funny that they have on tape, Schumer, Pelosi, Obama and Hilary to name a few that were all espousing similar talk. I guess you have a problem with the arrest that ICE made to save those 3 children on Main Street. At the end of the day it is quite simple, if you are here illegally you are breaking the law.
Got link for those tapes? I really want to hear Nancy say that.
I am so sorry. I did not know that seeking asylum was illegal. Being a refugee and seeking asylum deserved jail time in a military prison camp. Or that we locked up for misdemeanors.
I guess its important to incarcerate these criminal mastermind infants too. Or to separate them, lock up the kids and then deport the parents while keeping the kids. Or how about the lids who go in front of the judge without parents, without representation. That’s mot cruel, unusual, and unnecessary wither, right?
But I do know that taking chidren by force whether for pecuniary or political gain is tantamount to kidnapping. And that’s what this is, a Session’s/Trump PR stunt that you, my friends, are standing on rhe wrong side of history if you continue ro support.
Just follow the 1967 Asylum Protocol and show a modicum of compassion.
Of course, arrest all child abusers on Main Street or any street, including those who support this abuse. But let’s solve our refugee crisis, not that there is one, without splitting up familes or incarcerating innocents.
How about we don’t admit or charge them at all, let them stay with their families and get sent back. Immediately. I think that’s the best option.
I am against family separation of any kind, it's just vicious torture for the kids, they will be psychologically and emotionally scared for life. People blame parents but we must never make any kid pay. I have always said we should not separate,but send back the entire families to their countries. Just deport the families together
“I am against family separation of any kind”
So you're against *any* law enforcement actions??? After all, removing folks from society by incarceration or detention necessarily requires, by definition, separation from others.
TheYale we do it all the time to citizens and their kids, sometimes for stupid reasons.
JIT: If you are talking about Americans being separated, I didn't mean that. Dont try to deflect the context i am talking about. I was talking about kids being put in detention centers. You know it,don't try to push it to me. Americans, kids are taken care by family members if they have family and relatives through legal means. If not, if both parents are incarcerated, then CPS take care of them. For the illegal immigrants,the kids who came with families shouldn't be separated and detained separately in different centers, but deported together. No other countries separate foreign illegal kids from their parents. Sad you had to go this low to twist my words.
This was a.) instituted by Obama and b.) something Trump had to continue because both Obama and Trump were complying with a federal court order by Judge Gee.
I think we all know that the President's executive order was meant to give liberals exactly what they want, just so he can watch it blow up in their faces.
When the Border Patrol is required to hold children with their parents in jail cells, some onenos going to get hurt or raped and is going to sue, the only alternative besides open borders is taking the kids away and putting them in foster care or turning them away at time of contact
No twisting at all. On the contrary, I simply clarified for you so you could better articulate what you meant.
What *I* think you meant to say is that you don’t see these folks coming into the country as criminals or as breaking the law. As such, they should not be treated as criminals, detained or separated from their families. Nothing wrong with that view at all, except that existing law says otherwise.
I’ve been pretty consistent in saying that, if that’s how one ferls, energy should be spent trying to change the law instead of grasping at ways to ignore, excuse or override the law.
Speaking of articulation, could you clarify what US law these asylum seekers are breaking that demands incarceration?
Do we normally charge underage persons in the same manner for breaking whatever law you say is being broken?
Because I did not read in the 1967 Asylum Protocol, speareheaded and signed by the US and signed by another 145 sovereign nations, that zero-tolerance mandatory incarceration and separation of families, suggested as a process.
We are in a Catch 22 situation. Our borders need to be secured and people being allowed in based upon waiting one's turn, national interests, etc. However, when people just show up at the border or cross illegally, and do so with children it puts us in a bind.
JIT:The existing law that you talked about is only implemented now, the foreign immigrants are not american citizens, there is certain international laws that America has been practicing until the new govt tried to do away with it. Under international laws to which we abide by, we deport them like in any other countries. You are not consistent at all. You are mixing up american citizens and foreign nationals and talking about their incarnation. Those foreign nationals are entitled to consular access of their countries like how we Americans have access to US Consular access abroad in legal case abroad. You either treat them as foreigners or as Americans. There goes your consistency. The laws we and other countries have been practicing when foreign nationals illegally try to enter another country by air,land or water is deportation,NOT imprisonment!
I posted it earlier first offense is a federal misdemeanor second is a felony - but I’m sure you were getting at that.
Please skippy, can you repost the link or direct me to the date of your post.....
I am sorry but please, I just can't scroll all day for something you must have top o mind. Thanks and apologize for weak search engine here.
TheYale, I’m probably the most consistent poster here. Innocent until proven guilty. Follow the law and change it if needed, but don’t make excuses to override the law.
Regarding international law, if there’s a conflict between us law and international law which one prevails?
