Anyone missing a declawed cat? Near hospital
This guy is hanging around my porch. Ravenous, he’s eaten 2 bowls of food. Skittish but let’s me pet. Tried to put in a cat carrier but couldn’t manage. Very dirty. Near hospital.
Hope he belongs to someone , thank u for feeding him ... Hopefully he will stick around with the storm coming and you can catch him.
Is this the same cat that was already posted here abut a week ago? Willow Grove area.
I believe it’s the same one. Putting food out, rescue is dropping off a larger crate. Disturbing since he’s declawed.
Put the food inside the (covered with a towel or blanket) carrier and gently close the door when he goes in to eat.
Yes..looks like the same cat. He has been in this area for years now. He used to sun himself in my yard daily. This was back in 2013 or 14
This is why cats should not be declawed. You never know what accident or circumstance might happen. Now this cat has a death sentence.
Death sentence? That's a bit of an exaggeration. I don't think clawed cats kill declawed cats on a regular basis, and I don't think claws protect a cat against being hit by a car, which is probably the greatest risk to a cat out roaming.
Also, this particular cat has been seen roaming for a couple of years already.
A declawed cat can't climb a tree to get away from a fox or a dog or any other predator.
They should never be outside. I would never declaw a cat.
Cat was successfully trapped tonight! After all it’s been through, was still purring & rubbing against the cage. ACO notified, pics sent to Common Sense. Will be vetted & checked for a chip, then to rescue with PAL.
"Also, this particular cat has been seen roaming for a couple of years already."
hi, Brenda. can you please post the adoption link for PAL?
Would like to share this info., so that someone can adopt him, if needed.
what would that be then?
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