Pickle Pizza!!?

Pickle Pizza!!?

Has anyone tried this seemingly delicious sounding pizza yet? I am intrigued as I love a good pickle so why not toss it on a pie with some garlic and enjoy.

I have not noticed any local places offering it. Has anyone seen or had some in these parts?

It's a bit funny because if you put pineapple on a pizza we will be fighting. No question. But I really think this could be good. I did see a pie with pickles and bacon. I'm torn about that combo though. Don't get me wrong I prefer my bacon with a side of bacon but I am unsure if that combo on a pie would work for me. So much tasty research to conduct.... LOL.

I love pickles and I love pizza, but not sure about the combo.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '18

Yeah, I love peanut butter and I love pizza, but I do not want peanut butter pizza.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '18

Just pickles on a pizza like in the photo? Yuck...

But, a few on a pie along with ground beef and bacon and onions might not be too bad.

ianimal ianimal
Nov '18

Sonny's has a Big Mac pizza with pickles on it, and it's delicious.

neighborhood watcher
Nov '18

Mmmmmmm.......... peanut butter pizza.........

Geeey Geeey
Nov '18

I don't like pickles warm or hot, must be crisp, cold and garlic. So, no for me on pickle pizza. Don't even want pickles on a burger, on the side for me.

justwondering justwondering
Nov '18

Pickle pizza could work for me only it’s a white pizza and if there aren’t that many pickles. Sounds interesting, for sure.

EweIdjits EweIdjits
Nov '18

that is just plain gross - I mean - gross - GROSS

4catmom 4catmom
Nov '18


Sounds like a good project for Kilhaneys and a local pizza shop....I would volunteer to taste!

Chefpilsy Chefpilsy
Nov '18

Sounds phenomenal to me!!! Count me in!!!!

Darrin Darrin
Nov '18

Here's a link to the Gastro Obscura website that shows "Dill Pickle Pizza":


Apparently that particular one is an idea that started in Rochester, NY

Phil D. Phil D.
Nov '18

Dang, how did I miss that? Vacationed in Rochester for 4th of July!!

BUT did have two other Rochester delicasies, White Hot Dogs and the well named Garbage Plate

I liked it a lot. RECIPE BELOW.. I made one myself. ... OR... Just buy a white pie, make the sauce (below). and add the cheese and kosher dill chips. Bake it - then Drizzle a little Ranch Dressing on it (Optional).

Dill Pickle Pizza with Garlic Sauce
• 1 1/4 cups of all purpose flour
• 1/3 cup of water
• 2 tbsp of oil
• 1/2 tsp of salt
• 1 head of garlic (3/4 of cloves minced + 1/4 of cloves pulverized with mortar and pestle)
• 1/2 cup olive oil
• 1 tbsp dried dill weed
• 1/2 tsp Kosher salt
• 1/2 tsp cracked black pepper
• 4 large whole chilled pickles
• 4 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded
• 1 tsp dried dill weed
1. Preheat oven to 425F with a rectangular baking stone on the middle rack.
2. Combine and mix water, oil and salt in a measuring cup on a scale. Pour flour into KitchenAid mixing bowl and make a hole in the center of the flour in the bowl. Pour in water and oil mixture and gently fold flour from edges of the bowl with a soft spatula toward the center until the dough begins to form and doesn’t stick to the edges of the bowl. Mix dough with dough hook attachment for about five minutes. Form dough into a ball and cover with plastic wrap to restore at least 30 minutes.
3. Combine all ingredients for sauce into a jar and shake vigorously. Set aside.
4. Thinly slice pickles.
5. Press dough ball into a rectangular shape with hands on a clean kitchen counter. Press with rolling pin until double in size. Spread a few drops of olive oil to rolled surface and spread with fingertips then fold the dough onto itself. Roll again and repeat olive oil application. Fold once again. Roll the dough very thinly until it can reaches the 12″ x 18″ dimensions of a heavy duty baking sheet. Place dough on a piece of parchment paper on a heavy duty baking sheet.
6. Add garlic sauce in a circular motion with a spoon until it covers dough surface. Sprinkle mozzarella evenly over sauce. Distribute pickles over cheese and dash dill weed over the cheese.
7. Bake for 15 minutes on the baking stone in the oven. Remove and allow to rest for 5 minutes before slicing and serving.
Drizzle with Ranch Dressing (optional)

Evelyn Evelyn
Jun '19

That dill pickle and garlic pizza sounds good...I think the thing bothering everyone is the "pizza" part, that's what gets me. When I hear the word "pizza" I immediately think marinara and mozzarella, and pickles just doesn't work with that. Call it a pickle flatbread and everyone would go wild.

honestyseasy honestyseasy
Jun '19

Re: Pickle Pizza!!?

All looks good, except I'd scrap the Pickles with Eggplant instead - Mm, mmm, mmmm


ftcfda@aol.com ftcfda@aol.com
Jun '19

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