You are all crazy if you think illegal immigration will be stopped any time soon, regardless of who is president. trump himself has employed illegals to build his properties and he's not apologetic about it. Why should he be? It saved him millions, and, after all, isn't that what it's all about in a free and capitalist country, in the end? Money/business. Trump did what's right for his business as millions of other business owners do.
That's why you won't stop it.
JIT,SKIPPY: Why do you support to separate and detained kids and parents? When trump himself has recently said what I said! Deport entire family Immediately. Thanks Skippy for informing that it's Trump's executive order to separate families so it blows up on liberals's face. JIT doesn't want to hear it was done through executive order. Well, it did and then it has blown up in his face too. Now that he says families be kept together, he also said that they need to be deported together immediately just like I said. So, I can't understand your point of sticking to imprisonment and detention.
JIT: ROFL, sorry you turned out to be as ignorant as I thought. Hehe...
Trump says illegal immigrants should be deported with 'no judges or court cases' | Article [AMP] | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-trump/trump-calls-for-deporting-illegal-immigrants-with-no-judges-or-court-cases-idUSKBN1JK0OL
Another criminal in our town!
HR -- isn't this the same guy arrested last week coming to court? Are you making some sore of immigration comment here? Latin name maybe?
TY -- Actually (code word for ooops), Sessions/Trump did not use an EO to cause this. They first tested it this Spring and then Sessions just rolled out the new policy under Trump's approval.
Likewise, Trump did not need the EO he issued to end it; he just list the EO/pen/signing photo op. Very reality TV President.
And in no way does zero tolerance mandatory incarceration with mandatory family separation fit within the words or the spirit of the 1967 Asylum Protocol. Nor does our laws call for it. (albeit unless Skippy's link proves elsewise, which it will not.)
“Why do you support to separate and detained kids and parents?”
I don’t, and never did. Please link to one of my posts where you read this.
“JIT doesn't want to hear it was done through executive order”
I already posted that it was through eo’s. See here: http://www.hackettstownlife.com/forum/849873#t853052
My point was that if policy is overriding a law then the SC should be involved to require compliance. If the law wasn’t clear in the first place then Congress needs to step in and act. And didn’t they do exactly that in this case, before trump made his political play by writing his own EO?
SD that only applys to refugees.
“Asylum is a protection granted to foreign nationals already in the United States or at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980.”
“As a signatory to the 1967 Protocol, and through U.S. immigration law, the United States has legal obligations to provide protection to those who qualify as refugees. The Refugee Act established two paths to obtain refugee status—either from abroad as a resettled refugee or in the United States as an asylum seeker.”
Nothing in there says they can’t be detained for up to 6 months before the get a hearing. Nothing says they can’t seperate children from adults
You asked me what law they were violating - I provided it. When you are a pre trial inmate you don’t get to bring your kids.. simple as that
Sessions has the right to set DOJ policy on asylum claims.
"asylum seekers crossing the U.S.-Mexico border must make their claim at ports of entry, or risk prosecution and potential separation"
"The mere fact that a country may have problems effectively policing certain crimes — such as domestic violence or gang violence — or that certain populations are more likely to be victims of crime, cannot itself establish an asylum claim."
asylum seekers out side of the US don;t have fifth and sixth amendment rights.
Don't try to make too much sense Skippy. Liberals are like that game Pong. The facts just bounce off of them like the ball does in the game...
Anyone know this winner?
What a loser. Sounds like he needs to be taken behind the barn and taught some manners.
He was just dishing out a Public Adjustment, apparently...
^^ sounds like grandpa forgot to take his meds. Instead of chewing down on ice cream he should be chowing down on those huge pills old people take.
Das creamary is run by a Indian american family, daughter and father duo. Always very polite, welcoming and well mannered. I am shocked this old man dared to lay hand on that lady. He needs a crash course on manners
This was posted in Mt. Twp Alerts FB Page this morning about the same guy:
This was sent to me by a friend. if you're giving away a cat to a good home, please read this!
All my CAT rescue friends please note:
David Simon of Hackettstown, beat a six-month old kitten a local rescue gave him to death a few days ago. It's currently being investigated by the NJ ASPCA but he and his wife, Guadalupe, have contacted several other shelters today looking for kittens."
Posts about this were up but all have been taken down. Don't know if FB was involved in that. (updated: Brock Lane, Hackettstown... mailing address is Hackettstown but the address is in Mount Olive)
Excuse me, but how is 59 OLD. can’t even get senior citizen discount!!
Sounds like this guy has MAJOR anger management issues. Hope that the cat case is brought before the court with this slapping issue. They should be made aware of all of his issues. Who knows what or who else he may have hurt in the past or could possibly harm in the future. Obviously he needs help, more Han a pill would do.
Illegal drugs usually cause the brain to acquire anger issues (and even depression I believe).
that @HOLE who beat the harmless kitten to death! I hope he gets the max, fined and jailed.
