National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day 4/16

National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day 4/16

Isn't this every day lately? LOL

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '20

You mean I'm supposed to put clothes on today?

thomasnj thomasnj
Apr '20

I wore my fancy sweatpants to church on Easter!

Apr '20

What do I wear if I don't have any PJs? Are gym shorts acceptable?

Apr '20

Yeah, same here. I don't know if I have any pajamas or if they would even fit if I could find a set. I know HR wouldn't accept that as an alternative to proper workwear anyway and if I went to work the way I sleep, let's say I'd be VERY underdressed for the job.

Phil D. Phil D.
Apr '20

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