Propane prices
Checking with Amerigas propane customers who have a fixed price for the 2019-2020 heating season. I'm in a neighborhood program with a price of $2.79/gal. Thanks.
Size of tank impacts pricing. I have a small, above ground tank - 325 gallons. My price at Dieter Brothers is $1.99. I& I had a larger tank, it would be cheaper.
I have a 1000gal tank owned by Eastern Propane. Back in August they sent me a paperwork to Prebuy for the winter at $2.58/gal. I looked around and found other places had lower prices and called Eastern to complain. They lowered my price to $1.99/gal. I go through this same routine every year!
called Region and here is all the info:
Location for propane tank refills: #8 Russling Road (new location, not old one on Main St. in back)..
Hours: 8 to 5, M-F.
Price: $10.99 Fridays only, $20 all other days (M-Th).
"CASH ONLY" as per CSR I spoke to on the phone.
Note: They are apparently not serving customers at their old location anymore or until further notice.
With oil and gas retail prices going down, is propane following? What are you paying currently? Thanks.
Have a 500 gallon underground tank and looking to refill to take advantage of market prices. What are you paying and who is your supplier? Thx.
It’s June 2020. Just got an invoice from AmericaGas to lock in at $3.29. I’m in the Ringoes area. Is this a good price?
I agree, $3.29 is a rip-off. I got my prebuy from Eastern at $2.29 and I think that’s even too high. I plan on calling them back and haggling (which I do every year); I won’t settle for anything above $2.00. Unfortunately I can’t shop around since they own the buried tank.
I just bought from Petro and got my 240 gallon above ground tank filed for $2.07. I had read a lot of complaints about AmeriGas being very high.
Also read that early Fall is the time to get the best price on propane. Hope you find this info is helpful
Update: I called Eastern and complained about the price that they offered and they lowered to $1.99/ gal for the season.
Your only option is to SWITCH (or if you can afford it, get someone (maybe ask them) to remove it and install a tank you buy yourself).
Also, it's always better to do this when you use most of the gas -after the winter season-around March- (making sure you provided them notice NOT to refill the gas...[maybe even block/cover the gas-spout) giving] letting them know to discontinue service as you switch from propane company 1 to 2). So you may have to wait until next year.
Otherwise, look into another provider like this one:
or, [I don't know, but maybe] Superior (formerly EasternPropane)
~There could be others; But never Suburban as well, since they are just as bad as Amerigas. It's better to ask around (see other trucks that service other homes around) your neighborhood, for convenience and assurance they serve your area. [Knowing those big propane companies mark &/or choke off competitors from certain territories]
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