What are wrong with these people?
that didn’t take long. The rumor mill in full swing is uuuuugly for sure.
I’ve no idea who this person is, but I’m shocked at how quickly people will jump on the hate band wagon with nothing more than an internet accusation.
Justintime ---
It was posted on the Mount Olive Police Department's Alert's page, etc. (FB).
Walking Girl has no reason to lie!
Don't you care about people and animals?
The cat post originated in 2014, it's old news but hopefully he hasn't been able to adopt anymore kittens. It's good that it's been brought back up as a reminder. Clearly this man still has issues.
Thanks for the info Walking Girl and thanks for the picture ianimal. I alerted some of the rescue groups that I'm affiliated with.
August 13
A car sank in Hackettstown fish hatchery and the driver sat on top awaiting rescue. She's now charged with DWI
On August 11, 2018 at 4:07 pm police responded to the Walmart parking lot on the report of a male masturbating in a vehicle. Officers located the male, Lorenzo Salvadore (43) of Mansfield, and charged him with lewdness. He was released pending a court appearance.
Uh.....WTF? This guy apparently works at the store. Hopefully not anymore!
Someone i know works there and told him he does. Apparently he was on the clock when it happened.
BOLO townmates:
That loser has had more arrests in town over the last few years than most. What a crumb.
This guy has been in trouble, routinely, since turning 18 in 2012; who knows before that. I really doubt it's an ICE play at this point METS unless there's another ICE problem..…. They have had a shot at this guy once, twice to three times a year for that last 6 years.
Amazing that he hasn't tried another location.
Somethings off in the Prosecutors office that they can't put this guy on ice. Where's the Australia's when you need it to house our trash. Maybe we need to build a yuge wall around Detroit and put them all there. Let Sherriff Joe be the new mayor...….
Hey, I like Chicago. It's easy to avoid the active zones. Sofitel, triangle-tip room, walk to the navy pier or magnificent mile --- all good. Yes, they are bad, but it's amazing how places you would never consider are worse.
Used to say the same thing about DC during the "murder capitol' years. Had zero issues there, less so since where I travelled, there were always guys from x number of secret police forces, concealed, locked n loaded, and really cool guns. Only time had an issue was a drunk friend, Georgetown bar under the Whitehurst, stumbling, and got bopped. Funny too since he was closer to 7ft than 6.
Detroit --- not sure they will ever completely recover, but then again, I have lived in a number of rust belt DOA cities and most came back, so really I am being rude fer sure, for effect.
But I love Kurt Russell and so the though occurred :>)
Maybe we need to move it to Baltimore --- oh no, one of my favorite places. Of course, I know the neighborhoods.....just a chip off the ole block, if you know what I mean :>0
Another snow flake sues
I'm sorry but if her parents condone her behaving like that, then they are pathetic. And this judge is obviously a liberal. There's certain behaviors and language expected of students in classrooms and this isn't acceptable. You shouldn't be allowed to sue for using bad language and being punished for it.
“This Judge is obviously a liberal”
Not that it matters but he is a federal judge and was appointed by George W Bush. So doubt he would be a liberal
I'm confused. A student says something, the teachers reprimands her because someone else (who wasn't present) may have been offended by it. Then the student apologizes, and she is the snowflake? I thought you guys were all about, "I should be able to say whatever I want, why is everyone offended so easily, why is everyone so sensitive now, etc."
Or is this one of those things that only applies when you're not the one getting offended?
Reasonable give me a break. So you condone students calling police officers pigs? You can say whatever you want but some things deserve punishment. Inciting hate towards police deserves punishment. What if a student gets pissed at a teacher or principal and calls them a name? You don't think that deserves a detention? You couldn't get away with stuff like that when we were in high school, so why should that change now...

Okay, so you've confirmed it is definitely just about things that offend you. Cause referring to your previous post shown here, you didn't seem to care about name calling and being PC in regards to other groups.
Calling someone Turban guy isn't hateful. It's a general description of someone. Calling a cop a pig is a hateful comment. Way to twist my words.
Calling a cop a pig is basically saying they are a POS. If I have to explain the differences then IDK what to tell you.
No twisting, just posted a picture of your words. Although I see where I went wrong now. I forgot that you're in charge of deciding what is/isn't offensive to groups that you are not a part of.
This story has been around for awhile, seems to have some legs. Better get ready HHS taxpayers, looks like this one's gonna cost your.
"Calling someone Turban guy isn't hateful. It's a general description of someone." Really.....have you asked these folks if they agree?
This lawsuit is about a bit more than just a single instance of the use of the word to describe the police. There seems to be some process issues, perhaps discrimination, and certainly some bad blood in the proceedings. I think she possibly may have them here, they seemed to have handled it poorly.
At least until we hear all sides of the story which I don't think is on the table at this point. Story seems to be from the student's vantage point so far.
