Growing Roses in this area

I have been trying to grow roses here for 30 years at least, I find the best results with own root climbers, and David Austen,Griffetth Buck, O.g.r. And Kordes. All the others ave failed me over and over and over. of course the nj bred New Dawn is healthy! Any thought

Lilindependence Lilindependence
Jun '20

I long ago gave up on them. They are a whole lot of work without a lot of guarantee of success. Too much hybridization makes then weak.

The two biggest problems I found were the rose borers that seem to come out of no where. Just a simple cut of a bud to have in your house and there's an insect in the stalk. You have to seal off everything with wax or it'll get you.

That and the black spots. You have to water them lots and that leads to the fungus. Seems like most fungicide is a losing battle.

I haven't planted any roses yet here in Hackettstown, but I had tremendous luck with the ones I bought and planted in Parsippany and Dover for my Mom and my Ex's Mom respectively. (Mothers' Day presents for both, over a number of years). I also had great luck with roses in Hopatcong as well, which I planted in my own yard. I used to buy the ones sold in Franks Nursery and Crafts (now the BMW dealership), but bought most of my later ones at BJ's, believe it or not. Never even had to dust them for aphids for some reason, nor had any other problems. I usually preferred hybrid Tea Roses from Jackson and Perkins, like "Mr. Lincoln", and Rosa "Queen Elizabeth".

Phil D. Phil D.
Jun '20

I had Zepherine Drouhain roses on an arbor for about 17 years. They were gorgeous when they would be in full bloom, but after the first flush of flowers, they would succumb to black spot, aphids and attract every Japanese beetle in the area.
We dug them out last year and planted clematis.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Jun '20

Re: Growing Roses in this area

I'm no expert gardener by any stretch, but I've had good luck with knockout roses. They are easy to grow, and bloom from late May to the first frost, and sometimes even longer. They don't require dead-heading (but I sometimes do anyway) and they are very tolerant of weather extremes. I don't think they get very large, but I prune mine back once a year.

Rob Durana Rob Durana
Jun '20

I was looking at those Rob. How large does yours get?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Jun '20

Hi 3wbdwnj,
Mine is about 3.5 feet tall, and just a bit less wide. As I mentioned, I do prune it since I'm limited with the space I have at my townhouse (Valley View Woods). When I lived in Blairstown, I grew them there too as I had a very large yard. I had planned to let them go to see how big they would get, ..... but then I moved back to Hackettstown, so I'm not certain how big they'll get without pruning. Supposedly they don't get too much bigger than what's depicted in my recent photo, but if I don't prune, it seems to want to get taller and wider.
Hope that helps!
- Rob

Rob Durana Rob Durana
Jun '20

These roses are very easy to grow. Mine has gone over 6 feet tall, but we just chop it back every now and then. Once it was taken all the way back to the ground and still it came back beautifully.

hktownie hktownie
Jun '20

Re: Growing Roses in this area

Thanks for comme

Lilindependence Lilindependence
Jun '20

I'm not sure exactly where "in this area" is, but we have roses growing all over our property in downtown Hackettstown, without any problems at all. They were here when we bought the house, and they absolutely thrive. Maybe it's because they are already established, and someone else did all the hard work sometime in the past. But we don't do anything at all to them other than keeping weeds pulled and mulching. And honestly, we don't even do that as diligently as we should.

Monty Monty
Jun '20

Yes, there are many old roses out there! Beware of Dr Huey, a root stock rose that is red with no fragrance, but vigorous! I am great friends with Dr Huey! I love my roses! good luck to all

Lilindependence Lilindependence
Jun '20

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