Walmart Evacuated?
Just got a call from my family to stay away from walmart on 57.
(12:15 am ) 9/7/19. bomb threat ?
YES! there is an active bomb threat. Everyone has been evacuated. My husband is over by Khols.
Hope you mean 12:15 pm
Yep! .... PM it is.. ...............see what happens with A G E ??
Not neighbor works for them and the sent her home...if u know Walmart they won’t send you home for any other reason!
Sep '19
The guy wanted to be on the news, so he went to Walmart and made the threat and refuses to leave. They evacuated all the customers. Not yet confirmed if he actually has a real weapon with him. This information was passed on from a Walmart employee.
Sep '19
Bomb Threat being reported on WRNJ by Jay Edwards. Dave Kelber is reporting to WRNJ from the Walmart area.
Maybe it is the same guy from the Wichita Home Depot earlier this year who stated in the bathroom that he was "about to let a bomb off up in here!" LOL
Not nice Greg ,, people have died because of crazy people not caring about others lives ,,,,
That is true.
It's not a matter of a "nice" comment or not. I referred to an actual news story that made national headlines earlier this year.
Plus, for me having a bit of humor in life is how I choose to roll.
The only error I made was the exact quote. It was " You all need to get out of here because I'm fixing to blow it up".
Caveat - I may have heard this wrong, it was mumbled by the officer - but when the suspect finally exited, after claiming that he had to change, he may have come out of the apartment naked. Right after that the officer called his sgt. and asked if he had his cell phone with him, so that he could send him a picture...
Some Walmarts in Florida closed for hurricane this past week.
Friends at Hackettstown Walmart saying it was called in. Some saying customer made threat. Stories and info get twisted. Like playing telephone when you were little.
Hope everyone is safe.
Maybe he was just homeless, penniless, and hungry. Sure was crowded at Shoprite.
A 66 year old male was arrested. That was all my reputable source knew when we spoke last night.
Come on, be honest. How many HLers would really like to evacuate in Walmart?
Got up really early this morning. Thought about going to Walmart to grab some milk and some basic groceries. Then I thought, maybe the bomb is still there , but it didn't go off yet. So I didn't go to Walmart.
The story that the police released on Facebook and on the news sites doesn't match what i heard happen over the scanner.
To think Wal Mart will no longer sale ammo/guns! I know this could of been a bad ending and thank god it didn't. This just proves there are other ways to scare and kill people. It's the people!
Yes, of course, it’s not the weapons but the people who are so outraged and mentally incompetent.
In order to fix violence, you have to fix the people first.
I know in NJ they don't, but they do in other states. We use to go to Kmart back in the day in NJ with my dad to buy gun's and ammo.
There is a certain degree of fix lol. One is only responsible for ones self. We do need to look at our pharmaceutical industry, food industry, mental health it’s all part of the problem. Also it always seems to be someone else’s fault!!!!!!
What broke the people is a huge question I agree. Try starting at home, is there such a thing anymore?
Keri - really?? You must be joking. They swept the store for 3 hours. There isnt and never was a bomb.
When doctors are getting kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing opioids...its not always the patients fault...there are an incredible number of doctors in nj going to jail for prescription fraud concerning opioids...its a nasty situation
Sep '19
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