Wait a second Jim L.....you missed what he meant.... "I'm sorry but if her parents condone her behaving like that, then they are pathetic. And this judge is obviously a liberal."
There's a little more slamming going on here than just mis-identifying a judge's party to be able to falsely insinuate that the judge is being illegally partisan in their legal rulings. There's a whole liberal world out there that is right to feel that Mets has just called the entire liberal universe pig condoners. I stood out there in the rain, the sun, and the snow on the front line between demonstrators and police and I never used, nor cordoned the use of the word "pig" to describe police, some of whom were my neighbors.
Mets, please, at your earliest convenience, turn yourself in to Jennifer Spukes, a Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying specialist at the high school. Tell her about your Turban guy moment too. OK, I will pass on pasting "Piggies" lyrics.
Reasonable ---- I see improvement in Met's turban views. Perhaps PC works, albeit slowly.....painfully slow...…..inch by inch.....
"So you condone students calling police officers pigs? You can say whatever you want but some things deserve punishment. Inciting hate towards police deserves punishment."
Sorry, on this we disagree. Everyone, including children, are entitled to voice their opinion. And police officers are just PEOPLE. They are not "above" the rest of us. If it's ok to call me a pig, it's ok to call a cop a pig. The cop can be offended all he wants. But I'm sick and tired of this "the cop is always right, no matter what/blue line" crap that has been going on lately. do you want a police state? Because that's how you get a police state.
And for the record, stating someone has a 1st Amendment right to voice their opinion does not mean you "condone" anything... that's like saying because you voted for Trump you "condone" the grabbing of p&*sies. It's ludicrous, regardless of which side it comes from.
JR you can voice your opinion but when you start using known offensive language in a classroom it becomes unacceptable. There are children in school whose parents are cops. There's just no reason to be saying it. Would you be ok with a student calling the principal a Nazi? IDK what schools you all went to but you got detention in my school district if you talked like that.
Guess we're breeding the next generation of John Benders... LOL...
I don’t think it’s a cop thing JR - the test per SCOTUS if the speech were at a level that it could be considered tolerating a hostile or abisive environment if condoned.
Reading the article above the school may have actually created a hostile environment for the student but the courts will need to decide that - what seems to be at question here more importantly is can the student seek redress through the courts - it was granted - her right to a day in court was upheld - as is stated above its dubious she will prevail.
I agree school has rules, and children are to follow those rules. But that's not the same thing as saying "calling a cop a pig" is some kind of evil thing. Just like in any line of work, there are good ones and bad ones. Most importantly, they are not above the populace in either law or morals. They are people. I'm not at all anti-cop; I'm just anti-the-cop-is-always-right-and-above-the-people-and-is-never-to-be-criticized.
Not saying this particular event was a "cop thing", I was just directly responding to Metsman's comment ". So you condone students calling police officers pigs? You can say whatever you want but some things deserve punishment. Inciting hate towards police deserves punishment"...
If calling a cop a pig incites hatred and should be punished, then the same could be said for calling -insert current politician here- ANYTHING... "Trump is a nazi", "Hillary is a criminal", "Obama is a terrorist", "McCain is a loser", whatever..... should all those be "punished? Of course not. Or else ALOT of people on HL need punishing....
I think the point is that it was in class. If Bobby called Jimmy, who is homosexual, a fag in class....would that be tolerated?
Pig is a derogatory term from a police officer, the same as fag is a derogatory word for a homosexual male.
I believe she was reading a work of fiction. No different if she read To Kill a Mockingbird, this forum or any other literature with bigotry. A exercise in free speech and a learning experience. Did she direct the comment to or about an actual officer?
For it to go to a lawsuit is ridiculous for all involved.
"These are children in a classroom. Calico gets it."
As I said:
"I agree school has rules, and children are to follow those rules. "
Just like when I said the children could walk out of school for their anti-2A "protest" if they wanted to, but then they also get the punishment. Schools have rules. I have no problem with that. My point was, because the word "police" was invoked doesn't automatically make it some kind of heinous offense. (as if police are infallible and untouchable, which they are not). THAT was my point.
And... if students can't call cops "pigs", then teachers can't call Trump "Hitler." Because guess what? Teachers aren't special either. They're PEOPLE. "do as I say, not as I do" does not work for me, be it school or anywhere else. (Parents do reserve that right, but they are the only ones who can, imo).
Politician not pay their taxes? No worries, we'll deal with it. YOU not pay your taxes? Say hello to Knuckles, your new cellmate. That is tyranny.
kids don’t have first amendment rights when their parents are in charge. You’re ok with them calling cops pigs but will punish them when they criticize you. Lmao
Metsman is beyond triggered wow. Surprised he hasn’t called the student a snowflake
"kids don’t have first amendment rights when their parents are in charge. You’re ok with them calling cops pigs but will punish them when they criticize you. Lmao"
Watch that confirmation bias, Mets: it's giving you reading comprehension problems.
I said schools have rules. If those rules are broken, punishment comes. Period. Doesn't matter if it's calling cops pigs or walking out of class on a protest.
Parents are a different story, imo. Yes- they ARE allowed to say "because I said so". Parents RAISE children, it's their job. It's not the school's job to raise my children, only educate them. Yes, there is a difference. Maybe if we had more parents RAISING kids instead of being their "best friends" and making them work for what they get instead of buying them cars and giving them allowances merely for existing, the younger generations would be better off, which means when they reach the age to run for political office, we ALL would be better off.
I'll say it one last time: my response was about the idea that cops are untouchable, and that "saying offensive things about them" is worse than saying offensive things about anyone, and IT IS NOT. Cops don't get carte blanc. Plenty of recent examples of bad cops or cops who are not suited to the profession making mistakes (like killing people) when it was not necessary. This is exactly the same line of LOGIC as to why I am against so-called "hate crime legislation"... an assault is an assault; it should not matter if you assault someone while calling them an "ahole" or a "fag"... "fag" should not = greater punishment, it goes not only against logic but against justice. Hate crime legislation = thought control. As said, do you want a police state? Because that's how you get a police state. Be very very careful agreeing to such illogic only when it suits YOU- that is the trap. Because one day, the other side will have the power, and THEY will agree with the illogic that puts YOU in the doghouse. It's precisely why we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights- it applies to everyone, all the time. OPINION need not apply.
I don't want a police state but there's something called respect and if the schools aren't allowed to keep things respectful then we're just raising a bunch of entitled idiots.
I agree with your last statement. My point was never that the schools should allow everything. Just re-read my comments. My whole point was because "cop" was involved doesn't make it any worse. Beware putting people- especially "authority figures"- on pedestals.
I never put them on a pedestal, I just think calling cops pigs is inappropriate in a classroom setting.
Referring to a cop as a pig is a very VERY old school deragatory term, there are no two ways about it. It started in the 1800s and was picked up and exaggerated again by Charlie Manson and the like in the 60's. The girl has no idea where the term comes from, she's just parroting something she heard somewhere and doesn't even know WHY it's a bad word.
Being in a classroom, she needs to watch her mouth. I don't agree with the in school suspension, she could have been told to watch her language, but I suspect she became biligerent about that and that's when the teachers and school authority have to gain control. You can't let a bunch of entitled little ninnies run amock in school.
As for her suing because she feels her free speech rights were infringed upon - again, the girl and her uneducated, enabling parents, are completely misinformed and just parroting what they heard somebody else say. First of all, being able to call somebody names was NOT the intent behind The First Amendment. Despite popular belief, the amendment doesn't even protect ALL speech. It doesn't protect speech that gives way to illegal activities, violence, things that are obscene, libelous or defamatory.
More importantly, The First Amendment DOES NOT PROTECT the speaker from liability or consequences of their actions.
And finally, MOST importantly - The First Amendment doesn't mean that anybody owes you a podium from which to speak.
Get over it, little girl. Take your suspension and move about your life.
So Metsman the fact the admins called her a d**e or n*****r is respectful and they should be absolved of any wrongdoing?
The young lady said something they disliked and they punished her. They are a defacto representative of the government and she is a citizen and entitled to say stupid things. The 1st amendment does not just protect polite speech, rather it entitles us to say things that are uncomfortable, without repercussions from the government.
If the other students all of a sudden objected and called her those things, then she would not have a case but the fact is the admin is a rep of the government.
I think she is likely to win, but unlikely she will get a settlement that even covers her legal costs.
Just my opinion.
Agust you know for a fact that the administration said those things? I highly doubt they said it. The girl and her family are probably just trouble makers.
"The girl recorded the meeting with O'Leary and Spukes on her cellphone, unbeknownst to the pair" I mean did you even bother to read it or na?
Also, "I suspect she became belligerent about that and that's when the teachers and school authority have to gain control" from MYD. What part of, "Matlack reprimanded the girl for making the comment, and she apologized." did you not understand?
Do you guys actually wonder why people think you're racist?
The only thing according to the article that was alluded to in the recorded conversation is they asked how she would feel if someone called her the N word or a gay word. What exactly is wrong with that line of questioning because I would say those words and calling cops a pig are the same kind of expressive words. None of them are good. Sounds like another case of people of color calling everything racist even when it isn't the case. On no... One day of inschool suspension... I used to get Saturday detentions for being tardy to school... Girl is a snowflake just like her parents...
She will win this case ... The School system will be paying for her legal costs...
According to my son the school hands out detentions all the time for stupid stuff. Get over it and move on with your life.... If you can't handle a day or in-school suspension and administrators using examples of racist and bigoted words to show you're wrong then you won't make it in the real world....
I think people, especially teens, need to know the difference between free speech and common sense. You may have a right to say things, but in the wrong environment you might pay dearly for saying it. Mommy and Daddy won't always be there to take up your cause. Its a shame people spend so much time taking up a worthless cause instead of teaching and showing common sense.
happiest girl what is wrong with you.... my god... You only have to be 150 feet or so from a building with a bow. To say this guy deserves to be hurt is crazy....
Unbelievably rotten thing to say. Zero humanity. Go live in the woods with the deer.
Metsman, you should be asking what's wrong with this hunter. "Zero humanity" --- yes, that's what this ILLEGAL hunter has for the well-being of all the people in the area.
happiest, they have not been charged, and on the Police facebook page, the person who was with the man who got injured said that they had permission to hunt there legally, so until they are actually charged, I think we should hold any judgement.
Either way, some of the comments on the nj.com article and on the facebook page are pretty sad. One of them said they wish the sewer pipe had spikes or glass at the bottom. Since when is it ok to wish so much harm onfellow humans?
Ok so that means he deserves to suffer head trauma?! His tree stand could have been 5-10 feet too close for all we know. Doesn’t mean he was out to put people in harms way. You’re also shooting at a downward angle from in a tree. There is no chance of hitting any homes unless you’re pulling off a Robin Hood shot and shooting at deer ridiculously far away. I haven’t bow hunted in a long time, but I never shot further than 30 yards. My sights didn’t go beyond that distance.
Hey Metsman, Did someone say "he deserves to suffer head trauma"?
Sounds like you got your knickers in a twist.
Deer 1, Hunter 1.
The deer are off to an early start this year.
Hope he gets better.
McDonald's in H'town scammed. When was this employee born? Yesterday? These people think they deserve $15/hour for flipping burgers too. LOL
Is it “these people” or those people? I get confused in the proper generalizations. But “we” know who “she” really means....;-/
The whole thing seems pretty sketchy, who would come up with a plan like that and think they could pull it off, and then to actually pull it off???
My daughter’s a fast food worker......
Just kidding. Glad that’s it. Hate to demean the people serving us food. Bad juju in that.
Inside job. Brilliant! Jk again ;-)
Depending on what the operational guidelines are and the type of safe they have an Assisstant Manager or Shift Supervisor may have access to a portion (or perhaps all) of the safe's contents in order to make change, etc. That's just a part of normal retail operations. If they have a "drop safe", which is likely, then only a portion used for regular operations and a change fund would be accessible to "keyholders" which usually consists of the store managers and shift supervisors. As I said, I'm speaking only in generalities, because I don't know their specific security protocol, but that's how most places are set up.
If someone is running this con here, then it is quite likely they will run it again several towns over and could be running it Nationwide. I've heard of scams like this before and there was even a movie made based on the true story of how someone stating they were Corporate Security had convinced someone to hold a female employee of a fast food chain and later strip search them, etc. while talking to them on the phone. That person had done this more than once, but found the right employee that was just gullible enough to think it was "real".
Con people are normally quite glib and seem to have an answer for any kind of questions a person may have. It saddens me that someone was trusting enough to believe someone's "patter" without checking on their story, but also angers me that there are still people that continue this type of thing, just like the IRS scams, etc. These days, this can all be done with their phone number masked or Caller ID spoofed and all it takes is google maps in order to come up with locations across the country to attempt to scam.
There are mainly two ways a con person exploits people, either appeal to their humanity and trust in people OR a person's greed level. This person will likely be fired for being taken in by someone who is scum of the earth and took advantage of their trust in people and wont (yes, that's the right word/spelling) to do the right thing in order to help others.
Con people take advantage of that and know what buttons to push in order to make their target's sense of logic go right out the window. I ask that you not be too hard on the person who was targeted. I'm sure they are both embarrassed and upset as it is, unless of course they were in on it, which I doubt. A disgruntled co-worker could be the source of the scam as well, but it seems more professional, unless someone had studied existing scam artists' methods and used them.
Is that location a franchise or owned by MikeyD? If a franchise, why would corporate be “saving” anyone.
PhilD, the IRS has been calling us since Monday, LOL. We don't even answer the phone.
Doggone it Bessie, you know they're issuing that warrant right now then (as they always tell you).
How do you know it's them if you don't answer it? Somebody spoofed the local Fire Dept's. number to be able to get through to me once.
I actually subscribe to a number of people on youtube that send it right back to phone scammers that run the "computer help" scam. They'll set up conference calls between the scammers or multi-dial them. They also call with their own line of patter and allow access to their computer which has a "Virtual Machine" set up on it. The scammers then download their "Financial Information" file which contains a virus payload, sometimes shutting down all the computers in the scammers network.
It's great fun to watch, although they may be falling afoul of International Law by some of their methods, even though they're acting in our best interests. Listening to his interactions with the scammers is often interesting.
There are bunch of videos on YouTube of people scamming the IRS gift card scammers. Some of them are hilarious. Watching them made me wonder why the IRS only hires Indian people. That doesn't seem to me like they are an equal opportunity employer. ;-)
Phil, i googled the phone number and it’s been reported as IRS scam, soi I don’t answer.
They're not very good at this if they keep using the same number. If it's their real number maybe reporting it to the authorities (as in the actual IRS) would do some good.
I often google the number too, though in my case I rarely get calls from the same number more than once.
Similar thing happened at a Weis Market near Allentown in July... and it was the night manager who fell for it.
Luckily for the scammer, Weis has various gift cards in stock so he didn't even need to shell out for cab fare...
That was one of the first things they taught us, working retail. DO NOT FALL FOR THE GIFT CARD SCAM.
Hackettstown student followed and harassed by stranger.
Woman who crashed into a Hackettstown building was in possession of heroine.
Grown adult hijinx
Who said Hackettstown is still a crime-free town?
That’s a long freakin way to rob a cash drawer. And is everybody latino in this story? Weird coincidences.
people in another thread said that Hackettstown didn't have bad areas of town, etc. don't you recall?
Hackettstown doesn't have bad areas of town. That doesn't mean that a random store in ANY area can't get robbed.
A bank got robbed in Peapack-Gladstone a while back... does that make it a ghetto area?
compare now with what Hack. was 20 yrs ago, 30 years ago, 40 years ago, 50 years ago and more. comparison: night and day. I was a very young resident, living here my whole life, I've seen it change.
Strangerdanger has to be right - there is no way that they came all of the way from Brooklyn, found that store, robbed it and left to head back to Brooklyn.
There is either drugs, gambling or family business afoot here. It is less than 1% chance of a random crime.
Maybe its just the internet making us more aware of what used to happen that we didn’t know.
"people in another thread said that Hackettstown didn't have bad areas of town, etc. don't you recall?"
No, I don't remember that post. I don't necessarily read every post in every thread. People from Brooklyn robbing a store doesn't make for a "bad area". At least IMO.
"Maybe its just the internet making us more aware of what used to happen that we didn’t know."
+1. Holy crap, that might be a first right there. ;-)
Gee, I'm old enough to remember when Hackettsown/Mansfield had a mass shooter, decades before mass shootings was a "thing." And when we had a biker-gang shootout, decades before the one in Waco was all over the news.
Maybe good ol' H-town is actually way ahead of the times. . . .
We NEVER had crime like this 40 years ago. No drugs, no shootings.
But 40 years ago people still went to church. Families didn't divorce often.
And people took pride in working and parenting.
We also didn't have lots of people coming to Hackettstown from the city areas. That started with the train.
Centenary was a private school.
There were no McDonalds, Ihops, Wendy's or CVSes in this town.
Maybe keeping Mom and Pa shops was a better way...
Oldermom I bet you are wrong on all counts and have your rose tinted glasses firmly on. 40 yes ago no drugs at all, I guess you either looked the other way, pretended it wasn't going on or you are foolish. No shootings like the horrible school shootings I'll agree with. No violence? I doubt it, which ties into people didn't devoirce, hmm I wonder why. I dont think character's and morals were much better then. I think it was a horrible struggle if you could do it legally or if you were forced not to do it. That damn train too. If it wasn't for that you wouldn't see the revival most are trying to start on main Street. But I guess we're just the last stop on the brown frown choo choo right? One last thing I will agree on, mom and pops usuay give the best customer experience and are willing to compromise. The ones who are stuck in a business mindset 40 yrs ago are kind of at loss.
No shootings 40 years ago? Hmm . . . let's check the archives.
Ah yes, vicious rape and murder of a young lady in Hackettstown!!!
132, yes ONE HUNDRED and thirty-two
It was just the murder story of that century.
When I was a kid (maybe 20years ago? A little less?) I remember a string of gas station robberies including one where they bashed in the head of the attendant with a baseball bat until he was in a coma. That was at the Shell across from David’s. Every town has random crime and this certainly isn’t new for us.
the creation of the train station to Hackettstown I was (told), changed this town's crime level. and the s--t that moved here. (most in town not included, it's the small percentage......)!
Fact Check - Yes, I remember that. It happened in 2001. Here is the article.
"Rebuilt: 1994":
Hackettstown station along the Washington Secondary, maintained by Norfolk Southern as viewed from next to the mini-high level platform at the northern end of the platform.
Beatty Street and Valentine Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey
Owned by
New Jersey Transit (station)
Norfolk Southern (trackage)
Morristown Line
Montclair-Boonton Line
1 side platform
May 23, 1854[1]
October 1966
1868; 1994
1.We NEVER had crime like this 40 years ago. No drugs, no shootings.
2.But 40 years ago people still went to church. Families didn't divorce often.
3.And people took pride in working and parenting.
4.We also didn't have lots of people coming to Hackettstown from the city areas. That started with the train.
5.Centenary was a private school.
6.There were no McDonalds, Ihops, Wendy's or CVSes in this town.
7.Maybe keeping Mom and Pa shops was a better way...
1.You did, but there were less of these types of things-and better covered up.
2.People still go to church, except now we find the church itself is full of criminals, many from the past. Both divorce and marriage rates are lower since the 80's- the ratio is similar, but more women are having children out of wedlock as being a single mom is in vogue today. White women are having the least amount of children, any white child born in the last 10 years will be a minority. Look up the statistics.
3. Pride in working- you had job security and unions-work somewhere, get a gold watch and a pension. Still have that in some careers, eg. Law Enforcement, work 25, retire with good bennies and pension, no problem with pride from that group- they get respect, pay and benefits, and in return you get job loyalty. Try that from Walmart.Parenting-moms have to work today, 2 income trap- before a husband with a high school diploma could afford a wife, 2 kids, and a 1700 sq ft home. Nope, not today. Now many more women have to work than before depending on the lifestyle they want, so it's become lifestyle over children-women want fancier houses (watch home buying shows, the woman decides the house), this leaves less time and money for children, which is why white children have become minorities. White women wait longer and longer to have children and have less-they pursue money and lifestyle over childbearing today.
4. If you make a nice area reasonably priced with good transportation, you will get an influx of new residents. Just a fact of life.
5. Your guess is as good as mine.
6. CVS-well, the boomers caused that one- supply and demand. Old people need more medicine than young people (usually). Fast food-welcome to our more impatient population, need everything today, no waiting-and don't just blame them, your employers demand everything now, that you work 7 days a week, and track every minute of your time and output with a computer/pie chart-with their managers making a bonus having the merry go round spin faster- if you can't keep up, you are replaced with a new worker, a kiosk, or a robot- and they have lobbyists in Washington that make that all legal-no wonder your kids are stressed beyond belief.
7. Yes, in theory, but they cannot compete financially- Local property taxes make it expensive to have a storefront. Just yesterday, it was announced that Amazon received a 2.8 billion dollar tax break to open a facility- is Hackettstown going to give a tax break to a store for opening up on Main Street? Nope, you have no lobby in Congress, no dog to fight for you. Funny how 2 democrats yesterday talked about how Amazon opening up in NY would give trickle down benefits-that was a new attitude from the D-party, the Kool-Aid is really flowing now. Amazon will fill that whole place with robots and everything will trickle right on down to themselves.
Hackresident you must have selective memory. There was a mass shooting in 1977. There was a shootout with bikers around 1994. Violence and crime can happen anywhere.
I don't recall the mass shooting in 1977, although I read about it via this site today. Horrible, some of the victim's names I do recall, as I must know family members of those victims.
In fact, I DO remember the shootout with the bikers in 1994.....I was at Schooley's Mountain Inn for hours because the roads were closed and they wouldn't let anyone leave because of the shooting at the Elks Club! That was the horrible event that I remember most.
I also DO remember that we didn't have crime in the areas of Main Street and thereabouts, like we do nowadays. I felt 100% safe walking at night on Hackettstown's Main Street and I felt comfortable with the people that moved into the apartments on and within a few-block circumference on the outskirts of Main Street, and other places in this area. Now you heard of shootings, stabbings, theft, drugs and everything else in-between.
I Remember hanging out at the Hackettstown Mall with K-Mart and Reynolds, meeting your friends at the Mall, and seeing movies for $2.00 at the Movie Theater that was at the front of the Hackettstown Mall.
Those were the days of a Simple Life!
Now we have school shootings, mall shootings, people setting fires, planes going into NYC buildings, movie theater shootings, nuts slashing the faces of people --- and bullies in every walk and even "the" high-level of our Country.
You hear of certain crimes more now simply because we are in the age of instant information. 150 years ago if Seamus the carriage maker and Patrick a canal worker tumbled out of a local tavern and beat the hell out of each other like it was a typical Friday evening, it was not news worthy or posted on every possible "news" outlet. Maybe Floyd the barber mentioned it to Ervin the next day or so in passing that's about it.
I tried to carefully phrase my words above to my thoughts in what I think is actual.
I surely will limit where I go --- and what I do --- and who I talk to ---, because there are so many crazy people in this crazy new world: This is: The "New ABNORMAL".
Wait now you want to jail the mentally ill? Maybe we should also set up some time of camp next to the train station. If their skin tone is darker then the example on wall you can enjoy a nice stay in one of those camps too.
the mentally ill that KILL, physically harm, rob, maim. look at John Lennon's killer, are you okay with him in jail? probably not, right Yesimpc? lol.
Fire at the police department HQ?
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